After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch4 - So fierce? This dream is full of confusion.

First, elder sister was panicking while holding her stomach, and then there was the scene where the Royal Army opened fire frantically. For a while, he saw the Zerg army attack, and then he saw the pirates slaughter his people.

“…!” YnKZwC

Zhou Mian suddenly opened his eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the white ceiling.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Looking to the left, there is a wall.

Looking at the right again… Xy1S2d

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil, who was sitting on the side, saw Zhou Mian wake up, put down the document in his hand and smiled: “Are there any discomforts?”

Zhou Mian said hoarsely: “I am…”

“In my admiral’s room.” Cecil hugged his chest and said, “The royal army has been driven back.”


Zhou Mian lay in the comfortable and soft bed, the wounds on his body had been treated, and at the tip of his nose lingered a strong smell of medicine.

But there is always a strange feeling…

Zhou Mian raised his hand, and there was a tinkling sound.

It was this. hEx2 b

Zhou Mian frowned slightly as he looked at the iron cuffs on his wrist. Although the wound on his hand had been bandaged, what does this mean?

“Don’t get me wrong.” Cecil said, “I originally wanted to unlock it for you, but this is the highest precision lock of the Glacier government. It can only be unlocked by Glacier or with a key. I have already asked Glacier to send Miss Zhou here. When she comes here, she’ll bring the key with her.”

Zhou Ying…

Zhou Mian said seriously, “Thank you.” O1jun7

Cecil waved his hand, and then asked, “Then can you tell me why you were hunted down by the Glacier Royal Army?”

Zhou Mian paused and said, “I will tell the admiral when the time is right afterwards.”

“Then why don’t you tell me how you saved me that day?” Cecil has always been curious, how could Zhou Mian just grab his hand and heal him? Is spiritual force really that legendary?

“This… is also to be kept secret for the time being.” dThrfg

Cecil smiled and said, “Then I guess, what ingredients did you use in the medicine you gave me, why the effect is so remarkable, and how it can even detoxify the end-stage heavy insect poison , these are also secrets, right? ?”

Zhou Mian remained silent.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Tsk tsk.”

Cecil calmly looked at Zhou Mian’s expressionless face. At this moment, Zhou Mian lowered his head, his long eyelashes fluttered lightly, and his long silver-blue hair fell obediently beside his cheeks and shoulders, making him look softer. eVxs4y

But such a person and him have been hostile on the battlefield for four years, and he has also driven the aircraft to pass the pursuit of the Glacier Royal Army all by himself, and tore up the Royal Warship.

Cecil gently lifted Zhou Mian’s chin with his index finger and said, “Why are you so cold when talking to your fiancé?”

An unfamiliar aura suddenly invaded, and Zhou Mian was taken aback by this unexpected frivolous action, and raised his head and eyebrows at Cecil.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jfmli vlvc’a xcbk lo Itbe Zljc gfjmafv reymbcrmlberis. Pa kjr bglulcjiis lcafcalbcji ,jcskjs, atf kjs Itbe Zljc ibbxfv ja tlw wjvf Jfmli’r yjmx ub mbiv. Dx4LSV

Ktbrf fsfr kfgf cba ilxf bgvlcjgs qfbqif, jcv ilxf Jfmli, atfs tjv yffc lcoerfv klat wegvfgber jegj, klat jc jegj bo reqqgfrrlcu qfbqif.

“Zs oljcmf lr gfjiis olfgmf.” Jfmli abemtfv tlr cbrf.

“Our marriage is only for cooperation.” Zhou Mian paused, bowed his head again and said seriously: “I respect the admiral very much, and I admire the admiral’s skills,  that’s all.”

Zhou Mian couldn’t help but touch his chin. LUw tP

Just now Cecil was… testing?

“Okay, that’s just right.”

Hearing what Zhou Mian said. Cecil got up and took a document from the cabinet and handed it to him.

“……what is this?” AM8fpt

“Marriage and cooperation contract, marriage is good for both you and me. It is necessary in this situation, but it is only for cooperation.” Cecil said: “After the border between the two sides has stabilized, it will be fine to divorce or anything.”

