Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh61 - V6.02 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

[Host, have you guessed what their deal is?] Looking at Lin Zisheng’s expression, 001 knew that he had probably figured out the other party’s trade. It suddenly felt delighted to have such an intelligent host as the system. (‐^▽^‐)


“Well, do you remember the rumors in this world? ‘The day Bai Zi breaks out of its shell is the day the Imperial Star is reborn.’ Only Bai Zi can know who the true Imperial Star is.”


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“The Bai family now wants to find the real Imperial Star without losing Bai Zi. After all,” Lin Zisheng looked at the book in his hand and lightly tapped the desk with his fingers, a mocking smile on his face, “after all, they are performing a blood sacrifice on Bai Zi to ensure the prosperity of the Bai family for a hundred years.”


[But how does this relate to the trade?] Although 001 also knew about the Bai family and Bai Yao’s intentions, it couldn’t understand why they needed such a trade. Isn’t Bai Yao already a reincarnator?


“Even though Bai Yao is a reincarnator, no one would believe this matter if it were spoken aloud.” Lin Zisheng’s fingertips continued to tap on the table, seemingly with a peculiar rhythm, making 001 feel a bit dizzy.



[Ho… Host, what was that just now?] 001 was a system, a powerful branch of the main system, and it shouldn’t experience any malfunctions. But that momentary dizziness made 001 doubt if it had malfunctioned.


“Just a little trick I learned from a book. It seems that things in this world are quite interesting.” Looking at the books in his hands, Lin Zisheng’s eyes showed unprecedented eagerness. 


He would never have believed in such things before, but after experiencing so much in various worlds, he had come to understand that there were too many miraculous things in this world beyond his imagination.


[Um…] the host is so clever and powerful, what should I do to make myself useful? QAQ


“So, the content of this trade should be Bai Yao extracting from me the identity of the true Imperial Star, and Bai family helping Bai Yao conceal his identity while following the Imperial Star.”


[Secondary mission (completed): Learn the content of the trade between Bai Yao and the Bai family’s three brothers.]

[Rewards: 100 Exp, 1000 points, and activation of the daily cultivation system.]  HWu7wg


After hearing Lin Zisheng’s words, 001 received a prompt from the main system. [Host, after completing this world, we can activate the daily cultivation system!]

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001 was very excited and circled around Lin Zisheng while occasionally rubbing against his face to show affection. Although their relationship had improved significantly, 001 still maintained proper boundaries when interacting with him and avoided doing things that he didn’t like. Such affectionate behavior was rare, indicating that the daily cultivation system was extraordinary. i8muDO


“What is the daily cultivation system?” Seeing 001’s appearance, Lin Zisheng quickly caught the point and asked the question that was on his mind.


[I can’t say for sure, but it’s like a cultivation space. The host can practice inside it or place fragments of their soul for cultivation. By completing cultivation tasks in the space, the host can gain significant benefits.] In summary, after activating the daily cultivation system, everything would be much more efficient. BnvQOG


Lin Zisheng nodded to show that he understood and then lowered his head to look at the book in his hand. It had been eight years since he hatched, and in about seven or eight years, the Crown Prince and Seventh Prince would come to select their dragons. If he continued at this pace of reading, he estimated that he wouldn’t be able to finish all the books in the library before leaving.


001: Host, have you forgotten that you could only take human form and enter the library after you turned five? In other words, you’ve only spent less than three years reading one-third of the books. (ー_ーゞ) uI4fTq


Since he had already guessed the other party’s trade and had a rough idea of how to break their puzzle, Lin Zisheng wasn’t in a rush to deal with Bai Yao.


Oh, right. Because Bai Yao had come here through transmigration and was not originally from this world, the world didn’t recognize his existence. So, even if Lin Zisheng killed him now, it wouldn’t have much impact on this world. 0ZhokN


Actually, from the beginning, 001 suggested that Lin Zisheng should directly kill this troublemaker, but Lin Zisheng completely disagreed.


