Wolf In The CageChapter 65.1

“Good morning, Cynthia. Where’s the boss?”

“He hasn’t come out of the bedroom.” qQduhL

“Still? He’s awake, right?”


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The man didn’t miss the slight pause before Cynthia answered in her characteristically calm, monotone voice. He sighed inwardly. Playing around again. Of course, Cynthia wasn’t to blame. He waved her away, and she nodded slightly before leaving.

Patrick checked his wristwatch. He didn’t have much time. As much as he didn’t want to, he’d have to fetch him himself. Dragging his increasingly lazy boss out of bed had become his new morning routine. kihTX6

Really, it’s worth living a long life.

The man started walking down the hallway of the Cage mansion. Patrick Morello. It had been over ten years since he swore loyalty to the Cage family and started working under Malon Cage, introduced by his father. There had been a lot of events until his boss, who had been cast aside by his own father, clawed his way to the top of the family. Much had changed, and many people had come and gone. This mansion was no exception. Despite having walked through this old mansion countless times, the scene before Patrick now was entirely different from what he had seen a few years ago.


His brisk steps slowed and eventually came to a halt. A vase filled with flowers, lush with pale pink petals, caught his eye. Patrick leaned over the flowers carefully. He didn’t know the name of the flowers, being ignorant of plants, but the fresh scent that filled his nostrils instantly lifted his mood. The delicate petals, so fragile they seemed they might tear any moment, tickled his dry cheek.


Flowers. Who would have thought there’d be flowers in the Cage mansion?

Patrick quietly admired them. Just a few years ago, animal heads had adorned this hallway instead of flowers. They were the trophies of Antonio Cage, whose hobby was hunting. Even though he knew they were dead and preserved, Patrick always got goosebumps whenever his eyes met their vacant, glassy ones. Part of his routine was to shiver as he speculated on the bloody history behind the glittering, mysterious gems in the display cases.

But now, those spaces were filled with vibrant, Monet-style paintings, intricately woven tapestries, and large vases of flowers. He’d heard they’d been hesitant to hang even a single painting at first, but now they boldly displayed items of their taste, showing they’d gained quite a bit of confidence.

Oh, I’d better get going. Ae0IJk

Patrick lifted his head from the flowers and continued towards his destination. The lively scent of the flowers lingered in his nostrils, perhaps having clung to his clothes. Naturally, it wasn’t just the Cage mansion that had changed. What he felt had changed the most were the people. And whether to view that change positively or with concern was still something he hadn’t decided.

Lucky bastard. That’s how Patrick always evaluated himself. He prided himself on his relatively objective insight into things, and he included himself in that analysis. He hadn’t gotten all of this for free, of course. But not everyone gets a fair reward for their efforts. Though he’d worked like a dog for Malon Cage, he’d risen to the position of underboss in the organization that controlled Portland at a relatively young age, so he had to admit he was damned lucky.

‘You choose, Patrick. Do you want to be Antonio’s dog or mine?’

The white sofa was stained with dark crimson blood. Patrick still vividly remembered Malon Cage sitting on the edge, bleeding fiercely. His white shirt was tattered from a scuffle, and thin wire had left red marks on his neck, still oozing tiny droplets of blood. Seeing the man fumble in his pocket, Patrick instinctively stepped forward to light his cigarette. Malon didn’t refuse. Soon, smoke trickled from his lips. When their eyes met, Patrick’s heart sank as if he had been handed a death sentence. XDg4Rb


“Choose. It’s not that difficult, is it?”

The man spoke nonchalantly. No, it was difficult. At the time, Malon was reviving several failing operations within the organization, gradually building his power. Patrick, simply doing his job, had somehow become Malon’s right-hand man. One day, Antonio Cage, the Don of the organization and Malon’s father, secretly summoned Patrick and gave him a directive: plant a bomb in Malon’s car and kill him. In return, Antonio promised to elevate Patrick to Malon’s position.

