An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh58 - The Antidote

We won’t let you go.

On the bed, Ji Yue placed his hands behind his head and repeatedly ran through the rooftop fight he had with the man in black in his mind. nrSibJ

His opponent’s every attack and every move.

He has ordered a strict investigation, but if that person can escape from his hands, the guards in the palace may not be able to find anything.

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He had already ordered a thorough investigation, but if the person could escape from him, there was no way that his palace guards would find anything.

What bothered him the most was the debris found in Wei Lian’s room. KuA yi

Wei Lian did not know light movement skills. He even carried the youth up to the Star-Catching Tower, who was too afraid to open his eyes.

How could he be the person in black who had fought with him and exchanged countless moves on the roof…

Ji Yue did not dare to believe, but he had to believe.

He was too familiar with Wei Lian.


He hugged him, kissed him, supported each other, slept together and did even more intimate things.

He should know this.

He actually…knew this.

But he refused to believe it for the moment. exuG7C

The most hurtful thing is being deceived by the one you love most. For the first time in his life, Ji Yue tried to show his sincerity, but now he was not sure how much of it was true and fake, and how much of the sweetness in the past was just for acting, so he was inevitably hit hard.

The most hurtful thing was the fact that this was a deception from his most beloved. Ji Yue tried to give out his heart for the very first time in his life, but now he could not determine how much of the feelings he had received were real or fake, and he did not know how many sweet moments in the past were just acting. This impact was inevitably hard to take in.

Complex feelings haunted his heart and mind, as they swirled round and round. He turned to his side, feeling more irritated.

If Wei Lian was really the assassin in black… KwcUr3

He thought carefully and found that what occupied his heart the most was not anger or disappointment, but concern and self-blame.

If Wei Lian was really the assassin, how much pain was he in right now from his injuries?

Wei Lian could not summon an imperial physician to get them treated when he was hurt ‘out of nowhere’. He would need to endure the pain himself.

How could Ji Yue stand this! SVQylA

He immediately sat up, not feeling the slightest drowsiness.

As long as the thought that Wei Lian was suffering now and alone plague his mind, Ji Yue would feel his inside dying.

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How could he…hurt Wei Lian?

Ji Yue removed the quilt off of him and put on his robe, planning to visit the youth to have a look. h6QedI

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped himself and calmed down, placing his hand on the door frame.

No, he could not go.

Wei Lian did not want him to know.

Wei Lian had been hiding it from him, and he must not have wanted him to know. Now that he’s gone, Wei Lian can only endure the pain, pretend to be fine, and ask him why he’s back again. reNgEt

Wei Lian had been keeping this from him. The youth must not want him to know. If he was to go now, Wei Lian could only endure the pain and pretend like everything was fine, asking him why he had come back.

Just like before.

If he recklessly sought the truth from the youth directly, would Wei Lian…

Not want him anymore? Dov4w0

Ji Yue put his hand down and listlessly turned back inside.

Returning back under the quilt, he lowered his eyes to quietly reorganize his thoughts.

As a smart individual, he could figure out the reason behind Wei Lian’s action. It was not difficult to guess what Wei Lian was thinking after putting himself in the youth’s shoes.

After a long silence, Ji Yue came up the following points— wEObdC

  1. Wei Lian is a very powerful martial artist, one that is no less inferior than himself.
  2. Wei Lian has always left himself room for leeway, able to leave at any given time.
  3. If Wei Lian wants to leave, Ji Yue can’t stop him.
  4. If the truth comes out, Wei Lian may leave.
  5. He can’t bear the possibility of Wei Lian leaving, not even one in ten thousand.

Conclusion: He should pretend not to know.

Alright, he was done thinking, time to sleep.

Ji Yue lay back down again.

Before sitting up again in a flash. nLTuv9

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rb, Qfl Oljc tjv cba yffc agfjafv sfa!

Lf kjr tega!!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qfl Wljb Oljc wera yf qlafberis jcv tfiqifrris ilmxlcu tlr kbecvr jibcf gluta cbk!!!

Al Tef klrtfv tf mbeiv wbnf atf ktbif lwqfglji wfvlmji mfcafg ab Qfl Oljc, yea tf vlv cba tjnf j gfjrbc. DXtGsa

If the imperial physician was summoned with great fanfare to diagnose and treat Wei Lian, wouldn’t Wei Lian know that he already knew the secret that he had always wanted to hide?