[Why don’t you agree to kill Bai Yao? After all, the main system and the world line allow it, and it’s the simplest solution.] Seeing Bai Yao acting as if they were close friends, 001 felt nauseous. He planned to deceive its host while pretending to care about him, which was truly despicable! 8KcsB9


“Do you want to create more trouble for yourself?” After hearing 001 suggest the same solution for the 101 times, Lin Zisheng finally couldn’t help but explain. 

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“If you know that the world line rejects Bai Yao, don’t you also know that if he dies easily, a new Bai Yao will be born in this world? Then we’ll be in an open conflict, and we’ll be at a disadvantage. Do you understand?” JtkRKj


Looking at the increasingly foolish 001, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but sigh, wondering if he could upgrade the system or something to make it less foolish?


[QAQ, Host, I’m not foolish, really not foolish, you have to believe me!]  droEbc


Lin Zisheng: Hehe, do you even believe yourself?


Anyway, Lin Zisheng and Bai Yao coexisted peacefully for eight years. Finally, Lin Zisheng finished reading all the books in the library.  8REMOt


The people of the Bai family couldn’t help but marvel that Bai Zi was indeed extraordinary, much smarter, and more powerful than ordinary dragon sons. If it weren’t for the current situation of the Bai family, they would love to see what kind of nation Bai Zi would create while following the new emperor.


Similarly, Bai Yao and the Bai family were disappointed because, during these eight years, no matter how they tried to manipulate or tempt Lin Zisheng with words, he never revealed who the new emperor was.  3Q0UnA


This made the Bai family anxious, and Bai Yao even more desperate. If they couldn’t complete the trade, the Bai family would never assist him!


In his past life, he suffered terribly because of Bai Zi. He didn’t want to be at Bai Zi’s mercy in this life either. He was unwilling! uRwmFd


Finally, Bai Yao decided to take a risk. Although he couldn’t make Bai Zi speak about the new emperor, he could use other means to make the Bai family believe him. If that happened, there would be no difference!

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As the day approached for the Crown Prince and Seventh Prince, to come and choose their dragon sons, Bai Yao and Bai family became more and more anxious. Finally, one day, Bai Yao couldn’t bear it anymore. He felt that if he continued to endure, his fate would be no different from his previous life, completely unchangeable! 09nlSL


“What do you want from me?” Looking at Bai Yao, who had come to his doorstep, Bai Da’s heart felt complicated. He had thought that Bai Yao should have some abilities, but he didn’t expect that after nine years, he still hadn’t gotten any definite information from Bai Zi. He was useless!


“My ability has awakened,” said Bai Yao. He took a deep breath and looked directly at the person before him, trying hard not to show any panic.  qm7fVO


“My ability is foresight. Even if we don’t have Bai Zi, I can still know who the new emperor is!”


Bai Yao’s voice was extremely firm, and it didn’t give people a sense of falsehood. nR1t96


But what Bai Yao said wasn’t a complete lie. After being reborn and returning to the past, saying he had gained foresight ability wasn’t entirely false. After all, they really could know about future events.


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Bai Da looked at Bai Yao, his gaze scrutinizing. After a while, Bai Da finally spoke slowly, “How can I believe you?” oNsMhw


Ktf cbalbc bo vgjubc rbcr tjnlcu rqfmlji jylilalfr kjr abb fierlnf. Qlatbea reyrajcalji fnlvfcmf, Djl Gj kbeivc’a fjrlis ujwyif klat atf fcalgf Djl ojwlis!


