An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh7 - Killing Heart

“We only believe in human lives, never human hearts.”

Editor: Miiya duQqXC

Ji Yue gazed down at the docile youth. He had investigated Wei Lian and naturally knew what kind of childhood life he had in the Chu palace.

But he wasn’t going to believe it, that would be ridiculous.

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As someone who survived strife within the royal family, Ji Yue’s thoughts were deep, to the point of being immeasurable.

Everyone had a self-defense mechanism. Some would turn towards the violent means feared by many, while others would disguise themselves behind a gentle mask. DM1N9d

In fact, underneath the skin, there were no differences between the two.

Both types of survivors were equally clever and heartless.


“How could the country of Chu treat you like that?” Ji Yue pitifully caressed the other party’s soft brow, slowly tracing them downwards along the outlines, “A beauty like you deserves to be held within someone’s palms.”


Ji Yue’s hands were long and slender, no different from an elegant scholar who danced with words and fiddled with ink. Only Wei Lian, who was the person being touched, could feel the slight roughness on the fingertips.

This was a pair of hands that had drawn bows, held swords, and ended many lives.

He held his breath as his body instinctively went on high alert.

That hand touched him tenderly, like a lover showing their affection, until it brushed against his thin neck. The five fingers suddenly enclosed, strangling him violently by the throat! gHzPqG

…So this was what you were thinking in your so-called hold within someone’s palm.

An average person wouldn’t enjoy this.

Ack!” Wei Lian only had the time to choke out a muffled groan before his throat was tightly grasped by Ji Yue’s five fingers.

—In that instant, he thought of at least three ways to fight back. XOGlUH

But he picked none of the options as he restrained his fight or flight instinct and remained unmoved.

Playing along with the King of Qin’s test.

He was Young Master Lian, who lacked the strength to truss up a chicken.

He wasn’t Wei Lian, a formable martial artist. dZ1bVa

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He always kept this point in mind.

Ktf Blcu bo Hlc kjr j mjgfoei wjc ktb kbeivc’a yfilfnf j rlcuif kbgv bea bo tlr wbeat. Lf tjv ab fjrf atf batfg qjgas’r vbeyar atlr kjs.

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Yc atf lcrlvf, tf tjv atf mifjg wlcv ab jcjishf fnfgs wbwfca; bc atf bearlvf, tlr mbwqifzlbc kjr ibrlcu mbibg.

He grasped Ji Yue’s wrist in a struggle. A trace of bewilderment flashed through his eyes as he asked in a manner like he couldn’t wrap his head around an incomprehension question, “What mistake did this subject…make?” icV2a3

There was a smile on Ji Yue’s face. “Do we need a reason to kill you when we just want to?”

Does a tyrant need a reason to kill someone?

No reason needed.

Last night, the King of Qin treated him soft and gently, like two inseparable lovers. Today, he could ruthlessly change his expression like flipping a switch. VMfT8G

…Actually, cross that last part out, the older man didn’t change his expression. Wei Lian was treated with a smile; a smile that was sending him to death.

This was the real Ji Yue, the King of Qin.


As sand ran through the neck of the hourglass, time passed with each fallen grain. Ji Yue’s hand never loosened, as if he really intended to kill Wei Lian. EsoUcI

Wei Lian had thoughts of breaking Ji Yue’s wrist countless times, but he held back each time. The light in his eyes became grim and desperate.

A silent contest.

Just when Wei Lian thought he was really going to die in Ji Yue’s hand, a palace servant suddenly entered. “Your Majesty, the court will be in session soon… Ah!” When the messenger saw the sight before him, he was so frightened that he cried out softly, but didn’t dare to make a statement. He only lowered his head in fear.

Ji Yue glanced at the palace staff and suddenly released his grip, allowing Wei Lian to fall to the ground. o8tQdw

Wei Lian immediately coughed violently on the floor and sucked in large and heavy breaths as dark marks appeared around his neck.

Cough, cough…” The youth in white clothes collapsed to the ground. He clutched to his lapel as if he was still experiencing the lingering fear. The messy inky hair spread out around him, making quite a touching scene. Even the palace servant couldn’t resist showing an unbearable expression from the sounds.

