An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh8 - Make Inquiry

Young Master Lian is truly unrivaled. 

Halfway into applying the ointment, a palace maid entered with a tray in her hands. LBCn3d

Wei Lian looked over and caused the palace maid to pause her steps, then a faint blush surfaced on her cheeks.

She bent her knee, lowered her head and said, “Young Master, His Majesty ordered this servant to deliver you these clothes and asked for you to put them on as early as possible.”

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While keeping her head bowed, she internally praised how good-looking Young Master Lian was while blushing.

On the daybed lay a youth whose silk hair was loose, and his white robe was rumpled and untied, revealing his delicate and sharp collarbones. The circle of faint red marks below his Adam’s apple appeared somewhat alluring. 62nw r

With his graceful appearance, otherworldly temperament, and soft, glistening eyes that were gazing over, no one could avoid blushing and heart racing.

Your Majesty is also good-looking, but no one dares to look directly at Tianyan. This young man from Chu State, Lian, turned out to be a gentle gentleman to the core.

His Majesty is also good-looking, but no one dared to look directly at a ruler’s face. While anyone could tell from a glance that Young Master Lian of the Chu was a gentleman to the bone.

The sharp glint in Wei Lian’s eyes faded instantly as he said gently, “Thank you for your trouble.”


The palace maid hurriedly said, “It’s this servant’s job, Young Master doesn’t need to be courteous.”

Wei Lian nodded and took the clothes from the tray.

The palace maid inquired, “Does the young master require this servant to serve in dressing?”

The palace maid stood by quietly as Wei Lian shook his head. 6WkjFp

The King of Qin did not treat him harshly in terms of clothing. He wears a plain robe underneath and a white fox fur coat on the outside. It is thick and warm, but not bulky. It perfectly accentuates his slim and slim figure.

The King of Qin was quite generous with the clothes provided. The first layer was a plain robe, and the outer coat was an arctic fox fur coat. It was thick and warm, but not too bulky. The new clothes perfectly complemented Wei Lian’s slender figure.

After finishing changing, Wei Lian sat in front of the bronze mirror and combed his hair with a comb. He has not yet reached his crown, and only has a jade hairpin slightly tied into a bun on the back of his head, with three thousand black hair hanging down to the back of his waist. The man was extremely beautiful, his skin was whiter than snow, and when he dressed up a little, the waiting maids were stunned.

After changing, he sat in front of the bronze mirror and combed his hair with a double-edged fine-toothed comb. Because he hadn’t reached his coming of age at twenty, he used a simple jade hairpin to tie his hair into a bun, while letting the rest of the thick, waist-length hair loose. The youth was already stunning, with titillating snow skin. Now that he was dressed up, even if a little bit, his appearance straight out stunned the palace maid in place. owLdKN

Young Master sure was striking… Zhu Cui couldn’t resist sighing again.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfl Oljc’r yfjeas kjr fnlvfca ja olgra uijcmf, yea atf ibcufg bcf ibbxfv, atf wbgf mtjgwlcu la yfmjwf.

Wei Lian smiled warmly and said, “I’m merely the King of Qin’s shijun, it would be best to not address me as a son of nobility. For your interest, it’s best not to let His Majesty catch wind of it.”

Ktlr rajgaifv Ite Jel. Ycis atfc vlv rtf gfjilhf atja rtf tjv eclcafcalbcjiis ktlrqfgfv bea tfg lccfg atbeutar. ezKF0o

Lfg yftjnlbg kjr mbcrlvfgfv gevf. Tfa, lcrafjv bo yijwlcu tfg, Tbecu Zjrafg Oljc fnfc gfwlcvfv tfg ab mtjcuf tlr jvvgfrr ab jnblv yflcu qeclrtfv ys Llr Zjpfras.

Young Master Lian was such a kind person.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhu Cui’s impression of Wei Lian had greatly increased, which increased her sympathy towards his current predicament. How pitiful it was for such a noble and benevolent gentleman…to be reduced to His Majesty’s male pet!