“Ktfgf jgf ralii atgff wbcatr yfobgf atf akb qglcmfr mbwf ab mtbbrf atflg vgjubc rbcr. P mjc afii sbe jybea rfnfgji rluclolmjca fnfcar atja klii tjqqfc klatlc atfrf atgff wbcatr,”  IYhnum


Bai Yao took a deep breath and fixed his gaze on Bai Da, “If my foresight is accurate, then our trade continues. If not, I’ll accept the punishment!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


With that, Bai Da accepted Bai Yao’s conditions, and in the next three months, every single thing Bai Yao predicted came true. If it was just one or two, it could be considered luck, and three or five could be coincidental, but if it was more than a dozen, Bai Da couldn’t deceive himself anymore; this was indeed Bai Yao’s ability. wj8nsH


“Now I believe in your ability. Don’t worry, I’ll help you. While the secret art of my Bai family can’t turn you into a true Bai Zi, it can make you resemble Bai Zi more in appearance.” This was a unique skill of the Bai family, and in the past, they used it to make a prince who was close to them ascend the throne.


“Then I wish us a pleasant cooperation!” Upon hearing Bai Da’s words, Bai Yao’s eyes were full of excitement. Finally, he could have that excellent man, and he would make the person responsible for ruining his previous life pay a heavy price! 9qrJAn


Now, both Bai Yao and Bai Da had their own ulterior motives, waiting for the day when the two princes would come to choose their dragon sons, planning to secretly remove the true Bai Zi!


Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and the two princes arrived at the Bai family estate to select their dragon sons. RyDacx


“Gong welcome the two princes,” the three brothers of the Bai family greeted the two princes at the entrance and followed them closely.


Bai Da observed the two princes with great caution and found himself agreeing more with what Bai Yao had said. Both of them exuded an aura of nobility, but there were some differences between them. IXw73z


The Crown Prince had an outstanding appearance, but he carried a sense of extravagance. It was evident that being the legitimate son of the emperor and empress, he was excessively spoiled and arrogant. He seemed to disdain everyone around him. 


On the other hand, the other young man presented a contrasting image, calm, composed, and seemingly a martial artist of modest demeanor. His martial skills might not be on par with the Crown Prince, but he showed no emotions when looking at others and did not give an air of looking down on people. SDHQbr


However, what made Bai Da most alarmed were his eyes. Those pitch-black eyes seemed to contain something, yet nothing at the same time. When those dark eyes fell upon him, Bai Da couldn’t help but shiver, sensing danger emanating from within.

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“So, this is Bai Family’s Dragon Selection Pool? Not that impressive,” the Crown Prince, Long Ao, looked around with disdain, making his disrespect evident. He also looked down upon the so-called dragon sons, thinking of them as mere animals. How could a mere youth have the power to influence the throne, as his father claimed? Preposterous! 16HUCy


Hearing this, Bai Er’s face turned completely dark, and not only the Bai family members but also the Duke of Qingguo, who had accompanied them, looked displeased.


To the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Selection Pool was a very sacred place. The fact that the Crown Prince was so disdainful raised questions about whether he was fit to inherit the throne. k41Vfc


“Seventh brother, don’t you think the same? They are just animals. What’s the point of choosing? Just grab any of them,” the Crown Prince’s tone was even more disdainful, treating the dragon sons as mere playthings.


However, he didn’t respond but rather gave a cautionary advice, “Crown Prince, please be careful with your words. If Father hears about this, you’ll face punishment.” KmJBRg


Behind them, the Duke of Qingguo looked at the two young men and felt regretful. Why couldn’t the Seventh Prince be his Luo family’s grandson instead of this haughty Crown Prince?


“Tch, boring!” After saying that, Long Ao didn’t bother with Long Lan and turned to the three people beside him. He raised his chin and asked, “Where’s the resting place? Take me and Seventh Brother there to rest. It’s been a tiresome journey, and you still haven’t arranged our resting place. It’s so careless!” 7Z9S8w


Then, without caring about the darkened faces of the Bai family, he behaved as if no one else mattered.


