I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival GamesCh22 - Every Injustice Has Its Perpetrator

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Seeing that Xiao Lan wasn’t responding, Gu Shengan asked somewhat worriedly, “What’s wrong with you?”

Xiao Lan shook his head, then told him what he had gone through today. BuRNV

Gu Shengan said in astonishment, “You actually went back ten years! I never expected those five to actually be that sort of people in private despite their appearances.

“Then, was it Gu Mo who called them back? She wants revenge, but why has it turned into making a move against us?”

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Xiao Lan didn’t have an answer to that question either, and could only say, “The reason most probably has to do with those alumni students. Right now, whether it’s the boss or her past, as well as our present, they all have something to do with that group. We have to find a way to get clues off them.”

Gu Shengan nodded. “Let’s look for Tong Qing and Zhao Fan first ba. It’s better for the four of us to work together. Let’s forget about Liu Yiyi… She seems strange recently and always makes my back feel cold.” r5gVHb

Xiao Lan also agreed. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn’t want to have any dealings with Liu Yiyi, who had become an enigma.


They arrived at the door to Zhao Fan’s room.

Gu Shengan knocked on the door. “Zhao Fan. Zhao Fan, are you there?”


There was no response.

Gu Shengan frowned and he knocked harder. “Zhao Fan! Open up ah!”

After a good long while, the wooden door opened a crack to reveal Zhao Fan’s dispirited voice. “What’s up?”

Gu Shengan lowered his voice. “We’ve found some clues, and we’re preparing to confront those fellows opposite. Come on, let’s go together.” yxHMbv

Zhao Fan, however, just shut the door. “Not going, I’m not going, I’ll die.”

Gu Shengan pounded on the door. “You’ll die only if you don’t go!”

Zhao Fan simply wouldn’t listen. “Not going! Not going! If you want to go, go yourself!!”

Gu Shengan became angry and pounded on the door continuously, but the person behind the door no longer responded to him. RcWgs6

“Forget it, let’s go ba.” Xiao Lan stopped Gu Shengan and no longer bothered with Zhao Fan. In the Advent World, moving forward wouldn’t guarantee that they would return alive, but running away meant certain death. Zhao Fan had given up on the way for him to survive, but it wasn’t their duty to insist on helping either.


Xiao Lan knocked on Tong Qing’s door, then abruptly felt that something was wrong.

The sound the door produced was very muffled, and it also felt damp when he touched it with his finger. This caused Xiao Lan to recall the water stain in the corner of his room last night, and he immediately got a bad feeling. NpS2dL

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wljb Ojc qbecvfv bc atf vbbg obgmfoeiis. “Kbcu Hlcu! Kbcu Hlcu! Po sbe’gf atfgf, jcrkfg wf!”

Dea atf gbbw kjr vfjatis ralii.

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Wljb Ojc jcv Xe Vtfcujc rtjgfv j ibbx, ybat atflg tfjgar rlcxlcu. Ktfs ofjgfv atja qfgtjqr rbwfatlcu tjv tjqqfcfv ab Kbcu Hlcu.

Ca atja wbwfca, j kjafg rajlc rqgfjv bea ogbw klatlc Kbcu Hlcu’r gbbw yla ys yla, rbjxlcu qjga bo atf vbbgkjs. Ktf akb bo atfw tjralis pewqfv yjmx, jcv byrfgnfv mtjcufr lc atf kjafg rajlc ogbw atf rlvf. 0Sy87x

It was only after they confirmed that this was just an ordinary water stain that they sighed in relief.

Gu Shengan stepped forward to forcefully slam into the door as he tried to directly break it down, but the door didn’t budge an inch. He then raised his leg to kick it fiercely several times. The door let out muffled thumps, but still didn’t move.

Gu Shengan panted heavily with both hands on his knees, and he turned his head to call out to Xiao Lan to come and help.