Wei Lian eased his expression when he saw the forbearance in Zhu Cui’s eyes. yjdiHI

It’s okay if you can’t bear it. This maid should be someone who often serves in the Yangxin Palace and knows something about King Qin. I knew nothing about King Qin, so I had to pry out some information from the palace people before I could decide what to do next.

Getting her sympathy was good. This palace maid was most likely a regular attendant in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and someone who possessed some knowledge on the King of Qin. He, who knew nothing about the King of Qin, must pry some information from the staff’s mouths in order to form his next step.

Wei Lian was an outsider in the palace of Qin. If he asked rashly, the other party might not say much. He was once again impoverished, and everything he brought from Chu State belonged to Qin State. He was too short of money to spend on money.

Wei Lian was an outsider in the Qin palace. If he was to make rush inquiries, he would most likely get very few words. He was also without money as everything he brought from the country of Chu belonged to the country of Qin. Because he was embarrassingly short of money, he had no resources to bribe people. KCo68c

The only way was to be a little manipulative to win people over.

Now, being an expert in swaying a woman’s heart in a few words, it would be easy for him to inquire about information he wanted to know.

“What’s your name?” Wei Lian asked in a light tone.

Zhu Cui’s ears burned slightly. “This servant’s name is Zhu Cui.” e8wHt6

Admittedly, she didn’t have any personal motives for Young Master Lian, but was it wrong of her to admire beauties? And who could refuse a beauty’s question?

“You are a palace maid in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Do you know anything about His Majesty?” Wei Lian asked more questions.

“This…” When the King of Qin was brought into the conversation, Zhu Cui hesitated, because it was not something convenient for her to disclose.

As servants of the palace, how dare they presume to discuss their masters, especially on a tyrannical ruler like His Majesty… EAOlT9

Picking up the change in the atmosphere, Wei Lian lowered his gaze as a hint of sorrow surfaced in his eyes. “As a man, I also have high ambition, and a heart for the people. Now in the Qin palace, I don’t want…”

He forced a smile and said, “I have accepted my fate and no longer have any evil thoughts. Now I just want to serve the king well in order to live a stable life. Wei Lian is a newbie here, and I don’t know your Majesty’s temper, so I am afraid of offending Long Yan. I will die. “Xiao, if your Majesty makes you angry, I will feel uneasy.”

Then he forced a smile and continued, “I have accepted my fate and no longer have any ulterior motives. Now, I only want to serve the ruler well and live a peaceful life. Wei Lian is a newcomer and didn’t know His Majesty’s temperament, so I’m in constant fear of angering the King. If I die from a trivial matter, and rope His Majesty’s anger onto everyone, even in the nine springs will I not be able to rest in peace.”

This brought a pang in Zhu Cui’s heart, realizing that the person in front of her was truly like a jade, like every metaphor for jade, Young Master Lian was truly unrivaled. 2cOh8i

This kind of person should never have been reduced to such a situation. How could she bear to see him struggling?

Zhu Cui immediately told everything she knew: “Young Master… Wei Weijun, I have served in Yangxin Hall for three years and know a little about His Majesty’s habits. His Majesty has a picky taste and his favorite dish is crystal shrimp dumplings. He won’t eat it.” Onions, ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper… Your Majesty does not like purple, because the Queen Mother likes to wear purple…”

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Zhu Cui finally laid everything she knew on the table, “Young Master…Wei-shijun, this servant has been serving at the Hall of Mental Cultivation for three years and has some knowledge on His Majesty’s habits. His Majesty is a very picky eater; his favorite dish is crystal shrimp dumpling, and he dislikes scallions, ginger, garlic, numbing pepper… His Majesty despised the color purple, because the former Queen Dowager loves wearing that color…”

Wei Lian listened and remembered what the King of Qin abstained from and preferred one by one. tL XGx

By the end of it, he bowed with hands held in front and said, “Many thanks to Lady Zhu Cui, Wei Lian can’t thank you enough.”

“With a little effort, the guard has defeated my maid.” Zhu Cui hurriedly turned sideways to avoid this salute, and made another blessing. “Your Majesty has already gone to court at this hour, and it is time to return to the palace. My maid takes leave.”