“Enough!” The Duke of Qingguo couldn’t bear it anymore and scolded. Np5DiG


Then he bowed to the three brothers of the Bai family. “Please prepare rooms and food for us. We’ve had a tiring journey, and I hope you understand.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Although Bai Da and his brothers were still dissatisfied, the Duke of Qingguo had already given them face. If they continued to be impolite, it wouldn’t look good. They quickly led the group to the rooms to rest. G0ELa6


As they walked towards their destination, Long Lan frowned as he looked back in a certain direction. When he saw a strand of white hair hanging down from the corner, he felt a sense of disgust for some reason.


Could it be that he was naturally incompatible with Bai Zi? 2Pw4cE


Thinking of this possibility, he didn’t pay too much attention to it. Even if there was no Bai Zi, so what? If he wanted to inherit the throne, he would naturally succeed. No one could stop him!


Though he didn’t know where this confidence came from, he just had that feeling! 501BqI


After returning to his lodging, Long Lan casually ate some food and claimed that he needed rest, shooing everyone out of the room. When it turned dark, he quietly left the room and headed in a certain direction.


Since entering the courtyard, he had been hearing a melodious flute sound. Though he didn’t know who was playing the flute, he felt an impulse to make friends with the person creating such beautiful music. fekdx8


Finally, when he found the source of the sound, he witnessed a scene he had never imagined in his lifetime.


A young boy sat at the edge of a water pond, gently playing the flute. Although he appeared to be around ten years old, his eyes showed a profound sense of world-weariness, like that of a sage who had experienced all of life’s changes.  cH0tWu


They seemed to see through everything in the world yet remained aloof, observing from a distance without being easily affected.

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This time, Long Lan experienced that feeling through a young boy, and it was truly unbelievable! kFeUhK


The most astonishing thing was that, following his flute’s melody, a water dragon appeared in the pond. The dragon seemed to guard and fly around the young boy, even carefully using its water-formed claws to lightly touch the boy. It seemed afraid of hurting him and would retract its claws before making contact.


Crack! 6dO0Xz


Too engrossed in watching this peculiar scene, Long Lan didn’t notice a tree branch in front of him. He accidentally stepped on it, startling the boy playing the flute. In the instant the flute’s melody stopped, the water dragon vanished, transforming into a gentle rain that soaked the boy’s clothes.


When the boy noticed Long Lan, he turned his head and took a step forward, as if wanting to jump into the pond to escape. s8dncW


“Don’t go!” Witnessing this, Long Lan felt an inexplicable panic and hurriedly stepped forward, grabbing the boy’s wrist to prevent him from leaving.


“Let… go… of me.” The boy’s voice was hoarse, and his speech wasn’t smooth, indicating he hadn’t spoken for a long time. However, his voice wasn’t unpleasant; on the contrary, it seemed to carry a strange melody that made people want to keep listening. BTPN1o


In an instant, Long Lan felt an awakening in his heart. Could this boy be someone’s trap?


Yet, he heard a voice inside him telling him that even if the boy was a trap, he was willing to take the bait. E1J8Vj


“I said, let go.” Feeling the grip on his wrist, the boy furrowed his brows and struggled, but he couldn’t break free.

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“I won’t let you go!” Even though he didn’t understand why, Long Lan knew he couldn’t let this boy leave; he didn’t want to! oIPfQx


Upon hearing his words, the boy looked up at him. It was only then that Long Lan saw his appearance clearly.


His silver-white hair shimmered faintly under the moonlight, and his fair complexion had a somewhat wan pallor, making him look delicate and deserving of pity.  Re3hkq


Even Long Lan, who was always cold and indifferent, couldn’t help but feel the desire to cherish him. What set him apart were his eyes, not black or deep brown, but a light violet color that was so translucent, one couldn’t help but be drawn in.


As soon as the boy saw Long Lan, it seemed like he saw something familiar. His eyes lingered on Long Lan’s face, and as a result, he struggled less. t3RM v


“Who are you?” After observing Long Lan carefully, the boy opened his mouth but didn’t produce any sound for a while, seemingly unable to figure out how to speak. Finally, he became annoyed and pursed his lips, managing to utter two syllables unclearly, “Long… Lan?”