There was a sudden whoosh as a black shadow abruptly flashed past his eyes, the wind it kicked up tousling his hair. Soon after, there was a loud “thump —”, and the door which he hadn’t been able to break down no matter what opened just like that. BZJDVP

The lock was struck violently and sent flying; it was now a pitiful, puny, helpless thing which lay to one side on the floor.

And the doer was the black cat with a headscarf beside Xiao Lan. At that moment, it was standing inside the room with a “I don’t know anything at all, I’m just a graceful little kitty” appearance.

Gu Shengan: “…”

Did he really lack training? Maybe he shouldn’t spend his whole day lying in bed and playing with his phone; otherwise, it would be too humiliating if he couldn’t even beat a cat when the time came. bVhztH

Xiao Lan patted his shoulder consolingly, and stepped into the room.

The room was damp; from the ceiling to the walls and to even the floor, there was water everywhere. The air was suffused with the unique scent of a hot spring, and was identical to the scent of the hotel’s hot springs.

Tong Qing was lying in bed dressed in clothes for going out, her long hair spread out. Her entire body was drenched, and there were even many puddles on the bed as her body lay half-immersed in water. Her wide eyes were fixed rigidly on the ceiling, as if there was something extremely dangerous up there.

Xiao Lan helped close her eyes. As he examined the corpse, he asked Gu Shengan, “When was the last time you saw her?” rMDuUd

Gu Shengan thought for a moment. “Around the afternoon. When we got up in the morning, we realised you were gone, then split up to look for clues. In the afternoon, I met her downstairs. She didn’t look like there was anything wrong with her at all then.”

Tong Qing’s right hand that was immersed in water caught Xiao Lan’s attention. It was clenched into a tight fist, and the hint of something white poked out between her fingers; it looked like some paper.

Xiao Lan reached out and opened Tong Qing’s clenched fist to discover a yellow photograph in it. The image was a little blurry after being in the water.

The photograph was of a schoolgirl bending over to pick something up from the ground, and a gust of wind blew her skirt up. The photographer happened to be at a crafty angle, and took a pretty indecent shot. sVWDS8

Even though the schoolgirl’s face wasn’t visible in the photo, Xiao Lan’s first thought was of Gu Mo when he saw that head of black hair. He recalled Fu Wenbo’s explicit words ten years ago, and Yang Degao’s dark hobby; could they have taken secret photos of Gu Mo on more than one occasion?

Gu Mo’s high school life was filled with schoolmates who mocked her for her poverty, a class beauty who aggravated the situation, a secret crush who stepped on her with all his might in order to pursue the class beauty, a vulgar sneak photographer who was never seen, and a form teacher who originally should be helping her, yet had an abnormal obsession.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

What sort of life was that?!

Xiao Lan passed the photograph to Gu Shengan, then explained what Fu Wenbo had done in the past. WiTMYA

Gu Shengan: “Fuck me! No wonder Gu Mo wants to drag them out and tear them apart.”

Xiao Lan: “It would be good if she didn’t tear us apart as well.”

Gu Shengan looked sadly at Tong Qing’s body. “Every injustice has its perpetrator ah. Big sister, can you get a pair of glasses…”

Xiao Lan: “They must have done something to mislead Gu Mo. Let’s go, we should go look for them.” d1Ymu8


In the end, none of the five people were in their rooms.

Luo used his identity as a black cat to run over to the reception desk and seize the opportunity to study the booking records, only to learn that a new room had been opened on the second floor.

The second floor was spacious and empty, as well as quiet; there were no other guests here. CFDs2q

Xiao Lan found the room which the five of them were in, then efficiently picked open the lock on the door of the room on the left. His actions were very natural, as if what he was holding wasn’t a steel wire, but the original key.

Gu Shengan’s face was filled with admiration. “You’re amazing, brother!”

Xiao Lan waved his hand. “A small thing.”

He headed straight for the balcony. Xiao Lan had noticed earlier that this room’s balcony was extremely close to the one for the adjacent room given the architectural layout, and was a suitable place for spying. h m5IP

Thanks to the cover of the plants on the balcony, Xiao Lan and Gu Shengan crouched down and began to observe the situation next door.

