An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh59 - Heavily Intoxicated

“We could not bear it.”

Ji Yue hesitated to speak, and Wei Lian’s heart sank gradually. YcM7v8

It was unclear what exactly he was feeling, was it sad or was it disappointed? Accompanied by the pain in his body, it brought a trace of indescribable irony.

He was tired.

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Everything seemed to go back to the starting point after all the events.

Ji Yue turned back, picked up the bottle and returned to the bedside, handing it to Wei Lian, “This is the antidote.” j9lk8b

Wei Lian was so angry that he did not want to take it.

Ji Yue explained without changing his expression, “If you take this antidote continuously for one year, the toxic will be relieved automatically. There is no other antidote.”

Wei Lian looked up and stared at him without blinking.

“Really.” Ji Yue said sincerely.


Wei Lian wondered, “Then how do you control your shadow guards…?”

“They don’t know that every year, what Gu gives them is not an antidote, but a new poison. In this way, they can control it for another year, and the cycle repeats.” Ji Yue lied on the spot, his face not red, his heart not beating. “This is a secret. I’m just telling you. Don’t tell it.”

“They don’t know this, but once the year has passed, what we give them is not the antidote, but a new poison. This way, the control stays for another year as a new cycle starts.” Ji Yue told the lie on the spot, no redness on his face and no changes to his heartbeat. “This is a secret. We told only to you. You better say nothing of it.”

He was apologizing inside. nqkvd5

He did not want to be in a rigid fight with Wei Lian because of this, so he could only deceive the youth like this.

He actually thought it through. Wei Lian chose to hide things from him, because the youth did not like him enough.

No matter, give him another year to cultivate their feelings. He believed Wei Lian would not lie to him once the year was up.

When the time came, he would replace Wei Lian’s poison with the real antidote without anyone noticing. As long as you take the medicine on time, there are no side effects. If you can buy yourself a year, why not do it? x0SNPg

Once the time was up, he would secretly replace the temporary antidote with the real one and completely detoxify Wei Lian’s poison. As long as Wei Lian timely takes the temporary antidote, there would be no side effects. If he could buy himself another year, why wouldn’t he?

The worst outcome would only be…that Wei Lian continued to keep things from him.

Ji Yue’s eyes darkened.

If that was the case, he would probably be very sad. IrN6p8

But he would still give the real antidote to Wei Lian.

If you can’t move a person’s complete heart in a year, then he will let his guard down and be free. Ji Yue didn’t want to force it, nor did he want to imprison Wei Lian in a cage, which would be a pain to everyone.

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If a year’s time could not move a person’s heart completely, then he would free Wei Lian. Ji Yue did not want to force an unwilling individual, as well as imprison Wei Lian in a cage, both of which would bring nothing but pain to both of them.

A small part of this was selfishness on Ji Yue’s part, wanting enough time to fight, so that Wei Lian would open his heart and completely accept him. XOmzgF

One year. He would give himself a single year.


Wei Lian: “…”

If that was really the case, then it was quite sad for those shadow guards, who were deceived in circles. mfBp1V

As for taking Ji Yue’s words into account, Wei Lian believed him seventy percent.

Seven points were out of love for Ji Yue, and three points were left to sate his vigilant side.

Otherwise, if this was from another person’s mouth, Wei Lian would believe not one word and investigate himself.

It was undeniable that the original melancholy in his heart suddenly loosen up, flew away from Ji Yue’s words. cUdfOS

That was all he wanted.

Not the antidote, but Ji Yue’s honesty.

But he still could not reveal that the one who had fought Ji Yue tonight was himself.

His Master once said that before he reached the coming of age, he would be faced with a life-or-death situation. He always kept this warning in mind. 9yi5dl

Now, he was less than two months from his coming of age. If he could bear it for another two months, he would not continue to pretend like this.

Wei Lian cherishes his life. During his solitary life, he strived to stay alive. Now, he was bound to a loved one, making him want to stay alive even more.

He would not risk his life.

Both of them have their own thoughts, but flawlessly showed nothing on their face, giving away nothing to the other. f2SUHv

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Qfl Oljc abbx atf jcalvbaf klatbea rjslcu j kbgv.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The more Ji Yue figured it out, he no longer worried about Wei Lian hiding something from him, and instead cared about Wei Lian’s body.