“It’s nothing, this servant doesn’t deserve Wei-shijun’s thanks.” Zhu Cui quickly stepped aside to avoid this etiquette, then she bowed with her hands placed on her side. “By now, His Majesty should be on the way back from the court. This servant will excuse herself.” RG1 d8

Then she thought for a moment and added, “If Wei-shijun needs anything in the future, please give this servant a call.”

Wei Lian nodded his head to express thanks.


After Zhu Cui withdrew, Wei Lian calmly sat back down on the bed and applied the remaining ointment. vFsx3y

When the marks on his neck had faded completely, the King of Qin appeared at the entrance of the palace hall.

Wei Lian put down the ointment, stood up and saluted. “Your Majesty.”

Ji Yue gave Wei Lian’s neck a glance, and once he saw no visible marks, he said, “stand.”

Wei Lian got up and stared at Ji Yue’s expressionless face. “Your Majesty seems to be in a bad mood.” 1Z30nF

Ji Yue declined to confirm, “What’s this? Are you also learning how to speculate our thoughts?”

The last people who attempted to act on his behalf failed miserably, and not long ago as well. Li Fuquan was such an example, who still couldn’t get out of his daybed.

Li Fuquan, who accompanied the King of Qin since he was a child, received thirty lashes no less. While Wei Lian had only known the King of Qin for a day, what made him act like he was an exception?

Wei Lian lowered his gaze. “This subject won’t dare.” gmPzud

He then added in a whisper, “It’s just Your Majesty’s displeasure is written all over your face. Even if this subject didn’t guess your thoughts, I can see it.”

Ji Yue took off his heavy court clothes, and his features looked a little devilish against the backdrop of the Sichuan embroidered golden dragon-colored robe. This face was even a bit gorgeous, but his usual majesty and coldness suppressed his own appearance.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue removed his heavy court outfit, and his alluring charm decreased slightly once the black imperial robe with gold embroidered was off. It was just that this gorgeous appearance was dimmed by his inherent dignity and coldness.

Putting the prejudice and murder intentions aside, Wei Lian had to admit that the King of Qin was also a rare beauty. TqPGxd

Ji Yue turned to look at Wei Lian and said while smirking, “What is written all over our face?”

King Qin’s thoughts are unpredictable. His smile may not necessarily mean he is happy, it may also mean he is angry. His gentle tone does not necessarily mean he is in a good mood, it may also mean he wants to kill someone.

The King of Qin’s thoughts are unpredictable. If he smiles, it doesn’t mean he is happy; in fact, he might actually be angry. His tone and mood might not necessarily be related to his good mood, because it might be from his urge to kill.

The veteran palace people knew this, so none of them dared to guess what he was thinking. tkdWuo

As Wei Lian was about to speak, Ji Yue said offhandedly, “If you are wrong, your tongue will be given to our mastiff.”

Wei Lian: “…”

What kind of obsession does the King of Qin have with his tongue?

The translator has something to add: OCDJwP

Teo: So, this translator got the impulse and googled why jade is used so much in Chinese novels. It appears because of its high value, the philosopher Confucius reportedly expressed this fascination by making jade a metaphor for virtue, kindness, wisdom, justice, civility, music, sincerity, truth, Heaven and Earth.

Translator's Note

In ancient time, when young men (not women) reaching that age, they could officially call themselves as adults. So, they would be putting on their ‘adult hat’ (crown/ guan/ 冠) as the start of their path to adulthood, but their body was still just a young men, like the weak (ruo/ 弱) in the name.

Translator's Note

The underworld of Chinese mythology.

Translator's Note

More especially, Sichuan pepper. Like the alternative name (by this translator) suggested, it’s more numbing than spicy. Didn’t use Sichuan because of the setting, which is a fictional ancient setting, I’m pretty sure.

Translator's Note

It’s more like, bowed with folded hands with the palm facing the bower.

Translator's Note

The original command is actually ‘can’. Reminds this translator of a funny clip about how this guy replied with ‘can’ when asked a can/ can’t question (example: can you do something), because he is so used to speaking in Chinese.

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  1. Thank You for the chapter 。✰✧(♡´❍`♡)✧✰。 The first thing I associate with China is jade as it is one of the luxury goods mined there, so this topic often appeared during lessons at school 😂