An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh60 - Letter Home

“I am envious that you have someone as powerful as myself.”

When Ji Yue heard this, he immediately stood up. His eyes glow with millions of hopeful lights. “Really?” I2duk7

Li Fuquan replied, “Absolutely true.”

Ji Yue still could not believe it and asked once more, “You are not deceiving us?”

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Li Fuquan confirmed, “This servant would never dare to deceive the ruler.”

Ji Yue looked down at the glass lamp on the table before suddenly pulling a faint smile at the corner of his lips. He got up and entered his chamber. 95rtga

He took out the five-clawed golden dragon auspicious cloud robe that he wore most often in the past, and looked through it carefully. Sure enough, he saw that the gold thread on one of the dragon scales was brand new, which was incompatible with the other worn and dull colors, but the stitching was fine and blended in perfectly. Among them, it seems as if it has been on the body since birth.

He pulled out his favorite imperial black robe that he wore the most in the past and carefully inspected. Sure enough, he saw a different gold thread on a piece of dragon scale, which was different from the other thread with their faded color, but the needle work was fine and perfectly blended into the robe, as if it had been on the robe since its creation.

He gingerly held his robe into his arms, and the wet gleam slightly rippled in his intoxicating eyes.

A color that was even more tender and affectionate than the moonlight outside the window.



A new problem arose before the old one was solved. The death of Princess Chonghua caused panic, then the assassination incident happened soon after, turning the palace’s atmosphere rigid.

Ji Yue was well aware of everything regarding the so-called assassin, but he naturally could not admit that he had planned and executed this scheme all by himself.

So, the poor country of Chen took the blame again. Cx028R

They were already carrying one pot, so carrying another pot made very little difference since both crimes were capital offenses.

The only blame is that Huyan Kemu really has no eyesight and wants to provoke him to death. Even if he doesn’t have an operation on him, it would be a shame for him to play so hard these days.

If anyone was to blame for this, it would be Huyan Kemu’s lack of ability to make discerning judgments. It was his fault for provoking authority beyond his own. It would be a shame not to use him as a target after all the racket he had worked so hard to cause.

So the news received by the envoys from various countries was that the identity of the assassin had been found out, and it was the work of Chen Guoren who was trying to rob the prison. When he failed to rob the prison, he planned to assassinate him. RHyrm6

Thus, this was the news the other envoys received: They had identified the assassin; this was a ploy done by the people of Chen, who tried in vain to release the prisoners. When they failed in their operation, they resolved to assassinate.

As soon as this notice came out, it was certain that Chen Guo would die. Ji Yue very politely asked the envoys to go back to their homes to find their mothers, and then sent a letter of war to Chen Guo, ordering Xie Chen to lead the attack from that day on.

As soon as this notice came out, the country of Chen was sure to die. Ji Yue politely asked the other envoys to return to their respective lands. Then he sent a declaration of war letter to the country of Chen and ordered Xie Chen to lead an attack soon.

Even though some of the envoys from various countries felt that this matter was very strange, the King of Qin issued an “expulsion order”. They had no reason to stay any longer and could only set off on their own and return home. k3s6Cg

Although some envoys found this whole matter fishy, the country of Qin had already issued the order to expel the foreign envoys, and they had no reason to stay any longer. They could only obey the order and set out on the journey home.

When Chang Shou heard the news, he vented, “They should be annihilated! The country of Chen went too far, injuring the young master like this.”

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Wei Lian lazily leaned on the bed. He was forced to stay in bed for several days. He was so idle that he almost got moldy. After hearing Changshou’s angry words, he stretched out his index finger and thumb and made a gesture in the air: “Have you seen this pot? It’s such a big mouthful, big and black.”

Wei Lian leaned lazily against the headboard, being forced to stay bedbound for several days. He was going to become moldy from boredom. At this moment, after hearing Chang Shou’s angry words, he only stretched out his index finger and thumb, making a gesture in the air. “Do you see this pot? It is so big and black.” 9tP6Di

Chang Shou was stunned. “This servant does not see anything?”

Wei Lian glanced at him and was ashamed to have such a dumb attendant.

