An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh17 - Mastiff Dog

“To meet such a fool.”

When Wei Lian woke up, the sun was already high in the sky. On this winter morning, he lazily curled into a blanket burrito, feeling so warm that he didn’t want to leave. B92jsT

This is as miserable as the King of Qin. No matter whether it is cold or hot, winter or summer, he has to get up before midnight to go to court. Just thinking of this, Wei Lian had no interest in becoming king.

This was the downside of being the miserable King of Qin, having to get up before dawn to attend the court, even during the harsh cold and intense heat. The mere thought of this made him less interested in being a king.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wasn’t sleeping under the blanket nest much more comfortable? Why must one torment themselves with all of these responsibilities?

Good morning, Young Master.” A palace maid entered and put his outfit for the day over the headboard. “Young Master, please change your clothes.” yeAQST

Wei Lian took a look and saw that it was not Zhu Cui. He has a good memory and remembers that the palace maid in front of him is responsible for serving King Qin’s dressing, and her name is Zhuyue.

Wei Lian turned his gaze and found that the palace maid today wasn’t Zhu Chu. With his good memory, he remembered this servant girl was the same one in charge of serving the King of Qin in his attire, Zhu Yue was her name.

The woman was decent looking, as pretty as the autumn moon, and as beautiful as a peach and plum. The King of Qin could actually let this beauty wander around by his side all day every day without taking an advantage.

What an insensitive Zhan Huo.


He unhurriedly put on his clothes, while Zhu Yue kept her head down, saying not a single word.

“You seem to have something you want to say to me.” Wei Lian mentioned as he gently fastened his sash and finally raised his eyes to look at Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue’s hand trembled, not expecting Young Master Lian to have such a sharp observation.

Zhu Yue bowed her head and said, “His Majesty has instructed that if you feel bored indoors, you may go out for a walk.” VEcJ2Q

Wei Lian fixed his eyes on her. “But I’m not familiar with the Qin Palace, so I don’t know where to go.”

These words hit Zhu Yue’s heart. She was happy at first, but then she felt a sense of panic as her thoughts were penetrated. She said bravely: “My maid can lead the way for you.”

This was just what Zhu Yue wanted to hear. She was happy at first, then came the fear of having her intention be seen through, so she had to summon the courage to say, “This servant girl can guide the way for the young master.”

Wei Lian chuckled. “Alright, then thank you for your trouble, we can leave now.” 90SK5p

Zhu Yue was stunned. “Is the young master not bringing his attendants?”

Weren’t there two attendants by Wei Lian’s side, Chang Sheng and Chang Shou?

“No need. It would be quick.” Wei Lian said.

Zhu Yue didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, and she even picked up her pace when she turned around. AzJOU9

No, you won’t be coming back. Zhu Yue thought maliciously.

Because her back was to him, she had missed the subtle hint of indifference in the smiling youth’s eyes.

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He also wanted to know what medicine this palace maid with ulterior motives was selling in her gourd.

Acting in front of him would be like playing tricks on others. Zhuyue thought she hid her emotions very well, but little did she know that when it fell into Wei Lian’s eyes, the jealousy and fear were clearly written on her face. Rn4oeN

Acting in front of him was rather like displaying one’s intermediate skill to a master. Zhu Yue thought she was hiding her emotion well, but she scarcely realized that in Wei Lian’s eyes, her jealousy and fear were clearly written on her sleeves.

A rabbit wanted to send a lamb into the tiger’s den, but the rabbit didn’t realize that the lamb was a king of the jungle.

Very interesting.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

_ nZ2FS6

Zhuyue took Wei Lian out of the palace. There has been no snowfall in the past few days, and the sun is warm, which makes me feel comfortable. The snow on the ground has not yet melted, and the vast expanse of white from a distance is extremely beautiful.