Zhou Mian understood.

Contract marriage!

In this way, Zhou Mian was relieved, and all the worries and troubles after learning the news earlier disappeared. vMwibD

He didn’t hate Cecil, but that was his enemy for four years. If he was going to become a lover overnight… that was too unbelievable. ‘It’s like, today you and me are on the battlefield manipulating the mecha to fire at each other, and tomorrow we will sleep in the same bed and you’ll kiss me… Just imagining it makes me feel crazy!’

Zhou Mian took over the contract and signed it with a awkward movement in handcuffs.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The first is a surrender contract, the second is a marriage contract…

Zhou Mian couldn’t help laughing. ZETRez

He returned the contract, and then bent down to get the water glass on the low table .He had to move with both hands, so he leaned forward with difficulty and moved over.

“Wait.” Cecil quickly stepped forward to support Zhou Mian’s waist with one hand, and brought him the water glass with the other.

“It’s going to fall and you will hurt even more. I was negligent.” Cecil put the water glass directly to Zhou Mian’s mouth and said, “Drink.”

Zhou Mian: “…” BpsTG5

Cecil was stunned for a moment and then noticed that they almost hugged each other. Smiling he said, “Even if it’s not true partner, at least it’s not enemy, right?”

Zhou Mian glanced at Cecil, then nodded with a smile, and lowered his head. The cup of water was emptied soon.

“Thank you.”

“No thanks.” Cecil pointed at his temple with his index and middle fingers, and smiled brightly: “This handsome general will play the role naturally.” PNna18

Zhou Mian: “…”

He then thought for a while and said: ” If Miss Zhou arrives later, can you let me meet her?”

Cecil naturally agreed, waved his hand and said, “After you take off your shackles, you can go wherever you want and do whatever you want. After all, you’re Mrs. Federation… No, Federation…”

Cecil rubbed his chin and thought. o3ySC6

Not Madam, what is it then?

Zhou Mian smiled and said, “It’s fine, I don’t mind the name.”

“Okay, you have a good rest. We’ll talk about the wedding later.”

After Cecil left, Zhou Mian looked at his hand in a trance. QZN7By

He is going to marry Cecil…

Zhou Mian swallowed, from now on they will live together as a general of a defeated country and a federal general, live in another place, and even will have to change all his ways of life.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Mian’s thoughts were drifting, when suddenly he remembered something.

He seemed to have glared at Cecil just now, and Cecil was startled by the stare. fQGvjy


He didn’t mean to!

Zhou Mian was a little distressed.

Speaking of which, Cecil risked his life on the bridge to save him and Zhou Ying, and just handed him water…. e cAyD

Isn’t it too much…?

With the tangled mood of not apologizing for his earlier rude behaviour, Zhou Mian slept groggily again.

When he woke up again, Zhou Ying has arrived. She took the key and unlocked Zhou Mian.

“You’re fine.” Zhou Ying shook her head and said, “It’s been hard on you.” What Zhou Ying meant was that Zhou Mian did everything he could to rush to the bridge. goAC5n

“The outcome of this matter is as you wished. After you and Cecil marry, you must take good care of yourself.”

Zhou Mian was stunned, and sure enough, Zhou Ying continued, “I will recuperate in the Federation for a few days, and I will wait for the baby to settle down. Then go to the Glacier ShiXing Frontier to find Akai.”

At this moment, Zhou Mian suddenly wanted to tell Zhou Ying everything, about the royal family, and that he did not betray his empire.

But seeing Zhou Ying touching her stomach, Zhou Mian opened his mouth and finally fell silent. o5EmOr

There is no need.

It was the best choice for Zhou Ying to leave. She didn’t have to stay because of her father’s death and the coercion of the Glacier Government, and get involved in these messes.

Zhou Mian said warmly: “The adjutant will escort  sister there, so be careful along the way.”

