Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh14 - On-the-run Watermelon

Finally, with Jiang Mu’s arrival, the two little cute sisters who had been pretending they couldn’t use voice chat while showing off their acting skills not only voluntarily turned on voice chat but also turned out to be boys without exception.

After Ji Xingchen spoke, Little Milk Cat fell silent for a moment, then couldn’t help but burst into laughter. ql2Rsa

“Hahaha, I always felt like you weren’t a girl, bro.”

Although Little Milk Cat’s name had “milk” in it, his voice was youthful and vibrant.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen also chuckled, “Exactly.”

Hearing their words, Jiang Mu immediately sensed that the relationship between the two brothers seemed a bit different from what he had thought. NukLUe

But unaware of the whole story, he was a bit confused at the moment, unable to figure out what was going on.

“Sister?? How did you guys think the other was a sister? Don’t you know each other??”

[Ah ah ah, just now I was so focused on watching the two sisters show off their acting skills that I forgot to scream. Isn’t this SA, the top jungle player Mu Mu?!!!]

[Damn!!!! My 18th ex-husband is in Star’s live room???]


[Poor Mu Mu is completely clueless]

[My heart aches for Mu Mu for a second]

“Of course not.” Ji Xingchen laughed and dodged the question, “Why would anyone think we’re girls?”

“Yeah~” Little Milk Cat also smiled and chimed in, “Impossible, impossible, we’re so manly.” SHhnoX

Then he added, “We didn’t know each other ten minutes ago, but isn’t there a saying… ‘fate is unpredictable’? Right, bro?”

Ji Xingchen: “Right, we’re really destined!”

Jiang Mu: ????

“Why do I feel more confused the more I listen??” drsMiR

[Shut up hahaha how can anyone still think you’re girls, you two clearly pretended to be girls to fool each other]

[Maybe my understanding of ‘manly’ is different from yours?]

[You two boys are really mischievous! Scaring Mu Mu like that!]

[Sisters, protect our Mu Mu!!] B8yqz2

“We just played a game together.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vabqqlcu atf pbxf, Al Wlcumtfc rabqqfv afjrlcu Aljcu Ze jcv fzqijlcfv ab tlw rfglberis, “Qf ofia j mbccfmalbc jcv kfgf jybea ab jvv fjmt batfg jr oglfcvr obg atf rfmbcv ujwf.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ktf vfmflnfv Aljcu Ze: …………

“Tfr, sfr.” Olaaif Zlix Jja, fzagfwfis ojwliljg, abbx bnfg rwbbatis, “Aera cbk kf qijsfv jr vbeyif wjufr, atf foofma kjr ugfja, beg mbbgvlcjalbc kjr rfjwifrr, kf uba 48 xliir!! Eluta, Ze Ze, tbk jybea kf ub obg j aglb bo wjufr lc atf yert atlr alwf? Ktf atgff bo er abufatfg klii yf lcnlcmlyif.” RnZsmc

Ji Xingchen: “I think it’s possible, Daji, Angela, and Wang Zhaojun are the best!”

Jiang Mu: ……..

“I refuse!”

“I want to jungle!” 5pKme4

[Mu Mu: Swearing to defend the dignity of my jungle king!]

[Poor, weak, and helpless, these two brothers are really mischievous]

[Little Milk Cat is adorable, but why do I feel like his voice is a bit familiar]

[Ah, sister, now that you mention it, I feel the same… I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere] XQmJ8a

Inside the room, the rejected Little Milk Cat started discussing new strategies with Ji Xingchen.

“How about Zhang Liao, Dong Huang, plus Zhong Kui?”

“Or Zhen Ji, that’s fun too.”

The more Little Milk Cat talked, the more Ji Xingchen felt his voice was familiar, like the barrage comments. zDuQ5F

“Oh, by the way, bro, what should I call you?” After talking for a while, Little Milk Cat finally remembered that he didn’t know how to address the other side.

“I’m called Star. And you, bro?”

“I’m called Cheng Yu.”

“Bro Cheng?” Ji Xingchen was a little surprised. IxpoHB

No wonder he felt familiar with Little Milk Cat’s voice…

This person turned out to be the former professional mid-laner and fan favorite, Cheng Yu, from the MIP team!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

From the moment Cheng Yu mentioned his name, Ji Xingchen’s livestream exploded.

[Damn, damn, damn!!!!] dByT2l

[Teacher Cheng Yu!!!!]

[Ah, ah, ah, I knew his voice sounded familiar!]

[What kind of luck does the streamer have, randomly queuing up and meeting Cheng Yu!]

