The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]Ch26 - Soft or hard, won’t eat; oil or salt, won’t go in

Han Li silently withdrew his hand and placed it behind his back. His face remained naturally calm as he looked at Shen Kong:

“Let’s go.” khjop7

Shen Kong’s eyes darkened, his expression unreadable. He extended his hand and said lightly, “Let me see.”

Han Li subconsciously averted his gaze elsewhere, slightly unnatural as he pursed his lips. “…It’s just a ball, nothing serious.”

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Allowing no explanation, Shen Kong grabbed Han Li’s hand from behind.

Han Li’s fingers curled slightly. He resisted as he tried to pull away, but Shen Kong forcefully kept his hand in place, rendering him motionless. r0qDih

The fair and slender back of Han Li’s hand swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. The injured area gradually darkened, displaying a shocking purplish-blue hue under the sunlight. The knuckles were also scraped, with faint blood oozing from the wounds.

Han Li’s gaze passed over the place held by Shen Kong’s fingers, then uncomfortably shifted away. The tips of his ears hidden in his black hair turned red and hot.

Shen Kong tugged at the corner of his lips, though his face showed no hint of a smile.

Shen Kong released his hand and turned to walk in Cockscomb head’s direction. His steps were steady and measured, as if following the rhythm of a beating heart.


Cockscomb head acted on impulse earlier, but now, seeing Shen Kong approaching, he felt even more frightened. Even his legs felt a bit weak.

He was just intending to kick the ball towards Shen Kong, but he hadn’t expected to hit Han Li next to him, which was already enough to make him panic——What he hadn’t anticipated was that Cheng Chen not only hugged Lin Ziyu’s thigh, but even Han Li seemed to have a good relationship with him. He even helped him block the incoming football

He unintentionally offended two of the most untouchable figures in the school, all because of Cheng Chen!

Cockscomb head flashed a flattering smile at Shen Kong, but before he could speak, Shen Kong unexpectedly kicked him in the abdomen without warning, hitting him squarely. 615CGf

He reflexively retched and arched his body like a shrimp.

Shen Kong showed a gentle and soft smile. He bent down to whisper in his ear, “This kick is for myself.”

——For Cheng Chen, who had been bullied and insulted by this gang of bullies for the past six months.

With a slap to the back of Cockscomb’s head, which was now bald, Shen Kong sent him sprawling forward, landing in a heap on the ground. 5qCP6W

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“This is for you aiming at my back just now.”

——Coafg jii, pera yfmjerf tf vlvc’a tla tlw vbfrc’a wfjc tf vlvc’a lcafcv ab, gluta?

Ktf reggbecvlcu raevfcar cbalmfv atf mbwwbalbc lc atlr vlgfmalbc jcv yfujc ab ujatfg tfgf. Vtfc Bbcu, tbkfnfg, gfwjlcfv ecgeooifv. Lf iflregfis qgfrrfv tlr tffi bcab atf yjmx bo Jbmxrmbwy tfjv’r tjcv reqqbgalcu tlwrfio bc atf ugbecv jcv mjrejiis rjlv:

“This is for the back of my friend’s hand.” f1hBMY

Cockscomb head let out a miserable cry.

Shen Kong, on the other hand, calmly stepped over his palm and stood on the other side of his body.

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The PE teacher, along with most of the students, rushed over. He hurriedly parted the crowd and looked towards the center of the field. He bent down to help up Cockscomb head from the ground and surveyed the scene sternly. He asked:

“What happened? What’s going on?” z5MOdS

Shen Kong replied calmly, “It was just a playful scuffle. We accidentally collided while going for the ball——”

He stared at Cockscomb head who was sweating profusely, “Right?”

Cockscomb head looked up at him in a fluster, then glanced sneakily at Han Li standing nearby. He hastily nodded and echoed, “Yes, yes, that’s right. It was just an accidental collision while going for the ball…”

Under the teacher’s skeptical gaze, Shen Kong’s expression remained natural and innocent. ZRYP3b

The teacher hesitated for a moment, then glanced down at Cockscomb head. He found that apart from some dirt on his body, he didn’t have any wounds. Then he turned his head and looked at the wound on Han Li’s hand. In the end, he decided to downplay the situation. He raised his hand to shoo away the onlookers nearby, “Those who should be doing something, go do it. There’s nothing good to see here.”

After that, he turned to Shen Kong and said, “Take your friend to the infirmary to get it examined and bandaged.”

Shen Kong agreed with a smile on his face, then took Han Li’s wrist and walked out of the sports field.

The surrounding noise gradually diminished as they moved away from the sports field. Han Li quietly followed behind Shen Kong, obediently letting him lead the way. His gaze was fixed on his wrist, which was tightly held by Shen Kong, the entire time. YeiqyH

He was originally someone who could endure pain very well. The pain on the back of his hand seemed even more insignificant at this moment.

All the senses in his body seemed to concentrate on his pulled wrist.

The other person’s warm and hot palm was gently pressing against the slightly cold skin of his wrist. An almost pain-like sensation came from his chest again, as if pierced by a blade, yet it also felt like being soaked in warm water, creating a sour and soft feeling.

Han Li even couldn’t help but want to raise his hand to press against his chest, as if afraid that the sound of his heartbeat would be too loud and disturb the young man a few steps away. lfnPcG

Soon, they arrived at the infirmary.