It was an extraordinary proposal. The suggestion to kill his own son was shocking enough, but the reward was immense. Having joined the organization only a few years ago, Patrick had few opportunities to leap several ranks at once. This was what it took to get his own territory. iM1Fxp

Patrick was torn. It was decision time. Antonio Cage or Malon Cage. A wrong bet would be the end. It was all or nothing. In truth, Patrick had a high opinion of Malon. His boss was a demon—a compliment, surprisingly. In the brutal world of crime, where law and decency were ignored, success required a cold heart and a cool head.

In that sense, Malon was perfect. His drive came from a cold ash formed by burning hatred and ambition. If this were a horse race, Patrick would be willing to bet money on him. Unfortunately, what he had to bet was his life. Malon still lacked a solid foundation. He had not yet gained enough trust within the organization, and the old-timers, sensing Antonio’s favor, were backing Luca Pellegrino instead. Choosing the wrong side could mean dying alongside Malon in obscurity.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

So, he hesitated. Somehow, the directive leaked, and Malon seemed to have heard about it. Seeing Patrick’s flustered expression, Malon scoffed and touched the wound on his neck. He was calm, not at all like someone who had just escaped strangulation, and it wasn’t an act.

As Malon smoked, Patrick pondered. Honestly, he thought he would have wet his pants in such a situation, staring blankly at the blood seeping through his fingernails. If he joined Malon, his hands would never be clean, he guessed. Then, he made his decision. It was an impulsive one, but Malon was not the type to wait around while Patrick calmly weighed his options over a coffee. JHONQU

“I didn’t realize you were such a generous man to give me a choice, Boss.”

“I liked the way you handled things. If not, this wouldn’t be happening.”

“Thank you. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”

Deciding to willingly become the man’s lapdog, Patrick knelt before him to swear his loyalty. He kissed the hand that was covered in cuts and bruises, bleeding all over. What did it matter if he became a lapdog? His master would surely seize this city. Malon looked down at him with a haughty gaze, as if Patrick’s choice was not surprising at all. Patrick, who had been anxious, finally exhaled a breath of relief when Malon stubbed out his cigarette on the sofa and nodded for them to leave. oNSh6p

Recently, his decision had borne fruit. It had taken a while, but the result was success, making the time spent worthwhile. Malon Cage was now the undisputed boss of the Cage family. Malon had skill, legitimacy, and guts, but above all, he had luck. It wasn’t a slight—there was nothing harder to come by than luck. Yet, this devil of a man even possessed that, as if he had bullied Lady Luck into handing over her favors.

Patrick hummed a quiet tune to himself.

“Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.”

Though Patrick had succeeded in his bet, countless others had not. Most of the people he knew years ago were either dead or had left the city, and new buildings and shops had sprung up all over Portland. But despite all the changes, Patrick had thought Malon Cage, that devil of a man, would never change. It wasn’t that devils couldn’t become angels; they just didn’t see the need to. But now, it seemed nothing had changed more than Malon Cage. Patrick still remembered his shock the first time he heard the low laughter coming from beyond the door. He almost asked who it was. ZfXMB6

“…Haha, are you serious? Wear this?”

“You said you were meeting a state senator today.”

“The senator is on your side, not mine. Have you forgotten your husband’s job?”

“Then what about this? It was a gift…” unMWcK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Pcvffv. Qtja rtbeiv kf vb klat atlr celrjcmf, Vlzz?”

“Zjibc! Qts jw P j celrjcmf…?”

Lfjglcu atf sbecu wjc’r rilutais gjlrfv nblmf, Ujaglmx ofia j ragjcuf wlz bo fwbalbcr. Ktja nfgs sbecu wjc, yjgfis bnfg akfcas, tjv mbwqifafis mtjcufv tlr ybrr. Ktf ifufcvjgs Zjibc Jjuf jguelcu jybea kfjglcu j alf jcv gfoerlcu ab ifjnf atf yfvgbbw kjr rlwqis ecyfilfnjyif. Ccv la rffwfv atf alf kjr pera jc fzmerf; tf pera kjcafv ab obbi jgbecv.