Chang Shou patted his head. “Oh, this servant got it. The young master is hungry for food, right? I will inform the imperial kitchen to prepare a big pot of food! I will ensure your meal will be very delicious!”

“…” Wei Lian waved. “You are dismissed. I do not need an attendant as stupid as you.” b2y5I3

With a head filled with nothing but food.

Chang Shou felt he was wronged.

What did he do?

“Are all the envoys gone?” Wei Lian asked. Q2904v

Changshou replied: “The State of Yan was the first to leave, carrying the coffin of Princess Chonghua back. The State of Lu and the State of Liang also left yesterday, leaving us the State of Chu and Xia, and we will set off today.”

Chang Shou replied, “The country of Yan was the first to go back, carrying Princess Chonghua’s coffin. The countries of Lu and Liang also left yesterday. The countries of Chu and Xia are still here, and they are scheduled to leave today.”

Of course, there was still the country of Chen, who could not return being locked in prison.

Wei Lian thought for a moment. “Help me off the bed.” tGNgEH

The colors on Chang Shou’s face were shocked away. “Young Master, you can’t! You have not recovered from your injuries yet. The imperial physician instructed you not to get out of bed and move around!”

“I have been in bed for three days.” Wei Lian sighed, “Am I not even allowed to go out and bask in the sun?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The injury to his leg was not that serious, it was just a flesh wound. The real serious one was his left arm, which would not hinder him from walking.

Ji Yue, on the other hand, ran to him every day these days. Every time he looked at his wounds, his eyes were complicated and he hesitated to speak. Wei Lian thought he had some incurable disease and had only a few days to live. GjSYO7

Lbkfnfg, Al Tef tjv yffc nlrlalcu tlw fnfgs vjs. Snfgs alwf atf sbecu wjc ibbxfv ja tlr kbecvr, tf kbeiv rabq ajixlcu, jcv atfgf kbeiv yf atlr mbwqilmjafv fwbalbc lc tlr fsfr. Vb wemt rb Qfl Oljc atbeuta tf tjv rbwf lcmegjyif vlrfjrf jcv kbeiv cba ilnf ibcu.

“Xb jcv qgfqjgf ws ygert jcv lcx.” Qfl Oljc bgvfgfv, “P kjca ab kglaf j ifaafg ab ws rlrafg.”

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What else could Chang Shou say? In the end, he compromised, “Understood.”

_ saDyHf

This was not as simple as basking under the sun.

A lazy person like Wei Lian must have a purpose if traveling while wounded.

He arrived at the Fleeting Hall.

After Ji Yue “identified the murderer” two days ago, he politely asked the envoys from various countries to leave and told them not to stay and cause trouble. Yanliang returned home yesterday. It is said in Chu State that Wei Yan was still injured and could not bear the fatigue of traveling and traveling, so he had to rest for another day before setting off, which delayed it until today. AkcEfS

Two days ago, after Ji Yue had ‘found the murderer’, he politely asked the envoys to leave instead of saying to cause any more trouble. The countries of Yan and Liang returned home yesterday. It was said that the country of Chu hadn’t departed yet because of Wei Yan’s injury. He had to rest for another day, because he could not stand the fatigue of the boat and carriage in his current condition, which was why their departure was dragged to today.

Of course, Wei Lian did not come here to pay a visit to his younger brother, he came to find his brother-in-law.

Qian Hongfei was surprised by Wei Lian’s visit. He quickly welcomed and offered the visitor a place to sit.

“Why is the young master out and about?” Qiao Hongfei appeared anxiously at Wei Lian’s bandaged arm under his sleeve. IdHC0n

He actually had many questions. Such as how someone as masterful as the young master could be hurt by a mere assassin? But he had to restrain himself for fear that the wall had ears.

“Your Excellency Taiwei is about to leave today. I wrote a letter home. Please give it to my sister, Mr. Taiwei.” Wei Lian handed the two written letters to Qiao Hongfei and lowered his voice, “There are many secrets in the letters. Don’t worry. To be seen by others.”