Du Yuhui tugged nervously on the end of her shirt. “Was it really Gu Mo who called us?”

Zhang Jie rolled her eyes. “How can it be fake? Look at the girl who drank my alcohol; her life has already been snuffed out.”

Du Yuhui promptly said, “Then that’s good, that’s good. We’ll all be safe then.” RsNJ5d

Zhang Jie snorted. “We’ve already used the spiritual tool which the great master gave us to switch our auras with theirs. Gu Mo will assume that they’re her targets; the two who drank the wine in particular will take priority. As long as they all die, Gu Mo’s resentment will fade. Once that happens, we’ll be safe.

“I kept this for so many years as a life-saving treasure ah; my heart hurts like hell.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiao Lan and Gu Mo exchanged looks. Sure enough, this group was behind it.

But the bad news was that it turned out that they had become targets even without drinking the wine. FOD8vB

Fu Wenbo also sighed in relief. “That’s good. We haven’t been able to leave the hotel in the last few days just to be safe.”

Du Yuhui said unhappily, “That slut too; who knows what she did that year ah, why look for us when she went off on her own to die outside? It’s not like we caused her death; we just said a few things about her.”

Fu Wenbo: “Could it be that she resents us for back then…”

“What did we do?! We didn’t do anything at all!” Cheng Lang raised his voice. “What’s worse is that even Teacher Yang was implicated, right, Teacher Yang?” mtNxcg

Yang Degao, however, didn’t reply; his gaze was blank, and who knew what he was thinking about. Cheng Lang could only call again, “Teacher Yang?”

Yang Degao came back to himself. “Ah? Yes… yes ah… I didn’t do anything at all…”

The people in the room were still complaining and didn’t look repentant at all, and Yang Degao’s strange response caught Xiao Lan’s attention. The other four acted guilty but stubbornly wouldn’t own up to it; however, only Yang Degao acted guilty to the point that he couldn’t even speak smoothly.

Gu Shengan’s emotions flared up. “This Yang Degao is clearly the problem ah! The only thing he lacks is ‘I am the murderer’ written on his face. I’m going to go question them!!” nt8Qsw

As he spoke, he placed both hands on the ground, about to get up.

Xiao Lan hurriedly stopped him. “How are you going to do that?”

Gu Shengan froze. “Just… ask directly ah…”

Xiao Lan didn’t even want to give him a disdainful look. “Do you think they’ll just confess when you ask them?” WMdAtz

“…” Gu Shengan looked at his own small physique, then thought of the other side, who — apart from an old man — had two men who were a head taller than him, and became a little worried. “Then what should we do ah?”

It just so happened that at this moment, the uneasy Yang Degao got up and said that he wanted to go out and take a breather.

Xiao Lan returned to the room and took the coarse cord that was for the window curtain. He pulled on it to test its sturdiness, then called for Gu Shengan to leave with him.

Gu Shengan looked at him in alarm. “You, you, you… What are you planning to do?” dWXbxM

Xiao Lan revealed a bright smile. “Carry out a daring plan.”

Gu Shengan’s face turned bitter, and he said in a conflicted tone, “We can’t attack NPCs, big brother.”

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“This is what we call friendly communication; how can it be considered an attack?” Xiao Lan slung the cord over one shoulder while the smile on his face grew increasingly genial. “Look at my expression, isn’t it good-natured? Isn’t it friendly?”

Gu Shengan: “…” Mq9Gto

Too fucking friendly!! Big brother, is this how you do things???

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  1. That part where Kitty Luo acted like he didn’t kick down a door was funny af! And it’s always the kind looking ones that are dangerous huh lmao xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. thank you for the chapter! everyone is so disgusting, I need dog food to blind my eyes

  3. Gu Shengnan and Xiao Lan’s relationship is too cute! They remind me of best friends immediately hitting it off, albeit their situation for a meet-cute is not ideal, their chemistry is kinda good?

  4. I love this mc because if you are genuine he doesn’t keep the clues he finds only to himself.