Po atf lwqfglji qtsrlmljcr kfgf rewwbcfv ab agfja Qfl Oljc, kjr la cba atf rjwf jr afiilcu Qfl Oljc atja tf jigfjvs xcfk atf sbeat’r rfmgfa atja tf tjv kbgxfv rb tjgv ab mbcmfji?

Ji Yue pondered for a moment and came up with a brilliant plan.

Shou Feng.” Ji Yue called. CBpEml

A dark shadow appeared before Ji Yue and half knelt to the ground. “Master.”

Kings in the past dynasties would have an exclusive secret guard team, dedicated to doing things for the king that could not be made public. They were also responsible for protecting the master’s personal safety on weekdays.

In history, all rulers had a division of shadow guards, a division that was specifically responsible for doing tasks for the ruler that had to be done in the dark. They were also responsible for keeping their master safe as well.

Like today’s assassin. The shadow guards were supposed to take action in theory. However, because Ji Yue and Wei Lian’s light movement skills were superior, none of the shadow guards could keep up… iZ2qFW

“Go and pretend to be an assassin.” Ji Yue ordered.

Shuo Feng: “?”

Shouldn’t they, the shadow guards, be catching the assassin?

What did it mean by ‘pretend to be an assassin’? JFV 8X

“You only need to appear near Zhongling Palace and be discovered by the imperial army, so that people will think that you have injured Wei Lian and everyone will know about it.” Ji Yue finished his instructions and added, “But it can’t be true. Even if you hurt him, don’t really get caught, otherwise I won’t be able to protect you.”

“You just need to appear near the Spiritual Palace and be noticed by the imperial guards. Let them think that you have hurt Wei Lian, just cause enough racket.” After Ji Yue finished his order, he added, “But you can’t really hurt him, and you can’t be caught. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee your safety.”

Then he had the reason to summon the imperial physician to Wei Lian, it was perfect.

Shou Feng: “…?” JM3fNG

This had to be the strangest order he had ever received.

But the first rule of the shadow guard’s code was absolute obedience, so he did not ask for more details and took the order with, “Understood.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.


In the Spiritual Palace, Wei Lian was applying medicine on his wound. Then suddenly, he heard a loud shout of “Catch that assassin” outside and paused. OqZPy1

Assassin…did they mean him?

“The assassin went that way!”

Wei Lian’s eyes darkened when he heard that shout.

There was another assassin tonight? NeJgv2

Hearing the commotion getting closer and closer, it seemed to be coming in his direction. Wei Lian focused and planned.

He quickly put away the bloody bandage back into the medicine kit, hid the kit under the bed and made fresh wounds on his leg and neck.

He could not be injured only on his right shoulder and left arm, because it would only cause Ji Yue to be suspected.

By having other injuries would the young man believe it was caused during this encounter. Nu8okc

Wei Lian never thought that Ji Yue would know everything and specially arrange for someone to act in this drama, just to find a reason to teach him the imperial doctor. This operation was so magical that Wei Lian really didn’t expect it.

Wei Lian actually never expected Ji Yue to figure everything and specially arranged someone to stage this play, just to find a reason to send the imperial physicians his way. This operation was too miraculous for Wei Lian to think of it.

Wei Lian was at his limit but would adapt to the situation, using what was available, which was, to use this assassin to clear his name.

If this was not Ji Yue’s doing, then Wei Lian’s plan to frame the shadow guard would have been perfect. QwiFZM

As soon as Wei Lian finished mutilating himself, Shuo Feng, who was wearing night clothes, broke in through the door and was slightly startled when he saw the blood-stained Wei Lian on the couch. A group of forbidden troops followed closely behind him. As soon as they chased him through the door, they saw the assassin jumping out of the window and escaping.

As soon as Wei Lian finished hurting himself, Shuo Feng dressed in night clothes broke through the door and was slightly surprised to see Wei Lian with blood stains on the bed. When a group of imperial guards followed in closely behind the assassin, they watched as their target jumped out of the window and escaped.

One of them saw Wei Lian was covered in blood and was shocked, “This is bad! The young master is injured!”

“Send words to the physician!” hMZHb9

In the middle of the night, Physician Wang and Physician Xu were forced out from their beds and rushed to the Spiritual Palace immediately.

Wei Lian: “…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Why did it feel like things went too smoothly?

_ 2Ig3HC

Inside of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

“Master, the task is completed.” Shuo Feng reported, cupping his fists.

Ji Yue stood in front of the window and whispered, “When you saw him…was he hurt?”