“There aren’t many beauties like you, we would hate to kill you.” Ji Yue half-squatted before the coughing youth and sighed softly, “But we never keep hidden danger closely.”

Wei Lian gasped for breath, then whispered, “Then what will it take for Your Majesty to believe this subject?” yTO Mv

Ji Yue took out a pill from a small jade vial. “We will believe you if you take this.”

Wei Lian stared at the tiny pill with slightly pursed lips.

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“Be at ease, you won’t die from this poison immediately.” Ji Yue leisurely said, “This is the poison used by the royal family to control the shadow guards. No harm will come to you if you take the antidote regularly. The antidote is solely in our possession. So if we die, the death that awaits you will be more painful than our own.

“You should know that there are countless people who desire to take our life, and why we can’t carelessly let people close.” The tip of Ji Yue’s eyebrows raised up, not minding that he revealed a hint of his cruel nature. “We only believe in human lives, not human hearts.” 63OP8o

Wei Lian lowered his gaze, accepted the pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

When Ji Yue saw the youth taking the pill, satisfaction finally showed in his eyes.

“Very good.” Ji Yue got up and gazed down aloofly. “You were very sick last night, so we didn’t lay hands on you. There’s still some jade ointment left by the bedside, use them on your neck. We expect no trace of the mark when we return from the court.”

Once he was done, he turned and left. The palace attendant hurriedly followed him, before the attendant was out the door, he cast a glimpse back at the Wei Lian in amazement. 8SXqz6

Eunuch Li, who served His Majesty closely, received thirty lashes yesterday and was still recuperating on the daybed, so he served as today’s substitute. Unexpectedly, the first thing he saw would be His Majesty strangling Wei-shijun to death. The same youth whom His Majesty had carried back to his chamber yesterday…

When the Son of Heaven is furious, there will be countless scattered corpses. The palace attendant was also afraid of losing his head next, but who would have thought Wei-shijun was able to please His Majesty instantly. Such an outstanding method.

Of course, the palace servant came in at the end and didn’t know the whole situation. But if the servant learned Wei Lian had exchanged his freedom for this temporary safeguard, he wouldn’t have found this as lucky as before.

_ ZewDEu

After the King of Qin and the servant had left, Wei Lian remained on the floor for a while. After making sure there was no one near the bedchamber, including the shadow guards at unseen corners, he stood up with a face void of emotion.

He sat back on the bed and put some ointment on the red marks around his neck. His gaze was cold and cynical.

The King of Qin was really mistrustful. Wei Lian hated being under other’s control the most, but in the end, he had to put his future freedom at stake. This was quite an uncomfortable feeling.

The jade ointment was extremely effective as the bruises around his neck faded away bits by bits, but the murderous intent inside gradually thickened. FlV Bc

Originally, he had no intention to assassinate the King of Qin.

Actually, the King of Chu had made this request of him when he was summoned before the court.


The last time he saw the King of Chu was also, in his impression, his first time seeing his father. AUrEKi

As for the past, he couldn’t really remember.

It wasn’t like his father was some important person.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The King of Chu, who had apparently never paid any attention to this seventh son, was astonished at the sight of him. All of his royal sons were of exceptional appearance, and Wei Lian was particularly outstanding. He was not only good-looking, but also had the grace of a jade that could outshine the whole Liang City.

Unfortunately, it was too late to repent, as it was necessary for Young Master Lian to be sent to the country of Qin. The King of Chu regretted this, but still wanted to squeeze the last remaining value out of him. Jjxguf

“We want you to assassinate the King of Qin.” the King of Chu ordered.

Wei Lian replied simply, “How could this son follow the order without the fighting skill to do so?”

In fact, he did have the skill. His martial arts wasn’t weak, but the King of Chu was unaware of this.

“With my son born this handsome, there will be plenty of opportunities as long as you can seduce the King of Qin in bed, is there not?” The King of Chu said in a-matter-of-fact. “Since ancient times, heroes have always have a weakness for the charms of beauty.” 7Z OWA

Wei Lian stated quietly, “But father, this son will die.”

