An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh9 - Moving Palace

“Wei-lang is such an interesting man.”

Wei Lian said, “Asking Your Majesty to please not to punish this subject for the crime of discussing the court’s affairs.” nxCqyu

Ji Yue allowed, “Granted.”

Wei Lianfang said: “Your Majesty has just come to court, and what displeases you must be what the ministers of the court have reported today. As far as I know, the people of the Qin State have fought against warts and carbuncles and sold their officials and titles. The people are complaining and living in dire straits. Your Majesty. Since he came to the throne, he has punished rape and eradicated evil, implemented new policies, cleaned up local corruption, and strictly prohibited malpractice for personal gain. Only then can we have the current situation of national peace and security, and the prosperity of the sea, rivers and rivers. This is a wise king.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wei Lian explained frankly, “Your Majesty had just returned from the court, and what displeased you must be what the ministers had presented today. According to this subject’s knowledge, the county of Qin was once corrupted where official titles were gained with wealth. Its people voiced their grievance openly as it was impossible for them to make ends meet. Since Your Majesty ascended the throne, evil was eliminated, and good was justified. New policies were implemented to root out corruption, and power abuse and favoritism were strictly prohibited, thus bringing about the present state of peace and tranquility within the country of Qin.”

Ji Yue showed neither joy nor anger. “Wei-shijun grew up in the country of Chu yet knew my Qin Dynasty like the back of his hands.” dhWpur

Wei Lian saluted. “Your Majesty’s reputation is famous throughout the six countries, so who hasn’t heard of it?”

“Famous?” Ji Yue smiled half-heartedly, “Isn’t it notorious? I heard that even three-year-old children on the roadside in Chu State dared to join hands and circle around, singing the nursery rhyme ‘The fall of Qin will lead to the end of Chu, and the end of Wei’.” Shijun, are you mocking me?”

“Famous?” It was hard to tell if Ji Yue was smiling or not. “Shouldn’t it be notorious? We have heard that in the country of Chu, even three-year-old children on the roadside dare to join hands and sing the nursery rhyme of ‘Chu good and Qin bad, the end will come for the bright’. Is Wei-shijun mocking us?”

Wei Lian immediately knelt down. “This subject would never dare.”

ki D0G

“I just want to think that your Majesty is a wise king and has never been criticized in state affairs. This matter should be a private matter.” Wei Lian said calmly, “The king’s family affairs are also state affairs. Your Majesty is already weak in age and has not yet established a concubine in the harem. , I have no heirs. I thought that the court officials had suppressed this matter for a long time, but last night… Your Majesty brought me back to the palace, which made people think that your Majesty had this in mind, so I brought it up again today. The thing is to ask Your Majesty to recruit more family members to fill the harem.”

“This subject only thought that since Your Majesty is a wise ruler and has never been criticized in matters when it came to the country, what was discussed in court must be a private matter.” Wei Lian said calmly. “The royal family’s affairs are also the country of Qin’s affairs. Your Majesty celebrated his coming of age at twenty yet hasn’t established a harem and is without an heir to the throne. This subject assumed that the court counselors had criticized this for a long time but was pushed back by Your Majesty for the time being, until the event from last night…where Your Majesty brought this subject back to the chamber, giving others the idea that Your Majesty had the intention. Thus, the old matter was brought up again. The topic discussed by the court today should be requesting Your Majesty to expand the family and fill the back palace.”

Ji Yue’s sharp eyes raised upward.

The young man landed right on the target, word for word. 5e0A3w

An ordinary man aged twenty-one already has many wives and concubines, as well as children. As the king of a country, Ji Yue had no one in the harem. Even because he was kidnapped by the Queen Mother when he was young, no one could believe him. Even the maids sent by the Queen Mother to teach people were not used.

Usually, a twenty-one-year-old man would already have many wives and concubines with children running around. Yet, as the King of the Qin, Ji Yue had an empty harem. Because he was forced into submission by the Queen Dowager at an early age, he trusted no one. He didn’t even touch any of the palace maids sent by the Queen Dowager to educate human nature.

This was unacceptable behavior to continue. In his earlier years, it wasn’t as important because he had to fight against four-sides. Now after all six countries had surrendered to the Qin, this matter couldn’t no longer be ignored.

The prince of Chu State, Lian, was the first person in the harem of King Qin. Before last night, everyone thought he was a joke. But he was carried into the Yangxin Hall by Ji Yue and rested all night. bd6k7Y

The first person who entered the King of Qin’s back palace was a son of royalty from the country of Chu. Before last night, he was a joke to everyone. Yet, he was carried into the Hall of Mental Cultivation by Ji Yue and spent the entire night in the chamber.

Immediately, a well-informed old fox became excited, thinking that His Majesty would taste the taste of lust, and the palace would be lively in the future, and they all thought about sending their daughters and granddaughters in.