Sigh… zKiQgb

Patrick sighed deeply. No wonder there were rumors that Hawk was dying.

“It’s a nuisance. I’ve been stuck in the bedroom because of you.”

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“It’s not because of me!”

“It is because of you, Sixx. Are you going to blame this ugly tie?” tXld5K

“That’s…! You’re doing this on purpose. You’re mean.”

Imagining the young man’s face, flushed like the flower petals he saw earlier, Patrick couldn’t help but smile. He was cute, indeed. His boss seemed to think so too, as laughter once again drifted from beyond the door. Hearing the satisfaction in that laughter, Patrick mockingly pretended to retch inwardly.

You’re so in love, aren’t you, Boss? How nice it must be to marry a youngster.

Yes, the young man with the unique name Sixx was indeed the lady of the organization. Those who heard the news were all shocked. Of course, it wasn’t unusual for high-ranking members to have multiple lovers. Although the gender was a bit of an issue, if Sixx had been just one of Malon’s many lovers, it wouldn’t have caused such a stir. But Malon had brought him into the mansion and treated him as his legitimate partner. He even ended all his previous relationships with women, focusing solely on Sixx. Portland was turned upside down, and the subordinates had to respect Sixx accordingly. aphSMq

Never did I think I’d see a boy, barely more than a child, become the lady of the organization in my lifetime! The world’s gone mad. Damn, what’s the boss thinking…?

The younger members, scared of the boss, accepted it without question. However, the older members, who had been in the organization for a long time, often expressed their bewilderment and disbelief.

It wasn’t surprising they reacted that way, so Patrick would just nod or, if Malon was nearby, order them to shut their mouths. If Malon heard any complaints about Sixx, who knew what might happen. And usually, cleaning up after Malon’s actions fell to Patrick. He was a very busy man and didn’t need any unnecessary work added to his load.

Well, you know, Sixx makes a good lover but… JlkhoY

Sixx was a straightforward and diligent young man. He had a sense of responsibility and was quite adept at fighting. If Sixx had been Malon’s subordinate rather than his partner, Patrick would have respected him immensely. But the situation was quite the opposite. The image of the poor, pitiful circus boy who didn’t even realize he was being abused and mistreated, but was overjoyed to receive just a radio as a gift, still lingered vividly in Patrick’s mind. Yet somehow, that boy had grown up and, like an iceberg, had melted Malon Cage’s frozen heart and taken his place by his side. There were times when it was hard to believe he had met the person destined for him. Meeting one’s destined person was a good thing, but why did it have to be Malon Cage?

“Then I’ll bring what you left yesterday.”

“What about this? Sixx, do you want to use it?”

“Me? I rarely wear ties…” HdhLS0

“Well then, what should we do? Should we have some fun with this?”

“Fun with this… Oh, Malon!”

“Stay quiet.”

There was a squeak as the mattress on the bed shifted beyond the door. No! If he let the situation progress like this, he would surely have to wait another thirty minutes outside. Desperately, Patrick hurried out. EsaNUe

Bang, bang!

“Boss! It’s time to go!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He knocked on the door as if punching it, then shouted firmly. Instantly, the noisy bedroom fell silent as if all life had suddenly ceased inside. Did he think he could just ignore my orders to come out? Just because of that, do I seem like someone who gives up easily? Patrick, bewildered, pounded on the door again, urging his superior.

“Boss, please come out quickly. I’ll straighten out your tie.” tXTduF

After a brief wait, the bedroom door creaked open. His boss, Malon Cage, stood there with a livid expression. His twitching dark eyebrows and tightly drawn lips seemed to reflect his uneasy mood. It might have been due to the interruption just when things were getting interesting, but Patrick was not to blame. Not by any means. I’m just doing my duty. Patrick held his head high. But even so, he couldn’t keep the congressman waiting forever.

“Oh, Malon! Wait a moment!”

