I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival GamesCh106 - DEATH Game Studio (9)

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Edited by Jules

In the face of a subordinate who had come late at night to forcefully have a bonding session, the boss’s attitude was one of staunch refusal to accept gifts as he attempted to establish a harmonious, friendly, transparent, and healthy subordinate and superior work relationship. samWgD

The boss was thinking about how to fabricate a reason to refuse Xiao Lan, when he heard loud banging on his office door.

Boss: “…”

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Is this what you fucking call empathising with me having to exhaust myself working overtime?!

This was simply the attitude of coming to visit a grave, and even the sort where if there was no grave, he would build one to visit! s 0Px1

The door of the boss’s office was made of genuine wood and was extremely sturdy, but it wasn’t like the studio entrance that was being protected by the Advent World. Under Xiao Lan’s forceful creation of a miracle, it soon fell to the ground.

Following the sound of the door falling, two figures stepped leisurely into the room.

After entering the boss’s office, Xiao Lan surveyed his surroundings.

This office looked quite clean and the decor was also very modern. After all, he was a game studio boss, and didn’t have the aesthetics of a traditional company’s middle-aged entrepreneur.


But there wasn’t anything that could be a meeting room.

The wall to the right of the door after walking in was full of white and red stuff. It looked like a mix of minced meat and internal organs which had been whimsically smeared into a paste on the wall; the mass was even wriggling constantly as thick and sticky blood dripped occasionally.

If they took a closer look, they could see mouths and eyes hidden amidst the pieces of meat.

As if some kind of seal had been released, a bloody odour filled the air. p4Ixfr

Previously, Xiao Lan hadn’t smelled anything at all, even separated by the door, but this smell now clung to his nostrils like a sticky fluid.

After Xiao Lan and Luo entered the room, various pairs of eyes scattered over the wall simultaneously turned to look at them.

“You… saw…”

The boss’s gloomy voice came from the pool of minced meat. This time, there was some danger and anger in his tone, and his voice grew heated with killing intent. yP8g3l

The purple lips on the wall opened and closed along with his voice, looking grotesque and frightful.

These two! Actually saw his biggest secret!!!

In the past, the boss had always avoided meeting players face to face and had guided and distributed tasks to them through the screen. Even during meetings, he never revealed himself.

Xiao Lan had long guessed that this boss didn’t have a corporeal body or had died too ugly a death, so it would be like this. Y3z26H

After going through numerous games, he realised that in fact, monsters still cared very much about their appearances after death. Several female monsters would dress up before coming out. Those with bad makeup skills might have an intact corpse but still look ghostly and eerie; good makeup skills, however, would make them no different from before they died.

In the end, Xiao Lan never thought that not only was the boss’s death ugly, it was simply unviewable. This appearance probably couldn’t be saved even with the most amazing makeup skills.

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Xiao Lan stared at the squirming meat paste on the wall. “No wonder this guy was never willing to meet people.”

Luo commented, “With this appearance, even the handphone’s beauty filter set to the max wouldn’t be able to save him.” AJqGPL

He had always been interested in human technology, especially new things. Technology like a beauty filter that could make a person unable to even recognise themselves in a photo was truly interesting.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But retouching the photo would clearly be useless for the ground meat before them.

Wljb Ojc kflutfv 【Gjila’r Dbcf】 lc tlr tjcv, riluta kbggs lc tlr nblmf. “Dea tf’r jigfjvs ilxf atlr; tbk vb kf oluta tlw? Gb kf tjnf ab qbecv tlw klat beg olrar jcv wjxf yffo wfjayjiir?”

Tbe kjca ab qewwfi sbeg bqqbcfca ab qlfmfr, yea atfc gfjilrf atja atfs tjv ibcu yfmbwf j qlif bo wev — ktja vb sbe vb? eywL8s

At that moment, Xiao Lan didn’t know where to start.

“DIE —”

After being mocked successively by these two bastards and even commented on as though no one was present, the boss had long become so angry he lost all rationality.

The minced meat on the wall began to wriggle like crazy, and countless tentacles of mixed ground meat and guts extended out of the wall and swayed in the air. DrcMq9

After that, two tentacles attacked Xiao Lan and Luo each at a speed barely visible to ordinary people.

Xiao Lan stomped on the ground and swiftly avoided it.

When the tentacle’s attack failed, it changed directions and struck at Xiao Lan again. Xiao Lan flipped his hand and, with a bang, beat back the tentacle trying to wrap itself around him.

The spot struck by 【Dalit’s Bone】 instantly burnt with deep purple flames which spread along the rest of the tentacle. At the same time, there was the smell of roasting meat, which soon turned into burnt paste. When it mixed with the bloody smell that was already in the air, it formed an unpleasant and strange odour. oO gEI

“Ah —”

The boss let out a shriek which stung their eardrums, his waving tentacles slamming on the ground in an attempt to put out the fire.

