Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh2 - I’m Li Bai from earlier

In the game, Ji Xingchen was completely unaware of Li Bai’s actions.

The more aloof the other party was, the more enthusiastic he became in his flirtation. ZW3fQJ

Because it was a rank game, for Ji Xingchen, who had once reached the peak of the competition with Mid Lane Xiao Qiao and Mai Shiranui, two mages, ranking up was as easy as drinking water and eating.

He played around casually, squatting in the bushes and using his second skill. Soon, he cracked open the enemy mid lane, and quickly pushed to the enemy’s mid lane high ground turret.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen’s performance was very impressive, 8-0-10.

Normally, with this kind of performance, his Wang Zhaojun would easily get the MVP. WV1vrp

However, this time the MVP title was hanging on Li Bai’s head.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the opponent’s stats, and that aloof Li Bai, who had completely ignored him, had already achieved an impressive 11-0-11.

[This Brother Li Bai is carrying]

[The Jungler King, he’s the Jungler King!]


After a team fight that pushed the enemy back to their base, Ji Xingchen ran to the enemy’s blue area to prepare to take their blue buff.

Just as he was struggling to take it, Li Bai also came over.

Ji Xingchen consciously stepped back and voluntarily gave the blue buff to Li Bai.

That’s how it is in the game, whoever is carrying has the final say. rA2WLt

“This Brother Li Bai is carrying, I don’t deserve this blue buff,” Ji Xingchen said as he claimed he didn’t deserve it, but he refused to leave, standing next to Li Bai and watching him.

[Saying he doesn’t deserve it while secretly longing for the blue buff]

[Brother Li Bai won’t give you the blue buff, give it up Star]

“I’m just watching, not taking the blue buff,” Ji Xingchen said as he walked towards the blue buff area, “What if the brother Jungler King suddenly feels generous and wants to give it to me~” 2R3QUY

[Brother Jungler King: Take the blue buff, are you worthy?]

[That day will never come]

The audience teased Ji Xingchen in the barrage, hoping for the scene they loved to see in the Honor of kings: the heartless brother Jungler King taking the blue buff and leaving immediately after.

After all, in the game, these aloof junglers who can carry their teammates are all bosses. As long as they don’t come to steal the blue buff you’ve been working so hard for, and even allow mages and marksmen to have blue and red buffs, that’s absolutely impossible. VBmWqy

However, Li Bai disappointed everyone.
He actually left while still taking the blue buff. And the blue buff stayed firmly in place, with a sliver of health left!

[Damn, did the sun rise from the west? The heartless brother Jungler King actually gave Star the blue buff!!]

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[Ahhhh the brother Jungler King is making my heart flutter!]

Ji Xingchen, squatting on the side and not leaving, was touched. mAHSpl

“The brother Jungler King is so cold on the outside but warm on the inside, my bros, I’m moved!”

To express his gratitude, Ji Xingchen typed in the game.

Soft Kitty: Brother Li Bai, thank you for giving me blue~

Soft Kitty: I’m really touched~ ZJW95s

Feeling ecstatic after getting the blue buff, Ji Xingchen went to help Li Bai take the dragon. Coincidentally, just as they arrived at the dragon pit, they encountered the enemy jungler and support lying in wait in the bushes, planning to ambush Li Bai.

Without hesitation, Ji Xingchen predicted their position and effortlessly used his second skill followed by his ultimate.

Li Bai followed up with a wave of damage.

The two enemies immediately became sitting ducks. CX4FgP

[The streamer’s prediction is amazing]

[66666 He actually froze both of them!]

The two enemies couldn’t move, watching helplessly as their health bars emptied and Li Bai finished them off with another wave of damage, sending them back to their base.

But they soon realized that after Li Bai had left them low on health, he didn’t continue to attack them. Instead, he casually turned back to deal with the dragon that hadn’t been finished off, and after taking it down, he left. 1YRi53

The two of them rejoiced, thinking that Li Bai had let them off the hook, and as soon as the crowd control effects wore off, they immediately turned back.

