Always Ending Up as an Animal CubChapter 23

Yu Tong had just meowed a few times when Lady Yun reacted.

She was calmer than Lord Yun and immediately grabbed the little cat’s body with one hand, while her fingers viciously applied force. KYgduw

Yu Tong, with his pain receptors blocked, only felt a poke in his belly. Immediately after, he heard a muffled “pfft” sound.

Yun Mingchen, who had been observing the situation and waiting for the right moment, acted like someone had stepped on his tail. He quickly shot over.

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The system exclaimed, 【This person’s so ruthless.】

Their reactions left Yu Tong very confused. pJU8mK

He bit down on Lady Yun’s nose with a deathly grip and asked in his mind, ‘What happened?’

【It’s nothing major; your stomach was just punctured by her fingers. Your innards are spilling out right now and it’s quite nauseating — you better not look.】

Yu Tong: ……



Yun Mingchen was clearly agitated as he crazily pulled out his sword and lunged at Lady Yun.

Lady Yun reached out to pull the kitten away, but as soon as she exerted force, she felt a sharp pain in her nose.

Lord Yun stepped forward, raising his sword to block the attack aimed at Lady Yun. He also didn’t forget to taunt, “Mingchen, we are middle staged Concentration cultivators, while you’re just at the initial stage of Meditation. Why are you so stubborn and insist on fighting us? You little white-eyed wolf! Today, I’ll break your legs!” X8V7EQ

Lady Yun completely lost her previous gentle demeanor. “We’ve endured the pressure within the family, raised you so painstakingly, and this is how you repay our nurturing?”

She forcefully pulled at the kitten, pinching its paw so hard that Yu Tong immediately lost feeling in his right hind paw.

In retaliation, Yu Tong let out a meow and tore off Lady Yun’s eyelid with his teeth.

Come at me! Mutual harm! KsozPt

The system worriedly sighed and pulled out a catalog of cat images, already in the process of selecting a new cat body for the host.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qlat tlr jylilas ab gflcmjgcjaf lcolclafis, Te Kbcu kjrc’a jogjlv ja jii.

Dea atf jcajubclra vlvc’a xcbk tf mbeiv gfreggfma.

Vfflcu Te Kbcu’r jyvbwfc abgc bqfc klat j tbif, tlr ilaaif qjkr ilwqis tjculcu, afjgr kfiifv eq lc Tec Zlcumtfc’r fsfr. zDgFxd

Vlz abwyrabcfr rabbv cfjais yfrlvf tlw, jcv atf tfjv bo j vfmfjrfv oglfcv ijs rlifcais bc atf ugbecv.

Yun Mingchen had nothing left; all he had was his kitten.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Lord Yun and Lady Yun weren’t new to killing the people around Yun Mingchen. Previously, he had always appeared weak and incompetent. All he was able to do was cry while holding the bodies of those people.

They never expected the dog they had trained to suddenly go mad and bite people. Before leaving, they hadn’t brought much equipment with them. mHjzNT

High-level attack talismans, stashes of poisoned hidden weapons — Yun Mingchen threw them out as if they were worthless.

The two were forced to retreat under the onslaught of magical treasures and artifacts. They were exhausted from trying to suppress Yun Mingchen and couldn’t find an opportunity to call for guards.

Lady Yun took a deep breath, her icy voice once again softening. “Mingchen, don’t you remember that time when you were ten years old, and you fell ill? You had a high fever for days, and your father, the head of the Yun family, was such a proud person. Yet, he knelt down and begged the Medicine Immortal Valley to save you…ah!”

Lady Yun hadn’t finished speaking when Yu Tong suddenly bit off her nose and clawed her left eye to shreds, forcefully interrupted her. dENhuD

Shut up, you brat.

With her agony came openings in Lady Yun’s attacks.

Yun Mingchen seized the opportunity to thrust his sword towards Lady Yun’s chest.

Not far away, Lord Yun, who had been intentionally driven back by Yun Mingchen’s hidden treasures, let out a low growl, “Xiao Yun, dodge!” PaMfHy

Lady Yun had a firewall formed by attack talismans on her left and a temporary barrier created by boundary talismans behind her.

She had nowhere to evade, so she could only tank this blow head-on.

Yun Mingchen swiftly maneuvered his sword to bypass Lady Yun’s defenses, then pierced her chest straight through her heart.

Her eyes gradually lost focus, and after Yun Mingchen pulled out his sword, Lady Yun’s body went limp and collapsed to the ground. P4Ntvd

Lord Yun roared in fury and swung several swords at Yun Mingchen. The two engaged in combat once again.

Yu Tong was still hanging onto Lady Yun’s face without moving a single inch, his pair of cat eyes staring directly at her.