However, the untouchables’ rage from a millennium of suppression wasn’t something that could be extinguished by ordinary means. Unless Xiao Lan took the initiative to withdraw it, it could only be dispelled by the attacked target with a skill or item.

And this guy who didn’t seem to even have clothes clearly didn’t have such an ability. TKxMyG

Seeing that the flames couldn’t be eradicated, the boss made a difficult decision and cut off this flesh-made tentacle. No longer under the control of the main part, this tentacle burnt even quicker, and soon turned into black dregs on the floor.

On the other side, the tentacle that had attacked Luo had also already been devoured without a sound, leaving behind a neat bisection.

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The boss waved his other flesh tentacles and was clearly a little wary as he didn’t continue to attack for a moment.

Because of the change in the boss’s movements, only now did Xiao Lan have a clear view of a door under the cover of this wall of flesh. On it was clearly written: ‘Meeting Room’. JGdUmu

No wonder they hadn’t seen it at all when they first came in; it turned out it was covered by the boss.

It seemed that to enter this small meeting room to fetch the god statue, they had to clear this boss stage first.

Xiao Lan switched 【Dalit’s Bone】 to its sharpest blade form and gave Luo a meaningful look. “Looking at the situation, we can’t be too gentle with the boss.”

Luo gave the boss a slight smile. “If it is your command, there is no harm in occasionally being discourteous.” Utf2oN

Boss: “…”

He suddenly felt a little superfluous, like that thing that would brighten the wall all over after it was switched on.

Moreover… He had a very bad feeling.

After that, the boss’s ominous premonition was fulfilled when he saw the two people suddenly rush towards him. They were very fast, and reached him in an instant. p4w 0R

The next second, a white bone blade and sharp claws swung down on his body at the same time to directly cut off a few tentacles.

The boss screeched once more, but the two didn’t give him time to act at all as the next round of attacks fell once more.

Seeing that the situation had taken a turn for the worse, the boss tried to pull his body back and start a counterattack.

However, during that tiny interval, a few more sharp blades cut through the air and even more tentacles were sliced off. dTB7SN

Within a few short breaths, the wall of flesh occupied by the boss had shrunk by half. All that was left of the tentacles that had been rampantly waving about was just a pile of pitifully short stumps.

It was like finally gathering up the courage to go to a barbershop, only to encounter a Teacher Tony cutting hair for the first time, who gave you a hairdo that even someone with Alzheimers would find hard to forget.

Not waiting for the boss to gather his strength to counterattack, a white rod whipped his body ruthlessly.

With every swing of the rod, the flesh that was stuck to the wall was scattered everywhere. It wasn’t long before the boss was beaten from the wall to scatter all over the room. KeucEC

The scene was simply too brutal and needed to be pixelated.

The door to the meeting room was finally fully exposed. On the floor, the boss didn’t move; who knew if it was because he was unable to stick himself back together in a short amount of time after being broken up, or if he had withdrawn into himself and didn’t want to move anymore.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Standing at the meeting room door, Xiao Lan turned back and looked at the boss on the floor, and said with extreme politeness, “Boss, we’ll go in first. You don’t have any complaints, right?”

The office was completely silent. The boss might not want to talk at all, or had already lost the ability to speak. TkydNf

Luo stepped forward and opened the door for Xiao Lan. “Looks like he has no complaints. Let’s go ba, sir.”

Boss: “…”

There were actually such shameless people in the world!


The decor in the small meeting room was very simple. Everything could be seen in a single glance.

A gold god statue silently rested in the center of the room.

The god statue wasn’t in the Chinese style that Xiao Lan was familiar with. Although it was full of smiles, it had no genteel immortal aura; conversely, the visible stoutness contained a bit of deviousness, and it was more like an unscrupulous businessman.

The two searched the meeting room and didn’t find anything else similar to a god statue. The god statue mentioned by the designer in the chat probably referred to this thing. cM2JmA

Xiao Lan’s eyes held slight doubt. “What connection does this pot-bellied, stingy great immortal have with such an immortal-sounding name like ‘Yinyue god statue’?”

“Perhaps the world in the designer’s eyes is different from normal people ba.” Luo dropped his chin in one hand. “After all, in his eyes, he’s humorous and witty with outstanding looks and temperament, and also very desirable to women.”

Xiao Lan: “…”

This explanation just made too much sense. This designer’s brain circuits were probably truly unlike normal people’s; even drunkards would make more sense. x8CHwa

However, there was now a problem. This god statue was rather big; it was a lot taller than even an adult man, and made one wonder if this thing could actually go through the door.

