Wolf In The CageCh49 - The End

Naturally, Malon didn’t do that. Sixx finally grabbed his head, not hard enough to hurt but with a slight forcefulness. Malon wished Sixx would use that strength to push his cock deeper into his throat, but instead, Sixx pushed him away.

“Uh, Malon, no, stop, please, spit it out…!” qgh D8

Malon looked up with a resolute gaze, indicating he wouldn’t. Sixx, embarrassed to the point of turning red to his neck, looked on the verge of tears, shaking his head desperately. Please, Malon…! But Malon, determined to make Sixx come, sucked hard on the tip. Soon, he heard a moan from above, and then Sixx’s semen began to fill his mouth. The quantity was substantial, so he swallowed half involuntarily, the other half remaining in his mouth. Only after ejaculating did Sixx regain his senses, hastily pulling his cock out. Malon let it slide out of his mouth, feeling the slick, semen-covered penis slip through his wet lips. Sixx was almost in a panic.

“I told you to spit it out! Why did you keep holding it in your mouth…? Wait, you didn’t swallow, did you? It doesn’t even taste good. Here, spit out what’s left into my hand…!”

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Sixx urgently held his hand in front of Malon’s mouth. Indeed, it didn’t taste good. Malon opened his mouth to show Sixx his semen-coated tongue, then smiled teasingly, his eyes crinkling. Overwhelmed by the visual, Sixx suddenly snapped. Before he could pounce, Malon swallowed the rest. The salty taste lingered in his mouth. Well, it’s not something I’d drink often. Sixx looked ready to make him vomit it up.

“Why did you swallow that, Malon? It’s gross…!” pdCfqJ

“It’s my choice. You drink my cum too. And what’s so dirty about it? We eat the same food, sleep in the same place. Does it make sense that one person’s is dirty and the other’s is clean?”

Sixx couldn’t argue back, but his face turned beet red, and he buried it in a large pillow like a volcano about to erupt. He’s always fun to tease. Malon laughed and patted his back, apologizing. “I won’t do it again without your permission. But honestly, it didn’t taste that bad.” He whispered, causing Sixx to look up sharply. Then their lips met in a kiss that tasted entirely of semen. It wasn’t bad.

After everything was over, Malon Cage returned to his room and fell into a deep sleep. For the first time in a long while, he dreamed. In the dream, he was back on the day he first met Sixx. He had been irritated by the need to entertain a client’s strange hobby. The idea of spending his valuable time watching con artists and oddballs was intolerable. This wasn’t the first time such a traveling circus had come to Portland. Each claimed to have the most amazing and dangerous acts, but in Malon’s experience, few were genuine. Most were light illusions or performances by obscure actors. This circus had drawn a large crowd by claiming to have a “real” monster, but Malon had no expectations. He was there because of the client, but planned to send Patrick or another subordinate in the future. The second half of the circus was slightly better than the first, but only just.

However, the final performance of the circus was enough to pique Malon’s interest. The thin boy who came on stage was stiff and awkward, which seemed unfit for the grand finale title. Is he trying to ruin the show? Malon frowned at the boy’s unprofessional demeanor, but then the boy transformed into a white wolf under the moonlight. Malon didn’t know how they switched the boy and the wolf so quickly, but the wolf was real. The massive wolf roamed the stage, tearing into a live goat, and when it approached the audience, some people, including Malon’s business partner, fled in fear. Malon, however, stayed, intrigued by the creature. Eventually, the wolf’s glowing amber eyes met his. Malon wanted to know how strong it was. Could it stand up to a human with a gun? If the intelligent creature hadn’t quickly returned to the stage, Malon might have shot it to find out. How did it know to move stealthily, anticipating a gunshot? Curiosity stirred within him. After the show, Malon sought out the ringmaster to see the wolf. The ringmaster insisted that the wolf was the transformed boy. Even when Malon called it nonsense, he stood firm. Thinking he’d kill him if this was a trick, Malon entered the worn tent. Soon, the boy reappeared.


