Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh13 - Plastic sisters, showing off their acting skills online

Ji Xingchen and Little Milk Cat arrived in the mid lane. The Princess Frost used her first skill to quickly clear the first wave of minions in the mid lane.

A few seconds later, Ji Xingchen smoothly reached level two. wtZdsn

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Milk Cat, my “Muah” is ready, let’s ambush Bai Qi together.

The “Muah” Ji Xingchen referred to was Daji’s second skill, her core skill, which could immediately control enemies.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This skill was nicknamed “Muah” by Ji Xingchen because it released a small heart when cast.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Okay~ ARtq0s

After Little Milk Cat softly replied to Ji Xingchen, the sisters Daji and Princess Frost in the game went to the top lane together.

As everyone knows, Daji, Princess Frost, and Angela are known as the “Three Sisters of the Grassland.”

The reason for this is that when playing these three heroes, you have to squat in the grass, wait for the enemy hero to pass by, catch them off guard, use the second skill to control them, and then unleash a combo of ultimate and first skill to take them down.

After the two arrived in the top lane, they didn’t say a word, but chose to squat in the grass together without hesitation.


When Bai Qi and Cao Cao on the opposite side were entangled in a fierce battle, Ji Xingchen suddenly jumped out and used Daji’s second skill on Bai Qi.

Bai Qi was instantly immobilized.

Immediately afterward, Princess Frost, who had also reached level two, used her second skill on Bai Qi just as he was about to break free from the control.

With only 0.1 seconds left before he could regain freedom, Bai Qi was despairingly frozen again! Q6cOzw

Then Cao Cao also joined the battlefield, and the three of them began to relentlessly attack Bai Qi.

Fortunately, Princess Frost’s skill hadn’t reached its full cooldown yet, so the freezing time wasn’t long. Bai Qi, who was left with a sliver of health after being attacked, desperately crawled back to his tower.

Just as he barely escaped the clutches of death, Bai Qi was about to pick up a health pack under his tower to heal up.

But Ji Xingchen flashed over, enduring the tower’s damage, and gave him an auto-attack. FTGo18

Bai Qi immediately gave away the first kill of the game.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Milk Cat, your second skill freeze was so timely!

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Candy, your flash just now was the coolest I’ve ever seen.

The two of them, with a telepathic connection, almost simultaneously praised each other with rainbow farts. 59RCSW

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: ( ω )

With the barrage of comments bursting with laughter, Ji Xingchen glanced at them and said, “What ‘business mutual praise’? This is the instinctive tacit understanding of bush double flowers.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Damn, what instinctive tacit understanding? Just five minutes ago, you two were fighting over mid lane!]

[Hahaha, Star, you and this Milk Cat are going to make me die laughing tonight.] YgmcKz

The two sisters in the game returned to the mid lane, relying on their shameless bush squatting and the control from two skills, they quickly secured another kill on the opponent’s mid laner.

Ji Xingchen noticed that when the opponent’s mid laner was low on health, Princess Frost stopped dealing damage intentionally and gave Ji Xingchen the kill.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Milk Cat, you let me have the kill just now, I saw it.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Candy, you tanked the tower for me just now, I saw it too. wEqm3B

Ji Xingchen: “Little Milk Cat not only supports me, but also gives me kills. What a divine partner! I’m crazy about him.”

[Hahaha, here we go again, here we go again.]

[You two must be long-lost sisters.]

To better support their teammates, Ji Xingchen bought boots of swiftness at the beginning of the game to increase his movement speed. fNxqzd

To keep up with his pace, Princess Frost also bought a pair.

So, after ambushing the mid lane, the two returned to the top lane, squatted in the grass in front of the enemy tower, and waited for Bai Qi, who was hiding under his tower, to come out.

After being ambushed once, Bai Qi became much more cautious in his movements.

He stayed under the tower and didn’t come out to clear the minions. PaXy4t

However, their teammate Cao Cao was quite aggressive. Seeing Bai Qi not coming out, he took the initiative to enter the enemy tower, drawing the aggro of the minions and attacking the tower.

Because Bai Qi was a melee hero and couldn’t clear the minions from a distance, when he saw Cao Cao boldly attacking the tower, he had no choice but to move forward a bit to quickly clear the minions.

At this moment, another heart from Daji pinned him down, followed by a barrage of snow and ice from Princess Frost and a series of hearts from Daji.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bai Qi evaporated again in seconds. 2yuI9

[All] [Bai Qi]: These bush b*tches are really disgusting.

[All] [Bai Qi]: **************

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ktlr Djl Hl rffwr ab yf rqfjxlcu delaf fifujcais…” Al Wlcumtfc’r ufcaif nblmf rbecvfv, “Snfgsbcf lc atf ujwf, qifjrf vbc’a ifjgc ogbw tlw.”