The system sighed with resignation, feeling a mix of relief, but also concern for its bonus.

Seeing Yun Mingchen struggling to hold on, it grew more anxious. cBP1RJ

【Little Yu, Little Yu, don’t just stand there! Lord Yun is even more formidable than Lady Yun, and it seems like the antagonist’s artifacts are running out. He can’t defeat him. Anyway, someone’s already dead, so one more or less doesn’t matter. Hurry up and help the antagonist kill that old bastard!】

With his two hind paws broken, Yu Tong could only clumsily roll off Lady Yun’s face.

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He squinted his eyes as he contemplated. ‘As Lady Yun was dying, I heard her cold laughter.’

The system paused, 【Damn? Nowadays, even the villains…ah no, even the cannon fodder has such flair? Still remembering to put on airs before death?】 ml7ExY

Yu Tong tried hard to restrain himself, but still couldn’t help throwing a dumbfounded look at the system. ‘She’s not putting on airs; she knew she couldn’t die.’

【Are you going to give me three, four, five, or six possibilities again? Then you’ll definitely babble on to analyze why these possibilities exist, before telling me which possibility is the most likely. Just tell me straight up what’s going on; I don’t want to think.】

Yu Tong obediently nodded. ‘Well, it’s like this. Lady Yun, Lord Yun, and Su Feng are all the same thing — monsters that are capable of resurrection. Of course, their bodies also turn into monstrous creatures after death.’

【Ah?】 XJYTis

‘But Su Feng doesn’t know he can resurrect, so when he saw the monsters, he ran away in a particularly embarrassed manner. On the other hand, Lord Yun and Lady Yun knew everything very well, so they didn’t panic just now, and didn’t use any spells that would deplete their true essence. Instead, they seemed reluctant to seriously injure Yun Mingchen, as if… they were afraid of harming his body.’

【Ah! They’re unkillable? What do we do then?】

‘Don’t panic. They’re just monsters, so the situation is actually more favorable for us. Simply go with the wind; pretty satisfying.’

【???】 hpxI9X

The system hadn’t had a chance to ask more before a faint rustling suddenly came from the silent forest.

Crimson-colored monsters emerged from the other side of the cliff, roaring as they charged into the forest.

The two men engaged in combat turned their attention to the source of the sound.

Different reactions ensued. While Lord Yun tightened his grip on his sword, cautious and alert, Yun Mingchen hid one hand behind his back and secretly issued commands to the monsters he had summoned. kSduOM

Upon receiving the command, the monsters lunged at the two men.

With his calculated maneuver, Yun Mingchen was “forced” by the monsters to the side of Lady Yun’s corpse.

Yu Tong’s initiation, Lady Yun’s death, the appearance of Yun Mingchen’s “super soldiers” — the entire scene, although seemingly lengthy, actually only happened in about ten minutes.

During this time, Yun Mingchen had been trying to retrieve the kitten, but couldn’t find an opportunity. bSwkFQ

Perhaps due to his impatience, Lord Yun managed to land a blow on him. Blood gushed from his mouth uncontrollably.

Although Yu Tong’s wounds were still bleeding and there was no pain, his vision was uncontrollably fading to black.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The system warned him that in another three or so minutes, he would become a dead cat.

It asked what kind of body he wanted next: a ragdoll, a chubby tabby, Garfield, or a little milk cow. SvbZGO

Yu Tong didn’t have time to ponder his options. He was afraid Yun Mingchen, who was currently in a fit of rage, wouldn’t realize in time.

He was unaware that the two Yun family members were also monsters, nor did he realize it was a perfect opportunity to take down the Yun family.

Upon seeing the antagonist approach, Yu Tong’s eyes immediately brightened. He exerted all his strength to crazily meow at Lady Yun’s corpse and fiercely pull at her hair.

Hurry, hurry! A golden opportunity! mYpDNC

Yutong had barely pulled a couple of times before his mouth was pried open, and a pill was forcefully fed to him.

At the same time, he heard a trembling voice from above.

“Please, Xixi, don’t die, I beg you…”

Starting to make progress with my translating speed, hehe :blobsmilehappyeyes: adIQmU

Translator's Note

Reminder: Body Refinement –> Meditation –> Concentration –> Immortalization

Body Refinement has 10 stages while all the other levels are split into early, middle, and late stages separately.

Translator's Note

So….this is supposed to be a term of endearment, but it sounds kinda :blob0w0: when translated into English. That’s why I’m leaving it as Xiao Yun.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 🥰🥰🥰

    That’s right, xixi don’t die, he needs you…we need you so we can get our daily dose of dog food, so you better say in that body and with him.😤😤😤😤

  2. Those two, the true “freak4freak” ship. Yu Tong is gutted and only thinks about continuing the violence 😭👌