“Since the lord officer will be leaving today, I wrote a letter home. I would be troubling you to please deliver it to my older sister.” He handed the two letters to Qiao Hongfei and whispered, “There are many secrets in the letters. Do not show them to others.”

Qiao Hongfei paused and quietly accepted the letters. “It is this subject’s duty. The young master can be at ease.” 5MtWgm

“Then I won’t disturb the lord officer any longer.” Wei Lian nodded and got up to leave.

Qiao Hongfei sent Wei Lian out the door.

He returned back inside and opened the two letters. One was a letter to Wei Xiang, and the other one was…

A letter to the country of Chu’s former general, whose family was wrongly killed in the past. QzjcmA

Qiao Hongfei’s eyes turned serious as he quickly scanned through the content of the letter, stored the two letters back in their envelopes and pretended that nothing had happened.


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Wei Lian came out of the Fleeting Hall. Before he walked far, he met a young man halfway.

The man had fair skin, and a very gentle and handsome appearance; overall, a good-looking gentleman. Although he could not rival Wei Lian’s beauty, or be as charming as Ji Yue, but still pleasant to the eyes. K150uh

When the man saw Wei Lian, he nodded and saluted slightly, before walking away from this encounter.

Wei Lian just glanced and went on without giving much thought.

Chang Shou from the side said, “That’s Crown Prince Heng from the country of Xia.”

Wei Lian said with a straight face, “I’m aware.” Ab07yX

He knew far more than Chang Shou.


The Qin palace was neither too big nor too small. But when he ran into Ji Yue midway, Wei Lian felt that the palace was too small.

Ji Yue’s face turned gloomy upon seeing the youth. He came forward and chided through his clenched teeth, “Why aren’t you recuperating in your palace? Why are you out here running around?” JLVbDH

Wei Lian replied, “I’m so bored.”

Ji Yue wavered. “Speak normal.” This was not the Wei Lian he knew!

Wei Lian said bitterly, “This subject has been lying in the house for three days and is driving this subject to insanity. It would be even more abnormal if this subject doesn’t come out.”

The palace workers behind him covered their mouths and snickered. 4Z87Lr

Ji Yue maintained his cold face and went to hold Wei Lian.

Wei Lian hurriedly dodged. “Your arm has not healed yet. I don’t want to be dropped.”

Ji Yue paused. He knew that Wei Lian was worried about his injury.

But why do you have to say something so caring in a manner that is asking for a beating! ILfsku

Ji Yue took Wei Lian’s hand with his other hand and said, “Then go back with us.”

Wei Lian listened and let himself be dragged away.

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As soon as they arrived at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Ji Yue dismissed the palace workers with a wave of his hand. Wei Lian broke free of Ji Yue’s hold and wiped his fingers clean with a handkerchief.

Ji Yue frowned. “Are you disdaining our touch?” Oj4h65

Wei Lian glanced at him. “If I remember correctly, you have not changed out of this robe for three days.”

Ji Yue: “…”

“Although you are injured, you still need to wipe your body and change your clothes. I know you like this one very much, but you can’t do it like this.” Wei Lian said contemptuously, “You make me very disappointed. Let me tell you that I But if you have mysophobia, we won’t be able to survive if you continue like this…”

“Although you are hurt, you still have to wipe your body and change your clothes. I know you like this robe very much, but you can’t keep this up either.” Wei Lian said contemptuously, “You disappointed me. I told you I like to be clean. I can’t live with you if you are like this…” a8R6AV

Ji Yue said word by word, “It—is—because—you—patched—this—clothes—yourself.”

Otherwise, why would he wear this robe for three days straight! Treating it like a precious treasure.

He is the King of Qin. No one was going to say anything if he switched thirty outfits in a day. Who was he doing this for!

To be disdained from beginning to end. wKUVzM

Ji Xiao Yue was wronged.

Wei Lian abruptly stopped talking.

He studied Ji Yue and finally remembered that he mended a tear in this imperial robe.

Pff—” Wei Lian puffed up his cheeks before laughing. 7sy8X3

Ji Yue’s face became gloomier. “What are you laughing about?”

Acting like he did not want to keep his reputation?

