How Did You Guys Become Boyfriends While GamingCh28 - What Does It Mean to Sincerely Repay

When Luo Buyu said four hours of training, they really trained for four hours. None of them took a break except for bathroom breaks.

When they were finally able to catch their breath, it was when Luo Buyu had to leave to talk business on sponsorship. Q0Bpkn

Luo Buyu put on his coat and said, “I am heading out. The rest of you can watch the replays. Do not slack off.”

The group minus Liu Manman chorused, “Luo-ge, watch your steps!”

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Luo Buyu uttered, “…How do I get the feeling that you guys are very happy about this?”

The three urged, “You are mistaken!” Vhyofv

Just as Luo Buyu was about to exit the door, he suddenly remembered something and turned around to inform them, “Oh right, we need to submit the team’s information to the organizer this afternoon. The four of you can work on that, Qi Huai, do you know how to report it?”

Qi Huai answered, “Yes, I do.”


After Luo Buyu left, Liu Manman and Yi Feiang gathered in front of Yu Qinghuan’s desk to watch the game replay. After a while, Qi Huai pulled up the form, turned to Yu Qinghuan and asked, “What should I put down for your game ID?”


“Er…” Yu Qinghuan hesitated.

Yi Feiang leaned over, looked at the grids on Qi Huai’s computer and said, “Oh, oh. In every contest, we always pick our own separate name. Now that we have a new member, why don’t we pick a set of game IDs that has more team spirit!”

Qi Huai rolled his eyes. “What do you have in mind?”

Yi Feiang spinned his eyes twice in thought, clapped his hands and listed his ideas. mZO39h

Qi Huai and Yu Qinghuan: “…”

Yu Feiang huffed, “Oy, what’s with your expressions! Doesn’t this make a show of being unconventional, adopt an original approach and stand out from the masses? I dare say that no matter how well we play, our opponents and casters will forever remember us!!”

Yu Qinghuan suggested, “True, why don’t we…try it?”

Qi Huai yielded, “Yes…that is possible.” nLhzEF

Liu Manman gasped, “??? B-but this, Luo-ge he will…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tl Mfljcu rcjamtfv Hl Lejl’r wberf jcv yfujc ab mtjcuf atf afza bc atf obgw. “Cii gluta, fcbeut, cb wbgf cbcrfcrf, la’r vfmlvfv.”

Kkfcas wlceafr ijafg, Oeb Dese, ktb kjr ralii vglnlcu, gfmflnfv j mjii ogbw atf bgujclhfg.

“Lfiib, lr atlr atf mjqajlc bo DYM?” 7K1i0x

“Tfr, atlr lr tf. Vbwfatlcu P mjc tfiq sbe klat?” Oeb Dese gfqilfv.

The organizer informed, “We would like to confirm your teammates’ game IDs with you again.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Luo Buyu said, “Okay.”

“Then…” The organizer’s voice was both hesitant and baffled. GXP63E

“Can you please confirm that you and your teammates’ IDs are really ‘Shangguan Secondborn’, ‘Ouyang Iron Egg’, ‘Zhuge Extraordinaire’, and ‘Duanmu Whippersnapper’?”

Luo Buyu’s hands trembled for a moment and almost hit a telephone pole on the roadside. He nearly got into an accident and almost turned into a corpse found dead in the street.

7 thw2

When Luo Buyu returned to the gaming house, he slammed the door.

As soon as they heard the sound, the four knew that this was bad. They huddled in their gaming chairs, not daring to breathe.

Luo Buyu glanced at the four of them meaningfully, continued and went to the balcony.

Yi Feiang poked his head out to look at the balcony, then stood up and patted Qi Huai across Yu Qinghuan. “Huai-ge, go check up on the captain. In case he takes things too hard and decides to jump off the balcony. The Provincial Championship is almost upon us, there is no way we can find a top laner in time.” PgUELl

Qi Huai slapped away Yi Feiang’s hand in disdain and rejected, “Scram, I am not going, you can go check on him yourself.”

Yi Feiang saw that his words did not get through Qi Huai, so he got up and walked to Liu Manman’s side, urging with a smile, “Manman, you go. You don’t need to worry, since you usually behaved the best out of all of us. The captain will definitely not scold you.”

Liu Manman waved his hands repeatedly. “I ca-cannot get all of m-my words thr-through.”

Yi Feiang thought so as well, so he had to turn the heavy responsibility to Yu Qinghuan. “Yu-ge.” 84njXw

Yu Qinghuan: “…”

You are actually really good at using the right address when the time calls for it. 