Rbk atja Al Tef tjv oluegfv atlcur bea, tf kbeiv rabq kbggslcu jybea atf wfrr Qfl Oljc tjv tlvvfc ogbw tlw jcv gfvlgfma atja ab mjgf obg Qfl Oljc’r kfiiyflcu. ps2jyS

Lf kjr lc j afgglyif wbbv abcluta.

The maid of the Yan Kingdom cursed Wei Lian to death, and Ji Yue was able to pierce the heart with an arrow. After Huyan Kemu made some difficult remarks, Ji Yue dared to send the entire Chen State envoys to the prison cell. If someone really hurt Wei Lian, Ji Yue would definitely cut the person into pieces.

Al Tef mbeiv olgf jc jggbk jcv xlii atf Tjc wjlv ktb megfv Qfl Oljc. Al Tef vjgfv ab rfcv atf mbecags bo Jtfc’r ktbif fcnbsr lcab qglrbc joafg Lesjc Bfwe wjvf atlcur vloolmeia obg Qfl Oljc. Po jcsbcf kjr ab tega Qfl Oljc, atfgf kbeiv yf cb vbeya atja Al Tef kbeiv vlrwfwyfg atja qfgrbc’r ybvs lcab wliilbcr bo qlfmfr.

But at the end of the day, it was himself of all people. YQ6fXg

Wei Lian was born frail and beautiful. His frail body leaned quietly on the couch, his delicate and pale face was bloodless, and he bowed his head in silence.

Wei Lian was born frail and beautiful. His delicate body leaning quietly on the daybed, looking much paler than usual. Along with his head lowering in silence, it would get sympathy from anyone.

The bloodstains on the snow-white neck were bringing pain to his heart, and the clavicle was in a similar state. It was even harder for Ji Yue to look at the youth’s bandaged arm.

Even though he knew that Wei Lian was not weak, it still brought pain to his heart. GnEb5P

Ji Yue could not stop himself from asking, “Does it still hurt?”

Wei Lian: “…”

No kidding! It wasn’t like he had no sensory pain.

It was very hard to take for Ji Yue, and he did not want to show self-blame, so he looked more grievous than Wei Lian. Rp0hW8

“Earlier, when the physician bandaged you, you did not make a sound.” Ji Yue unhappily pointed out.

Wei Lian once said that he was afraid of pain.

But in reality, he was very cruel.

Able to inflict pain on himself. 1micHr

Just knowing Wei Lian’s strong and forbearing made Ji Yue more distressed.

Ji Yue still remembered the first time he did that with Wei Lian. Wei Lian was in severe pain, but he just bit the back of his hand and refused to make a sound even when he bled from the biting.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When he saw the two deep rows of tooth marks on the back of the young man’s snow-white hand, he held down the man’s wrist in annoyance and ordered him not to bite. Wei Lian then bent down and wrinkled the sheets, his syllables were broken into pieces, but he still refused to ask for mercy.

He looked at the two deep rows of tooth marks on the back of the youth’s pale hand, half angrily held down the injured wrist and ordered him not to bite. Wei Lian sunk into the bed and created creases from grabbing the sheet. The sound was bits and pieces, but he still refused to ask for mercy. U14QIV

Afterward, Wei Lian’s half-lidded eyes were covered in fog, and his body trembled with pain. Even so, he still refused to shed a tear, always showing a trace of stubbornness.

That was when Ji Yue learned that the youth, who said he was afraid of pain, was actually determined to endure, so deep that it was engraved into his bones.

But things on the couch will become familiar after a few times. Later, Ji Yue put Wei Lian to sleep, especially the drunk Wei Xiaolian, who was extremely well-behaved and soft. All the hard bones in her body usually turned into a puddle of water. She would cry without restraint, beg for mercy, and be wild. She would hug him and act coquettishly and cry out for pain. When she was angry, she would dare to kick him out of bed. When she was happy, she would give him gifts. A kiss, a smile on the brow, and light in the eyes.

