An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh6 - Changing Clothes

Noble Young Master who kills people like scything flax. 

Editor: Miiya and Avalie sKVpbw

The next time he opened his eyes, the sky was bright.

Wei Lian had pretended to faint last night. With how perceptive the King of Qin was, he was afraid to show a flaw if he continued his performance, so he called it a day by simply falling unconscious and was carried back to the chamber by the King of Qin.

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The two slept on the same daybed, and under the same quilt for two. At first, Wei Lian stayed secretly vigilant, but he didn’t forge his burning fever. Being physically and mentally exhausted, he gradually fell asleep.

Then as soon as he woke up, he was greeted with the King of Qin’s face. Z5UqGl

…To be honest, this was quite a scary sight so early in the morning.

The King of Qin was born handsome, with impeccable facial features. He had extremely long eyelashes where each strand was long and distinct, a high bridged nose, and pale, thin lips that were in just the right shape.

Wei Lian stared for a moment before Ji Yue opened his eyes, revealing the best-looking pair of eyes.

His voice was raspy having just woken up in the early morning, and his slightly raised phoenix eyes were crystal clear. “Does our appearance meet your liking?”


Wei Lian was startled.

Once he regained his senses, he immediately lifted the bedding and knelt down on the other side of the bed. His voice was tinged with a hint of nervousness. “King of Qin.”

Ji Yue lazily propped himself up. His inky hair fell freely, and his appearance was very alluring.

He inspected the kneeling youth before him with interest. “It looks like you’re really clear-headed this time.” 0FEWPs

Wei Lian whispered, “Did Wei Lian…commit anything offensive last night?”

How could it be a negative? The youth relentlessly tugged on his sleeve yesterday, clung to him while calling him “mother”, and even used his body to wipe away tears.

For eight hundred years, no one dared to treat him like this.

Instead of answering, Ji Yue chose to tease instead. “Nothing of the sort. You waited upon us quite well.” zu8LqM

The youth’s appearance when clear-headed was way too serious, completely different from last night’s disorientated and adorable look. Ji Yue unconsciously developed some mischievous interests, wanting to see if he could get the youth to blush.

A puzzled expression indeed appeared on Wei Lian’s face.

…Wait upon?

Ji Yue smirked. “You were quite sick last night, we supposed that you might not have any recollections. It was on this imperial daybed that we bed you.” ZxXdjl

Wei Lian: “…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tsk. If it weren’t for his clear memory of the night before, he really would have bought it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf Blcu bo Hlc’r jylilas ab ilf atbeut tlr affat kjr ageis abq-cbamt.

Ktf Blcu bo Hlc mbeiv jma, yea Qfl Oljc kbeivc’a yf beavbcf. ZlyNT

Qfl Oljc delmxis rtbkfv j ibbx bo rtbmx, tlr mtffxr ujlclcu j riluta yiert jcv gfnfjilcu j rfcrf bo tfiqifrrcfrr.

“Mffilcu rts cbk?” Al Tef revvfcis rja eq jcv jqqgbjmtfv. Llr tjlg ofii bc Qfl Oljc’r ojmf, mgfjalcu j almxilcu rfcrjalbc.

Wei Lian suddenly raised his panicked and flustered eyes, “You…”

But his chin was seized by the King of Qin. lRZ0sX

Ji Yue’s narrow phoenix eyes squinted slightly as he carefully examined Wei Lian’s face before declaring, “What a beauty.”

“A beauty like you was born to be brought into the back palace and favored under a man. The King of Chu is really blind to treat a pearl like a pair of fish eyes, causing you to be covered in dust in the Chu palace for so many years. If we were him, we would have tasted you long ago.” The humiliating words that came out of Ji Yue’s mouth were in a frivolous manner, each word lightly shaming the youth.

Wei Lian felt that Ji Yue had a point. He was indeed a beauty, and he was well-aware of this point.

As for the rest of the words that followed, he didn’t pay much mind to them. 4cv26O

It was no secret how promiscuous the King of Chu was within the seven countries. The King of Chu was lascivious, and once stole the wife of his subject before abandoning her like a pair of shoes after forcing her into his back palace. The late king had a concubine, who originally should have been a high consort, yet, the King of Chu disgracefully made her his own, taking possession of his father’s royal consort.

It was even more common for brothers to mutually gift each other concubines. Love between two men being prevalent, some princes, aristocrats, and ministers even played with kept man, and after getting tired of their toys, they’d pass them on to others. The King of Chu once obtained a male lover out of a chancellor’s hands, and after showing special favor towards his new trophy, he learned that this was the younger brother of a concubine in the back palace. The scandalous affair of having the two siblings serve him together could be considered an extraordinary and sensational anecdote within the royal court.

There were even more bizarre ones, with a myriad of intricately woven, complicated relationships. On the sideline, Wei Lian spectated within the Chu palace with indifference for many years, capturing everything with his eyes but remaining silent.

He had hardly ever seen his so-called father, and had always been cautious in concealing his appearance. Otherwise, with the King of Chu’s immoral disposition, it was hard to be certain if he wouldn’t act upon his own son. ZSTDvI

So, a funny story, it was only when Wei Lian was about to be sent to the country of Qin that the King of Chu truly met him. After seeing Wei Lian’s stunning appearance, there had been a clear look of regret and lust that had crossed his face.

It brought contempt to Wei Lian’s eyes.

It was not surprising for the Chu to be defeated by the Qin, when its King was that incompetent.

_ htUmfd

The King of Qin attempted to humiliate him with words, but was completely clueless that the thickness of Wei Lian’s face had already reached the level of a city wall. When hearing these insults, he remained unmoved inside, and actually, he even had the urge to laugh.