Shuo Feng said respectfully: “Young Master has a wound on his neck, right shoulder, and left arm. The left arm is more seriously injured, and the other subordinates cannot see clearly.” YjurxJ

Shuo Feng respectfully replied, “The young master is injured on his neck, right shoulder and left arm. The injury on his left arm looked very serious, as for the other two injuries, this subordinate couldn’t tell.”

Ji Yue’s hands twitched.

He closed his eyes and ordered, “You are dismissed.”

“Understood.” wDu1VW

As soon as Shuo Feng was gone, the whole room turned dead silent.

Ji Yue was quiet for a moment, suddenly clenched his teeth and snapped in a low tone, “Wei Lian!”

You would rather hurt yourself than let me know!

He was holding on to this fluke mentally, hoping that the person was not Wei Lian, that Wei Lian was safe and sound, and that Wei Lian would never lie to him about something like this. vBop w

Now it was certain that Wei Lian had lied to him. He even preferred to add more wounds to himself rather than let Ji Yue know the truth.

And the most painful thing was.

He really hurt Wei Lian.

_ 9aie2u

Ji Yue looked down at his hands. It was these hands that stabbed Wei Lian’s arm and broke Wei Lian’s wrist tonight.

Wei Lian never gave a cry of pain.

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The youth really…could bear more than he thought.

Ji Yue laughed at himself, and then without hesitation used the short knife he picked up to make a sharp cut on his left arm, broke the arm until it was dislocated, and reattached it like a self-torture. MZGBu6

Ji Yue laughed at himself. Without hesitation, he drew a deep line on his left arm with the short sword he had picked up today, dislocated his arm with great force before putting it back, like he was abusing himself.

He was hit with this unbearable pain before he tossed the sword to the ground. Nothing was show on his face.

He only felt this coldness inside.

The weak appearance from before, the acting that was so lifelike. nHcSji

So, you are able to bear this kind of pain.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Wei – your Majesty! What’s wrong with you!” Li Fuquan was about to come in to report the assassination of Wei Lian. When he saw the blood flowing from Ji Yue’s arm, he was immediately shocked and said, “The imperial doctor! The imperial physician!”

“Your Majesty, Yount Master Wei, he—Your Majesty! What happened to you!” Li Fuquan came in to report Wei Lian’s encounter with the assassin. When he saw the blood flowing down from Ji Yue’s arm, he was immediately shocked and turned pale. “Physician! Call the physician!”

Fortunately, the medical center was already on alert as the speed they came to handle Ji Yue’s injury was very quick. Mo9gSD

It was just to be able to hurt the Son of Heaven, this could not be overlooked.

His Majesty had experienced many battles and was excellent in martial arts. How could a mere assassin hurt him?

“Your Ma-Majesty, what happened?” Li Fuquan was scared out of his wits.

“We met an assassin and brought him to justice.” Ji Yue said calmly, “What happened to Wei Lian?” MHsxPY

Li Fuquan then remembered his reason to come here, “Young Master Wei also encountered an assassin…”

Ji Yue became quiet before getting up. “Ready our carriage.”


When Wei Lian leaned on the bed and quietly accepted the bandage treatment from the imperial physician, he saw Ji Yue rush in. xYJXyl

When the imperial physician was about to salute, he was stopped by Ji Yue. “Continue to treat him.”

Wei Lian lowered his eyes. “Your Majesty.”

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Ji Yue gazed at the residue bloodstain on Wei Lian’s arm and made an affirmative response.

Ji Yue was in a bad mood and sat silently, with an aura of terror all over his body. The imperial doctor carefully bandaged Wei Lian’s wound several times, which made Ji Yue even more frightened. SWjFxp

Ji Yue’s mood was amiss. He sat on the side and said nothing else. There was a frightful aura surrounding him. The imperial physician bandaged his patient while trembling. During this period, every time he accidentally touched Wei Lian’s wound, the aura around Ji Yue intensified.

After he had finally finished bandaging, the imperial physician gave a series of precautions. When he gave advice on staying in bed so as not to aggravate the leg injury, Ji Yue’s aura turned cold.

That’s great, Wei Lian was much crueler to himself than he initially thought. 

“You are dismissed if you have nothing else to add.” Ji Yue ordered. Chj7Rn

Faced with such a heavy pressure, the imperial physician immediately got out of here.

Ji Yue got up once the physician had left, went to the bed and sat down, looking down at the youth.

Wei Lian’s complexion was very pale, with bandages wrapped around his wrist, and a blood mark on his neck, making him appear more shockingly fragile.

