An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh10 - Test Poison

We know you just want to eat something.

Wei Lian moved into the Hall of Mental Cultivation that night. AhSkT

Zhuyue was worried for several days, fearing that Wei Lianqiu would settle the account. Unexpectedly, there was no movement at all from Wei Lian’s end. She was never summoned to hold her accountable, nor did she hear any news.

In the past, this was a privilege that the queen didn’t even have. The queen resided in the Pepper Residence Hall and had the king’s interest from the first day of the lunar month to the fifteenth. On days when the king called upon the lucky concubine, he would usually travel to the concubine’s private chamber by his carriage. If there was a concubine who was brought into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the concubine would usually be sent back after the hours of the rat.

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The more favored ones were allowed to stay until dawn to wait on the king to change his clothes before going to court, and then he had to go back home. The Hall of Cultivation of the Heart is the residence of the Emperor, the place where the dragon lies, and there is always only one true master.

The more favored ones might be allowed to stay until dawn to serve the king as he dressed for the court, but still had to return to their private chamber. The Hall of Mental Cultivation was for the king, the place where the dragon rested. There would only be one true master. pqiCXa

But looking at Wei Lian’s current momentum, it seemed that he would be in for a long stay, evident from His Majesty’s order.

With an empty harem in this dynasty, Wei Lian had no one to compete with.

In others’ eyes, Wei Lian was lucky, gaining His Majesty’s favor meant glory, wealth, power, and status all were within his reach.

It turns out that Zhenzi was a humble master in the Qin Palace who could be stepped on by everyone. Once he flew up a branch, some people were envious and some were jealous. Many people in the palace thought sourly to themselves that being with a king is like being with a tiger. The person who lives in the palace in glory today might end up rolling out with his head on the ground tomorrow.


The hostage prince was originally an inferior person that people stepped on like mud in the Qin Palace. Now flying to the highest branch in the span of one morning, some people were envious, and some were hateful. A great deal of palace workers was drowning in their sour thoughts; being so close to the sovereign can be as perilous as lying with a tiger. That person might live glamor today, and his head might be rolling to the ground tomorrow, it was hard to tell.

Wei Lian was in the dark on what the outsiders were thinking. Even if he did, he wouldn’t care.

It was very warm in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. There were plentiful meals and thick bedding as well. He was very satisfied.

As for the King of Qin, what kind of thing was that? Nothing but a mere ladder tool he borrowed to climb upward to a good living. lxkIX4

Being a ruler’s love is only desired by the foolish, something Wei Lian didn’t want. As a very pragmatic person, all he ever wanted was high position and great wealth, never was he interested in love.

This was also the case with the King of Qin, so the two sides clicked together on the first beat, each taking what they needed and becoming good working partners.

At the moment, Wei Lian was serving his ‘working partner’ to dine.

In the evening, the meals were transported to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Soon, there was a line of palace maids spreading the delicacies onto the wooden table. m3Ku4C

Auspicious Ruyi Cake, agate sweet and sour fish, eight-treasure swallow’s wings, emerald mung bean rolls… No matter how ordinary dishes entered the palace, they deserved to have names inlaid with gold and jade to appear royal and noble.

Colorful rice cake, vermilion sweet and sour fish, exquisite swallow’s wings with eight-treasure ingredients, emerald mung bean rolls…even the most ordinary dishes would be labeled with names decorated with gold and jade upon entering the palace gate, matching the royal aura.

In Ji Yue’s eyes, he was just mediocre, but for Wei Lian, who had been eating steamed buns and pickles for half a month and was hungry last night – he wanted to overthrow King Qin immediately and sit down at the dining table. Clouds, swept away.

The dishes were nothing out of the ordinary in Ji Yue’s eyes, but to Wei Lian, who had been eating steamed buns and salted vegetables for half a month as well as being absent from food last night—he wanted to overthrow the King of Qin and sit at the table himself. He would come in like a hurricane and clean all the plates. x96 se

But that wasn’t possible.

According to the rules, not only was Wei Lian not allowed to eat, but he also had to serve the King of Qin from the side.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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Dog. Of. An. Emperor.

Qfl Oljc ufcais ibkfgfv tlr ujhf jcv rabbv yfrlvf atf Blcu bo Hlc, agslcu tjgv cba ab ifa tlr fsfr ufa j uilwqrf bo atf rewqaeber ofjra. DXf78a

Ktf rbeq kjr vfilmlber jcv rafjwlcu. Ktf ajyif kjr oliifv klat j klvf njglfas bo vlrtfr, jcv atfs rwfiifv tfjnfcis glmt.

The chamberlain used silver needles to test the poison one by one, and there were eunuchs waiting for orders. Wei Lian raised his eyelids and thought that there were many poisons in the world that could not be detected by a silver needle, and there were also many drugs that could kill someone even if they did not take effect immediately.

A palace attendant used a silver needle to test each dish for poison, and there were taste-testing eunuchs waiting to be called. Wei Lian raised his eyelids slightly and knew that there were many poisons that couldn’t be detected with the silver needles, there were also many that wouldn’t take into an immediate effect.