The boy’s voice was clear but hoarse, as he hadn’t spoken for a long time, making his pronunciation inaccurate and somewhat fragmented. Yet, the moment he called out Long Lan’s name, a burst of warmth ignited within Long Lan’s heart, heating him up to the point where he felt like groaning. In the end, he exerted great effort to avoid embarrassing himself in front of the boy. SUHDo7


“You know my name?” Although he didn’t understand why the boy knew his name, it didn’t stop him from feeling happy. Even the corners of his mouth lifted with joy, especially when the boy nodded.


“Can we… meet again?” Long Lan hesitated, not knowing if it was too abrupt to say such a thing. “What’s your name?” hnP7lr


The boy looked at him with a hint of annoyance, leaving Long Lan feeling unsure. All he could do was watch the boy purse his lips and produce a muffled sound, “Zisheng… tomorrow… here.”

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After speaking, the boy suddenly pulled his hand away and ran into the forest, disappearing from sight. WxmHgO


After a while, Long Lan finally understood the boy’s meaning. His name was Zisheng, and the phrase “tomorow here” was an answer to his first question. As for the annoyance in his eyes, it might have been because he was not good at speaking, and Long Lan had bombarded him with too many questions.


Just as Long Lan thought the boy had left, he rushed out again and stood before him, looking somewhat conflicted. He then grabbed Long Lan’s hand, and his soft lips gently touched the back of Long Lan’s hand before he swiftly ran away again. CohrdP


Long Lan was left stunned by the sudden “kiss.” He could only gaze blankly as the person who had come and gone suddenly reappeared and fled once more.


Finally, after a long while, he snapped out of the excitement, only to find a faint white mark on the back of his hand. The moonlight was not bright enough to see it clearly, but when he returned to his room, he discovered a small white dragon on his hand.  7jCdUH


However, this white dragon looked different from a real dragon; it only had a pair of claws, and its head was round. Its body was not very long, indicating that it was still young.


As Long Lan speculated about the boy’s identity, the white dragon on his hand moved slowly, finally settling on the inner side of his wrist. If he wore clothes, no one would notice the white dragon there unless they intentionally pulled his hand to observe closely. J9AqKm


In an instant, Long Lan understood the boy’s identity. He was the person his father, the Emperor, had been urging the Crown Prince to find – Bai Zi.


Gently touching his wrist, Long Lan’s face broke into a gentle smile. Could this mean that Bai Zi had chosen him? The realization made him very happy. 4LNMSh


However, his happiness didn’t stem from Bai Zi’s choice, but rather from the fact that Bai Zi was the boy he had met. Knowing that Bai Zi had chosen to be with him and leave together, Long Lan’s heart softened.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Early the next morning, Long Lan woke up and exercised before having breakfast. He then mentioned that he wanted to explore the area a bit more to the three brothers from the Bai family, who naturally agreed. They even found someone very familiar with the place to act as their guide. VMQ2Rb


When Long Lan arrived at the place where he had met Bai Zi the day before, he couldn’t help but ask, “What is this place?”


“This is the Dragon Pool, where the Dragon Sons usually rest, Your Highness.” XxkP0b


“They spend all their time underwater?” Imagining the boy submerged in water, Long Lan felt a bit uncomfortable. He didn’t like that feeling.


“They only need to rest here at night, as this is the place where the Dragon Pool’s energy is most abundant. Only with dragon energy can the Dragon Sons grow. However, not all Dragon Sons need it. For example, this generation’s Bai Zi can cultivate even without using the Dragon Pool.”  k6ZudB


The guide shared all this information, considering the noble status of the person he was leading. He was willing to tell the Seventh Prince anything he knew without any hesitation.


After all, the two princes would be leaving in a few days, so there was no need to worry about anything. uMxVfL


Furthermore, he had another task: to have a meeting with His Highness and “Bai Zi.”


