AsteroidCh41 - Go to sleep for real

Not mentioning it would have been fine.

Once mentioned, Xu Tangzhou vaguely remembered that he seemed to have said such useless words after getting drunk. dJ IoN

While he was lost in thought, Ling Che probably misunderstood.

He didn’t say much after that, and once he had Xu Tangzhou in the car, he only said one sentence: “Fasten your seatbelt.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Starting the car, turning the steering wheel, changing direction, Ling Che did it all with practiced ease.

This was the first time Xu Tangzhou had seen Ling Che drive, and it was his own sports car at that. Previously, wherever Ling Che went, Xiao An was there, and all he had to do was get in the car and lean back to sleep in the rear seat. Hf4FtR

“Where’s Xiao An?” Xu Tangzhou made conversation for the sake of talking.

“On vacation.” Ling Che, who had been looking ahead, glanced at him strangely upon hearing this, “Did you think my assistant doesn’t take vacations?”

Xu Tangzhou: “……” He really thought so!

Ling Che, although very much an alpha, seemed quite delicate, like a temperamental young master from a wealthy family. Online detractors describe him as a scion of a wealthy family, not only biased against omegas but also against the poor. There was a time when his assistant Xiao An was captured on camera looking haggard and dozing off behind him, leading to speculation that he tormented people by depriving them of sleep.


In any case, once a person became famous to a certain extent, there would be an endless supply of material for people to speculate about.

Xu Tangzhou convinced himself that Ling Che was “easy to conquer”, telling himself that even big stars were human. Aside from his identity as a celebrity, Ling Che was just an ordinary person.

As he was thinking, Situ Ya’s name appeared projected on the central console.

Ling Che pressed a button on the steering wheel to answer the call. d9OvF7

Situ Ya’s tone was not very good: “Ling Che, where are you?”

Ling Che: “On the overpass.”

Situ Ya raised her voice: “What are you doing on the overpass in the middle of the night? Do you think your sports car isn’t loud enough, and you want to perform a drifting tail flick for the paparazzi, is that it?”

Xu Tangzhou: “……” XrGE0e

Was Ya jie so tough behind the scenes?!

Situ Ya had no idea there was another person in the car and started off with a scolding: “I don’t watch you for one night, and you can’t control yourself? Photos of where you drove and where you went have been sent to my phone. If it weren’t for me holding them back, tomorrow we’d have to explain what you were doing outside alone in the middle of the night! You know they’ll write nonsense; they could even say you were drunk driving or DUI driving, who would believe you went out because of a nightmare—”

Xu Tangzhou’s expression changed slightly, Ling Che was really photographed?

Also, Ling Che went out because of a nightmare? LROrwt

Why would he have a nightmare?

Ling Che probably felt he was losing face, and quickly cut off Situ Ya coldly: “I’m with Xu Tangzhou.”

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Situ Ya’s nagging came to an abrupt halt, her previous momentum gone, everything quieted down.

She instantly calmed down and simply asked, “Xu Tangzhou is in your car?” ndZo8y

Ling Che: “Yes, right beside me.”

Forced to listen to Ya jie’s outburst and unable to extricate himself from the relationship, Xu Tangzhou felt very awkward and could only greet her: “Hello, Ya jie.”

Situ Ya: “……”

Two seconds later, she asked, “Where are you two going now?” S87nlk

Ling Che answered: “Of course, to sleep. Where else could we go?”

Situ Ya fell silent again: “……”

Xu Tangzhou felt even more embarrassed! What sleep!

An alpha and an omega together in the middle of the night was already suggestive enough, and with Situ Ya knowing about their past relationship, Ling Che’s comment made it sound like they were about to do something not suitable for children! QA49lJ

“Ya jie, don’t misunderstand. I’m moving out, and my place is a mess, so I’m staying at Ling Che’s for one night!”

After speaking, Xu Tangzhou became annoyed with himself.