Ccs geifg kbeiv njief atflg ilof, jcv la kjr lwqbrrlyif ab qgfnfca jii atf wfjcr ab ajxf j ilof. Po Qfl Oljc kjcafv ab, tf mbeiv qblrbc fnfgsbcf ecvfg atflg cblrfr. d8W5GL

By chance, Wei Lian once got a master who taught him everything. He was good at medicine, poison, and martial arts. He could discuss military strategy, poetry, and poetry. He was proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and even had some knowledge of Qimen Dunjia. , the art of Five Elements and Bagua.

He had the chance to meet a masterful person who passed him all of his knowledge without holding back. Now he possessed knowledge in medicine, poison, and martial arts. He could strike up a conversation on military strategies, poets, and lyrics, as well as the four arts explicitly. He even understood divination using five elements and eight divinatory trigrams methods.

Even his Master was marveled by his natural innate talent, one that surpassed anyone in his generation.

Wei Lian also knows how to win people’s hearts and cultivate his wings. At first, the King of Chu was afraid of the master who had great achievements and killed the generals who protected the country. It was the guards who concealed the truth and replaced them with a group of death row prisoners in disguise and saved the generals. vGjBE

Wei Lian also knew how to win people’s hearts and be cultivated under their wings. When the fearful King of Chu condemned his country’s strong and successful generals and their families, it was Wei Lian who saved them using tricks, replacing them with death-row prisoners.

The tiger tally that the King of Chu recovered was also a fake. The real one was still in the possession of the general who was the protector of the country, who only listened to Wei Lian’s command.

The master is an expert who can see the secrets of heaven. He once made a fortune for him and concluded that he has a very noble destiny, but he needs to hide his talents and bide his time before reaching the crown, otherwise he will be destined to die.

His Master was a very able person who could foresee fate. He once read into Wei Lian’s future and told him his life was extremely valuable. He needed to stay low until his coming of age, otherwise, death awaited him. RsFbhM

And now, he was one year away from his coming of age at twenty.

Bear it for another year. He could either cheat the antidote and get rid of the constraints of the King of Qin, fake his death and leave Qin, and let him be free in the world. Or simply kill this dog emperor with one knife and become the master of the world yourself.

He needed to bear it for one more year. The only thing that stopped him from swindling the antidote, removing the constraints placed by the King of Qin, faking his death to leave the country of Qin and traveling freely under heaven. That, or simply killing this dog of an emperor and becoming the ruler of all land himself.

At present, he was still annoyed over the poison in his body. 3hE52Q

It’s not a good feeling to be restrained. Wei Lian was careful when he took the pill, picked out a little powder and hid it between his fingers, hoping to develop the antidote himself. However, it is not so easy to explain the method used by the royal family to control the secret guards. Wei Lian has no clue.

It was never a good feeling to be pinned down. When Wei Lian took the pill, he secretly scraped and stored the powder under his fingernails, planning to develop his own antidote. However, this was also the royal family’s way to control the shadow guard, so finding the cure wouldn’t be so easy.

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He had to remain calm for the moment.

His dying fate might not be tied to this poison. BFt0eQ


There were no signs of abnormality from the silver needle test. A quick glance at the table told Wei Lian that there was nothing wrong with the meal.

When the first taste-testing eunuch was about to pick up the chopsticks, Wei Lian suddenly offered, “Your Majesty, let this subject test the food.”

He spoke softly, but it startled the whole hall. 8mbTYI

…There was actually someone rushing to their deaths?

Who didn’t know how much the King of Qin was hated? His Majesty was on the top of the bounty board, a very popular target among the assassins.

The taste-testing eunuch was a high-risk occupation, being replaced every now and then because of the fatal death of their predecessor.

The palace workers looked at Wei Lian as if he was a fool and wondered how such a good-looking noble could be so stupid at a young age. wWEZ6d

The only one who looked at Wei Lian differently was the taste-testing eunuch, as if he was looking at his savior.

…Or at his scapegoat.

“Oh.” Ji Yue reminded the youth, “You are aware that this taste test is for poison.”

Wei Lian confirmed, “This subject is aware.” tFXM01

“You’re not afraid to die?”

“It is this subject’s greatest honor to die for Your Majesty.” He didn’t know whether the King of Qin believed his words or not, because he himself believed not one word out of his own mouth.

Ji Yue smiled, while thinking: We would be a fool to believe you.

You just want to eat. 3CDdNV

Do you take us as a blind fool? We saw how you have been staring at that vermilion sweet and sour fish for quite some time now.

“How can we allow Wei-lang to take such a risk.” Ji Yue said, “Wei-lang, why not sit down and accompany us to dinner.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian said, “This subject wouldn’t dare.” But the speed he sat down said otherwise.

He didn’t bring up anything about taste testing for poison afterward since his original purpose was to eat anyway. vgFPk

Otherwise, what was the point of sending himself to the Hall of Mental Cultivation if all he was going to eat was scraps of cold leftovers after watching the King of Qin feast?

When Ji Yue saw the youth sit down, a hint of interest passed through his expression and disappeared just as quickly.

