Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh1 - Brother Jungler King


At six in the evening, Ji Xingchen opened MeowMeow TV and started his livestream on time.

[Star is online!] b16t9v

[I’ve been waiting for you. Are you going to compete in the national server or play rank matches today?]

“Today, Fang Fang wants to rank up her Wang Zhaojun in the national server, so tonight I’ll help her gain some points.”

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Ji Xingchen was a new streamer in the Honor of Kings and it has been a month since he started livestreaming.

After a month of hard work from ten in the morning to ten at night every day, he had accumulated a small group of fans. l9dqPB

As soon as he finished speaking, over a thousand loyal viewers began entering the livestream room one after another.

“Since everyone is here to support, tonight I’ll show you a tutorial on how to play Wang Zhaojun on the national server.”

The female fans in the livestream room became cheerful.

[MeowMeow TV National Server Wang Zhaojun Tutorial – Brother, Carry me!]


[MeowMeow TV National Server Wang Zhaojun Tutorial – Mid Lane, Can’t Get It]

Seeing his fans teasing him, Ji Xingchen countered with a smile, “Can’t get the mid lane? That’s absolutely impossible. Watch me immediately carry with Wang Zhaojun for five consecutive MVPs.”

Confidently, Ji Xingchen embarked on his journey of solo queue, but little did he know, face-slapping moments would arrive so quickly.

In the first game, the two girls on the first and second line didn’t say much but one picked Daji and the other locked Angela, angering their teammate who decided to quit. PM6fQl

In the second game, the jungle teammate on the third line, who usually played well-known heroes, for some reason picked Yang Yuhuan and started to intentionally die.

In the third game, a teammate claimed they could only play with mage heroes and couldn’t play other roles.

In the fourth game, a teammate insisted on only playing mid lane, threatening to go AFK otherwise.

In the fifth game, a girl cried and begged to play, even though Ji Xingchen offered his Wang Zhaojun with an 80% win rate, but the dog-like teammate insisted on letting the girl play her Diao Chan with only a 40% win rate. 9kXWTv

Teammate: “As a man, can’t you make way for the little sister?”

Ji Xingchen had no words to respond, so he reluctantly gave up the mid lane and chose Pangu as his top laner, silently farming on the side.

As everyone knows, Honor of Kings is a game for five people, divided into five roles: Warrior, Assassin, Mage, Marksman and Support/Tank,

Although there are many heroes for each role, because the models of mages who play mid lane are usually beautiful, many girls prefer to play mid lane mages. qpE3DQ

Tonight, Ji Xingchen didn’t know what kind of curse he had fallen under. Five consecutive games, not to mention ranking the national server with Wang Zhaojun, he didn’t even get to touch the shadow of the mid lane.

[Hahaha, I knew the result would be like this]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[The one who said he couldn’t get the mid lane must be a prophet!]

Faced with the merciless “teasing” from his fans, Ji Xingchen refused to accept it. OQ7e05

“Is it because my name isn’t flashy enough? Or am I not proactive enough?”

With that said, he opened his inventory, “It seems like they’re forcing me to use my ultimate move.”

Ji Xingchen quickly found a name change card and skillfully clicked to use it.

Soon, the game ID, which used to be relatively neutral [Absolutely Not A Support] , immediately changed to [Soft Kitty] , a name that looked like a soft and cute girl. sH lCn

“They really forced me.”

[Yes, yes, yes, it’s all their fault for forcing you. You never pretended to be a girl before, really]

[I almost believed you]

Ji Xingchen cleared his throat and faked a feminine voice, “Hey Big brother (Gege) I’m here~” lgfadO

[Brothers, run away quickly!]

[Your d*** acting as a cute girl is probably bigger than the guys]

[Damn, these streamers who pretend to be girls have no shame. I’ll just… follow him]

With the name change completed, Ji Xingchen, with an unchanged expression, swiftly started another match with this adorable name. QeAqtG

“I’m not bragging, but I’m definitely going to win this match. I don’t believe any guy will have the heart to reject me after seeing this ID.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the game entered the ban-pick (banning and selecting heroes) phase, and Ji Xingchen immediately opened the chat box to start typing, taking the initiative.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vboa Blaas: Lfs Dgbatfgr, P’w j reqfg jkfrbwf wlv ijcfg~

Vfflcu Al Wlcumtfc’r wjrrjuf, atf qijsfg bc atf rfmbcv ilcf aegcfv bc atflg wlmgbqtbcf. RP1zI9

Vfmbcv Olcf: “Cgf sbe gfjiis j ulgi?”