But just as they took a few steps, Wang Zhaojun landed a first skill followed by a basic attack, and the two of them died.

Wang Zhaojun, double kill!

Ji Xingchen’s eyes lit up. qYWzXw

With just that one play, even a blind person could tell that Li Bai was letting him get the kills.

“What kind of godly brother Jungler King is this, giving me the blue buff and two kills??”

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The audience in the livestream room was also excited.

[We’re used to seeing the streamer being stolen blue buff and killed, suddenly being pampered by this godly brother Jungler King feels a bit weird??] wPn7He

[Ahhh we’ve encountered a godly Jungler King, Star, quickly praise him with rainbow farts!!]

[Wuwuwu, I love this amazing brother Jungler King]

As a person who believes in repaying kindness, Ji Xingchen naturally didn’t forget to praise Li Bai with a rainbow fart.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vboa Blaas: Dgbatfg, jgf sbe atf ifufcvjgs ubvis Aecuifg Blcu? PXzqSG

Vboa Blaas: P’w rb rts atja sbe ujnf wf akb xliir HCH

Vboa Blaas: Dgbatfg, jr j gfqjswfca, mjc kf afjw eq obg atf cfza ujwf? Qlii sbe mjggs wf?

[Hahaha Brother Li Bai is probably thinking of hitting someone after reading this]

[As repayment, asking the Jungler King to carry you?? I’ve never seen such shamelessness hahaha] lgD2Uf

Qtlif Al Wlcumtfc kjr qgjlrlcu Ol Djl klat gjlcybk ojga, tlr afjwwjaf revvfcis aegcfv bc atf wlm.

Gongsun Li: “I’m disgusted… Wang Zhaojun, don’t you think you’re a bit too green tea flavored for a girl to talk like that?”

Seeing Gongsun Li speak, Zhu Bajie couldn’t help but join in, “Bro, you look too young. From the perspective of my extensive experience with online scams, this Wang Zhaojun is definitely a guy.”

Gongsun Li: “Wait, he’s a guy??” GrZQ4w

Ji Xingchen, whose cover was blown, remained unfazed.

Soft Kitty: Brother Zhu Bajie, why would you say that about me?

Zhu Bajie arrogantly replied, “You should know yourself, your actions don’t seem like a girl’s.”

Soft Kitty: Why not? Girls can be good at playing too. z2Fs1

Zhu Bajie hastily explained, “I’m not looking down on girls, but my sixth sense tells me you’re not a girl.” Then, Zhu Bajie seemed to remember something and quickly added, “Otherwise, Wang Zhaojun, why don’t you just turn on your mic. Li Bai, let me tell you, don’t team up with him in the next game. Don’t be fooled by his cute talk and soft name. Behind it all, he’s definitely a guy, believe me.”

Guiguzi also joined in on the mic, “Really? Are boys these days this bad??”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhu Bajie said, “Wang Zhaojun, if you don’t turn on your mic, I’ll AFK, and I’ll record it. I’ll report you to the internet police later.”

After saying that, his character didn’t move. SIX7M5

Gongsun Li also became interested and joined Zhu Bajie in AFK’ing, not even attacking the tower.

Soft Kitty: ????????

Damn, reporting to the police online!

Soft Kitty: Hey bro, don’t do this, can I turn on my mic quickly? Aasgcw

Soft Kitty: Wait a moment

Ji Xingchen quickly opened his voice chat and deliberately adjusted his voice to a sweet, girlish tone that echoed in the Honor of kings.

“Hello, hello, can you guys hear my voice?”

Gongsun Li: Gross 0zrSZb

Guiguzi: Big brother with big chest, be nice, talk properly

Ji Xingchen’s gaze lingered on Li Bai.

He noticed that when his voice sounded, the originally graceful and elegant Li Bai’s jungle movements suddenly paused unnaturally.