But his body became accustomed to it after having done so many rounds on the daybed. Later, when Ji Yue convinced Wei Lian through sleeping, especially for the drunken Wei Xiao Lian, the youth would be so well-behaved and soft beyond words. All of his enforced bones would melt into a puddle of water. He sobbed without restraint, pleaded for mercy, indulged in debauchery and hid in his arms, crying out he was in pain but in a coquettish manner. When he was angry, he had the gut to kick Ji Yue out of bed. When he was happy, he would give Ji Yue a kiss. During that time, there was a smile and light in his eyes. hoFvbN

At least on the bed, to Ji Yue, Wei Lian let his nature run free.

To be honest, Ji Yue likes this kind of Wei Lian.

Not the wanton part, but him crying out when he felt pain, sobbing when he was wronged and begging for mercy when he was at his limit, instead of suppressing these inside.

Ji Yue would comply with the youth in everything. G9PytL

Being strong is a good thing, and being able to endure is also a fine quality. But he did not need them here. Wei Lian did not need to tolerate or endure for him, those were skills that only the ones that had suffered would need to learn.

Ji Yue wants to give Wei Lian all the sweets in the world, such as rabbit shaped cakes, the tanghulu like the one from the Lantern Festival, or a bowl of hot sesame glutinous rice balls.

But he still let the youth suffer.

Under his own doing no less. ESd2nu

So, why wouldn’t this bring him distress?


Wei Lian could sense Ji Yue’s low mood and thought it was from him being injured.

He said seriously, “At that time, I was in too much pain to make any noise.” Qy4YOd

What he said was half true.

Wei Lian did not like pain, but he could stand pain.

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He could tease Ji Yue and act coquettish for some unimportant things, he could also bear unspeaking events without saying a word,

So, this degree of pain was nothing. QS8KET

Ji Yue wasn’t buying this crap.

Besides feeling sad and self-blame, he was also angry.

Especially when he saw Wei Lian’s neck and leg injuries, it wasn’t a single reason that caused his outburst of anger.

These two injuries were definitely made by Wei Lian himself. svFIBt

The youth did not place value on his own body.

But Ji Yue could not act upon this anger, he could only sulk alone.

“Besides.” Wei Lian looked at Ji Yue’s arm. “Aren’t you also acting as if nothing had happened to yourself?”

Ji Yue himself was a wounded man as well. aXigVd

Wei Lian really wanted to lift Ji Yue’s sleeves to see what condition he was in, but firstly, he himself had difficulty moving, secondly, he couldn’t reveal that his medical skills could not help, and thirdly, Ji Yue had a lot of injuries. The imperial doctors were around, but nothing happened to him.

Wei Lian wanted to move Ji Yue’s sleeve up to get a better look at the injury, but firstly, it was not convenient for him to move, secondly, he couldn’t be of any help, because he couldn’t expose his medical skills, lastly, Ji Yue’s injury must have been checked by many physicians already, so nothing for him to do.

There was no part for him to play.

If the other person could run and jump, as long as his heart was beating, he was fine. fdT7YC

Being stabbed for no reason had also brought out some anger in Wei Lian.

“We have gone through hundreds of battles, and we lost count on the number of injuries we got, so how could it be compared to yours?” Ji Yue replied unhappily.

Even if Wei Lian had bought up the question, he was still going to proceed with caution.

Wei Lian said politely, “Then Your Majesty should return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and rest early. This subject is going to bed.” Dkh9U

Ji Yue blurted. “Are you in such a hurry to chase us out?”

Wei Lian replied in surprise, “Your Majesty wants to stay here?”

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He sighed softly, feeling very sad: “I’m sorry that I’m ill and can’t serve Your Majesty. I’ve been injured for a hundred days, and I won’t be able to serve Your Majesty for the next hundred days.” He tried his best to hide the uncontrollable excitement in his voice. , “You’d better go back.”

He sighed softly and lamented, “Please forgive this subject for not being able to serve Your Majesty because of the injuries. This subject suffered serious injuries that will take a hundred days to heal, so this subject will not be able to serve Your Majesty in the next hundred days.” He tried to hide the uncontrollable excitement in his tone, “You are best to go back.” n7tbfe

It suddenly occurred to him. He was hurt, and Ji Yue was hurt as well, it meant they could self-restraint!

What an amazing thing to happen!

Although at first, it was Wei Lian who seduced the other person to the bed, later, when Ji Yue had a taste of the forbidden fruits, the tossing and turning became fiercer, to the point of frustrating Wei Lian.