Ling Che’s house only had one bed; wouldn’t Situ Ya know that?!

Wasn’t this just like the saying ‘protesting innocence proves guilt’? LlSmk5


However, Situ Ya didn’t pay any attention to Xu Tangzhou’s explanation.

In a short time, her tone had returned to the usual calm and efficient, she said briefly: “Two requests. First, don’t get photographed. If the two of you are caught meeting privately, alone, in the middle of the night, not even a deity could suppress the fallout. Second, …”

She paused strangely, “Don’t break any traffic laws.” Xgwphb

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We Kjcuhtbe tegglfvis jugffv: “Yxjs!”

Vlae Tj tjv jigfjvs tecu eq bc atf batfg fcv.

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Mbg rbwf gfjrbc, We Kjcuhtbe ofia rtf kjr fnfc jcuglfg atjc yfobgf.

Ktf xlcv bo jcufg atja mbwfr ogbw offilcu qbkfgifrr. lxJmP6

Qtfc atfs fcafgfv atf rfgnlmf gbjv, Olcu Jtf rlwqis rjlv ab tlw: “Vtf xcbkr jybea er. Tbe vbc’a cffv ab ub bea bo sbeg kjs ab fzqijlc.”

Xu Tangzhou: “……”

How should he interpret this statement? Does it mean Situ Ya knew about their past, or did it include knowing about the “neck biting” incident?

If she knew about the “neck biting,” would Situ Ya pay special attention to him when they meet in the future? hS0bci

And how would she view him?

Xu Tangzhou’s face gradually grew hot.

The capital city was still bustling in the early hours, but there was much less traffic. They encountered no obstacles or paparazzi on their way as they arrived at Ling Che’s residence in no time.

After driving into the garage, Ling Che got out of the car first. Fdk7Eo

As soon as Xu Tangzhou got out, he was dazzled by the sight; the private garage housed three or four sports cars, in addition to two SUVs, one van, and one heavy motorcycle.

Xu Tangzhou recognized the model of the motorcycle; a customer had once ordered one from his father Xu Wei’s shop, and it took two months on a waiting list to get it. He knew it was very expensive, with a value equivalent to two of the sports cars in the garage.

But Ling Che’s motorcycle was completely different in color. From different angles, the blue-purple gradient paint shone under the light, resembling a magnificent and brilliant galaxy. It stood quietly in an inconspicuous corner, effortlessly drawing all the attention.

Xu Tangzhou couldn’t help but walk a few steps towards it: “Is this the Phantom?” LfcYPW

Ling Che “Mmm”ed in response.

He didn’t seem surprised at all that Xu Tangzhou could recognize the model of the motorcycle.

Xu Tangzhou touched it and said with envy, “I didn’t know the Phantom came in this color.”

“It was a gift when I endorsed the brand last year,” Ling Che said nonchalantly, “It’s some sort of special custom model, they call it ‘Starry Sky’, and there’s only one in the world.” HYjr J

That’s right, Ling Che was indeed the spokesperson for this brand.

Starry Sky—the name itself sounded like it was tailor-made for Ling Che.

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Ling Che had access to many top-tier luxury goods, and according to statistics, he was among the top ten in the global artist income rankings last year. It seemed that he didn’t make much of this motorcycle.

Xu Tangzhou felt that Ling Che didn’t seem to like it very much. 3MdHqw

Indeed, Ling Che said with disdain, “It’s too flashy, it would be more suitable for Ying Chen. And there’s some clause that says it can’t be given away, so it’s just taking up space.”

Xu Tangzhou: “……”

Wake up!

You would look incredibly cool riding it, okay?! W Jzi4

Ying Chen and the like are nothing compared to you!

With just a fleeting glance, Xu Tangzhou followed Ling Che into the private elevator, and the doors opened directly into the living room.

Xu Tangzhou finally got a real taste of what life was like for a top-tier celebrity; standing in a living room that was easily a hundred or two hundred square meters. He was like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, thinking to himself that Ling Che really wasn’t lying.

