Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh12 - Are you two really not long-lost sisters??

In the morning, Ji Xingchen was awakened by Jiang Mu’s phone call.

“Bro, the boss gave me a day off today. Do you want to play duo rank later?” tGJeSw

Jiang Mu’s tone was full of excitement. Since joining the SA team as a substitute, he had been practicing hard almost every day to get a chance to play in a match. It had been a long time since he played games with Ji Xingchen.

After his debut, stabilizing his position as a newbie, and just being granted a day off by the club, Jiang Mu immediately thought of Ji Xingchen.

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Ji Xingchen, who hadn’t fully woken up yet, rubbed his eyes. Despite being disturbed, he wasn’t angry and immediately became alert.

“What time?” NRsxBv

“It should be in the afternoon.”

“Okay, just give me a call when you’re online.”

After hanging up the phone, Ji Xingchen checked the time and realized it was only six thirty in the morning.

Already wide awake, he got out of bed directly.


Since he had been livestreaming during this period, he habitually logged into his livestream account while having breakfast to check the private messages sent by his fans.

As soon as he entered the private message page, he saw a message from the MeowMeow TV system.

[System notification] : Your livestream earnings for this month can be withdrawn~ The withdrawal balance is: 160,352.35 yuan. Please withdraw it as soon as possible.

Ji Xingchen’s salary consisted of a base salary plus commission. The base salary was provided by MeowMeow TV, with a guaranteed 3,000 yuan per month. The commission came from the gift earnings during his livestreams. LBmEps

Ji Xingchen checked the withdrawal amount multiple times before confirming that he wasn’t mistaken… He had earned so much this month???

This amount of money wouldn’t have meant much to Ji Xingchen before he turned 17. But since the huge changes in his family, the balance in his account hadn’t exceeded 5,000 yuan for a long time.

Suddenly becoming so wealthy, Ji Xingchen, who was used to being poor, felt a bit uncomfortable.

After closing the private messages, he quickly switched to his livestream room and counted the number of gifts Boss Wanfeng had given him during his streams. rgiRkH

In total, it was almost three hundred thousand…

In just a week, he had received tens of thousands of gifts casually…

The boss was really rich!

Although Ji Xingchen had gotten used to being a streamer during his streams, he still wasn’t quite used to receiving gifts from Boss Wanfeng. iu1zZA

Thinking about how the boss had given him so much, and they had only played games together for one night, with the boss even carrying him to victory, Ji Xingchen felt like he owed the boss a huge favor.

A few days ago, he had sent the boss a lot of candies, but he didn’t know if the boss liked them.

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After some thought, Ji Xingchen took out a postcard he had bought abroad several years ago.

This postcard wasn’t expensive, but it was already out of print and held special meaning for him. He had bought two at the time, one of which he had given to his seriously ill mother, and the other he had kept as a treasure. 279CxX

Considering Boss Wanfeng’s style of accepting gifts without blinking, he knew the other party must either prefer very expensive items or had seen everything.

The luxurious items he, a poor streamer, could buy probably wouldn’t interest the other party.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After some consideration, he decided that sending a valuable gift wasn’t as sincere as sending a heartfelt one.

Lf obecv atf jvvgfrr atf batfg qjgas tjv qgfnlberis qgbnlvfv, qea atf qbramjgv lc jc fcnfibqf, jcv rfca la ab atf ybrr. gqA9dW

Coafg ajxlcu mjgf bo fnfgsatlcu, la kjr jiwbra cbbc, rb tf rajgafv tlr ilnfragfjw vlgfmais.

“Qf’nf yffc qijslcu gjcxfv wjamtfr obg j ofk vjsr. Pa’r yffc j ibcu alwf rlcmf kf qijsfv mjreji wjamtfr. Lbk jybea qijslcu rbwf mjreji ujwfr abvjs?”

After saying that, Ji Xingchen took out his alternate account.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet??? Little, Milk, Candy, Sweet, Soft, Tender, the six essential elements for cute girls, you’ve taken four at once, truly worthy of being you, Star!!] dFkU4

[This account name has too many elements. I have to salute it first.]

Seeing everyone mocking his name, Ji Xingchen raised an eyebrow while queuing for a match, “Isn’t my name cute enough? Isn’t it sweet and pitiable enough?”

[Wow, this account name is just too cute. It’s so cute that I want to crush the opponent’s heads when I see it.]

“You’re too cruel. My teammates definitely won’t be like that.” no1UpQ

After speaking, Ji Xingchen entered the match.

During the familiar ban-pick phase, Ji Xingchen started typing.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Brothers, I want to play mid lane~

“The last ~ is the essence. If you want to be cute and melt Brother Jungler King’s heart, remember to add one every time.” BRQmgE

Ji Xingchen taught the audience in the livestream room how to act cute, but he didn’t expect someone in the game to also want to go mid lane like him.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Brothers, please let me go mid lane, okay QAQ?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two conversations were sent one after the other, and the texts in the game appeared side by side, creating a scene of a massive cute girl act in progress.

Ji Xingchen quickly returned to the game and glanced at the opponent’s frequently used heroes— yU1gHt

Daji, Angela, Wang Zhaojun…

Wow, they were exactly the same as the frequently used heroes he had set for this alternate account!!

