Dao Of The Salted FishCh7 - Eh, I can’t be bothered fighting. You win, ba.

Thinking back to the original Wen Zhihao’s memories, all outer sect disciples had weapons practice at the rise of dawn, every day.

The first thing was for all the disciples to practice the dozens of basic forms. Wen Zhihao followed his body’s muscle memory and jumped to the form that all the disciples around him were doing. 9RkPLh

The sword of the original owner was a basic single-edged blade, without any adornments. Its name was simply Silver Blade, and no, it wasn’t one of those swords that people underestimated, it truly was plain.

Without money, a disciple could not personally acquire a new weapon, and the original owner was poor. Without skills, the Sect would not assign higher grade weapons, and the skills of the original owner were extremely mediocre. The original owner put in the hard work, but absolutely no talent. And in a world with hundreds of cultivators…hard work was simply not enough.

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At first, Wen Zhihao tricked himself into being amused with swinging a sword around while moving his qi at the same time. Swish! Fwoosh! Imaginary stab! But as the training progressed, the sword felt heavier and heavier, and it wasn’t fun at all.

Why didn’t the original owner choose a lighter weapon, like a fan? Why did the original owner insist on training with the sword which he clearly had no talent for? LJ93ns

Wen Zhihao’s moves turned sloppy by the end of the basic training, completely unlike the clean and sharp movements of the other disciples. When Zhang Wu announced the next training phase, Wen Zhihao sheathed his sword in relief.

In the next phase, disciples could either pair up to spar with a partner or continue solo practice. Across the square, disciples moved about, some calling out requests for duels.

“—Wen Zhihao! Fellow Daoist Wen Zhihao!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wen Zhihao: …What now?


Lf aegcfv abkjgvr atf rbecv, rajcvlcu ja fjrf jr Qjcu Ol Qfl jcv tlr ugbeq ragbvf eq ab tlw.

Now that Wang Li Wei had exchanged his dull yellow robes for golden robes, he really stood out from his gang. There was one other person in his group who also had golden robes, but Wang Li Wei had more opulent decorative and magical items and a flashier looking sword. Technically, now that Wang Li Wei was now an inner sect disciple, he didn’t need to be here during this practice session. He must have other motivations.

“Wen Zhihao,” Wang Li Wei repeated, posing with a hand on his sword hilt. “Tch, tch, the first time you arrived late. Did your defeat rattle you that much? You’re going to become one of the oldest outer sect disciples…”

Ktja kbeiv yf agef. Cr beafg rfma vlrmlqifr uba bivfg, lo atfs kfgf ecjyif ab jvnjcmf lcab atf lccfg rfma, wjcs bo atfw kbeiv vfmlvf ab ifjnf obg rwjiifg rfmar, bg atf ygjcmt rfmar, lcrafjv bo mbcalcelcu ab ilnf ecvfg atf beafg-rfma jiibkjcmf jcv wlclwji qglnlifufr. URd2x5

But in Wen Zhihao’s point of view, the outer sect disciples lived comfortably given the Ancient China-like setting. He didn’t mind being an old outer sect disciple.

“…Look at him, in a daze,” Wang Li Wei said to his cronies friends, smirking. “Come on, let’s fight. We’ll see whether or not today is your lucky day. How many defeats has he had already?”

“Over twenty!”

“Over a hundred!” FuSnTh

“Over three hundred!”

With a shhhing, Wang Li Wei drew his sword. “Let’s duel.”

Wen Zhihao yawned. “I don’t care about your pissing contest.”

Around him, disciples’ jaws dropped. jVHvyL


Has he reached his limit? Is he going to turn into a demonic cultivator now?”

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Wang Li Wei’s mouth twitched into a sneer. “Are you scared?”

Wen Zhihao blinked slowly at the teenager. “You’re stronger than me, happy? You’re a very good boy,” he said in a placating tone. Hm, I’m hungry…oh, I promised the Aunty Chef that I would help her… Wen Zhihao gave the group a polite nod. “Work hard, okay? Goodbye.” n P3k7

With that, Wen Zhihao left the training field.

Wang Li Wei was speechless as he watched Wen Zhihao’s disappearing back. His face went red. What did he just say??!!!! Did he just ignore me?? How dare he! “That…that Wen Zhihao!”

Wang Li Wei’s friends quickly agreed. “How dare he speak like that?!!”

“How rude!!” hYlfMd

But Wen Zhihao didn’t look back.

More than one person noticed Wen Zhihao’s exit. Zhang Wu’s forehead twitching in anger at Wen Zhihao’s laziness.

And on the other side of the field, Sun Fuyu wanted to follow Wen Zhihao out. He wanted to know what Wen-shixiong was planning to do. But he couldn’t leave, not while Wu Qingqing swung her sharp sword at him!


Wen Zhihao: I, your father, am telling you to go practice nicely, okay? That’s a good boy.

Wang Li Wei: !!!! ノಠ益ಠノ彡┻━┻

Sun Fuyu: *thinking: …why is he a good boy…*


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  1. So tell me if im wrong but my CP senses are tingling.

    Is this a sweet sensitive younger gong(which would honestly be a breathe of fresh air in this genre) or is it a mc gong? Hmmmmmm

  2. I wonder is SF our ML?

    Anyways, thank you for this work! Do you have estimated length in mind?

  3. Added to reading list ; a cute genre to cleanse my rotten brain 😅

    Thanks for the update 💕💕

  4. when you realize that this is an original novel… so no mtl… 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯. but anyways, i’m really loving this story! sun fuyu is the cutest~

  5. Really loving this story!! He’s right, why use all that energy on things and people you don’t like ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

    Wishing to join the Salted Fish Sect

    Thank you so much for all these chapters!!!

  6. Honestly, being an old disciple at this place sounds pretty good. Free food, gardens, and daily exercise lessons…not bad

    thanks for the chapter

  7. So dramatic: “He…swore!”

    “Has he reached his limit? Is he going to turn into a demonic cultivator now?”

    Gosh, kids calm down. WenWen is a mature adult. Adults swear occasionally and don’t run of to become a demonic cultivator. Only kids (like Wang Li Wei) would do stupid things like that.