Could this Brother Li Bai really think he was a girl and be startled? pbdlrO

Ji Xingchen quickly switched back to his normal voice.

“Brothers, don’t report me, I’m not a scammer.”

“I’m not intentionally pretending to be a girl, it’s just that it’s too hard to play mid lane, I’ve been forced to support for five games in a row, can you believe it?”

To make his words seem more believable, Ji Xingchen actively shared his painful experiences tonight with his teammates. phMAxL

After hearing Ji Xingchen’s explanation, his teammates, the big brothers, expressed understanding and sympathy one after another.

Later on, they even put aside their hostility and chatted together on the mic in a very friendly manner.

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The atmosphere gradually heated up, but Li Bai alone refused to speak.

“Brother Li Bai, why aren’t you talking?” Ji Xingchen, accustomed to flirting with Li Bai, asked habitually. NGedPh

But Li Bai acted as if he hadn’t heard anything, ignoring Ji Xingchen completely, and continued to push towers by himself.

Ji Xingchen had gotten used to Li Bai’s aloofness and deliberately followed him, pushing the turret together.

“Brother, your Li Bai is so amazing, can you carry me next game?”

Li Bai still didn’t reply, and Ji Xingchen didn’t mind. 8 KOrC

Soon, the high ground tower on the opposite side was destroyed, and Ji Xingchen’s controlled Wang Zhaojun was about to head to the enemy turret, but Li Bai suddenly stopped and stood beside his Wang Zhaojun.

In the game, Li Bai was elegant and handsome, while Wang Zhaojun was beautiful.

The two heroes stood in front of the enemy turret, looking somewhat complementary.

Ink Squid: You… 2ExKns

Just before the end of the game, Li Bai finally typed a line in the chat.

Ji Xingchen realized that the aloof Brother Li Bai was talking to him and quickly responded, “What’s wrong, Brother Li Bai?”

“Are you willing to duo queue with me next game?”

Li Bai stood still, apparently typing. 6N3pia

Ji Xingchen didn’t rush him, just waited quietly, wanting to see what the other side had to say.

However, before Li Bai’s message could be sent, the turret on the enemy’s side was swiftly destroyed by their teammates.

As the game ended, no one knew what Li Bai wanted to say.

Seeing this regrettable ending, the audience in the livestream room exploded with disappointment. RUqPY6

[Not yet? No!! With that speed of pushing the turret, I’m convinced these teammates are holding him back]

[Let him finish what he wanted to say!! I want to see what the brother Jungler King said to Star]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The MVP on the settlement page turned out to be Li Bai.

Ji Xingchen, who had been carried, reluctantly gave a thumbs-up to the aloof Brother Li Bai. G87pdW

Exiting the game, Ji Xingchen’s game interface suddenly popped up with an invitation.

He took a closer look, and the inviter turned out to be the aloof Li Bai from earlier.

[Ahhhh hurry up and accept!!]

[I want to see the sweet duo queue~] utSw5h

“Wow, Brother Li Bai invited me! Is he agreeing to carry me next game??” Ji Xingchen said with a smile to the audience in the livestream room, then mercilessly clicked reject.

The audience was puzzled, and the barrage in the livestream room was quickly surrounded by question marks.


[You promised to let the brother Jungler King carry you next game?? Star, you big liar!] FERZ6l

[Flirt and then run away, how exciting??]

[Star, you still don’t admit that you’re a scammer!!]

Normally, for the sake of entertainment, Ji Xingchen would definitely accept and duo queue with Li Bai for a couple more games.

But as luck would have it, he had just played seven games in a row, and with the time being too long and having drunk too much water before the stream… 3hqFu5

At this moment, all he wanted to do was go to the bathroom…

Who cares about Li Bai or the Jungler King? They can all wait!

Putting down his phone, Ji Xingchen jokes, “The brother Jungler King is just one in a million, the next one will definitely be better.”