Ite Tef ygbeuta Qfl Oljc bea bo atf qjijmf ujafr. Pa tjv cba rcbkfv obg atf qjra ofk vjsr, jcv atf rec kjr kjgw fcbeut ab yglcu mbwobga. Ktf jmmeweijafv rcbk bc atf ugbecv tjv cba sfa wfiafv, yea la kjr yfjealoei ab rff atf njra ktlaf ogbw j vlrajcmf.

“At this time of the year, the flowers in the Plum Blossom Garden are in full bloom. Why not have this servant girl take the young master to admire them?” Zhu Yue said, guiding Wei Lian to the southeast.

The Plum Blossom Garden was indeed in that direction. But what Zhu Yue failed to mention was that there were two palace paths leading to the Plum Blossom Garden, and the palace worker would usually take the other one. QH9J1N

…Because the path they were on, it would pass through the Beast Vivarium, where His Majesty kept his mastiff.

The mastiff was a gift from Liang Guo two years ago. Your Majesty has raised it since it was a cub, and it is now two years old. He is half a man tall, has a ferocious temperament and is extremely strong. He has saved His Majesty’s life several times and is very popular with His Majesty.

The mastiff was a gift from the country of Liang two years ago. His Majesty raised it from a pup, now at two years old, it was half a man tall, both fierce and powerful. It even saved His Majesty’s life several times, so it was very much loved by His Majesty.

Many assassins have attempted on His Majesty’s life, but before they could get close, the mastiff would rip off their throats. The mastiff even had a scar on its back, which it got from taking a hit for His Majesty. fOv65C

His Majesty raised the mastiff purely on raw meat, so when it bit the assassin, it straight out ate the man alive. Having a taste of human flesh made it harder to be tame. Even several strong men couldn’t subdue it.

It is only affectionate to His Majesty, and is extremely cruel to everyone else. Even the eunuch who raised the animal only dared to put food in the bucket while it was sleeping. He did not dare to approach it at other times, and even the palace people would take a detour.

It only listened to His Majesty and treated everyone else with great hostility. Even the eunuchs tasked to feed it only dared to put food in the bucket while it was sleeping, avoiding approaching it the rest of the time. For the rest of ordinary palace workers, they all go around the dangerous area.

Otherwise, why get bitten if they wouldn’t be able to seek justice. In His Majesty’s eyes, their lives weren’t as valuable as the dog’s life. Vl87Y9

That was how things were in the palace. People were worse than dogs.

Mastiffs are free-range and neither kept in cages nor tied with chains. His Majesty would sometimes go over to play with it, but most of the time he would lie lazily sleeping in the zoo. It usually does not go out and only regards the animal breeding hall as its own territory. Except for turning a blind eye when seeing the animal raising eunuch, it treats anyone who breaks into the animal breeding hall except His Majesty as an enemy and does not treat anyone who breaks into the animal breeding hall except His Majesty. Attack and kill without hesitation.

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The mastiff was kept free range, neither in a cage nor chained. His Majesty would sometimes visit to play with it, other than that, besides that, it mostly just slept and idled around in the Beast Vivarium. It didn’t often go out, staying in the Beast Vivarium as its own territory. Except for turning a blind eye to its caretakers, it treated anyone who entered its domain as an enemy, other than His Majesty, naturally. Against its enemy, it would attack and kill without hesitation.

A palace official once accidentally entered the zoo and was bitten to death by a mastiff on the spot. Half of the body was swallowed whole by the mastiff, and the other half was restrained and hastily buried. He died quietly, and in the end it was not fair. wWGRy5

There was once a palace worker who stepped foot on the Beast Vivarium by mistake and was bitten to death on the spot. Half of the body was digested in the mastiff’s stomach while the other half was messily buried, dying in such a quiet way and without getting justice.

Zhu Yue was planning to get rid of Wei Lian with the mastiff’s fang.

The abacus is very good. She led Wei Lian to the animal breeding house. When Wei Lian was eaten by the mastiff, he would die without any evidence. No one knew that she had deliberately led him there.