Behind his boss emitting a sinister aura, a man struggled to untangle a tie bound around his wrist. Unlike the man who was impeccable from head to toe, his white robe was disheveled at the front, exposing a broad chest, and his cheeks and neck were slightly flushed. Spotting Patrick waiting outside, he smiled broadly and waved his hand. Well, actually, he tried to wave.

“Hello, Patrick—oops!” GpzifY

In his eagerness to greet him quickly, he ended up entangling the tie even more without fully untying it. Sometimes he seemed more like twelve than twenty. I think I understand why Malon treats him like a puppy. Patrick suppressed a laugh and casually greeted him with a pleasant “Good morning.” He had a strong feeling that if he laughed now, his boss would play tricks all day. Especially since Malon was already in a bad mood. Though Patrick wasn’t sorry at all, he apologized to the frowning boss.

“I apologize for interrupting while you’re busy, Boss.”

“You knew you were interrupting?”

“I thought you were doing something important with the tie, so I regret this.” odlkJh


“Please go quickly. Congressman Hawyer is waiting. You can have fun later tonight.”

His boss sent a chilly gaze. It was hard to believe this was the same person who had whispered affectionately and affectionately a moment ago. Of course, Patrick was more used to this side of him, so he wasn’t fazed. He stepped forward without hesitation, but finally, Sixx, who had managed to successfully untie the knot while preserving the original shape of the tie, rushed out the door.

“Just a moment!” e0T Er

His extra fluffy white curly hair, especially in the morning, resembled cotton candy beloved by children, and he realized anew how fitting the nickname that had sprung up among the organization members was. Such a kind and cute kid could probably tear not only that tie but even a human in two with just a whim. Malon’s cotton candy greeted him shyly.

“Go ahead, Malon. And about that… should we skip it today?”

“No, we can’t. Patrick, turn around for a moment.”

“…Yes.” pY3im9

Damn it. Patrick quickly realized the reason and turned around helplessly. Soon after, there was a wet sound, and he regretted not having plugged his ears earlier. He regretted it belatedly. When he turned back a moment later, he had to brush away the goosebumps that had sprouted like welts on Malon’s satisfied smile.

“I’ll be back, Sixx.” Malon whispered softly and kissed his spouse’s cheek one last time. The sequence of actions was so familiar and affectionate that it almost made him sick. I really don’t know if I’m right about the Hawk I know.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Is someone wearing Malon Cage’s leather? Patrick stared blankly at his boss’s back as he walked confidently down the corridor, then quickly hurried to catch up and start his report.

“It’s about Marco. The commissioner approached first.” bjkC M

“Hmm, what did he say?”

“He wants $50,000 to bury it.”

“Ha, that old man sure knows how to joke. Fifty grand for a small fry like him?”

“He said the FBI’s been snooping around lately, so he needs to get that much.” Z3wD8h

“Trying to milk both sides in such a risky situation? Looks like old Howard is trying to secure his retirement.”

Malon scoffed. The soft tone in his voice from a moment ago vanished like a mirage. It was as if he reserved all his humanity for Sixx. Not that Patrick minded. The thought of the boss smiling warmly at him was more frightening.

“So how should we handle the deal?”

“How else? Proceed as planned.” gKZMvw

“And the commissioner?”

“At his age… accidental falls are common. Didn’t he say he liked hiking? It’s unfortunate. All that hard-earned retirement money, and he won’t get to spend a cent of it.”

“Who should we send?”

“No need to waste manpower. If you let Bruno Lombardo in on it, he might take care of it for us.” 2sfSM9

It’s best not to keep enemies close.

Patrick praised his past decisions while opening the backseat door for Malon. After getting in the passenger seat and giving the destination, the car started moving. For a while, only the sound of something being tapped at regular intervals came from the back. It was Malon’s habit whenever he was deep in thought. With the Howard case resolved, he was likely brewing another devilish plan.