It was rare to be able to rest openly. Wei Lian was very happy. dEVQnD

He held back the urge to smile and said sincerely, “Your Majesty needs to recover at the earliest possible time as well.”

Ji Yue looked at Wei Lian, who took on the role of a dramatist, and choked silently.

Don’t think we could not hear the joy in your tone.

He almost burst out laughing from the absurdity. LdSbTh

He turned and said, “We will be leaving.”

Wei Lian respectfully sent Ji Yue off, “Your Majesty, please watch your steps.”

Ji Yue could not resist looking back, “We are really leaving.”

Wei Lian nodded. “Please take care.” 8bf1ke

Ji Yue walked to the door and suddenly turned his head back unconsciously, “We…”

Wei Lian said expressionless, “Leave faster.”

“…” Ji Yue said, “Then you have a good sleep, don’t put pressure on the wound, remember to change the dressing on time, and don’t go to the ground these days. You don’t need to worry about things in the palace…”

“…” Ji Yue said, “Then you rest well and try not to sleep on your wounds. Remember to change the bandages and medicine timely. Don’t leave the bed for the following days. You don’t need to worry about things in the palace…” j8H1dh

He nagged about each thing, more so than the elder ladies in the palace.

Wei Lian just buried himself in the quilt and ignored him.

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Ji Yue looked at him quietly for a long time before pushing the door and walking out.

_ b4KPxh

The night outside was as cold as water as the cold breeze blew on his face.

His heart was heavy.

No matter the jest, he could not escape the erosion of self-blame.

There was no way for him to be blind to it. Wei Lian’s face was as white as paper. He even hid his heavily injured left arm under the quilt, not letting him see it. o6 2aZ

The youth must be in immense pain.

Ji Yue did not dare to face the youth with red face and eyes. He cried before Wei Lian? Just the thought of it was very humiliating.

He traveled back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation like a wandering soul. Once he entered, the first sentence he gave was, “Bring wine.”

Li Fuquan was stunned. “At this hour…?” hfm4ns

It was already so late. Why would His Majesty drink wine instead of having a restful sleep?

“We told you to get to it, less nonsense.” Ji Yue whispered, “We want to drown our worries with wine.”

Li Fuquan murmured, “…Understood.”


He raised his cup to invite the moon to drink. Along with his shadow, they became three thinking friends.

Li Fuquan looked at Ji Yue, who was getting drunk under the moon in front of the window. Anxiety filled his face. “Your Majesty, please stop drinking.”

It wouldn’t hurt to drink alone, but His Majesty obviously had something hidden in his heart and did not want to say it.

Ji Yue shook his wine cup, and his gorgeous sharp eyes were half drunk. “Li Fuquan, if someone in this world deceived us, what should we do?” gxvLuF

What other answer was there? Li Fuquan firmly recited, “The crime of deceiving the ruler should be put to death.”

“Not allowed!” Ji Yue immediately rejected, “We can’t bear it.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Li Fuquan was shocked.

There was only one person who His Majesty could not cause pain on… 32Dcft

Li Fuquan lightly patted his mouth and regretted that he had spoken without consideration.

As it turned out His Majesty and Young Master Wei had a falling out?

“Gu also lied to him…Gu lied to him about the medicine…it will take a year to cure.” Ji Yue suddenly laughed softly, closed his eyes and lay on the table, “Gu wanted him to stay. Gu was so afraid that he would leave. Oh. I hurt him today, will he be angry…”

“We also lied to him… We lied about how the medicine…could only be relieved after one year.” Ji Yue suddenly chuckled, closed his eyes and lay down on the table. “We want him to stay. We are so afraid that he will leave. We even hurt him today. Is he mad at us for this…?” GH khu

Li Fuquan could not comprehend what His Majesty was going on about.

What about this and that?

But he could see that His Majesty was very sad.

His Majesty had a deep relationship with his mother-in-law Yun Ji when he was a child. The day before, he had agreed with Yun Ji to play in the snow tomorrow, but that night he saw with his own eyes that Yun Ji was pushed into a well. 03iITk

His Majesty had a deep relationship with his mother, Yun Ji, when he was young. The day of her death, she agreed to play in the snow with Ji Yue the next day. That night, he watched his mother be pushed into the well.

Later, His Majesty raised a rabbit, took good care of it and fed it. The untamable rabbit ran into the Queen Dowager’s arms and was ordered to be brought to the table by His Majesty that night.

