An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh11 - To Bathe

“A ruler will intimidate, but a husband does not.”

After the meal, the palace maids removed the scraps and cold food off of the table. Wei Lian used a white embroidered handkerchief to wipe his lips with extreme grace. 6WzN24

In winter, the days were short, and the nights were long; the sky outside was dark, and the moon was hazy.

The chill struck people deep into their flesh.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

When Wei Lian walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was almost forced back inside by the biting night. Ji Yue promptly took his cold hand and shared the warmth from his palm.

In front of the palace servants, Ji Yue inquired solicitously on his well-being, “Hold our hand if the cold is too overwhelming.” uWG Uh

Wei Lian showed a smile before lowering his head, as if he was feeling bashful.

The atmosphere between the two was harmonious.

After nightfall, Ji Yue would review the memorials in the imperial study. If there is no important matter in the court, it is enough to wait for half an hour; when government affairs are busy, it is also possible to stay up late and read until dawn.

After nightfall, Ji Yue would retrieve into his study to evaluate the memorial to the throne. If there was no important matter from the court, it would usually take an hour to finish; when there was an urgent matter, it was possible to stay up late and work until dawn.


In the past, there would be a close attendant stationed in the study to grind ink, but now the task was delegated to Wei Lian, the newly ‘male pet’, who could bbring fragrance with his crimson sleeves.

The imperial study was not far from the Hall of Mental Cultivation. It took several winding corridors before they were greeted by a warm breeze with the push of the door.

Ji Yue kept Wei Lian beside him, along with four other palace attendants.

Ji Yue worked too hard to govern in the early years. Now the six countries all respect Qin, and there is peace and prosperity in the four seas without natural disasters, so that the courtiers are too busy. VjmRr2

Ji Yue strived to make his country strong and prosperous during his early years. Now that all of the six countries were respectful of the Qin, the four seas were calm and peaceful, and there were no natural disasters, the court councilors were very idle these days.

For example, at this moment, what was piled up on Ji Yue’s desk wasn’t related to the well-fare of his people, or the military deployment, rather, they were picture scrolls or beauties.

He didn’t need to use his brain to deduce they were from the cabinet ministers who were crazy about filling his harem.

He opened one for a quick look, then tossed the pile of scrolls to Wei Lian. “Pick out the ones with superior appearance than you and present them to us.” ncCPq

Not everyone could be worthy of his eyes. Mediocre people don’t deserve to be looked upon by Ji Yue.

Wei Lian said, “Understood.” Then he accepted the scrolls and examined them carefully one by one.

After the time to burn one incense—or half an hour—Wei Lian stacked them back up, speaking in a humble and courteous tone, “This subject couldn’t pick one out.”

Ji Yue teased, “Does that mean that you look the best?” r8oLF4

Wei Lian paused and said very modestly, “Yes.”

The lights in Ji Yue’s eyes glittered slightly, as crow’s feet appeared in the corner of his eyes, giving an illusion of a smile.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lbk mbeiv atlr qfgrbc rqfjx rb jggbujcais lc j tewyif jcv ufcaifwjc-ilxf wjccfg?

Lf abbx j rtlcf ab atf sbeat…fnfc wbgf cbk. SDgN4U

Ji Yue swept all the scrolls to the ground, leaving a space on the table. The scroll fell to the ground with a loud clatter. The four palace servants in the room thought that King Qin was angry, so they immediately knelt down in fright.

Qlat j rkffq bo tlr jgw, Al Tef mgfjafv jc fwqas rqjmf bc atf ajyif. Ktf rmgbiir ofii ab atf ugbecv klat ibev atevr. Ktf obeg qjijmf rfgnjcar atbeuta atf Blcu bo Hlc kjr jcugs, rb atfs xcfia vbkc lwwfvljafis lc ofjg.

Only Wei Lian kept his aloof expression.

Ji Yue pulled Wei Lian’s wrist, placed him on the desk and said in an extremely loving tone, “Then we don’t want them, we only want you, alright?” xOWTo6

Inside Wei Lian’s head: Tsk, such a big pot to carry.