The well-informed old foxes immediately became active and assumed that after His Majesty had a taste of the forbidden apple, the back palace would be bustling soon. So, one after another, they had the thought of presenting their daughters or their granddaughters.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This was how today’s selective show came to be. In the court, the ministers presented many talented individuals. abkzYP

Ji Yue had no interest in this. He grew up in an environment where he was walking on a knife’s edge, walking on thin ice. He hated being approached by strangers and was not in the mood for love. He didn’t want to put a bunch of warblers in the harem to obstruct his eyes.

Ji Yue was uninterested in this. He grew up walking on the edge of a knife and used to conduct things with caution. He hated strangers on his side and was never in the mood for love. He didn’t want to put orioles and swallows in the back palace, it was the same as welcoming irksome presences.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Although the King of Qin was a tyrant, he was not a coward. He had brutally killed countless sycophants, but those in the court today were pillars of strength. He could not punish them just for this, which would chill the hearts of loyal ministers.

Ktf Blcu bo Hlc kjr j asgjca, yea cba jc lcmjqjyif geifg. Lf tjv ygeajiis fzfmeafv mbecaifrr oijaafgs reypfmar, yea atbrf lc atf mbega abvjs kfgf atf mbecags bo Hlc’r yjmxybcfr. Lf mbeivc’a qeclrt atfw obg atlr, jr la kbeiv bcis yglcu vbeyar lcab atf wlclrafgr’ tfjgar. kyfmYw

Ktja kjr kts Al Tef gfaegcfv klat j ragjluta ojmf.

And Wei Lian had correctly guessed it all.

When Wei Lian finished his deduction, a silence fell over the chamber. QZ0Gk

Ji Yue gazed at the kneeling youth indifferently and walked slowly around the figure. “Wei Lian, we like smart people.”

He added, “But we don’t like people who are too smart. It’s very tiring to deal with such people because we need to be on guard at all times. We still prefer a mute beauty to a mere beauty.”

Wei Lian said nothing.

Was the King of Qin bringing up the removal of his tongue again? YL2cMA

If you remove my tongue, this Young Master will take that dog head off of your body.

Truth to be told, this King of Qin was constantly dancing on Wei Lian’s bottom line.

He suppressed the resurging killing intent again.

There was still something he could use to save this situation. AD4y6B

Any great plans could be ruined by just a touch of impatience.

Wei Lian said unhurriedly, “A mute can’t serve as a shield for Your Majesty.”

The ministers forced the King of Qin to accept the harem, but the King of Qin refused, and the stalemate between the two sides continued. There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest is not having an heir, not to mention that your prince and heirs are of great concern to the country. This is not something that can be easily fooled.

The ministers were pressuring the King of Qin to fill the harem, but the King was reluctant, so the two sides remained at a deadlock. There were three acts for being unfilial, and without descendants was the biggest. Not to mention it was related to the concern of the country. This was not something that could be easily brushed away. wE89d0

King Qin didn’t want to be bothered by this matter all the time. He was not very patient, and if he failed to protect everything, he would lose his ministers, causing the monarch and his ministers to become alienated. This was obviously not a situation that King Qin wanted to see.

The King of Qin didn’t want to be bothered by this matter at all times. His patience has a limit, and he couldn’t guarantee there wouldn’t be a day when a minister got the brunt of the fire, causing a discord between the ruler and his subjects. Obviously, this wasn’t the situation that the King of Qin wanted to be in.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In this case, it is better to pretend to favor Wei Lian and make him a target. At that time, all the officials of the Qin State will only angrily accuse the guards of seducing men and causing harm to the country. They will be jealous and will not allow the King of Qin to accept beauty. They will not say anything wrong to the King of Qin.

If that was the case, why not put on an act and favor Wei Lian; make him the target. Then, all the ministers would be angry and accuse Wei Lian of using his body to forbid the King of Qin from receiving other beauties. He would be known as a jealous lover bringing calamity to the country, all the while saying nothing negatively about the King of Qin. E1iNe

It is true that this will put Wei Lian at the forefront, but wealth is always found in danger. He is from Chu, and Qin Chen already hates him, so why not hate him a little more?

If making this the reality, it would mean putting Wei Lian at the heart of the struggle. Riches and honor always bring risk. As someone of Chu, the Qin subjects already hated him, so what was the harm in fueling those hate?

As long as he still held value to the King of Qin, he could live well in the country of Qin.


Ji Yue looked at him firmly, and the irreverence slowly faded in his eyes to reveal a trace of admiration.

“Why did Wei State send you here?” Ji Yue was surprised. “You are so intelligent and transparent that you are better than a hundred princes. If you were to be in power in the future, I might still be able to take Chu State into consideration.”