Especially the one wrapped around his arm. It was a devastating sight. hSJ2nM

Ji Yue kept his head straight and held back the moisture in his eyes.

“Does it hurt?” Ji Yue suppressed his emotion and asked in a whisper, “Why don’t you know how pain felt?”

Wei Lian wanted to say something back, but he suddenly saw a wound hidden under Ji Yue’s wide sleeve.

His expression changed, “What happened to your hand?” T4E3K6

Ji Yue mumbled, “We encountered the assassins as well.”

Wei Lian: “…”

How was this possible? He was clearly very careful and never injured Ji Yue.

Could it be the assassin from before? Someone actually had the ability to hurt the King of Qin? 8oBg6e

Wei Lian said in disbelief, “There is someone in this world who can hurt you?”

Ji Yue sniffed and whispered, “No need to worry. The assassin had been killed. We were just…hurt during a moment of distraction.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wasn’t there one before him?

Wei Lian, only you can hurt me. cYzIds

Wei Lian was stunned. “Ji Yue…”

Why are you crying?

Ji Yue turned his head and avoided the topic. He glanced at the untouched white jade medicine bottle on the table, walked over, poured out a pill, and whispered: “The time is almost up, just take the antidote.”

Ji Yue turned his head and avoided the topic. He looked at the untouched white jade medicine bottle on the table, went over and poured out a pill, whispering, “It’s almost time. Take the antidote.” 9wdT7u

Wei Lian flattened his lips.

This had always been his sore point.

Without being completely free from the poison, he did not dare to be honest with the other person.

Wei Lian suddenly asked, “How long do you plan to control me?” cXCoZ4

This was a rare moment when he asked bluntly.

Ji Yue turned his back to Wei Lian and blinked quickly, trying to dry his eyes.

So, you really want to leave, don’t you?

How long do you plan to lie to me? DMHxWb

Ji Yue did not answer.

Wei Lian, we are afraid of you.

We learned how despicable we are today. 

We paid you back for the injuries we had caused you, we will accompany you on the pain. 9RsXan

But we will not hand the antidote to you.

We won’t let you go.

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The author has something to say:

[Do you really think Ji Yue would stop trusting Wei Lian after the youth had hurt him, followed by a back-and-forth misunderstanding between the two] Dj8biv

That’s preposterous! How dare you underestimate Ji Yue’s love for Wei Lian!

Ji Yue never distrusted Wei Lian. He never doubted their love towards each other, never thought Wei Lian would hurt him, and he did not care whether Wei Lian knew martial arts or not.

[What he is afraid of the most is Wei Lian leaving him]

Although the environment they grew up in had boosted their self-confidence, they still have somewhat of a low self-esteem when it comes to love, always worrying about losing. Because they had never got what they wanted, they became worried about the consequences of their every action. XyWFaU

Because Ji Yue learned of Wei Lian’s leeway, he was afraid of the youth leaving, so he had to use the antidote to force Wei Lian to stay. But this is also the reason why Wei Lian did not drop all of his guards.

[It is not that they did not love each other enough. They just do not believe that the other loved themselves back just as much]

This is an endless vicious cycle.

What I want to write is the process of getting out of this vicious cycle. It will be a step-by-step process for them to open their hearts and solve the matter that gnaws at their minds. From ‘like to love’, to ‘love deeply’, to ‘could not live without’. These are the necessary sequence processes. g61kAP

That kind of ‘directly reaching love deeply’ in one step, for me, is breaking the two’s character. Collapsing their whole emotional plotline completely and becoming brainless sweet couples. This kind of sweetness had no soul.

What I want to write is that two thorns entangle each other and bloom carefully. This is the love that can overwhelm me with emotions. Not the two flowers that are sweet from beginning to end. If you don’t like it, please drop the story and don’t force yourself.

And the emotional plotline is not angst. There are no more misunderstandings other than the current vicious cycle; the one where they love each other too much but with too little confidence. Isn’t that what a sweet novel is all about???

After writing more than fifty chapters of sweet, I saw that the comment section was worried about fifty chapters of angst, and I was also starting to doubt life… WAhSP9

Out of ten thousand comments, I seemed to spot just one comment that guessed correctly that Ji Yue loves Wei Lian too much and did not give the antidote because he was afraid of the youth leaving… Who is this divine being? Come out and take the credit.

Translator's Note

North wind.

Translator's Note

Often translated as “feeling line”. Line as in the road that a character walks on.

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