In the old days, there would have been a strong smell of nicotine, but lately, you rarely saw white smoke coming from his mouth. That was also because of Sixx. Patrick shivered. It should have been touching, but knowing the person too well made it terrifying. Then, a low voice from the back called out to Patrick, who was still shuddering.

“Pat.” YO3W2N

“Yes, boss.”

“About Antonio. Didn’t he have a villa in the Mediterranean?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…I’ve heard about it. I think it was on a small island near Sicily.”

“Wesley would know. Tell Wesley to come to the office later.” HWTdm6

“Understood. But will you meet Caruso in person?”

That Malon Cage doing something so commendable?

Patrick asked, slightly puzzled. The biggest issue within the organization lately was drugs. During Antonio’s reign, the Cage family hadn’t fully delved into the drug business. However, during Malon’s struggle for leadership against Luca Pellegrino, the Lombardo family from Seattle got involved, leading to the spread of drugs brought in from Canada by the Lombardo family in this area.

Drugs were profitable but involved frequent clashes with the police and politicians, and managing the lower ranks required a lot of effort. Hence, Malon’s first rule when introducing drugs to Portland was not to sell near schools. This wasn’t out of concern for children’s health but rather to avoid escalating issues with the police and because kids starting drugs too early would die off too soon. yCMicA

They are our valuable future customers, after all. It’s not like I’m only selling drugs, right?

…Although it was uncomfortable to agree, it wasn’t entirely wrong. However, this time, Marco disobeyed orders and got caught by the police selling drugs to kids near a middle school. Naturally, they thought Marco was just focused on snatching money from the kids, but then the informant planted within the police brought some interesting news. Before Marco went to sell drugs near that high school, there was already a plan within the Portland drug task force to scout that area. It could have been an extraordinary coincidence, but Patrick’s thoughts immediately went in another direction.

This must be related to Matthew Ferrari.

Not long ago, Joseph Lombardo, the boss of the Lombardo family, passed away. Rumor had it he was shot over a love affair, but honestly, the truth wasn’t of much interest to most people. The real focus was on the power struggle between his biological son, Bruno Lombardo, and his adopted son, Matthew “The Eagle” Ferrari, for the vacant boss position. Normally, disputes within a family are handled internally, but the Lombardo family ran a pipeline supplying drugs to nearby territories. Other families, including the Cage family, were inevitably affected by their dispute, making it an exception to the rule. BgkMmh

Malon also faced a moment of choice: Bruno or Matty. Currently, Bruno had a tight grip on the Lombardo family’s drug business, but Malon’s choice was Matty. Not because he particularly liked Matty, but because he saw an opportunity for gain.

“In that case, it might not be bad to turn the tables. We’ve been handing over 15% all this time, haven’t we? We’ve done all the hard work. We’ve been diligently offering it up, so it’s about time we collect.”

“Collect, boss? You mean—”

“The proposal we received from Sicily, it’s still valid, right? Let’s proceed with that. Tell the police to handle Bruno’s side, and we’ll raid the empty house. The police get to boost their records by arresting drug offenders, Matty won’t fall behind in the competition, and we get our own distribution channel. It’s a happy ending for everyone.” xHn9UO

“…It’s perfect.”

“Oh, and one more thing.”


“Matty has a stake in a hotel in Vegas, right? Tell him to hand it over. We’ll offer a fair price.” On7s9

“We’re not volunteers, after all. They need to pay the price,” muttered Patrick, recalling Malon’s wicked smile. It made Patrick realize anew that his boss was truly suited for his job, exploiting other organizations’ disputes for a considerable profit.

It was a flawless plan. Since they were only distributing drugs on behalf of the Lombardo family, there wouldn’t be many objections. At least not openly. Besides, there were very few organizations with enough connections in politics and law to meddle in the drug trade. Even if they were tempted, they would have no choice but to bite their fingers in envy.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Matthew Ferrari might shed tears of blood from losing the business, but he would likely prefer handing over the distribution line to walking a fatal path after being pushed out by Bruno. Currently, Patrick was negotiating with the Caruso family in Sicily on Malon’s orders. Progress was slow, but steady.