For someone living here, waking up every morning in a five hundred square meter bed or something, wasn’t that just too normal?! D6pL2x

“I live alone,” Ling Che said, “You can wear my slippers.”

After saying that, he had already walked into the house barefoot.

Xu Tangzhou put on Ling Che’s slippers, which were several centimeters too long for him, as they belonged to someone who was one meter ninety tall.

But upon closer inspection of the slippers, a light bulb went off in his head. hbA 6S

Weren’t these slippers identical to the pair that Ling Che gave him?!

Not to mention the style and material, even the color was the same. No matter how you looked at it, the only difference was one was a larger size, and the other was smaller!

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing him standing at the door without moving, Ling Che stopped and frowned slightly. iJCQI

Xu Tangzhou pointed at the slippers and said, “Couple’s set?!”

He finally understood why Ling Che had given him slippers!!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Could this be any more blissful?!

Ling Che “Mmm”ed unnaturally and said, “Aren’t you envious of others?” bMcvmO

“Huh?” Xu Tangzhou didn’t catch on.

It wasn’t until Ling Che walked away that he slowly remembered—during their time in Surland, when Xia Yue suddenly had an emergency, they gave their cabin to Lu Cheng’an and Mi Fei and had to stay in Lu Cheng’an’s house instead. That was when he noticed that everything Lu Cheng’an had was a couple’s set, including but not limited to household items, and that included slippers!

He had said he was envious, and Ling Che’s response was “sappy.”

But now… xG829O

Xu Tangzhou was wide awake, his entire being a little more buoyant.

He went to find Ling Che, and in the large house with its clear layout and clean spatial divisions, it was easy to locate him in the walk-in closet: “I haven’t given you anything yet.”

He looked down at the slippers, “What kind of cup do you like?”

Once Xu Tangzhou had an epiphany, his every move became somewhat irresistible, but he was completely unaware of it. Q9E7oe

Ling Che found a bathrobe and a new towel for him, suggesting he go freshen up and prepare for a bath: “You want to give me a cup?”

Xu Tangzhou nodded: “Other things are fine too.”

Ling Che would never ask for gifts.

This person said last time that he would take responsibility for him, and this was him taking responsibility. Dg54wQ

He lowered his head and pinched Xu Tangzhou’s nape, nonchalantly saying, “Are you sure you still want to talk about this now? It’s getting late.”

After taking a bath, Xu Tangzhou came out and found Ling Che already standing on one side of the bed.

Ling Che had clearly taken a shower in another bathroom and was now wearing a bathrobe. He was using a large towel to dry his hair, his movements revealing glimpses of his pectoral muscles and toned calves. Hearing Xu Tangzhou, he tossed the towel aside and asked, “Is your hair dry?”

“It’s dry.” NDpfLg

At this moment, Xu Tangzhou’s heart started to beat wildly.

Heaven knows, no matter how experienced and savvy he might be in his dreams, this was his very first time facing such an intimate situation in reality.

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Before he lost his memory, he hadn’t differentiated yet, so they shouldn’t have actually slept together, right?

“Then why are you just standing there?” Ling Che said. Ev0Hfl

Xu Tangzhou didn’t move.

Ling Che: “Scared?”

Xu Tangzhou: “No!!”

Ling Che seemed to laugh a bit, unexpectedly showing a bit of a roguish side: “Good, because I’m not going to give up the bed and sleep on the sofa myself.” FdYmg2

Xu Tangzhou: “……” Straightforward to a fault.

The bed was indeed very large. Although it was certainly not as exaggerated as five hundred square meters, it was not as big as Ling Che said where you could roll twice without touching each other.

Even though alphas and omegas were different, they were both men. It would be very easy to touch each other lying on such a bed.