Her scheme was well laid out. She would lure Wei Lian to the Beast Vivarium, and as the beast swallowed Wei Lian whole, there wouldn’t be any witness, then no one would know she was the culprit who deliberately led him there. uFqI6l

Jealousy could blind a person. Zhu Yue had no courage to kill, but once resentment was born, boundless evil thoughts would form inside her head.


As soon as they reached the boundary of the zoo, Zhuyue did not dare to go forward, fearing that she would also provoke the ferocious mastiffs. She pretended to have a stomachache, covered her lower abdomen, and said with an ouch: “Oh, maid… I feel a little unwell suddenly, and I have to go to the palace. Young Master, the Meiyuan Garden is just ahead. Please take two more steps, maid. Come back as soon as you go.”

Once they were near the boundary of the Beast Vivarium, Zhu Yue did not dare to go further for fear that she would provoke the fierce mastiff. She pretended to have a stomachache, wrapped her arms over her belly and gasped, “Ah, this servant girl…suddenly feels unwell and has to take a trip to the lavatory. Young Master, you go on ahead, this servant girl will be right back.” lAmeJa

When Zhu Yue finished speaking, she hurried away without waiting for Wei Lian to reply.

Wei Lian remained where he stood. Once Zhu Yue disappeared from his sight, he turned to leave without hesitation.

He already knew that the palace maid had a problem. When he returned, he only had to ask others where this place was, and he would know what Zhu Yue wanted to do. Then why should he personally take risks to verify this unknown.

He already knew that there was something off with the palace maid, and to learn what her plan was, he only had to ask others where Zhu Yue was taking him once he was back. Why should he personally take the risk to verify the unknown? 0r4FRj

He was not stupid.

But that palace maid was. Did she really think that if they came out together and something happened to him, she would make it out of this alive?

“My first time meeting such a stupid person.” Wei Lian sighed.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a sound of wind coming from behind him, his steps paused slightly, a cold light flashed between his fingers, and several silver needles appeared in an instant. UuVbOZ

As he was about to leave, a breeze came from behind him, and he picked up sounds of movements in the wind. He paused his footsteps subtly before a cold flash of light glinted between his fingers, and several silver needles suddenly appeared.

He turned around and sent the needles flying, and they instantly struck the newcomer.

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A giant mastiff with smooth fur, powerful frame, and a majestic golden mane appeared. Its golden mane was like that of a lion king.

In the middle of its pounce on Wei Lian, it was hit by several tiny silver needles that stopped its movement and grounded it. nBl 3Y

“Oh?” Wei Lian narrowed his eyes. “I was expecting more, but it turned out to be a small animal.”

The giant mastiff: “…”

Excuse me? Small animal? Care to repeat that again?

It lost all of its dignity! dfI6xm

The large dog bared its fangs, making a fierce face in an attempt to scare off this audacious human. “Woof!”

Wei Lian frowned, feeling disgusted by its saliva. “Keep your mouth shut.”

The giant dog barked louder and more aggressively, “Woof woof!!!”

Wei Lian’s eyes turned cold. “A dog raised by the dog of an emperor; it won’t be too good to kill…” EZVd0N

The moment the youth’s eyes went cold, the giant dog instinctively felt a trace of danger as fear streaked across its eyes.

It dropped to its forelegs and lay on the ground in a show of submission.

The animal’s ability to detect danger was the sharpest. Instinct told it that the human before it was not one to be messed with. It was the animal’s instinct to surrender to the strong, no exception.

Wei Lian showed a gentle smile and withdrew the silver needles back to his bracelet, as if the murderous intent just now was imaginary. “That’s a good boy. j5OdkY

Seeing that the silver needles threatening its life were gone, the giant dog stood its ground with its front paws and let out another dangerous low growl, ready to attack again.

Wei Lian gently stroked its head, right on its lethal acupuncture point. “You are so cute, especially your head. It’s good enough to eat, perfect for a braised lion’s head.”

The giant dog whimpered.

Master, where are you? Why did you grant such a dangerous human entry? ylMVqo

Others came to be its food, but this youth treated it as food.

