An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh27 - So Useless

“You behave yourself.”

Wei Lian’s consciousness was groggy and his movements were not flexible. He searched for a long time and couldn’t find the location of the belt. Instead, he tore Ji Yue’s clothes into a mess. CSNbHo

Wei Lian’s consciousness was underwater, and his movement wasn’t as sharp. After touching around for a long time, he couldn’t find the slash, he did tug Ji Yue’s clothes into a mess.

Ji Yue’s whole body tensed up from the youth’s tease. Then, he didn’t expect Wei Lian to touch there as his face immediately turned red and…he had a reaction.

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He could not be blamed for this. A living and breathing beauty lying on his body, touching and hugging him, no one could withstand it.

“Eh?” Wei Lian tilted his head, somewhat curious. “Why is this…” 69IpoX

Ji Yue’s eyes darkened. “Wei Lian, get off of us.”

Wei Lian looked at him with his dazed eyes, like he couldn’t comprehend what he had said.

In Ji Yue’s shocked gaze, Wei Lian accurately wandered into the robe hem and grasped the conspicuous object, murmuring, “Ah, I found it.”



“Wei, Xiao, Lian!” Ji Yue flew into a rage out of humiliation, and his furious eyes glared at the misbehaving youth. “You insolent…”

“You are allowed to bully me, but I can’t return the flavor?” Wei Lian hmphed. “This is my dream, and only what I said counts. You behave yourself, Ji Xiao Yue.”

Ji Yue was horrified. “Wake up!”

Goddamned your dreams, this is our palace, our imperial bed!” Ilkje1

Ji Yue wanted to push the young man away, but Wei Lian moved his hand slightly. Ji Yue trembled slightly and his breathing suddenly became a little lower.

As Ji Yue was about to push the youth away, Wei Lian moved his hand slightly and brought a light shiver in Ji Yue. In a split second, his breathing deepened somewhat.

This unprecedented feeling flooded his body, enough to drown him in comfort.

Ji Yue’s sharp eyes tensed slightly as he used the back of his hands to cover his eyes, suppressing pants and gasps from escaping from his throat. yrMlQo

Ji Yue looked at the beautiful youth on the daybed with a complicated expression. NM9EPf

The fair skinned beauty sat on his knees and studied his right hand in awe.

Wei Lian’s fingers were slender and beautiful, with roots like jade. However, there were some traces of crystal on them at the moment. Ji Yue only glanced at them and turned away.

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Wei Lian’s fingers were beautiful and slender, each one was perfectly shaped like treasures. But right now, they were stained with translucent remains, which Ji Yue took a glance at before turning his head away.

As Ji Yue was about to call a servant to fetch water, the moment he turned his head back, he saw the youth putting his fingers near his mouth. odraVI

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olxf j xlaafc, tf ragfamtfv bea tlr qlcx abcuef jcv ilmxfv fjmt olcufgalqr mifjc.

Al Tef: “…?!”

Ktlr kjr mgjhs.

Ktlr kjr wjvcfrr. GLeddb

Qfl Oljc kjr mifjgis atf bcf ktb uba vfilglberis vgecx, yea Al Tef ofia atja tf kjr ublcu ab vlf ogbw j vloofgfca asqf bo vgecxfccfrr.

“Qfl Oljc.” Al Tef obgmfv tlwrfio ab mjiw vbkc jcv wbnfv obgkjgv ab rflhf atf sbeat’r kglra. “Gbc’a fja atja.”

The youth raised his head slightly, licked up the small droplet on his lips and swallowed it.

Ji Yue: “…” 2nChZO

Give him some room to breathe.

He needed to clear his disoriented head.

For the King of Qin, who would blush at the sight of those pictures in the holy book, of course what Wei Lian performed tonight would cause a great shock to him.

He hadn’t yet figured out how to deal with their relationship. tR7b0N

They were more intimate than a simple partner with less emotionally involved than real lovers.

But there was one thing that was undoubtedly true.

Wei Lian was not the same as others.

Ji Yue lowered his eyes. NBpJUj

He did not like this special presence that had appeared in his heart.

Weaknesses and vulnerabilities were something he shouldn’t have.

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Ji Yue didn’t know what Wei Lian was thinking, but the youth raised his eyes lazily and gave the man a critical hit, “Faster than I was. You are so useless.”

Ji Yue was baffled. dZdVJN

The eight words echoed in his head.

Faster than I was. You are so useless.

You are so useless.

So useless. IwHR9k


Ji Yue smiled and showed a stunning expression that could shake anyone’s core, using his unworldly beauty.