Whether he could succeed or not was not brought up. If he did as he was told and killed his target, he would be hunted down by the Qin army with no way of escaping. If he failed, he would be sentenced to his death by some kind of inhuman means under the King of Qin’s command.

The King of Chu never considered his fate.

The King of Chu looked at him as if with sadness. “Lian-er, you have to sacrifice your life for your country, and the Chu Dynasty will remember you.” C0YdJl

Wei Lian gave a fixed glance at his father, and after a long time, a mocking smile appeared on his face. “Father really makes a good move on the board. Unfortunately, the King of Qin is not you, and would never die on top of a man or a woman's belly.”

The King of Chu’s expression changed from shock to rage. “Insolent!”

Wei Lian increased his ridicule, “For several generations, the ancestors in the past strived to bring prosperity and strengthen the Chu. Yet, it fell under your governance, an ignorant and lustful ruler, who is far from a charming person or a talented sage. You let fear restrain the country’s forces by murdering devoted generals because of their success, resulting in the lack of leadership when the two countries were at war and allowing the enemies to reach the front door. You only thought of scheming with a seducing trick by sending your son to a man’s bed. Wei Bang, you are not worthy to be the ruler for this country, for you have nothing to contribute.”

The King of Chu was trembling with rage. “Insolent son! How dare you call us by name! Men, drag this creature down—” 2by7J5

“Beheadment or death by a thousand cuts?” Instead of acting in fear, Wei Lian smiled. “Father, you better consider carefully. If I die, which son would you like to send to the King of Qin’s daybed?”

The King of Chu: “…”

Afterwards, Wei Lian was sent to the King of Qin as a hostage. He made mental preparations to die for his country, not for the corrupted royal family, but for peace of the land under heaven.

The thought of killing the King of Qin never crossed his mind. 7wWpeo

The King of Qin was merciless, but what had that have to do with him? At least, every decision the King of Qin made in the court was beneficial to the country and its people. When Wei Lian stepped foot on the country of Qin, what he saw was prosperity in the country as well as peace and happiness for its people. Contrasted to everyone else, they viewed and praised their King as a wise ruler.

The King Yan to the six counties, yet a god for the country of Qin.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

If the world under heaven merged after being divided for so long, what was the harm in letting the King of Qin fully rule that new land?

Wei Lian was a sensible individual. ap59mI

…It was just, he hadn’t met the King of Qin for more than twenty-four hours, and he had already received a kneeling punishment, strangled close to death, and fed poison.

Really sorry.

He still wanted to butcher the dog of an emperor.

The author has something to say: XHcUh

My cute point is writing beautiful shou with high intelligence while pretending to be delicately weak yet highly skilled in martial arts. After finishing a novel set in interstellar, I started a novel set in the ancient period to satisfy my craving once more.

This is the author, Fe Bai Qu (浮白曲), and happy see all the readers again, if you like, please consider favoriting this~

Translator's Note

To display one’s facility with words (idiom), to show off one’s literary skills, to prevent the law by playing with legal phraseology (original meaning).

Translator's Note

Guards trained in secret, and usually responsible for their master’s safely, carry out assassination, be a bodyguard, monitor, doing tasks and etc. They are usually trained by the master himself or people the master trusted. They are generally selected from orphans around the world, or from specific sources.

Translator's Note

The (rightful) emperor. Pretty much, very powerful individual.

Translator's Note

The full saying is, when an emperor is furious, a million dead bodies are scattered and a thousand miles of blood is spilling.

Translator's Note

Funny enough, this is a first person pronoun employed by a male sovereign when speaking to an empress mother, queen mother, empress dowager, queen dowager, or the like.

Translator's Note

Term of address for the emperor or king used by his children. Directly, royal/ king father, simply, father.

Translator's Note

While making love.

Translator's Note

Also known as taboo name. Name for the respected people. Part of the naming taboo culture, where it’s taboo to speak or write the given names.

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