CAMP – MOBA Terms Page

This is a page containing some basic terms for MOBA games that might show up during the novel. I’ve put it all together in one page for those of you are aren’t familiar with MOBA games so you won’t have to look for footnotes through all the chapters. I will add more terms as necessary if it shows up in the novel.

In a MOBA game, two teams of 5 start on opposite ends of the map. Killing soldiers or enemy players will use experience and gold. Experience is used to level up and unlock more skills while gold is used to buy equipment.

Victory condition: Destroy the core of the enemy’s base or the enemy team surrendering.

Turrets/towers: Defensive structures placed on the three main lanes of the map used to reach the enemy base. Inflicts heavy damage when approached without the aid of friendly soldiers. Therefore, players must attack the tower with soldiers by their side. Towers will prioritize enemy minions within their vicinity, but will immediately target enemy heroes if they attack allied heroes within the tower’s range.

Soldiers: Soldiers are periodically sent from the team’s base and help absorb the damage of the towers. Enemy soldiers are a source of gold to build up the player’s economy.

Top Lane: The top lane is a very versatile position, allowing many different types of heroes to complement the rest of their team. It is generally a solo lane, meaning one player will defend it.

Mid Lane: Most mid lane heroes excel at dealing damage and are carries for their team.  Very often this means they are either mages or assassins.

Bottom Lane – In most situations, two players from each team face off in the bottom lane (a.k.a. bot lane).  Usually one is a shooter carry while the other is a support hero that tries to feed kills to the carry.

Jungle: The wild area between the lanes. Some mobs in the jungle can give certain status effects (buffs) when killed.


ADC (Attack Damage Carry): Are in charge of dealing most of the damage to your enemies. These are your glass cannons who have long range attacks. They pair well with tanks in the bot lane.

Carry: Role usually has a slow start in the beginning but becomes formidable in the end game. Means they will need to be carried in the beginning but end up compensating by carrying the team towards the end.

Ganker: Role is usually filled by Jungler and typically have high burst damage to kill enemies swiftly. Focuses on ambushing and teaming up on enemies. These are your opportunistic killers and assassins.

Tank: Usually have great sustain, CC and/or high HP. Usually have low mobility but can take a lot of hits. Commonly found in duo lane.

Pusher: Great at clearing lanes and pushing objectives. Commonly found in mid lane.

Support: Usually have heal, CC, and/or buff abilities to aid your teammates. Not good while alone but great with teammates nearby. Commonly found in the duo lane with an ADC.

Jungler: Gains experience by killing enemies in the jungle and helps clear lane waves. Also usually your Ganker.

Other Terms:

Gank: When a player comes from the jungle or another lane to attack an enemy in coordination with their ally in lane with overwhelming force.  This must usually be a surprise to succeed.

Drag (Dragon; Drake): When an elemental dragon is killed, it grants a permanent bonus to the team that slayed it depending on what type of dragon was killed.

Last hitting= landing the killing blow on the soldier/minion. This will allow you to earn gold and experience

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  1. Hi!

    I would like to add some terms and phrases here. I have been playing LoL for 9 years and watching the splits and world championships. I would like to help a bit with these special terms and phrases.

    The Picks and Bans, the order is indeed first the bans and then the picks, but when saying it, the order is swapped, probably for the same reason adjectives have an order too, like big bad wolf. The other way sounds funny.

    The minions or soldiers are comming from the base in waves, hence they are called minion waves. The champions or heroes clear the (minion) wave.

    The term economy is also valid, however it is too posh a word for games. They use gold lead or the total amount of gold instead.

    There are different types of turrets or towers. The towers on the lane are outer turret, the one closer to the base inner turret and then the base has towers too.

    When a jungler ganks and the enemy jungler and team comes it is called counter gank.

    Equipment also works as in total. However they are buying items and combining them. Item is shorter. And when someone got all the items he/she needed has full items.

    With the output term I am a bit confused, because it is being used refering to the overall damage or the damage per second aka dps.

    The game’s phases are early, mid and late game.

    They have team fights, not group battles. These are the bigger ones, when most of the teams are present. The smaller ones are called skirmishes.

    I hope this helps a bit. I am enjoying this novel a lot.

    • Thanks for the info! I have actually translated all the chapters of this novel already and I’m far too busy to go back and change everything. However, I will keep it in mind if I ever pick up another gaming novel!

      • I guessed so. It was already at the 90th chapter when I started reading it.

        And since this page was here and was correct I started reading. Just throughout the novel came these small things.

        I understand that it would be pain to look through and change it. I can help you later with gaming terms when you need it.