The four palace ladies kneeling in the room were not deaf. Wei Lian could already foresee the sight of Qin Chen pointing his nose at him and scolding him for causing harm to the country and the people.

The four palace workers, who prostrated themselves, were not deaf. Wei Lian could already foresee the sight of him being verbally abused by subjects of the Qin; what came to mind was the image of them pointing at his nose for being the scourge of this country.

Wei Lian lowered his gaze and smiled. “Alright.” M49cIy

Ji Yue used his long fingers to lift up the youth’s chin and leaned in for what appeared to be a kiss.

The four kneeling figures trembled and buried their heads deeper, not daring to glance up at all.

His Majesty is really fond of Wei-shijun…they thought in unison.

Only Wei Lian knew differently, as Ji Yue stopped inches from his lips and gave a very low praise, “Your acting is quite adequate.” C5Nba

Wei Lian released a gasp, forming an illusion that his uneven breathing was from being kissed breathlessly. He begged, “Your Majesty…th-this subject can’t catch my breath.”

As someone like Wei Lian, he was not only the most beautiful man in the world, but he was also the best performer in the seven countries.

He didn’t mind showing off his acting skills in front of the King of Qin. It would only create layer upon layer over his face. Eventually, the masks would be thick, and none of them would be real.

So, that was why Wei Lian did this, showing an arrogance engraved deep in his bones that couldn’t be hidden behind his humble and respectful persona. It wasn’t because he couldn’t hide it, but because he didn’t want to. 9164TJ

Suitable disguise had the benefit of continuing living at peace, but over pretending could be too suffocating and would only bring future suffering to himself.

Wei Lian didn’t want hardship.

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Ji Yue chuckled softly, and the sound of his laugh was extremely pleasing to the ears.

He whispered, “Wei-lang, we want to peel the skin off your face to see what you’re really like inside.” 8WDr4n

Wei Lian was unmoved. “This subject is just a spineless individual who wants to live, nothing more.”

Ji Yue raised an eyebrow and ordered the four palace servants, who were kneeling on the ground, “Dismiss yourself.”

The palace attendants hurriedly did as they were ordered.

The moment he exited and closed the door, His Majesty could be seen through the crack of the door, eagerly taking off the guard’s clothes and pressing him down on the desk. Pj9VSZ

The moment they exited and closed the door, the last image shown through the crack between the doors was His Majesty impatiently pressing the youth against the desk and removing Wei-shijun’s garments.

Did His Majesty intend to pleasure Wei-shijun in the imperial study?

The last one to exit was a palace maid who closed the door tightly with a deep blush.

_ S6HfkR

As soon as the door was closed, Ji Yue instantly moved further away from Wei Lian.

Wei Lian leisurely put his outer robe back on and drew it around his body. He even tidied the disordered ink, paper, and inkstones back to their place on the table.

Looking unruffled, Ji Yue looked at him.

When Wei Lian started to pick up the scrolls on the floor, Ji Yue began, “From what we see, Wei-lang isn’t a spineless individual.” vJeDNO

Wei Lian paused his cleaning.

“They are all afraid of us.” Ji Yue explained his logic slowly, “But not you.”

No matter how lifelike the act was, Ji Yue never felt a hint of real fear from Wei Lian.

The youth and those people weren’t the same. IpWjiV

Wei Lian gazed up and said nothing.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, head slightly tilted. Under the flickering candlelight, those eyes were as quiet as a deep lake, yet as clear and touching as a spring.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a long time, he said, “Your Majesty, a ruler will cause one to feel intimidated, but a husband does not.”

Ji Yue knew Wei Lian was saying nonsense with wide-open eyes. W GEVK

But inexplicably, this nonsense brightened his mood.

Young Master Lian, Wei Lian.

Was really an interesting person.

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Today, there wasn’t much business to attend to, so after finishing things in the imperial study, it was time for a bath before sleep.