He knew this would damage it.

Wei Lian fell into the chair from laughing too hard. If his hand was not injured, he might be hammering the table with his fist by now. XWqNPI

Ji Yue’s expression was numb.

“Piteous Ji Xiao Yue.” Wei Lian tried his best to stop laughing with no avail. He leaned over on the table as his shoulders trembled with each laugh.

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Ji Yue warned, “We are angry!”

We are very angry! aR95MH

“Don’t. Don’t be angry.” Wei Lian coaxed him, put his chin on his shoulder and said with a smile, “Once I’m well, I will make you an outfit from scratch.”

How could there be such an adorable person in the world? To wear a robe for three consecutive days because he mended it.

Ji Yue huffed, “We want two.”

“Certainly.” 7PnUx9

Ji Yue continued to push, “And a pair of shoes.”

“Consider it done.”

Ji Yue’s eyebrows and eyes raised. “As well as an embroidered pouch.”

“Of course.” KMhGYZ

Ji Yue’s eyes brightened. “As well as—”

“Get lost if you add anymore.” He had no patience to do needlework every day.

Ji Yue mumbled, “…Oh.”

He looked back at Wei Lian and asked, “Why do you know needlework?” VY3iXc

He thought the biggest treasure in the palace was the lady official of red record.

But now, he had learned that the biggest treasure was right beside him.

Wei Lian could simply do anything.

Except cooking. nc09CW

That badly burned roasted fish left a very deep impression.

“Ah, it was unintentional.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was indeed an accident for Wei Lian to pick up needlework.

It was a required feminine art for the girls to learn, he should not have come into contact with it at all. JET7LM

But one time when he was practicing acupuncture in his room, Wei Yan broke into his room and moved around, and was pricked by a silver needle. Concubine Yan asked him why there was a silver needle in the house and wanted to confiscate it. Wei Lian replied that it was an embroidery needle, and he planned to make a dress for his father as a birthday gift.

But there was this one time when he was practicing acupuncture in his room, Wei Yan broke into his room and was pricked by a silver needle. Consort Yan asked him why there were silver needles in his room and wanted to confiscate them. Wei Lian replied that they were embroidery needles. He was going to make an outfit for father as a birthday gift.

Since it was a birthday gift for the King of Chu, of course Yan Fei did not say anything more.

In order not to expose his lie, Wei Lian had to learn in the palace embroidery workshop for a day and pick up the skill. tA4GhP

Ji Yue was convinced.

He felt that there was only what Wei Lian did not want to learn, and there was nothing Wei Lian could not learn.

Other than cooking.

Wei Lian looked at him. “I am envious of you at times.” 0QGL7V

Ji Yue grinned. “What is there to be envious about?”

“I am envious that you have someone as powerful as myself.”

Ji Yue raised his hand and knocked on Wei Lian’s forehead, turned and left, leaving a cold and ruthless back.

Wei Lian chased after him. When he could not catch up, he stopped in place and whispered, “…It hurts.” PBcWLl

Ji Yue immediately turned back and nervously asked, “Where?”

Wei Lian stood up straight, knocked Ji Yue’s forehead rudely and showed a triumphant and provoking smile. “It hurts here.”

Ji Yue’s skull was buzzing.

But there was nothing he could do. gXjSdb

Wei Lian, keep pretending. You can just keep pretending.

We will remember this. When you are well, we will return this round back on the bed. 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian did not know the huge debt he had incurred. He would be very miserable once he paid off this debt in the future.

Now that he was done making trouble, he immediately returned to business. He sat on a chair and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat. He said, “I just saw Wen Heng on the road.” C69rGz

Now that he was finished playing around, he immediately returned to business. He sat in a chair, drank a cup of tea to smooth his dried throat and said, “I passed by Wen Heng earlier.”

The next question was even more shocking.

“How do you plan to deal with the real culprit?”


Translator's Note

For clarification, he is drawing a circle (pot).

Translator's Note

He is pretty much saying ‘you’. The address is ‘Tai Wei Da Ren’ or the great military officer plus the title of respect toward superiors (da ren). It is very awkward to translate…

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