Not long after they started walking, Long Lan felt someone approaching them. The same feeling of disgust surged from the depths of his heart, just like when he saw that strand of white hair during the daytime. LwPZXp


While Long Lan was thinking about this, a figure stumbled and ran towards them. As the person got closer, he noticed Long Lan and the people around him. At this point, it was too late to stop, and at the boy’s speed, there was a high chance he would crash into Long Lan’s arms.

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Feeling the repulsive aura emanating from the white-haired youth in front of him, Long Lan instinctively dodged to the side. As a result, the white-haired youth landed hard on the ground with a solid thud that made both of them wince in pain.  GdNO7B


Long Lan noticed that the boy’s body didn’t collapse upon impact; he seemed sturdy!


“Master Bai.” The servant who followed the youth was startled by the abrupt fall and quickly helped him up. 0nbsSu


Bai Yao’s expression turned quite ugly. He had calculated everything perfectly, expecting to fall into Long Lan’s arms with that force. However, he didn’t anticipate Long Lan evading him, leading to his embarrassing fall.


“If you need someone to guide you, you are welcome to use my services. I can accompany you myself.”  97QgXm


Of course, what he didn’t know was that the boy he was excited to meet was watching the excitement in the dark.


[Master, that must have hurt.] 001’s assessment was spot on. Bai Yao’s face seemed to have suffered quite a bit from the fall. xCD1JZ


“That’s what he asked for. He thought being gay meant he can handle any man. Don’t forget, there is a term in this world called ‘straight man’,” Lin Zisheng yawned and looked at the person with a reddened face, his eyes filled with mockery, even secretly considering whether to kick him when he was down.


Bai Yao’s life had been very smooth so far, and any man he set his sights on couldn’t escape from his grasp, no matter if it was the future Emperor! 37IUQB


Clearly, Bai Yao had forgotten that this world was different from modern times. Indeed, his somewhat effeminate appearance made him highly appealing to men, but that was in the modern world and within the circle of homosexuals. 

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The admiration from others made him forget his true worth, thinking that even an Emperor couldn’t resist his charm. qLGoxj


“Master, my injuries are not a concern. If it doesn’t bother you, Bai Yao would like to accompany Your Highness on a tour,” Bai Yao’s voice was gentle, carrying a hint of charm, like a small hook that dug deep into one’s heart.


However, the person who was being hooked was not Long Lan. When he heard Bai Yao addressing him as “Master,” Long Lan’s eyes filled with vigilance and even a hidden aversion. sZ24N


Seeing the guarded look on Long Lan’s face, Bai Yao realized that he had spoken too much and addressed Long Lan improperly.


Dragon Sons would not easily converse with people, and if there were no surprises, only their masters would ever hear their voices. Usually, for their entire lives, only their masters could hear them. And yet, Bai Yao had spoken to Long Lan just now, even calling him “Master.” Anyone else would have found it strange. PqXvot


At this point, Bai Yao had no choice but to leave and find another opportunity tomorrow during the time the Dragon Sons would choose their masters.


His attendant also noticed that something had gone wrong and excused himself, leading Bai Yao away. DmUSMt


After everyone had left, Long Lan suddenly turned his head and looked towards a nearby tree. He then flew up and caught the fleeing boy.


“Heh, caught you again,” Long Lan’s voice was somewhat deep but exceptionally pleasant, like the enchanting voice of a male god that could impregnate one’s ears. In modern terms, it was a sound that could rival surround sound, and Lin Zisheng couldn’t even move there. dSd8Gi


“You are Bai Zi, right?” Long Lan turned Lin Zisheng around and hugged him, sitting face to face on the tree. Looking at the conflicted expression on Lin Zisheng’s face, Long Lan immediately added, “Just nod or shake your head.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Upon hearing this, Lin Zisheng’s face relaxed, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Then, he nodded at Long Lan. LzRtDA


“So, you chose me?” Unlike the brainless and arrogant Crown Prince, Long Lan didn’t believe they had the power to choose the Dragon Sons; it was the Dragon Sons who chose and acknowledged them.