There was more than one pool in the Hot Spring Palace, and Wei Lian had no love for bathing with others, and apparently, the same with Ji Yue.

They were both very well-guarded people, so how could they stay frank and honest with each other?

As a cautious man like the King of Qin, no one was allowed to wait on him in the bath, making Ji Yue and Wei Lian the only ones inside the Hot Spring Palace. GeV08

Wei Lian gave Ji Yue a meaningful glance. “This subject will go to the other side.”

There were plenty of pools in Hot Spring Palace, but he had deliberately gone around to the farthest one. Through the numerous folding screens, he wouldn’t hear any movements from the King of Qin.

The King of Qin didn’t like people being too close, not with his negative experience.

Wei Lian couldn’t let King Qin wait for him, so he moved very quickly. When he came back, Ji Yue had also finished bathing. He had just gotten out of the bath and put on his middle coat. His black hair was scattered, and water dripped from his face and slid into his neckline. He looked lazy, bright and coquettish. NJujqE

Wei Lian couldn’t keep the King of Qin from waiting too long, so he took a very quick bath. By the time he was done and back, Ji Yue had finished as well. He had just gotten out of the bath and put on his robe. His ink-colored hair poured down like a waterfall, and water dripped down on his cheeks and slipped into his collar. He was languid, vivid, and inviting.

When Wei Lian saw this, he thought that the King of Qin deserved the name of ‘the man who brought calamity to the country’ more than himself.

Ji Yue looked up. “Come here.”

Wei Lian obediently walked over. U4jZcB

“Wait here a little longer.”

Wei Lian nodded and didn’t ask what he was waiting for.

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He knew inside—it would always take some time to do that in the pool.

Wei Lian lowered his head to count down. When the time was just about there, Ji Yue suddenly picked him up and whispered in his ears, “Do you know how to act out there?” UE9lTn

Wei Lian’s ears reddened from the hot steam. He wrapped his arms around the King of Qin’s neck and buried his head into the other person’s arms, whispering, “This subject understands.”

This was what the palace workers saw when the two walked out from the Hot Spring Palace’s large entrance.

Their King was holding the frail youth in his arms, looking calm and eyes ahead.

The youth buried his face into the King’s arms, hiding his expression, but they could see the faint blush from his neck to his ears. YF0ayU

It was obvious that nothing was revealed, but the scene was charmingly beautiful, and it welcomed imagination.

His Majesty had just spent an extended time with Wei-shijun inside…

Looking at this, the two’s bath time was simply steamy, so much so it was impossible for Wei-shijun to walk as he needed to be carried by His Majesty himself.

One of the palace maids was full-on blushing. uzNxpd

Her name was Zhu Yu, and she was the same one who walked out last at the imperial study earlier.

His Majesty had already done the deed in the imperial study, and now he had taken Wei-shijun again during bath…

This was too exciting, she must share this news to the other palace maids!


Translator's Note

Memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form). Like a memorandum/ memo/ application.

Translator's Note

It means having a beauty who accompany/ study along/ help a scholar in their studying.

Translator's Note

Pot is‌ ‌an‌ ‌internet‌ ‌slang‌ ‌for‌ ‌blame‌ ‌or‌ ‌fault.‌ ‌Originally,‌ ‌it‌ ‌was‌ ‌背‌黑‌過,‌ ‌or‌ ‌be‌ ‌innocently‌ ‌burdened‌ ‌with‌ ‌a‌ ‌crime.‌ ‌Later,‌ ‌過‌ ‌was‌ ‌typoed‌ ‌to‌ ‌鍋‌ ‌(you‌ ‌can‌ ‌tell‌ ‌how‌ ‌closely‌ ‌resemble‌ ‌the‌ ‌words‌ ‌are‌),‌ ‌creating‌ ‌the‌ ‌internet‌ ‌slang‌ ‌of‌ ‌背‌黑‌鍋‌ ‌or‌ ‌burdened/‌ ‌carried‌ ‌this‌ ‌black‌ ‌pot‌ ‌(blame).‌ ‌

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