Vboa Blaas: Qtja vb sbe atlcx, ygb?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Vfmbcv Olcf: “Po sbe’gf j ulgi, P’ii ifa sbe ajxf wlv. Po cba, P’ii ajxf sbeg rqba.”

Ji Xingchen looked at the livestream room and chuckled, “Guys, when you encounter someone shamelessly flirting, you must reveal your identity as a guy and make him mad.” dWDzLA

Immediately, he typed in the game.

Soft Kitty: Of course, big brother, I’m definitely a girl.


[You said you were going to reveal your identity as a guy] ID9A1i

After reading this message, the player on the second line happily picked Sun Ce. Ji Xingchen finally got his Wang Zhaojun to go mid.

Sun Ce: “Sister Zhaojun, I’ll carry you this game.”

Soft Kitty: Okay, big brother.

After not touching mid lane for five consecutive games and feeling frustrated, Ji Xingchen started the game by quickly securing four kills on the enemy team. lcwgHb

After sending Ji Xingchen a “666,” Sun Ce turned on his microphone and started flirting with him, “Sister Zhaojun, how old are you this year?”

Soft Kitty: Just turned 14.

[?????14? Yesterday didn’t you say you were 18?]

[Star, please put away your shamelessness] TPNZu8

Seeing this age, Sun Ce obviously paused.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, “14 years old, huh, a blossoming young girl.”

Soft Kitty: It’s okay.

“So Sister Zhaojun, do you want to partner up with me?” nTdGl4

Sun Ce’s tone carried some excitement.

“If you partner up with me, I’ll carry you and easily rank up to peerless king.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The “blossoming young girl” that Sun Ce wanted to carry, Ji Xingchen, accurately froze the enemy support and mid laner with his second skill in the game, then got a double kill with his ultimate alone.

Soft Kitty: But big brother, you don’t have as many kills as me. YdItgx

Sun Ce had a record of 0-5-4, while Wang Zhaojun had a record of 6-0-3, and even got an MVP.

Sun Ce choked for a moment and continued to boast, “I’m not familiar with Sun Ce, I’m practicing him. But I’m really good with Han Xin, on the national server. How about partnering up with me? Next game, I’ll carry you with Han Xin, and I’ll even give you a skin.”

[Star, the big brother is going to buy you a skin!! Hurry up and agree!]

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “Heh, how can someone as elegant and noble as me, Wang Zhaojun, easily agree to date someone online” P2XJem

So he skillfully typed a universal sentence in the game.

Soft Kitty: But big brother, there are a lot of bad boys in the game.

“I’m not a bad boy, I’m a good boy.” Sun Ce continued to coax persistently.

Soft Kitty: Ah… but I don’t like guys like you. JpsMo3

“What’s wrong with me? What kind of guy do you like? Have you heard this song? I have all the qualities you like. For you, I can be anything.”

Ji Xingchen originally just randomly found a reason to reject him, but he clearly underestimated Sun Ce’s persistence. Seeing that the other party wanted to flirt again, Ji Xingchen continued to play along with him.

Soft Kitty: You talk too much.

Soft Kitty: I like guys like Brother Sun Wukong, cool and aloof. lRHq0v

Just as the Brother Sun Wukong was passing by Wang Zhaojun, preparing to fight the enemy boars, he stopped in his tracks.

Fallen Messenger: ?????

[Hahaha, Brother Sun Wukong must be puzzled: Zhaojun, you’re flirting with your big brother, why drag him into this mess?????]

Soft Kitty: What’s wrong, Brother Sun Wukong? IUgWkw

A minute later.

Fallen Messenger: Zhaojun, don’t call me big brother, and don’t like me.

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Soft Kitty: Why not?

Five seconds later, another person turned on their microphone. zfg3Ro

Amidst the surrounding noisy chatter, Ji Xingchen heard a child solemnly saying to him, “Zhaojun, I’m six years younger than you, you’re too old.”