Bruno Lombardo must have heard the news by now. It seemed he was trying to bribe the police to make a move… If he knew how greedy Howard was, he might have reconsidered. Patrick knew Howard was crazy about money, but even he was appalled by the brazen thief-like attitude of trying to grab $50,000 more after taking from the other side. Still, the police were the police. It would be better to stir up Bruno to handle it rather than dealing with it directly. Spreading the word that Howard had betrayed them should do the trick. cEZWH0

By the way, the sudden mention of the Mediterranean—could it be that Malon intended to meet Caruso personally to settle the deal? Whatever had prompted this, if Malon Cage was getting actively involved, the negotiations would advance significantly, and Patrick’s biggest headache would naturally disappear. Just imagining it brought a smile to his face. But then Malon scoffed from the back as if to mock his foolish thoughts.

“Caruso? Why would I meet that guy? Did you forget? I left that negotiation to you, Pat.”

“That’s true, but… then why are you going to Sicily?”

“Why do you think? Is there any better reason for a newly married man to leave town?” zNmhju

“Wait, Boss. You don’t mean—!”

No way. It couldn’t be what I’m thinking. After all, we’re talking about Malon Cage—

“Yes, exactly. As soon as the place is ready, I’m going on my honeymoon.”

Fuck! PaYQgC

Patrick was in despair. A honeymoon? What the hell kind of mafia boss goes on a honeymoon?

“No, no way! Absolutely not! I’ll die! I’ll literally work myself to death!”

“Then get married yourself if you’re so upset. I’ll give you time for a honeymoon too.”

“You need time to meet a woman first!” pIqCh6

“Sounds like an excuse. Even busy people find time to date. Right, Joseph?”

The member, who shared his name with the late boss of the Lombardo family, looked startled as the attention turned to him, forcing an awkward laugh. Normally, Patrick would feel sorry for Joseph, caught between the two highest-ranking members of the organization, and would let it go. But not today. Today, he was too annoyed at his boss, who was planning to leave him in this mess to go have fun with a young woman. Especially since, in this chaotic time, if Malon left, Patrick would be swamped with work, not even having a moment to rest.

And all because of a damned honeymoon! Patrick exploded in frustration.

“Why do you even need to go on a honeymoon? It’s not like you’re going to do anything different there!” itWLmS

“Oh, Pat, you really don’t understand. Couples need to strengthen their bond. When you’ve vowed to spend your lives together, you need time to get to know each other, to have deep conversations.”

“Sure, like you’ll be having ‘conversations’ with your bodies. But aren’t you already doing that? Cynthia told me every time she goes to clean the bedroom, at least one piece of furniture is broken.”

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“Uh, uh, uh…!”

Poor Joseph couldn’t hold back his coughing. The young man, barely in his mid-twenties, blushed deeply, embarrassed by the lurid mental images. Patrick felt a bit sorry for him, but he wasn’t about to back down. Malon, however, responded without missing a beat. S5nWo

“You’re not entirely wrong, but there’s a reason everyone goes on a honeymoon, Pat.”

“No, a honeymoon is just an outdated custom. You’re already living a life completely different from ordinary people, so why stick to this one tradition? There should be some criteria for what you choose to do. Have all the conversations you want at home. I won’t complain if you break a few pieces of furniture there.”

“It’s not the same. That’s why you’re unpopular, Pat. You don’t understand the importance of setting the mood.”

“I am popular!” SdGrI

Patrick retorted angrily, but Malon ignored him. It was infuriating. Once, Patrick had asked if Malon ever considered getting married, and he’d scoffed, saying he’d be crazy to live with another person. But after marrying Sixx, Malon had done a complete 180, now treating Patrick like a bitter bachelor who couldn’t get married. It was infuriatingly shameless, typical of a mafia boss. Patrick gritted his teeth, determined not to back down.

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