How Did You Guys Become Boyfriends While GamingCh24 - Living Together Requires a Period of Accommodation

Yu Qinghuan was very efficient with his move, able to get started packing and organizing the next day. The landlord was half of the reason as well, who was very professional and swiftly returned the deposit. 

By the time Ren Jian drove up to Yu Qinghuan’s apartment, he saw the other man with his hands resting on his waist, looking proudly at the three large cardboard boxes he had packed.  Bp6TZa

“This is everything?” Ren Jian doubted. 

“Yes.” Yu Qinghuan wiped away his sweat and sighed, “I gave away everything that I do not need, and tossed out the rest. I am only temporarily staying at your place, so I should not bring too many things along.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“All right, load it up in the car then.”

Ren Jian drove a sports car, so it did not have a large cargo capacity. It took them two trips to move all three boxes. After half a day of hard work, they finally got all of Yu Qinghuan’s belongings in Ren Jian’s home.  pCdLa2

Ren Jian took out two bottles of ice-cold soda and tossed Yu Qinghuan a bottle, before opening one for himself, drinking while resting on the sofa. 

Catching his drink, Yu Qinghuan thanked him, took a few sips, put it aside, and began to tear off the tape on the box, saying cheerfully, “We will be living together from now on!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ren Jian choked, “Pfff—cough, cough, cough.”

“Lww? Cgf sbe bxjs? Glv la ub vbkc atf kgbcu qlqf?” Te Hlcutejc jrxfv klat mbcmfgc. 


Efc Aljc kjnfv tlr tjcv. “Pa lr cb-cbatlcu, atlr rbvj lr nfgs mjgybcjafv.”

“Gb sbe kjca wf ab qja sbeg yjmx?” Te Hlcutejc jrxfv fjgcfrais. 

“Rb cffv.” Efc Aljc mjiwfv vbkc ribkis. “Xb ecqjmx sbeg raeoo.”

After Yu Qinghuan removed the tape, opened the cardboard box, and took out his clothes, Ren Jian approached to help, but his phone rang.  mRc5h

Ren Jian checked his phone and saw it was from his mother. He walked towards the balcony while saying to Yu Qinghuan, “I need to answer this, you continue to unpack.”

“Oh, okay!” Yu Qinghuan chirped, took the clothes out of the box, carried a large pile of clothes in his arms, entered the guest room, opened the wardrobe and began to store them. 

He hung his clothes one by one, and suddenly noticed an inconspicuous drawer at the bottom inner layer of the wardrobe. Having the thought of using this drawer for thin clothes he wore less of, he opened it. Instead of getting an empty drawer, there was a cardboard box. 

“Hmm? Is it empty?” He mumbled to himself, reaching out to take out the box. There was a piece of paper under the box. As soon as the box was out of the drawer, the paper pressed underneath flew out along with the box.  90GdDO

The box had weight, so it must be filled with things. Feeling concern that it might be something of value, he hurriedly put the box back carefully, and then bent down to pick up the piece of paper that accidentally flew out. 

This was just cleaning up after himself, but he froze in place after accidentally reading the words on the paper. 

The words on this paper were typed in a very strange typesetting and surface, looking like a very abnormal medical record. There was a photo of young Ren Jian in the upper right corner, with sixteen in the line for age, as well as a few words printed below it. 

Corrective Treatment of Homosexuality Mental Disorder.  omiOnX

On the balcony, Ren Jian was talking to his mother. 

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“Invite Qinghuan for dinner sometime, your father wants to meet him.” Mama Ren said. 

“What do you mean father wants to meet him? Mother, this is your idea right?” Ren Jian ruthlessly exposed Mama Ren’s intention.  9Jn1Ir

“So what? Getting Qinghuan to have dinner with us is the same as letting your father meet him.” Mama Ren hmphed

“Mother, there is no need to rush. You might scare him off being this pushy.” Ren Jian leaned on the balcony railing and gave various excuses to brush off the idea. 

“It is just a meal, how could it scare him off? I do not care, make it next week.” Mama Ren ended the call after issuing her decree. 

Ren Jian sighed, trying to come up with something to fix this. After he put away his phone, he walked back into the room.  Ctdh3W

As he entered the room, he saw Yu Qinghuan’s back towards him with something in his hands. The other individual seemed to be in a trance, not even noticing that he entered the room. Finding it strange, he walked towards Yu Qinghuan. 

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  1. Oh, dear. From my understanding “corrective” treatments are usually very tramatizing. I’m guessing this is where the ML’s PTSD comes from. And also probably why he was doing self-harm.

  2. I feel so bad for Ren Jian, he did not deserve that treatment because there’s nothing wrong with him 😩

  3. Omggg.. well, somehow I feel relieved that YQ knows about RJ’s sexuality. It would be easier for them to develop feelings 🥰

  4. How can homosexually be treated?!! ¯⁠\⁠⁠ಠ⁠⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I feel sad from young ML QAQ…… Thanks for the chapter ❤️❤️

  5. Now I get why he vomits every time someone touches him from the elbow up. 😭 I’ve read about this corrective treatment done to the actor of Blue Ranger from the OG Power Rangers. That’s horrible.