Later, His Majesty loved this falcon, which the Queen Dowager used to threaten His Majesty. In the end, His Majesty shot the bird dead himself.

His Majesty had few things he cherished. Whenever there was, they would always leave him in the end, and never with a good ending. So, His Majesty never dared to cherish anything again. HXbMxw

If he has a beloved, he must be careful and thoughtful, for the fear that the person would leave him like those people and things in the past.

So careful that he dared not to inquire about it.

Li Fuquan guessed that His Majesty was stimulated by Mr. Wei’s injury today. There are many dangers around His Majesty, and those close to His Majesty are always in danger. Your Majesty should be afraid that Young Master Wei will be like Queen Mother Yun, that eagle, and that rabbit, and leave him for various reasons.

Li Fuquan guessed that His Majesty was upset by Young Master Wei’s injuries today. There were always dangers around His Majesty, and those close to His Majesty were consistently among the same dangers. His Majesty must be afraid that Young Master Wei would leave him like Queen Dowager Yun, the falcon and the rabbit for various reasons. wUc6m5

The shock from today all arose from the unbearable pain experienced in the past.

Li Fuquan carefully advised, “Your Majesty, Young Master Wei will not be angry with you.”

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“He must be angry.” Ji Yue said sadly, “He ignored us.”

“Young Master Wei is hard-spoken and soft-hearted.” Li Fuquan had rarely seen Ji Yue in such a fragile state since His Majesty took charge of his own affairs. He was so anxious that he looked around and suddenly thought of something and said, “Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, the Young Master knows about your past.” I suffer from insomnia, so I specially ordered the slave to mix the incense in your palace into Chu Guoan’s mysterious recipe, so that you can sleep peacefully when he is not around you.” c5MNKS

“Young Master Wei has a sharp tongue, but a soft heart.” As His Majesty’s personal attendant, Li Fuquan rarely witnessed Ji Yue’s fragile side. He was so troubled that he suddenly thought of something and blurted it out, “Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, the young master knew that you had insomnia in the past and specially ordered this servant to change the scent in your palace into a secret receipt from the country of Chu, that specialized in calming the minds, so that you can sleep soundly even if he is not by your side.

“The five-clawed golden dragon auspicious cloud robe is your favorite garment. It was accidentally washed by the palace servants of the Huanyi Bureau and had a hole. The young master sewed it up with his own hands.”

“Then once, the palace worker accidentally made a tear on your favorite imperial black robe with the golden five-claws dragon. It was the young master who fixed it himself with a needle and thread.

“Also, every day you go to see the young master, the young master doesn’t seem to care about you. But when you are not around, the young master will ask about your whereabouts several times a day. If he learns that you are discussing something with the minister, he will never disturb you and just sigh. It’s boring in the palace. If you have nothing else to do, the young master will get up and find you, saying that it is fun to be with you.” ME4nsK

“And every day you go visit the young master, he might appear unconcerned. But when you are away, the young master would always ask for your whereabouts several times a day. If he learns that you are discussing official business with ministers, he will not bother you, but sighs about how this palace was so boring. If you are not busy, the young master will go find you, saying how there is always joy being with you.

“…These things, the young master viewed them as insignificant and never allowed this servant to say them.”

Some things, even he could not do so thoughtfully.

“Young Master is from Chu, and I did have some prejudice against Young Master at first. It is in this day-by-day process that my opinion gradually changed.” Li Fuquan sighed, “Your Majesty, you don’t have to worry.” kZ6quO

“The young master is from Chu, and this servant had some prejudice against the young master at the beginning. It was from these little things that my view has gradually changed.” Li Fuquan sighed, “Your Majesty, you don’t have to worry.”

In this world, no one loves you more than Wei Lian.

Translator has something to add:

Teo: These two are just making me cry so much Q_Q. Li Fuquan MVP. Sf6dDl

Translator's Note

Mistranslated this as ‘nightclothes’ the first time. It’s a buzz word that’s similar to 說服, or to persuade/ convince (verbally). Instead of using the verb for ‘talk’, it used ‘sleep’, as in bedding someone.

Translator's Note

This is a line from Li Bai’s poem, Drinking Alone with the Moon (李白《月下独酌》).

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