‘I’m six years younger than you, you’re too old!’

Soft Kitty: …

Soft Kitty: Sorry for bothering. 2OPEd6

[Hahaha, ahaha, Brother Sun Wukong turned out to be a primary school student]

[Brother Sun Wukong cruelly rejected you, showing disdain for your age]

[A major crash scene, the first time seeing Star suffer a setback]

[Hahaha, the noble eight-year-old Jungler King, Star, you’re not worthy] H5egRK

Ji Xingchen never expected Brother Sun Wukong to pull such a move, so he quickly pushed the enemy turret a few times and swiftly exited the game.

“This game was unexpected, completely unexpected… I promise the next brother Jungler King won’t be a primary school student.”

After Ji Xingchen exited the game, Sun Ce, who had mistaken him for a girl in the previous game, surprisingly sent a team invitation.

Ji Xingchen mercilessly declined. 2dve8r

“I refuse guys who try to make a move to a fourteen years old.”

“And besides, he’s not a Jungler King.”

[Hahaha, not being a Jungler King is the key, isn’t it?]

[Waiting for the next brother Jungler King to appear] Wn5X3d

Ji Xingchen clicked on the solo queue, and a few seconds later, a new game began.

Out of habit, he first glanced at everyone’s commonly used heroes and found two mages and a jungler among the commonly used heroes on the fourth line. Feeling anxious, he quickly typed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Soft Kitty: Fourth line brother, please let me mid lane QAQ

Soft Kitty: QAQ n30Xmf

Soft Kitty: I promise I won’t be a feed QAQ

[This QAQ is very spirited]

[Using QAQ is so refined]

[Tea with a tea aroma, hahaha] yUWzLM

[Star, your conversation seems too skillful!]

This time, both teammates and opponents were very quick. During the time Ji Xingchen was typing, they had already swiftly banned heroes, and the first, second, and third lines had already locked in their heroes.

First line: Guiguzi, Second line: Zhu Bajie, Third line: Gongsun Li.

The support, tank and marksman roles were taken, leaving only jungle and mid lane. vINk X

When the opponent picked Sun Bin, it was the turn of the fourth line teammate to select a hero.

Ji Xingchen quickly pre-selected Wang Zhaojun and showed off his solid win rate.

First line: Impressive.

Second line: Wang Zhaojun, show me your win rate again. DyiLr3

Third line: Are all girls this fierce nowadays? This is the national server, right?

Clearly, his teammates were all conquered by his high win rate.

Ji Xingchen seemingly casually showed his win rate again, but his gaze didn’t leave the fourth line.

After waiting for several seconds and seeing no sign of the opponent selecting a hero, he began typing again. DioC8W

Soft Kitty: Fourth line brother, please QAQ, I really, really can’t jungle.

In response to his string of ellipses, the fourth line locked in Li Bai.

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Ji Xingchen successfully got Wang Zhaojun and smiled, “I said no one would have the heart to refuse me.”

[Yuck, I’m disgusted] Vs0G1l

[Look at that arrogant tone]

[That’s because Li Bai is really good]

[Such a good Brother Li Bai would be a pity not to flirt with]

“That’s true.” GLIq6V

Ji Xingchen’s gaze returned to the kind-hearted fourth line.

Soft Kitty: Thank you, brother fourth line, for letting me mid^_^

Li Bai still didn’t respond to him.

[Brother Li Bai is so aloof] QbqYak

[This is challenging, Star, flirt with him!]

Li Bai didn’t speak, but Ji Xingchen didn’t give up either. He continued to play the role of a friendly chatbot and kept typing.

Soft Kitty: Brother Li Bai, you’re so aloof.

After a long time, the other party finally replied with a question mark. JtyMKz

Soft Kitty: Why are you using a question mark, brother?

The other party completely ignored him after that.

As the game countdown ended and the mobile game screen reset, Ji Xingchen saw that among the ten heroes, Li Bai didn’t have a skin.

And coincidentally, his Wang Zhaojun was also in her default skin. IzdpY0

Because the room host had used an idol singer skin experience card yesterday, and it just expired today, the system automatically reverted Wang Zhaojun to her default skin.