Shen Kong let go of his hand.

Han Li’s heart relaxed.

The strange feeling in his heart finally disappeared. ITbtGF

But… a deeper sense of loneliness surged up like a tide. His fingers grasped at the air as if trying to hold onto something. The warmth of the other person’s palm seemed to still linger on his wrist, making him feel inexplicably distressed.

Han Li took a deep breath and turned to look at Shen Kong standing beside him. The voice in his heart became clear and bright.

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He… seems to be in love.

Shen Kong absentmindedly watched as the doctor treated Han Li’s wound. ydVegH

Taking advantage of the doctor turning to walk into the office to find some bandages, he raised his hand and ruthlessly knocked on Han Li’s head.

Han Li exclaimed “Hey,” and held his innocently knocked head, looking somewhat bewilderedly at Shen Kong.

Shen Kong took a deep breath, somewhat disappointed that iron couldn't turn into steel, and said, “Why did you block it? After all this time, don’t you already know that I can dodge?”

Han Li remained silent——of course he was well aware of the other’s reaction speed, but at that time, he subconsciously… deNcjt

Before he could come up with an excuse, Shen Kong launched another blow, “Have you forgotten what I told you two days ago? Always put your own interests and safety first, don’t do things beyond your capabilities. Have you forgotten so soon?”

​…It’s just for you.

Han Li replied in his heart, but he still maintained a meek and obedient appearance, looking sincerely sorry. With his injured hand placed on the table, he looked pitiful.

Shen Kong was about to continue speaking, but his phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. 8SxiUG

He paused and took out his phone. He glanced at it, his expression becoming somewhat subtle.

Han Li asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shen Kong shrugged and said, “It’s just my dad’s matter, you don’t need to worry.”

After saying that, as if remembering something, he turned to Han Li in a hurry and said, “Help me ask the teacher for a leave of absence, say I have something to do at home.” wT6Pj7

Then he turned around and quickly walked towards the door.

Han Li didn’t have time to say anything before he saw the other’s figure quickly disappearing outside the infirmary’s door.

His eyes instantly darkened, the gentleness and meekness that were on his face before faded like a phantom.

At this moment, the doctor came out of the office and, upon seeing Han Li alone, looked slightly surprised. “Hey, Young Master Han, where’s your friend?” CjJPly

Feeling even worse, Han Li looked at the doctor coldly. The black of his eyes revealing a cold and fierce undertone once again as he said coldly:

“Do your job properly.”

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He looked down at his palm, which was being covered layer by layer with snow-white gauze, and thought endlessly:

For such a long time, although Han Li had tried to maintain a gentle and obedient image of a boy next door in front of the other party, he had also exposed his flaws. According to the other’s intelligence, it would be difficult to continue pretending as long as he investigated further. U5NbY7

But the other person didn’t.

There’s only one reason that can explain it——

The other person simply didn’t care about him, so he couldn’t even be bothered to spend energy exploring his true face.

Han Li loosely clenched his fist, the faint pain on the back of his hand making his mind even clearer. fYPIaC

After such a long time of getting along, he could observe that although Cheng Chen had a high combat power, he was indeed relatively slow in terms of emotions. He doesn’t even care much about things other than himself. He was almost the most difficult person to crack. Soft or hard, won't eat; oil or salt, won't go in—they say.

——But now that he had a clear understanding of his true feelings, he was no longer planning to maintain a simple friendship with Cheng Chen.

Just then, his forehead suddenly began to throb violently, almost bearing down menacingly as the first time.

Han Li gritted his teeth as he felt countless chaotic and distorted scenes being forcibly shoved into his mind. ZmrF53

Translator's Note

in the raws, this was actually written as “basketball”, but a reader pointed out in the comment section that this was probably a mistake from the author’s side, so I changed it accordingly to avoid confusion ^^v

Translator's Note

恨铁不成钢 (hèn tiě bù chéng gāng) – an idiom which figuratively means to be “frustrated with somebody who has failed to meet their expectations”

Translator's Note

More understandable translation for this would be “It can be said that he was impervious to persuasion and not easily influenced.” I used transliteration in this part since it’s an idiom. 软硬不吃,油盐不进 – an idiomatic expression in Chinese that means someone is extremely stubborn and resistant to persuasion, regardless of whether gentle or forceful methods are used. It suggests that the person cannot be swayed or influenced easily

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  1. The ball thing is weird. The previous chapter said Han Li sat alone by the basketball court. But then the one the baldy kicked was football. I didn’t check the raws though. But logically next to the basketball court then the ball should be basketball. Just because it was kicked it didn’t mean it turned into football 😅 unless they were near football field as well… Or perhaps the author really short-circuited around those parts…

    • Alright just checked… The author really short-curcuited.. 🙈 basketball court, kicked the football, and then flying basketball. Though I think basketball is the right one but that’s just my opinion 🙃

    • I’m not sure why the author used those terms either QAQ The author specifically used 篮球 (basketball) and 足球 (football), so it’s not about kicking the ball that it was translated as football. Maybe just as you said, there’s a sports field nearby too that’s why there’s a football. Anyway, you can try checking the raws to avoid any confusion~