Coafg yflcu xliifv aklmf lc j gbk, Djl Hl’r pecuif jcv wlv ijcf bqqbcfcar jirb gfjilhfv rbwfatlcu kjr kgbcu. Ktfs bmmjrlbcjiis mjwf ab reqqbga Djl Hl ab qgfnfca tlw ogbw yflcu xliifv jibcf. mhoezv

Seeing that the opponents were all collectively caring for Bai Qi in the top lane, Ji Xingchen opened the mic and said to the audience, “At this moment, they must think that Princess Frost and I are going back to mindlessly attack Bai Qi.” Ji Xingchen chuckled, with a hint of pride in his tone, “But I won’t~ I want to catch them off guard. Now I’m going to the bottom lane to catch their isolated marksman!”

After speaking, he typed in the game.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Sister Little Cat, let’s go to the bottom lane to catch their marksman.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Okay, Sister Candy~ TYNiKV

[Hahaha, they’re calling each other sisters now!]

[Star, you’re so skillful.]

The two devils bounced happily to the bottom lane. Before they could even finish their combos, the squishy Hou Yi was already dead, and the supporting jungler, Han Xin, was taken down as well.

After that, Ji Xingchen’s Daji and Princess Frost seemed to have settled in the bottom lane. They sneakedily hid in the bush next to the enemy tower, and as soon as Hou Yi respawned and came over, he was taken down again. dRo qJ

The third time, Hou Yi walked cautiously along the wall, looking back every three steps, afraid of making any mistakes that could cost him his life.

But he hadn’t reached the defensive tower yet…

His cold body lay a short distance from the second tower.

[All] [Hou Yi]: Sisters, please don’t mess with me anymore. It’s Bai Qi you should target, go ambush him. JOtyuX

A few seconds later —

[All] [Bai Qi]: What do you mean, Hou Yi???

[All] [Bai Qi]: Is there no love from teammates anymore??

[All] [Hou Yi]: I don’t know what teammate love is. I just know I don’t want to be cared for by Daji and Princess Frost anymore… OdMvI0

[All] [Bai Qi]: Don’t you have any dignity?? Are you a man?

[All] [Hou Yi]: I don’t, I’m not, I’m genderless, I just want to survive.

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[Hahaha, humble Hou Yi, begging for mercy online.]

[I’m touched by Hou Yi’s strong survival instinct.] clwiC5

[Are you two devils?! Hou Yi is being driven insane by you two, genderless!]

Faced with Hou Yi’s online pleading, Ji Xingchen shook his head with a smile, “Forget it, it’s not too good to break Hou Yi’s mentality. Let’s focus on Bai Qi.”

[All] [Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Okay, Brother Hou Yi, come out, we won’t catch you anymore.

[All] [Hou Yi]: Really? #Happy#Happy eo2TMI

[All] [Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Really #Wink#Wink

[All] [Hou Yi]: Thank you, hearts, love you, Muah, good deeds will be rewarded

[All] [Bai Qi]: ?????

Feeling uneasy, Bai Qi quickly bought a Witch’s Veil, specifically to resist magic damage. Then he felt a bit unsure and sold the item to get some money, replacing it with a Phoenix Tear of the same type. g3 l8F

With double insurance on him, he felt a little more secure.

Bai Qi had been cautiously maneuvering under the tower for a long time, but he hadn’t seen the two mages from the opposite side coming to ambush him.

Thinking that the opponents might have some conspiracy, he waited for a while longer until he saw his teammates and the enemy mages already fighting at the enemy dragon pit. Then he relaxed a bit.

He knew that with the team fight in full swing, the two enemy mages wouldn’t have time to come after him. So he began to provoke. 7pUBdM

[All] [Bai Qi]: Come on, come kill me under the tower if you dare.

After provoking, he pressed the recall button once, immediately cancelling it as soon as the time was almost up, then continued to recall, and cancelled it again in the last second.

This way, he could effectively prevent being ambushed.

But when he pressed recall for the third time, he suddenly found that the button couldn’t be pressed anymore! liEcUq

Then, his health bar plummeted by half.

A flurry of snow from Princess Frost and a rain of hearts from Daji began to rain down on him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: It’s because you let us kill you under the tower!

Bai Qi looked at his suddenly dead body unwillingly. XS1r4G

[Bai Qi]: Weren’t you all fighting as a team? Why did you run so fast?

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Of course, it’s because we bought running shoes.

After typing, Ji Xingchen clicked on Daji’s “Skin of Time and Space” skin dance animation next to Bai Qi’s corpse, and danced in front of him.

[Hahaha, dancing is so mocking. This is the outcome of Bai Qi’s crazy provocation against Star.] r6gDj7

[Damn those running shoes.]

Ji Xingchen clicked on the equipment slot and revealed the Rapid Boots he bought.

“Brothers, let’s praise these running shoes in the chat! Wearing them makes you the fastest kid in the Rift, promise me, from now on, remember to buy them when you go out!! Buy them!”