“Okay.” Before leaving, Zhou Ying whispered, “A Mian, I hope you know what you are doing.” zpcxde

Zhou Mian paused and then stood up . Standing by the window, he watched his sister go downstairs, get in the car and leave the mansion to go to her temporary residence, the Federal Mansion.

Then Zhou Mian also left the room.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He hasn’t looked at the admiral’s mansion carefully yet.

There was no one in the house, only the squeaking sound of the cleaning robot. vbHymD

Zhou Mian took a few laps before meeting Cecil’s housekeeper on a long corridor.

The old butler had gray hair and a kind smile. Seeing Zhou Mian  he bowed slightly, and said, “Young master”.   .

” Is there only admiral living alone in such a big house?”

“There is also a young master.” The housekeeper smiled and said, “It is the young son adopted by the admiral. He is only nine years old this year. But the young master… After all, the young master is always in his room all the year round. He won’t come out, and he won’t make a fuss.” h2BidK

“Okay.” Zhou Mian nodded, and could not help but let out a sigh of relief. Cecil…he was the one to marry after all, and a minor child wouldn’t be too difficult to get along with. Zhou Mian exchanged a few words with the old housekeeper, and was about to leave when he heard the sound of glass breaking in the study.

The old butler pushed the door and entered. Zhou Mian was also taken aback then he followed in.

Cecil was half-kneeling by the table, with shattered glass pieces and tea spilled all over the floor.

The butler stepped forward to help Cecil. OrbVnR

“It relapsed.” Cecil pressed his palm hard against the table, his face pale. Zhou Mian could see that Cecil was enduring the pain in his body, and even the fabric on his back was soaked with cold sweat.

The housekeeper explained to Zhou Mian: “Admiral will be like this every few days.”

“It’s normal.” Zhou Mian also stepped forward to support Cecil and said, “Go to the room, I will help you treat again.”

“Zhou Mian.” After Cecil was helped by him to lie down on the bed, he turned his eyes and asked, “What will happen if I don’t get cured?” A0MkIP

“I have helped the general to clean up the toxin once before, but now there are only some remains in the body, which makes the general uncomfortable. It’s just the residual poison, so it’s fine to delay it for a few days or even weeks. But it can’t be too long, otherwise the residual poison will accumulate for too long and damage the liver, and it will be irreparable.”

Cecil stroked his chin and said, “That’s fine, As you said, it’s no problem for me to delay for two or three days. Don’t help me with the treatment, instead you will add more toxins to me.”

Zhou Mian was taken aback for a moment.

“Admiral means… aggravating the condition?” ZuiHY1

Cecil said while leaning on his arm: “Yes, I believe in your ability and control, add some insect poison in me to make me look miserable, best make me look as if I’m about to die, just don’t kill me.”

“…Why?” Zhou Mian frowned slightly, Cecil was crazy to toss himself like this.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Insect poison is not an ordinary poison. If it is injected, it will cause great pain inside the body. Cecil not only have to endure the residual poison, but also makes him aggravate the pain?

“Fishing.” Cecil licked his lower lip and said, “If they knew that I was dying, the mastermind behind the scenes would not be able to sit still and pursue for victory.” TtKi9J

Zhou Mian understood.

Cecil wanted to find out the person who secretly poisoned him.


Zhou Mian shook his head and said, “Does the admiral trust me so much?” q41RsB

Not be afraid of what he will do.

“What am I afraid of? It’s you who should be worried. If something goes wrong after I’ve taken you over, it’s fine for you if they let you be just a widow. But I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave alive, and you will have to be buried with me.”

Cecil arrogantly lay on the bed looking like a rogue bastard .

“…Okay.” nCAxyq

Really cunning…

Zhou Mian looked at Cecil with a smile in his heart, this was forcibly pulling him onto the boat, and he couldn’t live on if he didn’t do it well.

Translator's Note

Brother-in-law of ZM

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  1. Ah, good old marriage contract~ But to be honest, Cecil is quite quick in his actions 😆

    Thank You for the new chapter ❤️

  2. Starting off with marriage contract but like their dynamic already!

    Thanks for the chapter 💞