The only trace left was the indiscernible smile.

The taste-testing process would proceed as normal, but the young eunuch finished the test with fear and trepidation. Once he learned he got to live another day, he was relieved. owgBVs

Who wouldn’t value their lives? From the ruler down to the slave, they all have the desire to live.

The same was true for Wei Lian.

The Chu royal family has a meal rule of “no more than three chopsticks”. No matter what kind of dish, no more than three chopsticks are allowed, and no preference is allowed to be shown, in order to prevent people from taking advantage of it.

The King of Chu’s royal family had a rule of ‘no more than three chopsticks’. It means no matter what dishes, there could be no more than three bites. This was to prevent showing preferences, not to give others a vulnerability to exploit. taM70L

But there was no such rule in the country of Qin.

Neither of them forgot to continue their acts, because information would usually be passed from these palace workers’ mouths to the ministers’ ears.

They sat at the same table, and the King of Qin was fond of him. From time to time he would give him a piece of agate sweet and sour fish: “Wei Lang is too thin. Eat more fish to replenish your body.”

The two sat together at the same table, and the King of Qin acted like a doting lover, giving him a piece of sweet and sour fish from time to time. “Wei-lang is too thin, you need to eat more fish to nourish your body.” i2bFn0

Wei Lian also put a crystal shrimp dumpling into the King of Qin’s bowl and said softly, “Your Majesty should eat more as well.”

All this was taken in by the palace attendants in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the words about how Young Master Lian had received the King’s favor left the palace wall.

He was just one step away from sitting on the King of Qin’s lap, a distance close enough to serve him mouth to mouth.

However, Wei Lian asked himself that he still couldn’t do that. He and King Qin were all superficial. They seemed to be feeding each other affectionately, but in fact they all used public chopsticks. M4G9Lk

However, in Wei Lian’s opinion, that was an over exaggeration. He and the King of Qin were only putting on a show, appearing to be feeding each other all lovey-dovey. But in reality, they were both using the serving chopsticks.

They both disdain the other person’s spit.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian also didn’t dare to serve the dishes to the King of Qin’s bowl in a careless manner, so as to avoid facing consequences.

Zhu Cuicheng did not deceive him. King Qin’s taste was so picky that it was outrageous. Not only does he not eat onions, ginger, and garlic, he can’t touch any of them, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, meaty and greasy, and clear soups with little water. As long as the taste is even milder, it would be impossible to swallow it. DSiTw2

Zhu Chu didn’t deceive him. The King of Qin was indeed an outrageous picky eater. Not only did the other party not eat green onions, ginger and garlic, he wouldn’t touch anything too deeply flavored, too greasy from meat, or too visually unappetizing. If the taste was just slightly off, he wouldn’t swallow it.

Fortunately, he was the King of Qin. If he were a commoner, he would have starved to death long ago.

The King of Qin had a peculiar taste. In addition to crystal shrimp dumplings, I also like to eat sweet cakes. Especially the soft, sweet pastry shaped like a little white rabbit.

The King of Qin also had a very peculiar taste. Apart from crystal shrimp dumplings, he loved sweet cakes made from glutinous rice flour. Especially the soft, super sweet kind that was molded into a white rabbit. w50Nuv

Who would have thought that the infamous and unpredictable tyrant would be a young man who would be happy just from eating a sweet cake?

Ji Yue ate with a satisfied expression, while Wei Lian watched with a face void of emotion.

Throughout the ages, those labeled as tyrants were true to their names. They were not only extravagant and lascivious, but they also induced debauchery. There were even absurd rumors of ones feasting on human flesh.

But this one was even more ridiculous. gIMAPC

Not only did he love sweet cakes, but they also had to be cute in shape.

Put shames on all the tyrants in history.

Translator's Note

Historically, the Pepper Residence was where the empresses of the Han Dynasty had lived. Located in Weiyang Palace (未央宮).

Translator's Note

The two-hour subdivisions used in ancient time. The time was divided between the twelve zodiac animals. For the sake of this translator’s sanity (and how often this shows up), I’ll be using semi-direct translation for them with translation notes, since it makes enough sense. For this case, it would be midnight.

Translator's Note

During this translator’s research, this is either brisket (beef belly meat), with possibly distinct tendon, meat, and fat, that or it’s related to edible bird’s nests and shark fins. Using direct translation for the vagueness.

Translator's Note

Googled for fun. Silver metal reacts with sulfur-based compounds and tarnishes. This makes it useful to detect arsenic poisoning, which was a popular poison in the past, as arsenic compounds usually contain sulphites.

Translator's Note

The four arts (zither, Go, calligraphy, painting) / the accomplishments of a well-educated person.

Translator's Note

Also known as Shifu, honorific for master in a teacher-student relationship.

Translator's Note

A two-piece object made in the shape of a tiger, used in ancient China as proof of authority. One half of a tally could be issued to a military officer, and this would be matched with the other half (usually held by the ruler) when verification was required. It could give the holder the authority to control the army.

Translator's Note

It’s similar to the English saying of three spoonful, except with chopsticks. That or ‘not more than three bites’.

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