[Mueller, mueller, Star, you’re too lucky!] LdJ42D

[How is this possible?? Even novels wouldn’t dare to write this way!!]

The name Cheng Yu is a classic memory for the majority of Honor of Kings players.

During his time with MIP, those epic moments playing mid-lane, even many gamers who didn’t watch the KPL professional league could casually recount.

Whether it was Diao Chan wiping out the enemy team with a pentakill, Zhuge Liang defending against the odds and turning the tide, Zhao Yun with full attack items destroying the crystal, or Xiao Qiao unleashing her ultimate… 5HmwEs

Several seasons have passed, yet all these legendary moments are still talked about today.

Not to mention the surprise and fancy tricks he occasionally developed during matches.

Playing supports like Da Qiao in mid, Cai Wenji as a healer in mid, and even tanky heroes like Cheng Yaojin dared to go mid.

In his hands, it seems there’s no hero that can’t go mid. gq5KC3

With such courage, skill, and talent, it’s no wonder he gained countless fans.

So even though he retired from the KPL professional arena a year ago due to personal reasons and hadn’t appeared for a whole year, his fanbase remained one of the top in the league.

Encountering such a popular player like Cheng Yu suddenly, and then having such a dramatic scene with him and Jiang Mu, was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Upon learning that Cheng Yu, who had been hiding for a year, had appeared, viewers in the livestream excitedly spread the news. HyeiYa

In less than a minute, thousands of Cheng Yu fans who learned the news for the first time rushed into Ji Xingchen’s livestream, instantly boosting the viewership by fifty thousand, with no sign of slowing down.

It’s no wonder Cheng Yu’s fans are so excited. After all, when their teacher Cheng Yu chose to retire at the peak of his career and disappeared for a whole year after posting a farewell message on Weibo, it left them feeling empty.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Half a year ago, there was suddenly news that he was going to start streaming, and fans prepared to welcome him with a grand welcome gift when he started streaming, only to be disappointed.

Now that they’ve suddenly caught sight of the mysterious Teacher Cheng Yu tonight, can they not express their happiness? 1huY j

[What kind of treasure streamer is this, actually catching Teacher Cheng Yu!!]

[Love, love, the streamer, you’re simply born to save the world!]

[This livestream can actually see Teacher Cheng Yu? I can’t believe my eyes!!!]

[Sisters, don’t just spam the chat, remember to subscribe and send gifts, thanks to the streamer Star for the great help] gR9xpk

Gifts from the young ladies were thrown into Ji Xingchen’s livestream like there was no tomorrow, instantly pushing his popularity over five hundred thousand.

With such a big commotion suddenly happening in the livestream, Ji Xingchen naturally noticed something was up.

Glancing at the Cheng Yu fans surrounding the livestream, Ji Xingchen, who had originally planned to play a game with Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu, was afraid that something might be wrong, so he confessed to Cheng Yu, “Bro Yu… I’m livestreaming.”

During Cheng Yu’s one-year retirement, no one had ever seen him, and now, because of his own livestream, he had been discovered by everyone. Ji Xingchen felt a bit embarrassed. OGrK2c

“I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier.”

Actually, no matter who looked at this, it was obvious that it wasn’t Ji Xingchen’s fault.

Before Cheng Yu revealed his identity, everyone thought Ji Xingchen had just met an interesting ordinary netizen in the game.

Who would have thought that the other party would turn out to be such a big shot? xu7KEw

Cheng Yu didn’t get angry when he heard about his identity being accidentally exposed by Ji Xingchen. Instead, he became interested in his role as a livestreamer.

“Wow, Star, are you a streamer? Where do you livestream? I’ll check it out.”

His tone was full of excitement, and you could directly imagine him rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

“On MeowMeow TV, 55555788.” ldWAih

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, there was no response from the other side.

Two minutes later, a super cool barrage appeared in his livestream.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[On-the-run Watermelon]: Here I come, here I come, brother Star, I’m here!!!

After sending the barrage, this [On-the-run Watermelon] then sent Ji Xingchen a meteor shower of magical gifts. 3YRgd6

The system announcement immediately flooded MeowMeow TV.

As a result, at the very top of Ji Xingchen’s livestream, the name [On-the-run Watermelon] was placed prominently by the system.

[Damn On-the-run Watermelon]

[I’m still a heavenly banished Zhu Bajie] 5VPdoQ

[Teacher Cheng Yu, I misjudged you!!! You’re no longer aloof! You’ve become a comedian!!!]

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1 comment

  1. Aahah, Chinese nicknames are the best

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