“Why did Wei Bang send you here?” Ji Yue was amazed. “Your intelligence is shown as it surpasses and victorious over one hundred Wei Jiao, the crown prince of Chu. If you were to be in a position of power in the future, we may actually see the country of Chu as a threat.”

Wei Jiao was the heir to the country of Chu. The son of Madam Li, and Wei Lian’s third, elder brother. qMOUvD

Wei Lian commented without much thought, “He is blind inside and out. How does he have the perception to recognize the pearl?”

This was not in line with his usual gentle nature, as his arrogant manner was visible at its fullest.

Ji Yue, however, laughed at this and pulled Wei Lian up from the ground. “Wei-lang is such an interesting man. We like you.”

“Where do you live? …It doesn’t matter anymore. From now on, you will be relocated to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.” Ji Yue ordered, “Go back and pack your things.” iKM0jn

Wei Lian was shocked by the honor received as he bowed with hands held in the front. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The snow was still falling outside.

Wei Lian only realized how warm the palace was when he exited the building. With the newly fox fur coat, he followed the palace attendant back to the Green Bamboo Pavilion. JEv6 0

The staff treated him with respect and dignity, a great contrast to before.

This is just how people are, worshiping the high and stepping the low. This didn’t just hold true in the country of Qin, but the county of Chu as well.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When they reached the Green Bamboo Pavilion’s entrance, Wei Lian ordered, “Wait here.”

The palace attendants chorused, “Understood.” lxbS8j

When he entered alone, he found that the inside had changed dramatically.

The interior is warm, and there are exquisite and expensive furnishings everywhere. Brocade boxes were piled on the table one after another, and the red silk was spread out. They were filled with gold, silver, and jade articles, all of which were interesting things.

The room was warm and decorated with exquisite and expensive furnishings as far as his eyes could see. Embroidered boxes were stacked on the table, and they were opened to reveal the red silk inner. Inside were gold, silver and jade artifacts, nothing but goodies inside.

In addition, there were also several unfamiliar faces, all from the palace. When they saw him, they saluted in unison, “Greetings to Wei-shijun.” INZdYP

Wei Lian calmly commanded, “All of you are dismissed for the moment. Chang Sheng and Chang Shou, stay.”

The palace attendants placed their hands on the side of their left waist and walked out in a single file line.

Wei Lian knew why things had changed but he still asked, “What happened?”

Changshou immediately came up to him: “Young master, you are back! Where did you go yesterday? Why didn’t you come back all night? In the middle of the night, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came in person! He gave us charcoal fire and also The Qingzhu Pavilion has been renovated, a lot of things have been sent, and the servants are waiting for me. I have never seen the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs smile like that…” nqLA2I

Chang Shou immediately welcomed, “Young Master, you are back! Where did you go yesterday, why didn’t you return last night? At first it was those people from the internal management that visited, then the overseer himself. They sent us charcoal, renovated the Green Bamboo Pavilion entirely and gave us so many things. There are even helpers. This servant had never seen the overseer smile like that…”

On the other side, Chang Sheng was silent.

Wei Lian chuckled lightly: “It’s just that when I saw that I fell into the eyes of King Qin, I stayed up all night to make amends. I was afraid that I would settle the accounts with the queen, or maybe King Qin would come to my place and feel that I was shabby and let them down.”

Wei Lian gave a light smile. “Since I had caught the King of Qin’s eyes, he was afraid that they would be dealt with if the King came here and learned of my awful living condition, or if I retaliated. He merely made amends in one night.” Vwruz5

Chang Shou was stunned. “Young Master, what was that? The King of Qi-Qin?”

Chang Sheng shouted in a low voice: “Young Master often says that you are stupid, but you still don’t believe it. Besides King Qin, who else can make those dogs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs change their contemptuous attitude towards others?! Young Master…” He said solemnly and sadly, “You Did you really… accept the favor of King Qin? “

Chang Sheng scolded in a low voice, “Young Master often calls you a fool and you never believe it. Other than the King of Qin, who else would greatly change those snobbish internal management folks?! Young Master…” His tone turned to serious distress, “Do you really…intended to accept the King of Qin’s grace?”

“Not in the slightest. I just need to perform with the King of Qin in the future.” Wei Lian chuckled lightly. “Pack everything needed. The happy days are coming.” 1h4wG3

Translator's Note

More accurately, the Qin will die, and the Chu is certain (as in Chu is a must).

Translator's Note

Related to Ji Yue’s full name. The direct translation is, when curtain drops, Chang will come to an end. Chang from King Chang of Qin. Chang means long day, bright, extended, and clear.

Translator's Note

Cunning person.

Translator's Note

A bevy of young girls; a crowd of women chattering together pleasantly.

Translator's Note

Worshiping one’s superiors and trampling on one’s juniors.

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