Xu Tangzhou’s sleeping habits were quite good, but he didn’t remember ever sharing a bed with someone else. 2wNbed

As soon as he laid down, he immediately pulled up the covers and closed his eyes.

Then, he felt the mattress sink on the other side, indicating that Ling Che had also lain down.

One laid on the left side, the other on the right, with a gap in the middle wide enough for two more people.

The bedside lamp went out. EJ0Kdf

Xu Tangzhou’s heart went “woof” inside.

Friends walk together for life, whoever gets into a relationship first was a dog.

Qiu Yin, I’m sorry. Dad Xu might reach the pinnacle of his life tonight!

However, the anticipated closeness didn’t come. The room quickly fell into absolute silence following Ling Che’s movement onto the bed. Apart from their breathing, it seemed one could hear a pin drop. UrJW6L

Just as Xu Tangzhou was feeling anxious and somewhat disappointed, Ling Che’s voice suddenly broke the silence.

“Xu Tangzhou.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


“You’re nervous.” IXWL7V

“…I’m not!”

“Are you sure you can really sleep like this?”


A few seconds later. GdlRzA

The mattress suddenly trembled with a sinking sensation, followed by the movement of the alpha coming closer, lifting the blanket slightly and causing a small current of air that also lifted Xu Tangzhou’s bangs.

He stiffened all over. His heart racing so fast it didn’t seem like his own.

What was Ling Che doing?!

The scent of shower gel mixed with body heat, along with the intense smell of the sun, made the action of Ling Che hugging him from behind feel strong and clear. PyW4Yl

Being embraced like this, Xu Tangzhou’s body suddenly heated up.

Should he turn around and hug Ling Che?!

What to do?!

“Do you know what Situ Ya meant by ‘don’t break any traffic laws’?” ypHNZl

The alpha’s voice coming from behind him was a bit huskier than usual in the early morning. It sounded incredibly sexy to Xu Tangzhou’s ears.


Xu Tangzhou struggled to think. What kind of devilish question was this?

Wasn’t it just about obeying traffic rules and being safe?! l0tALR

Wait, was now really the time to talk about this?!

Ling Che then revealed the answer: “It means… we can’t go any further than this.”

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As soon as he finished speaking, a warm and moist sensation landed on the back of Xu Tangzhou’s neck.

Again, and again. The already healed gland was gently licked by a soft tongue. eKMna6

Electricity shot up his spine, and Xu Tangzhou instantly melted, letting out a low sound he had never heard himself make before: “Mmm…”

Hearing such a reaction from him, Ling Che wickedly bit down hard on the back of Xu Tangzhou’s neck, yet without the intention to break the skin.

The slight pain jolted Xu Tangzhou back to a semblance of clarity, and an indescribable change occurred, one that he had experienced in his dreams. To prevent Ling Che from noticing, he bit down hard on his lip, refusing to reveal anything more.

He felt Ling Che move away from his neck and heard Ling Che ask, “Understand?” zY8e4i

Xu Tangzhou clutched the sheets tightly: “……”

No, he didn’t understand!

This was maddening!

All this provocation and yet nothing happened! DW0AmN

Ling Che seemed to have had his fun, his voice deeper than before.

Before Xu Tangzhou could fully register his own body’s reaction, Ling Che had already let go of him.

The two of them returned to the distance they had maintained earlier.

Finally, Ling Che concluded indifferently: “So, you don’t need to be nervous… now go to sleep for real.” B1Rqdg

The room fell silent once again.

It was as if he was just reminding Xu Tangzhou that he wouldn’t do anything inappropriate, that tonight he was just here for a place to stay.

Moments later, Xu Tangzhou turned to face him and called out with a slightly trembling voice, “Ling Che.”

Ling Che seemed to be asleep. KngmeC

In the darkness, his profile appeared much more defined, and Xu Tangzhou could only make out his silhouette.

After a long while, Xu Tangzhou whispered, “I like you.”

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Calm down! Aaahhh!!! uk8z6f

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