Ji Xingchen had been typing all this time and forgot to equip the skin.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Seeing that neither he nor Li Bai had a skin, Ji Xingchen laughed. After entering the game, he skillfully used his abilities to nearly kill the enemy Mo Ye and flirted with Li Bai at the same time.

Soft Kitty: Brother, it’s such a coincidence that only the two of us out of ten have default skins. a 0VKl

Soft Kitty: What kind of fate is this!

[Hahaha, it’s destiny from heaven not to wear skins]

[I’ve never seen such shamelessness]

However, no matter how much Ji Xingchen flirted, Li Bai simply ignored him. GNXq5d

Ji Xingchen contested for the minion wave with Mo Ye in the mid lane. The enemy Mo Ye was weak at level one, and after easily last-hitting a basic attack, Ji Xingchen knocked Mo Ye down.

The game also sounded the first blood.

Ji Xingchen looked up and found that he wasn’t the one who got first blood.

Li Bai got first blood. l1KPTn

Just a second before Ji Xingchen killed Mo Ye, he and the support Guiguzi managed to counter-kill Pei Qinhai, who was invading with Sun Bin.

The weak level one Li Bai actually won against the strong invading Pei Qinhai.

Ji Xingchen raised his eyebrows in surprise and whistled at Li Bai.

“This Li Bai has some skills to win like that.” sU5FzG

While talking to the audience in the livestream, he also sent his messages in the game.

Soft Kitty: Brother Li Bai, you’re amazing

When Ran Feng, controlling the low health Li Bai in the game, reached the Red buff area, the in-game chat information at the bottom left corner flashed again. dgZrW

He casually glanced at it and found that it was sent by Wang Zhaojun.

Ran Feng couldn’t be bothered to read what the other party had sent, so he clicked on the settings in the upper right corner and directly blocked Wang Zhaojun.

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Translator's Note

(Meow) I never played Honor of Kings/King of Glory, but I’ve been playing similar games. I took some time to look into the characters’ heroes, but there’s still a chance that I might have missed something. If you spot any misspelled, typos, or grammar issues, feel free to tell me, and I’ll make sure to fix them up. (Please I’m not good at taking notes so understand my explanation)

Translator's Note

Using MeowMeow TV ‘coz I’m JustMeow (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). Anyway, it can also translated into MaoMao TV or CatCat TV. It’s Chinese character is 猫猫TV

Translator's Note

Using Star as name online. Star means Xingxing (星星).

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

“Honor of Kings – is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. It is primarily played on mobile devices and is one of the most successful and widely played mobile games in the world, particularly in China. In the game, players control various heroes inspired by Chinese mythology and history, battling against each other in teams to destroy the enemy’s base while defending their own. “Honor of Kings” features a diverse roster of heroes, strategic gameplay, and a competitive ranked mode.

Translator's Note

“Carry” – in games, it means one player single-handedly helps another or the team win by performing exceptionally well.

Translator's Note

“MVP” stands for Most Valuable Player. It’s an award given to the player who contributed the most to their team’s victory in a match. The MVP is typically determined based on various factors such as kills, assists, objectives taken, damage dealt, and overall performance during the game. It’s a way to recognize and reward outstanding individual contributions to the team’s success.

Translator's Note

“Solo Queue” – Players enter matchmaking individually and are matched with random teammates and opponents.

Translator's Note

“Gege” – can be used playfully to address a boyfriend or a male love interest. It also affectionately addresses an older brother or an older male friend. It’s similar to calling someone “big brother” or “bro” in English.

Translator's Note

“Jungler king” – is a player highly skilled at playing the Jungler role. They excel at farming jungle camps, controlling objectives, and ganking lanes to secure kills for their team, contributing to their team’s success through strategic map control and impactful plays.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

“Red buff” – boosts a player’s attack damage and adds a slowing effect to their basic attacks after defeating a jungle monster.

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  1. We pick mage not because of their beauty. Because we can relax more lol. After playing tanks for many rounds, I go mid to relax my nerves. Although I also have to roam and set rhyme it’s still more relaxing than other roles for me.

  2. I like this confident and coquette style

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