[Star, you big scumbag] Fk8HG1

[Remembering how brother Xuanzhe was treated the same way yesterday]

[The Jungler King, he’s the Jungler King! Star, just admit it already]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ji Xingchen shook his head, “As long as I slip away fast enough, the Jungler King won’t catch me!”

After interacting with the audience for a few seconds, Ji Xingchen couldn’t hold it anymore. JrOZ9K

He quickly opened QQ Music and clicked on Ran Feng’s new song. “I need to go to the bathroom first. Let me show you a video to relax a bit. Fang Fang’s idol just released a new song MV yesterday.”

Ran Feng is one of the hottest idols in recent years, with countless fans. Ji Xingchen’s room manager, Fang Fang, is one of his enthusiastic fans.

As soon as Ji Xingchen mentioned Ran Feng, many people in the livestream room started typing phrases like “Ran Feng, my husband.”

But Ji Xingchen’s loyal fans struggled amidst the barrage of Ran Feng’s wife comments. P2TRrc

[Star, the toilet king on MeowMeow TV is you, I know]

[Why watch Ran Feng? Host, turn on the camera quickly]

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” Ji Xingchen quickly got up, took a few steps, then turned back and added, “If you think Ran Feng’s songs are good, you can buy a digital album to support him.”

After relieving his soul in the bathroom, Ji Xingchen brewed a cup of chrysanthemum tea for himself, then leisurely returned to the livestream room, keeping track of the MV’s time. GKiMIJ

From a few meters away, Ji Xingchen suddenly noticed that the number of barrage messages on his live streaming computer screen was a bit different from usual.

Although he has had decent popularity among new streamers for the past month, the barrage volume is incomparable to that of other big streamers.

In the past, whenever he looked at the computer screen, there would only be a few sparse barrage messages floating by.

But at this moment, his livestream room was already surrounded by a sea of “Full firepower charge!” and “Boss, you’re awesome!” barrages! 4EvQpU

The dense barrage quickly floated by, making Ji Xingchen wonder if he accidentally switched to a big-shot’s livestream when he left.

Broadcast: “Wanfeng Picks Star” is sending out a grand magical meteor shower at room number “55555788”~ The meteor shower is dazzling, hurry up and check it out!

Seeing the announcement at the top of the livestream room broadcasted by the system, Ji Xingchen confirmed that he didn’t make a mistake.

Amongst the barrage of messages, brilliant fireworks accompanied the continuous meteor shower. The system announcement kept scrolling repeatedly. Ji Xingchen suddenly realized that a boss was giving him gifts, and not just any gifts, but the platform’s most expensive gift—the 5000 yuan Magical Meteor Shower! PAoecr

As the platform’s most expensive gift, after this gift is sent in the livestream room, viewers can participate in a lottery, with prizes including free Silver Beans and Gold Beans that can be used to purchase premium gifts. Because the broadcast is platform-wide, viewers from all over the livestreaming website can enter the livestream room through the broadcast.

Ji Xingchen instinctively glanced at the number of viewers in his livestream room, which had increased from the initial 140,000 to 1.8 million, and this number was still rising rapidly in seconds.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen was greatly shocked.

What happened in his livestream room while he was in the bathroom?? Lo9uES

Someone actually sent him gifts worth 80,000 yuan?!!

80,000 yuan? What kind of concept is this?

In one month of streaming, the total value of gifts he received didn’t even add up to 5,000 yuan, yet this boss sent 80,000 yuan in just a few minutes?!!

Where did he get such generous fans from? yVcJXw

Could this boss have sent the gifts to the wrong person?

At the terrifying thought, Ji Xingchen quickly put his water glass aside and hurried back to the computer.

At this point, his QQ was constantly popping up, and his private messages were being bombarded by the room moderator Fang Fang.

Fang Fang: Ahhh Star, why aren’t you back yet!!! sQmex4

Fang Fang: This boss is so rich!!