However, he still acted as if the thickness level of his face were as thin as a piece of paper, showing both forbearance and frustration. “King of Qin—”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Now that you have entered the Qin, you’re no longer Young Master Lian of the country of Chu, but Lian-shijun in my Qin palace.” Ji Yue caressed his cheek. “Remember your identity. How should you address us?”

Wei Lian said, with hesitation in his voice, “…Your Majesty.” Ll7ZEx

Ji Yue let go. “Very good.”

Wei Lian lowered his head. “Wei Lian…”

“That’s not the self-address you should be using.”

Wei Lian was caught off guard. IAd4al

Self-address? What type of self-address should he use?

In accordance with the rules of the Qin palace, the queen, four consorts and madams would address themselves as “this humble servant” while the concubines would address themselves as “this concubine”.

His shijun title was equivalent to a concubine.

But he was a man. ow4dih

Are you saying that his self-address is “slave”?

A son of royalty was reduced to the level of a slave?

Wei Lian’s long, dark eyelashes drooped, exposing a slightly vulnerable side.

He was also suppressing a dark glint of threat in his eyes. yOImnB

He refused to say that scum word no matter what.

He, Wei Lian, was capable of bowing and submitting, as well as standing tall, but he had a bottom line. He was willing to seduce the King of Qin in order to live a better life; he was willing to be subservient to others, since it could be comfortable for him as well. In other words, there was no real loss.

But he was unwilling to address himself as a slave.

Moreover, if he were really obedient to the King of Qin in every possible way, the King of Qin would probably lose interest in him very quickly. r8m Nq

Wei Lian considered for a moment and respectfully said, “This subject will bear this in mind.”


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He addressed himself as a subject.

“Oh.” Ji Yue then said with a perked up tone, “And here we thought your usual self would be less interesting than last night. We were mistaken.” rXTkZy

“Wei-shijun, you really are a very interesting one.” It was hard to tell if Ji Yue was being sarcastic or if he was genuinely complimenting him. “An outstanding talent.”

Wei Lian replied in a mild tone, “Your Majesty has overpraised.”

Ji Yue gave a noncommittal smile, unconcerned by Wei Lian’s transgression in his self-address.

He raised himself up and got off of his daybed, stretching out his hands and saying, “Change our clothes.” MZcNG1

It was time for the King of Qin to attend court.

Wei Lian got out of the bed in silence. After a night’s rest, he felt fine today, especially with his originally sturdy condition.

He had a slim physique, but his stature was nearly the same as the King of Qin’s. Therefore, he had to lower his gaze just so he could avoid eye contact with the King of Qin.

On top of Wei Lian’s inexperienced movements, the formal court outfit was massive, so it was inevitable that there would be some bumping. 1Tr5e

“Haven’t served anyone before?” Ji Yue raised his eyebrow.

Wei Lian shook his head slightly. “Never.”

He was a son of a country’s royalty. Even at the height of his humiliating bullying, no one dared to ask him to serve them while changing clothes.

Those eunuchs with twisted minds were daring as well as cowardly. They had the guts to step him into the mud, but didn’t have the courage to order him around at will. Qz0cLO

As he lowered his head to fasten the King of Qin’s belt, his hands were suddenly seized. “Wei-lang’s hands are really beautiful.”

The “Wei-lang” address nearly gave Wei Lian goosebumps all over his body.

When he tried to pull his hands back, the King of Qin gently stroked his palms and then asked, “Why are there calluses on them?”

Wei Lian froze and whispered, “Although this subject is a son of royalty, life in the Chu palace hadn’t been the greatest. During my childhood, I often helped eunuchs in palace tasks in exchange for food and money… These calluses were the result of hard work.” o3JbQL

He was being partly truthful.

He indeed experienced a difficult life in the past, even more unbearable than he made it out to be.

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There was a point where it got so challenging that he had to work for eunuchs, so his skin wasn’t as delicate and tender as other aristocrats.

During that period, as a child, he had delicate palms and often broke his skin to the point of bleeding profusely. But all he could do was endure. Those who were as lowly as mud took pleasure in humiliating a noble young master, forcing him to address himself as “slave” and pushing him to bow down and kneel. 7v2NdQ

Wei Lian once broke his pride and suffered humiliation by crawling under their crotches for the sake of a mouthful of food.

In order to survive.

Only in the deepest black and most dangerous place could one hone a state of mind that was both strong and resilient.

Afterward…these hands took hold of the sword. SBoceF

Staining the blade with blood, and killing all those who had humiliated him in the past.

Those people died so quietly that no one knew it was his doing.

Everyone knew that King Chang of Qin was a tyrannical and ruthless ruler, who hid a knife in his smile, and killed without blinking an eye.

But no one knew that Young Master Lian, who was as gentle as jade, and an upright individual with a noble character— 6VlPJb

Also kill people like scything flax.

Translator's Note

Upwardly slanting eyes. An eye shape with the inner corner pointed slightly downwards and most characteristically, a ‘tail’ that sweeps up towards the temple. For visuals, check out this chart of eyes.

Translator's Note

From my understanding, it’s just a number that people like to use. Maybe it was a meme or common number that got popular like ‘it’s been 84 years…’.

Translator's Note

It means (of the emperor) to visit, also intimate.

Translator's Note

Also catamite, boy as homosexual partner, and gigolo, a young man paid or financially supported by an older partner to be their escort or lover.

Translator's Note

It is a metaphor for being subservient while doing nothing. Retreating and hiding without advancing.

Translator's Note

Lang is an official title for a minister in imperial times, but can be used affectionately, like darling/love. Usually used by women back then, when addressing her husband or partner, but this is danmei, so anything is possible.

Translator's Note

To act in a friendly manner with hypocritical intentions; to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Translator's Note

Kill people like flies. Often described as someone who has killed countless people/ committed countless murders.

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