Yi Feiang pleaded, “Are you not good friends with the captain for years? Go and check on the captain, kay?”

With that, he dragged Yu Qinghuan out of his gaming chair. Yu Qinghuan thought, If I do not enter hell, who will? So he got up and went to the balcony. JZokam

On the balcony, Luo Buyu was smoking. Seeing Yu Qinghuan coming, he did not speak, only looked at him.

Yu Qinghuan carefully called out, “Luo-ge, what is wrong?”

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Luo Buyu said with a melancholy face, “Qinghuan, it is not easy to look after children.”

Yu Qinghuan said, “They are children after all, they are most likely spoiled, just give them a good beating.” jWE5yd

Luo Buyu laughed and asked, “Whose idea was it to use those game IDs? It must be Feiang right? It is quite amusing but I had to change it back. By the way, Qinghuan, I replaced your name with the old one you used, is that fine with you?”

Yu Qinghuan replied, “That is fine.”

Luo Buyu patted Yu Qinghuan on the shoulder and said with a smile, “QH, welcome to BOF.”


As soon as Luo Buyu returned, the fun time of watching replay while lollygagging was gone. What awaited them was more hours of intense training.

The only consolation was that Luo Buyu ordered a bunch of takeout for them.

Yu Qinghuan remembered how good Luo Buyu could cook, so he mentioned it while eating. It was fine if he did not mention it, since as soon as he did, Yi Feiang started clamoring for Luo Buyu’s food.

Luo Buyu was very direct, “I will treat you all to eat at my house after the competition.” ndO8ow

“Yay.” Yi Feiang cheered.

Qi Huai mocked. “Are you still a little kid?”

Yi Feiang rebuked, “Fine, I would like to see you not come for dinner at Luo-ge’s place.” Then he put his arm around the quiet Liu Manman, who was focusing on eating his food. “Manman, the two of us are going to eat Luo Buyu’s food.”

Liu Manman choked on the food for a moment from Yi Feiang’s sudden action as he covered his mouth to cough. Yu Qinghuan kindly reached out and pat Liu Manman on the back. SRfNcP

Qi Huai sneered, “You think I am going to skip just because you tell me not to come?”

“Go eat your food so we can train!” Luo Buyu roared and the gaming house went quiet again.

After a day of training, it was nearly eleven o’clock. Yu Qinghuan hurried to the hospital to visit his dad. When the nurse on the night shift saw him, she smiled and asked, “You are late today. Been busy?” 5Apoxc

Yu Qinghuan said, “I will be busy for a while. Please look after my dad.”

The nurse waved her hand. “Naturally.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Qinghuan gave her his thanks and walked into the ward. Papa Yu had just laid down on the bed and was still awake. When he saw Yu Qinghuan coming in, he chirped, “My son, you are here.”

“Yes, here I am. Dad, how are you these days?” Yu Qinghuan pulled a chair and sat down by the bed. KZSNC8

Papa Yu patted his chest vigorously. “Very energetic. Son, I see that you seemed happier recently. Did something good happen?”

Yu Qinghuan chuckled and said, “Something did! Dad, let me tell you, I met a friend who is very kind to me.”

“Is that so?” Papa Yu looked very happy as well. “Then you should sincerely repay him.”

“I will.” Yu Qinghuan nodded firmly. 4fQhMi

After helping Papa Yu to sleep, Yu Qinghuan bid goodbye to the nurse and walked out of the hospital.

In the depth of night, there was not a single pedestrian in sight on the empty street, except for the occasional car with bright headlight speeding across the road.

He stood by the road at the entrance of the hospital. When a cold breeze blew past, he rubbed his arms.

When his phone suddenly went off, he pulled out to check. MbqmVo

Ren Jian’s name was displayed on his phone screen.

Translator's Note

All the pinyin in the following, Shangguan, Ouyan, Zhuge, and Duanmu, are two letter surnames.

Translator's Note

The Chinese is the combination of two and dog. Not exactly sure what the author means as there are many references, but one of them is being the second kid in the family.

Translator's Note

A special version of soy egg, a snack from Taiwan. They are considered a delicacy and originated in the Tamsui District of New Taipei City.

Translator's Note

Big cow, or slang for a remarkable person.

Translator's Note

In dialectal, naughty person; brat.

Translator's Note

This is the direct translation. It means: if I don’t do it, who will?; if I don’t help, who will?; sacrifice oneself in order to save others.

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