Wei Lian was indeed different from others. KsarL1

He knew more than anyone on how to piss people off.


Before Wei Lian woke up, Ji Yue had thought of eight hundred ways of ‘how to settle the score when Wei Lian once he woke up’.

And when Wei Lian finally woke up— jES2yU

The youth’s eyes were still shrouded with a hangover haze. He stroked his head, looked around, and his expression slowly cleared up.

Finally, he fixed his gaze on Ji Yue.

The two pairs of eyes met.

Wei Lian said calmly, “Good morning, Your Majesty.” adZyME

Ji Yue gave a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “It’s not morning, the sky has already turned dark.”

Wei Lian was startled. “This subject seems to get drunk tonight…”

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“Have more self-confidence, not seems.” Ji Yue corrected calmly, “You were so drunk that we had to carry you back here. Moreover, you were drunk last night.”

Wei Lian: “…” gz1LvX

A cup of wine actually caused him to sleep for a day and a night.

Wine was really not a good thing.

He searched through his memory and found it to be fragmented after finishing the wine last night. He had no recollection of what happened after that.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have had a dream. In the dream, he was talking to someone and what words… But who he was talking to and what he was talking about were completely forgotten after he woke up. 5dUhOl

He could vaguely remember dreaming of something, in which he and someone were talking…but in the end, he completely forgot the person, and the content of their conversation.

Something very bad had happened.

Wei Lian muttered in his head.

Since entering the palace, he seems to be living a casual life, but in fact he has everything under control. But the fragmented memory of this day and night made things develop to an uncontrollable point. BNhst7

Since entering the palace, he seemed to live too at ease, but in fact, each of his every movement was in the control of his palm. But this day and night of fragmented memories had reached places that were out of his control.

What did he do during this one day and one night?

If he just slept peacefully, I was afraid that he would cause some trouble after drinking, or say some strange things in his sleep… Then it would be really doomed.

It was fine if he was only sleeping peacefully, but what he was afraid of the most was causing some trouble after drinking or revealing things through sleep talking…then that could end in disaster. neoC3t

He tried to search for anything on the King of Qin’s face, but the man appeared as his flawless self as usual.

Wei Lian asked without batting an eyelid, “Did this subject fail to show proper etiquette?”

Ji Yue laughed with a meaning that was hard to grasp.

Not only did you fail proper etiquette, what you did was borderline rebellious. klNdTr

Not only did you call us by our taboo name, but you also spilled out regicidal words, pressed us down despite our warning and dared to call us useless after committing the crime.

Dying a thousand times would not be enough to atone for all the crimes listed above.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue had long thought that if Wei Lian woke up, he would list all the things the youth had done while he was drunk, and he could decide for himself how to be punished.

When he is awake, Wei Lian is calm and strong-minded, as if nothing can defeat him. Ji Yue really wanted to see how he would deal with such a situation. nduNWZ

When Wei Lian was clear-headed, he was calm and collected with a strong mind, as if nothing could defeat him. Ji Yue really wanted to see how he would deal with this kind of situation.

But against the youth’s gentle and calm expression, Ji Yue flattened his lips and suddenly lost such interest.

He knew how difficult it would be for a person to remain unmoving and powerful.

Last night, during Wei Lian’s drunkenness, he weakly leaned in Ji Yue’s arms and muttered ‘I don’t like pain’ quietly with a child-like vulnerability. sA 1Ip

It was enough to soften anyone’s heart.

Such a noble and proud young man, he has the appearance of a gentle and jade-like young man, as if he has been sunk in the mud and has been polished by sophistication and smoothness. But there is still a lingering frivolous youthfulness in his bones, which are his edges that have not been smoothed out. He also still has an innocent and childlike spirit, which is a pure land that he refuses to let go of.

This noble and proud young master was gentle as jade, as if he had fallen into the mud and had been polished thoroughly by the sophistication of the world. But there was still lingering frivolous young energy deep into his bone, which was his sharpness that had yet been worn down by society. He too still had this childish innocence, a pure side of him that he refused to let go.

Ji Yue admired Wei Lian’s pride, so there was no reason for him to break the youth’s dignity and force him to do something so submissive. gwsKOF

“No.” Ji Yue leaned his head against the headboard and replied after a long time.

“You’ve been sleeping until now.”

It was better for Wei Lian to forget about these. Ji Yue thought.

But he would not take back his words, that was not a lie. rJTwv1

The author has something to say:

Happy New Year’s Day and keep up the good work in the new year!

It just so happens that our Wei Xiao Lian and Ji Xiao Yue are also going to celebrate in joy!


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