They were all part of the essential trio of cute girls!!

And not only were their heroes the same, even their names were similar. I7TLFK

Truly. Everything was complete.

Ji Xingchen pretended to look flustered, “Why do I have a bad feeling? My intuition tells me that this ‘Little Milk Cat’ is very likely to be a little brother.”

[Hahaha, Star, you’re experiencing this too!!]

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet, Little Milk Cat Super Soft??? Haha, you two are perfect rivals.] 2H8XaG

[Star, the moment to test your cute girl skills is here!!]

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “I’m a pro at acting cute, how could I possibly lose?”

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Sob sob, Sister, please let me, I only have mage runes~

Usually, Ji Xingchen could easily win with this move. jAz0ow

But who knew the opponent was also a seasoned player, not to be underestimated at all.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Waaa, Sister, what a coincidence, my setup also only has mage runes, what should we do?

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: And I only know how to play mage QQ

Feeling astonished at being countered, Ji Xingchen quickly retorted with an incredulous tone, “Shouldn’t that last line be my line? How did it just disappear like that??” iCeXlE

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s line being stolen, the barrage was already bursting with laughter.

[Hahaha Star, it’s your fault for typing too slowly]

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[Star, use voice recognition!!]

[Hahaha, when the enemy advances, we retreat] y6fJVW

Ji Xingchen found the person opposite him quite amusing and couldn’t help but genuinely laugh.

“No, no, suddenly I’m filled with the desire to fight. Brothers, today I must secure my mid-lane cute girl position!!”

After saying that, he pre-selected Daji.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: But I really want to play mage QAQ RauA L

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Yeah yeah, me too~~

After their exchange, the opponent also pre-selected Wang Zhaojun.

Seeing the two girls fighting over the mage role, their teammates in the game couldn’t bear it any longer.

[Rabbit Princess]: “I thought we could have a girl in the mid lane this game, sorry, it’s my lack of cultivation, I’m not worthy! You guys continue…” 1qgCDj

The person speaking was a boy, and his frequently used heroes were Zhen Ji, Angela, and Princess Yao.

As soon as the person on the first floor heard someone speaking, they quickly joined in.

[Six Paths]: “Are you two really not long-lost sisters??”

Ji Xingchen typed. d6mCSh

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Brother, how did you know QAQ

Little Milk Cat also typed.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Yes, brother~

Feeling a sudden hit in his chest, the person on the first floor felt a bit overwhelmed. izLjxl

[Six Paths]: “You guys are awesome, I dare not speak anymore, you two settle the mid lane among yourselves, I won’t compete with you…”

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: It’s okay brother, we can play double mages~

Chrysanthemum Garden.

While speaking, seeing that the players on the opposite first and second floors had already started selecting heroes, Ji Xingchen felt that this way they wouldn’t get anywhere, so he took the initiative to discuss with Little Milk Cat.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Milk Cat, do you think double mages would work? I’ll support you with Daji. RDk1gd

With Ji Xingchen’s compromise, the opponent seemed to be moved as well, and they also started to be humble.

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Really? Candy, you’re too kind QAQ

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Or should I support you instead? Wang Zhaojun is better at support.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Muah~ vU5Nn0

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Muah~ QAQ

At first, the two who had been trying their best to get the mid lane suddenly changed their tune and began to show sisterly affection and mutual accommodation.

Ji Xingchen successfully got the Daji he wanted, and Little Milk Cat also got the Wang Zhaojun she desired.

In the livestream room— YUQz1a

[Hahaha, I almost laughed my wig off]

[How did they suddenly become so sisterly??]

[I get it, I get it, Star, this is called ‘retreating to advance,’ learn from the sisters]

[Star, you’re truly something! What a deep strategy!] JpHyAc

[Suddenly, this Little Milk Cat seems kinda cute too]

After the game started, just as promised, Little Milk Cat immediately bought a support-specific item at the beginning of the game and followed Ji Xingchen’s Daji to the mid lane to clear minions together.

Daji was weak in the early game, and her minion clearing speed wasn’t fast. Having a support to help clear minions would allow her to quickly level up her second skill and then roam for support.

Before Ji Xingchen even reached the mid lane, someone on the opposite team started typing taunting messages in the global chat. c9kKBN

[All][Bai Qi]: Tremble in fear!!

[All][Bai Qi]: You guys have already lost this game

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[All][Bai Qi]: I suggest you surrender at six minutes

[All][Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: ???? wYNJz5

[All][Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Why?????

The response from the opposite team came almost instantly.

[All][Bai Qi]: You guys still think you can win with double mages?

[All][Bai Qi]: And they’re Daji and Wang Zhaojun, those bush sluts Chu3L5

Through the screen, Ji Xingchen could feel the disdain the opposite team had for his Daji and Little Milk Cat’s Wang Zhaojun.

He turned off the global chat, not bothering to reply to Bai Qi, and instead said to Little Milk Cat.

[Little Milk Candy Super Sweet]: Milk Cat, Bai Qi is looking down on us

[Little Milk Cat Super Soft]: Hmph!! Candy, let’s give him a taste of our power!! jgdPKN

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  1. Magic girls

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