[Enough, stop promoting, can’t I buy Rapid Boots?] tRPFKz

[Star, let me tell you, boys shouldn’t boast about being fast~]

[You’re the fastest boy on MeowMeow TV, I understand.]

Bai Qi was completely shut down, this time he finally stopped talking.

However, his miserable fate was far from over. 5xwG6W

Whether it was team fights or bush ambushes, Ji Xingchen and Little Milk Cat only hammered him.

“In this game, winning or losing doesn’t matter, just camping Bai Qi is enough.”

Ji Xingchen joked with a smile, and in the game, he casually killed Bai Qi for the eighteenth time.

[All] [Bai Qi]: You two are devils!!! cHdmjC

[All] [Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: ????

One minute later, just revived, Bai Qi was again hunted down under the tower by Daji’s little love hearts.

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[All] [Bai Qi]: Ladies, I was wrong!

[All] [Bai Qi]: Please spare me… hMEbP

[All] [Bai Qi]: I beg you

Seeing that his words received no response, Bai Qi started typing again a few seconds later.

[All] [Bai Qi]: Ladies, truth be told, it was my stupid brother playing earlier.

[All] [Bai Qi]: It really wasn’t me!!!! rHGNI9

[All] [Bai Qi]: Whatever grudge you have, whatever issue, go find him.

[Hahaha, Bai Qi’s world is starting to collapse.]

[Virtual brother, online scapegoat.]

[Didn’t expect that, even bro Bai Qi is begging for mercy hahaha] B2FNV1

Bai Qi’s plea for mercy didn’t have much effect now, as Ji Xingchen’s side had a big advantage.

They had an economic lead over the opponents and quickly wiped them out in a team fight.

When the game ended, Ji Xingchen had a score of 35-0-7.

He had taken down 35 enemy champions!!! kgt6oa

The chat room instantly filled with praises.

Ji Xingchen happily gave a thumbs-up to Little Milk Cat.

“My intuition tells me, this brother will invite me to play in the next game.”

[Why???] IGdBkH

“Because now he must be curious about my gender!!!”

As soon as he said this, when Ji Xingchen exited the game, sure enough, the other side sent him a team invitation.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After Ji Xingchen confirmed it, he entered the room.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Sister, you were so amazing just now, 35 kills! yuIaiw

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Can you carry me in the next game? QAQ

As soon as he entered, the other side immediately showered him with compliments.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: It’s all thanks to your great protection, you’re an amazing support~

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Okay~ 1eBCgF

While they were asking to be carried, Little Milk Cat didn’t rush to start the game.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Sister, can you turn on voice chat? You’re so cute, your voice must be super sweet~

“Here we go, guys, what did I just say?” Ji Xingchen laughed, “If I start voice chat, won’t it expose that I’m not a cute sister?”

So he began to type — 73Xdie

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: My sister is doing homework next to me, I’m afraid I’ll disturb her.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: She loves studying, if I disturb her, she’ll get really angry.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: How about you start, sister? I also want to hear your sweet voice~~

The other side threw a water bag at him, and Ji Xingchen tossed it back. jTUsMm

However —

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: What should I do, my dad is watching TV next to me, if I use voice chat, he’ll scold me, sob sob

[Hahaha, what a perfect sister with no middle, no middle dad.]

[Plastic sisters, showing off their acting skills online.] xkew2U

Ji Xingchen lowered his head to type again, but Jiang Mu called him.

“Bro, I’m online, why are you already teaming up with someone?” Jiang Mu glanced at Little Milk Cat in the room and said to Ji Xingchen, “You wait for me, I’ll invite you.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Sister, can I invite a friend to join us in the trio queue?

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: He’s a Brother Jungler King! aiFYgr

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Sure!

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: I love Brother Jungler Kings the most~

So Ji Xingchen found Jiang Mu’s account and immediately sent an invitation.

As soon as Jiang Mu entered the room, Ji Xingchen saw Little Milk Cat typing a string of question marks in the chat. QcdjVa

Then, just as Jiang Mu entered the room, he turned on voice chat.

“Bro, why are you here?” His voice was full of surprise, “So you know this person too?”

You two know each other?

Who knows each other? QdCmoi

Jiang Mu and Little Milk Cat know each other????

Ji Xingchen was about to ask Jiang Mu when Little Milk Cat acted faster than him.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]:…

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: This is a long story. ayJso7

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Since Mu Mu knows you, I think it’s necessary for me to tell her something…

Little Milk Cat: “Actually, I’m a boy…”

As Little Milk Cat opened voice chat, a voice full of sunshine and vigor immediately filled the room.

A boy, no mistake. Kd5Gl9

Ji Xingchen laughed and also turned on voice chat.

“What a coincidence…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I am too.”


Translator's Note

It’s Daji’s second skills which can stun an enemy with the shape of heart. “Muah”

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  1. True sisters is true brothers

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