This was terrible.

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The giant dog’s whole body was listless as it lay lifelessly on the ground.

Master, come and save my dog’s life! 0B5gl

Master… Eh? Master is coming!

The dog’s eyes lit up at the sight of the man dressed in black clothes. It immediately stood up, wanting to jump into its master’s arm with joy.

…Then it watched dumbfoundedly as the heartless youth ran with faster speed to monopolize its master’s arms. He laid softly on them in tears. “Your Majesty, this subject is so scared!”

The giant dog: “…” GaXSb6

Was it dreaming? Was this scene the reality?

Shouldn’t I be the one who is scared?

The dog was at a loss.

Ji Yue looked down at the youth in his arms in a brief stun. 6Jjnsv

Considering the group of followers behind him, he quickly cuddled the youth in his arms and coaxed him while asking, “What are you doing here?”

After he went down to court, because he thought of the embarrassing situation in the morning and the beautiful dream last night, he didn’t want to go back to Yangxin Hall to face the young man for the time being.

Even after the court session had ended, he was still troubled by the embarrassing situation in the morning, and the enchanting dream from last night. He didn’t want to return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to face the youth for the time being.

…It was not because he was ashamed, he just didn’t want to see the other person. msv6hq

Mulling over this, he decided to go visit the Beast Vivarium to see his dog.

But he didn’t expect to welcome an armful of Wei Lian.

Wei Lian raised his head and said with red eyes: “I have been in the palace for a long time and wanted to come out to have a look… I didn’t know that a dog suddenly jumped out… I am most afraid of dogs!”

Wei Lian raised his head and mumbled with red eyes, “This subject had stayed in the palace hall for so long and wanted to come out to explore… Then a dog suddenly came out of nowhere… This subject fears dogs the most!” r5FdQ2

The giant dog: “…”

Excuse me? I’m more afraid of you thank you very much!

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Because of the youth’s slightly rosy eyes, and his trembling body from the lingering trauma, these suddenly reminded Ji Yue of last night’s dream.

The youth was also in his arms, with such flushed eyes and twitches in his frame… 84vd70

Cough, cough.

Stopping this train of thought.

This matter should not be underestimated indeed. If he had arrived any later, the youth would have been eaten alive by his mastiff.

When he thought of this possibility, Ji Yue’s heart suddenly sank, and he actually felt a faint fear along with it. Eno5Aw

Wei Lian was a very interesting character. If he died, the Qin Palace would return to its boring times once more.

The very desperate mastiff dog could read its master’s thoughts very clearly from his eyes. Master, if you had arrived any later, the one eaten alive would have been me!

Ji Yue reassured him, “Everything is fine, a’meng is just being playful for the occasion. It won’t hurt you. Don’t let its fierce appearance trick you, this dog is actually as adorably cute as its name.”

The trembling in Wei Lian’s body stopped. RznUEa

The King of Qin named that golden lion king dog A’Meng?

And describing it as adorably cute???

Alright, I see, this was a very King of Qin kind of thing.


Translator's Note

More accurately, the sun has risen to three poles high, or late in the morning.

Translator's Note

More accurately, Young Master is awake. ‘Is awake’ has the same vibe as bidding one good morning, but doesn’t sound as smooth in English in my opinion.

Translator's Note

Also known as Liu Xiahui. The story was this ancient Chinese politician from the Lu Empire met a woman without a place to stay, fearing that she would catch the cold in this weather, he held her within his clothes (loose robe I guess) the whole night without doing or showing anything inappropriate.

Translator's Note

What medicine is being sold in the gourd is the Chinese idiom equivalent to ‘what was up in the sleeves’.

Translator's Note

Chinese’s fancy name for meatball.

Translator's Note

Can also mean ‘lowly life’.

Translator's Note

So, this author tends to add modern slang into the novel even with its ancient setting. This is one of them. 萌 Meng is a borrowed word from moe which means feeling of cuteness.

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