Lin Zisheng blinked, nodding and shaking his head, feeling a bit tangled and annoyed. Finally, he managed to say, “Companion, no, chosen… chosen.” Ymh5Zy


Their relationship was that of companions, not one choosing the other. When the Imperial Star descended, Bai Zi was hatched. It was predestined by fate. 


The Imperial Star’s presence caused Bai Zi to lose his powers and gradually enter a state of decline. Without Bai Zi, the Imperial Star would lose the protection of fate, and the country would fall. X0Sqwb


Hearing the explanation, Long Lan’s face lit up with joy. Companion? He liked this term that belonged to both of them!


Before he could say anything else, he sensed approaching footsteps. Frowning, Long Lan put Lin Zisheng down and said, “Wait for me tonight,” before leaving.  Cldjpr


He had a feeling that it wasn’t the right time to let others know about the relationship between him and Bai Zi, or else he might not be able to take the real Bai Zi away.


After Long Lan left, Lin Zisheng’s somewhat reticent face broke into a smile. LlgCn6


[Master, why didn’t you leave with the Seventh Prince? Don’t you know he is the Imperial Star?] 001 lay beside Lin Zisheng, wagging its tail and licking its paws, somewhat puzzled by Lin Zisheng’s actions.

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“Because it’s not the right time yet,” Lin Zisheng glanced at the people searching for him, disdainfully snorting.  527WLw


“No one can prove that I am the true Bai Zi. As long as the Bai family denies it, and Bai Yao stands up, I can easily disprove it. They will be the ones to suffer the consequences of deceiving the royal family.”


001 seemed to understand and nodded. After all, it knew that as long as it followed the Master’s lead, there would be no mistakes. However, it couldn’t help but say, [Then how will you reveal yourself tomorrow? Although you are Bai Zi, your physical strength is weak and inferior to an average person’s.] IaCK0f


The Bai Zi’s body was much weaker than that of a regular Dragon Son. Right now, the entire Bai family was searching for him, and with this frail body, the chances of escaping were close to zero.


“Naturally, I don’t need to do anything. The contract between the Dragon Sons and the Princes will make Long Lan find me quickly. Once he presents me before others, even if the Bai family wants to deny it, they won’t be able to,” Lin Zisheng looked down at his small body, furrowing his brow.  wVH0Ao


“When will I grow up? It’s so inconvenient to look like a child.”


[Master, Dragon Sons reach adulthood much later than humans. They reach maturity at around twenty-five years old, while Bai Zi’s physical growth is even slower. Usually, Bai Zi’s appearance only reaches sixteen or seventeen years, and they remain in a youthful appearance until their end.]  BXRKPd


001’s voice carried a clear tone of teasing, obviously mocking the Master’s fate of never growing up in this world.


As Lin Zisheng grew more familiar with 001, the AI’s audacity also increased. Occasionally, it would play such jokes, and Lin Zisheng wouldn’t get angry. 9JiG7h


“Enough with the chit-chat. We need to prepare a grand gift for Bai Yao and the Bai family,” sensing that the number of people searching for him had decreased, Lin Zisheng gracefully floated down from the tree, a mocking smile forming at the corner of his mouth. 

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“Let’s hope you can bear the consequences of deceiving the royal family tomorrow.” AE3l5z


The Bai family could create disguising potions, and he could create things to counter them. Over the years in the library, he had learned quite a bit, and the Bai family was too careless, not even bothering to hide those things. That’s why they had easily fallen into his trap!


Charging a crime of deceiving the Emperor would be quite fitting, especially when the lies were confronted by the arrogant and conceited Crown Prince. Oh, it should be quite entertaining then. gXsj2v

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