Fang Fang: Star, how long are you going to pee? I’ve never seen you last this long before! Hurry up and thank the boss!

Fang Fang: Hurry up QQ, otherwise the boss might leave! What should we do then?!

Seeing Fang Fang so anxious, Ji Xingchen’s palms also broke out in a cold sweat. MxJg L

He closed the MV of Ran Feng, and quickly spoke up, “Uh…boss.”

Because he was too nervous, he forgot to turn on the mic.

“Boss.” This time the mic finally opened.

As soon as Ji Xingchen spoke, the livestream room instantly became lively. p t7ST

[Holy cow, the host finally finished peeing and came back!]

[So the host went to pee? I thought he was too scared by the tyrant boss to speak…]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[The host can actually still pee?]

Seeing the various nonsensical speculations from the audience, Ji Xingchen didn’t bother to explain anything. Looking at his fans’ contribution leaderboard, where “Wanfeng Picks Star” ranked first with 85,000,000 contribution points, he quickly continued speaking. dBHQar

“Thank you, boss, for your generosity!”

“But boss, when you sent so much all at once, it scared me a little…”

[Keep all that money, host, what are you afraid of!]

[I want to experience this kind of fear too!] 8RpXNu

Ji Xingchen ignored these sarcastic barrage messages and continued looking at the boss’s name before speaking again, “Boss, calm down first. Can I ask you a question?”

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, the actions of Wanfeng Picks Star indeed paused, which made the previously continuously scrolling broadcast in the livestream room finally stop for a moment.

The boss’s pause made Ji Xingchen’s heart jump.

The boss heard him speaking! IfZbdF

After the boss paused, there was no movement in the livestream room for a long time.

Ji Xingchen belatedly realized that the other party was waiting for him to speak, so he quickly continued, “Boss…did you send the gifts to the wrong person?”

As soon as Ji Xingchen said this, the over 2 million viewers who were busy with the lottery were shocked.

Damn??? PwBALh

Sent to the wrong person??

What does the host mean??

Can the boss who sent gifts even send them to the wrong livestream room?

Especially since this boss sent so much at once, if he didn’t notice, how big of a deal would that be?!! uWxSst

As the audience on the gossip front lines stared intently at Wanfeng Picks Star, they all wanted to see what this silly boss would say after making such a big mistake.

However, the boss didn’t say anything. Ten seconds later, he domineeringly sent three more magical meteor showers in response.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Audience: WTF??????????

What’s this Ckr6O4

Plot again???

When the bewildered audience was in the midst of confusion, two lines of golden and radiant characters appeared in the livestream room.

Wanfeng Picks Star: Didn’t send to the wrong person.

??? zbIha7

This sentence from the boss left Ji Xingchen stunned.

Did he really send it to him??


The next second, the boss generously clarified for him. aHLBvF

Wanfeng Picks Star: I’m Li Bai from earlier.

Translator's Note

“Blue buff” – boosts a player’s mana regeneration and reduces cooldowns after defeating a jungle monster.

Translator's Note

“Rainbow fart” is a slang term originating from Chinese internet culture, where it is often used to describe excessively flattering or exaggerated praise. It implies that someone is speaking so highly of someone or something that it’s almost as if they are producing rainbows and sunshine, suggesting an over-the-top, almost comically positive compliment.

Translator's Note

“AFK” – in games is often expressed as “挂机” (guà jī), which literally translates to “hanging machine.” It refers to being away from the keyboard or not actively participating in the game, typically leaving the character idle or inactive.

Translator's Note

“Pushing the turrets” – In games, it refers to aggressively attacking and destroying enemy turrets or towers, typically to gain map control and advance towards the enemy’s base.”

Translator's Note

This is supposed to be Evening Wind/Night Wind in english name but needed the name ‘Feng’ for Ran Feng so I just make do with this name online.

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  1. Ahahah, the best dialogue

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