Finally, the two of them decided to lift this thing together lest they bumped into anything on the way.

Xiao Lan reached out to pick up the god statue by the head.

The cold-hearted system notification rang out: kvy1e4

“Xiao Lan believes in the god of wealth and lowers his poverty-ridden head; ‘god of wealth’s blessing·anomaly’ mode obtained, duration: 1 minute.”

“In anomaly mode, poverty value is decreased by 50 thousand.”

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Xiao Lan’s hands trembled. He suddenly recalled what the designer had said. This god statue was placed here by the boss to invite in wealth!

Generally, this sort of boss who opened a company would more or less be superstitious. Offering sacrifices to the god of wealth was considered a normal procedure, but Xiao Lan absolutely never expected this god statue to actually be genuinely effective! W0eCSU

“In anomaly mode, poverty value is decreased by 50 thousand.”

“In anomaly mode, poverty value is decreased by 50 thousand.”


The notification of his poverty value dropping kept popping up every two seconds; Xiao Lan felt his heart turn cold as he listened. r9xdNb

“Hurry, hurry, hurry, let’s quickly move this thing downstairs!” Xiao Lan leapt up like his butt was on fire.

It was better to just rip the bandaid off in one go; in any case, his poverty value was already being deducted, so it was better to just immediately move this god statue within this mode’s time limit. Who knew if it would start over again if he touched the god statue after the mode ended.

According to the typical awesomeness of skills, it most likely would.

Seeing his odd expression, Luo also cooperated and picked up his pace. O0pvzf

The two thus dashed out of the meeting room like a gust of wind.

Meanwhile, the boss had, with great difficulty, gathered together bit by bit the limbs that hadn’t been burned, and it was just a pitiful and measly lump.

But unexpectedly, his two outstanding staff just happened to sprint out from inside, and stepped on his body. They then left without even turning back after solidly turning him into a meat patty that was firmly stuck to the ground. For a while, he couldn’t be scraped off.

Boss: “…” 0kY6Nj

Was this the aftermath of being an immoral boss?

Just like how it made sense to meet a ghost if you walked the roads at night often enough, being an immoral boss for long enough meant he would inevitably encounter employees even more immoral than he was.

Moreover, he couldn’t beat them.


The two ran downstairs as fast as lightning. The players merely saw a golden streak flash by, accompanied by rapid footsteps. That action frightened the players into putting down what they had in hand and poking their heads out to take a look.

Because the god statue was too big, it was very hard to put it down in any of the first floor offices. In the end, it was placed in the lounge; this was the most spacious area in the entire studio.

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Huu…” Xiao Lan sighed, finally getting it done before the countdown ran out.

The plump and dazzling gold god statue stood loftily in a very modern-esque lounge, and stuck out like a sore thumb. 7Id8Zt

The players were now also gathered in the lounge. Before they could exchange information —

03:44 arrived.

Dong— Dong— Dong dong—

The familiar bell rang out. YeTmE5

Briiiiiingg —

The sound of a telephone ringing then rang out from the front desk.

In a situation where none of the players went to pick it up, the call automatically went through and switched to loudspeaker mode.

“Heehee… heehee… heeheehee…” q B7Oh

Something similar to a child laughing rang out through the phone; the sound was somewhat distorted.

In the wake of the laughter, a mysterious wind blew in from all the surrounding windows, wreaking havoc in the lounge and causing the temperature in the entire studio to drop a few degrees.

Translator's Note

Actual quote: no one would be this drunk even if they only ate a single peanut. It’s a slang where someone roasts another for acting/talking so far-fetched that even a super drunk (who only ate one peanut to pad their stomach before drinking alcohol) person wouldn’t be so crazy.

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  1. “and if there was no grave, he would build one to visit” hahahaha, the whole “boss” fight was just too funny, such wonderful roasting in so many ways. It’s even funnier that the god of wealth statue can literally bring wealth to people, poor Wang Taidi would be so jealous. It does also seem that the boss is no longer going to be a main driving force behind the haunting/danger…

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  2. hmm, will MC destroy the god statue before exiting instance?

    maybe in the end he will become the god of poverty

    thanks for the chapter~

  3. Nooo! The poverty value…

    Well, he can still try trashing the whole office at the end.

    Thanks for the chapter 😄

  4. I… I … Should I feel sorry for the boss or should I laugh at the boss??? Sorry this… I just can’t, it’s too awesome 😆

    Even the boss can’t get away in the face of becoming something that’ll illuminate the whole room with it’s brightness once turned on 😆

    This chapter is Gold 👌🏻

    Thank you for the chapter~