That boy was Sixx. On that day, Malon discovered that there were humans who could turn into wolves. He slept with the wolf. Initially, he just planned to lie on its soft fur, but to his surprise, he fell asleep easily. For someone who suffered from severe insomnia, falling asleep so quickly was astonishing. So, he visited Sixx occasionally. The poor boy with nothing soon became very attached to him. It was clear how much the boy liked him. Whenever he saw Malon, the boy’s pale complexion would brighten like a normal kid. It was easy to guess that the boy eagerly awaited his visits. Malon felt sorry for the boy, but he was a very busy man. He couldn’t visit as often as the boy wanted, and there was no reason to. Though he found the boy’s loyalty endearing and cute, that was all.

Malon decided to take the boy to his mansion on the day Sixx saved him from a hitman. Though there was no evidence, the hitman was undoubtedly sent by Antonio Cage. When even his family was trying to kill him, a boy risking his life to save him was quite touching. That incident had a significant impact on him. On that day, Malon roughly understood why he could sleep peacefully only beside Sixx. Constantly threatened by assassination, knowing that a huge wolf, which no human could dare challenge, was guarding him while he slept significantly eased his tension. In other words, Malon trusted Sixx enough to fall asleep beside him. Why? Why did he believe the wolf would protect rather than harm him? It could only be explained as a gut feeling. From the moment he saw those clear eyes, he had a certain conviction that Sixx would never endanger his life. Remarkably, that conviction turned out to be true. Malon was willing to become Sixx’s benefactor. He would have done so even if Sixx hadn’t confessed his love. Though he was shocked and even resorted to shamefully hitting the young boy back then, in retrospect, he felt grateful that Sixx hadn’t given up on loving him despite everything. Now, just imagining life without Sixx was…

“Malon! How are you feeling?”

When Malon opened his eyes, fortunately, his young wolf was there. Originally, Malon’s plan was to leave the valley immediately after the ceremony, but his body, which had been exhausted over the course of three days, couldn’t endure a long car ride, so their departure was delayed by a few days. While Malon had to stay in bed even after waking up, Sixx was full of energy, almost flying around. He busily moved around the bed, constantly asking, “Can I get you this? How about that?” TMkps4

Although it was annoying enough to drive him crazy, Malon knew that Sixx was doing this out of guilt. It seemed that Sixx was aware that he had been too demanding with his mate. Finding his anxious behavior endearing, Malon decided to leave Sixx alone. Additionally, he appreciated that Sixx would go to the door and tell the wolves who kept knocking, “I’m sorry, but I need to take care of my mate,” sending them away. Sixx probably still felt bad about his jealous confession down the mountain. Although Malon felt some self-reproach for making someone over ten years younger do all this, he secretly felt satisfied hearing Sixx’s rejections.

Derek, evidently saddened by their impending departure, visited at least once a day to chat extensively, expressing how much he would miss them. Alik also visited. Alik, feeling regretful that the son of the sudden hero would return to the human world, asked Sixx to visit the valley often. Upon seeing Malon sitting awkwardly on the sofa, Alik advised Sixx not to be too harsh, as humans are more fragile than he thought. Of course, Sixx blushed and nodded hastily (unaware that rumors outside were spreading about him being a vigorous wolf who had worn out his human partner after the ceremony). The challenge was getting a new car, but the unbelievably kind owner of the hiking goods store had agreed to let them have a new pickup truck since he didn’t need a sedan. Despite Malon having pointed a gun at him, the owner turned out to be a remarkable human in a different sense. It’s all finally over. Although everything had wrapped up nicely, Malon felt strangely dazed.

“Are you really coming back now?”

A few hours before their departure, Malon made one last call to Patrick. He needed to get updates on several tasks he had instructed him to handle. Fortunately, one troublesome issue seemed to be resolved without much trouble once Malon returned. “Yes, good job,” Malon replied. lIXviO

“That’s a relief. Honestly, Hawk, every time you went around cracking skulls, I cursed you inside. Damn it, I have to clean up all that mess, I’d think.”

“I know. I could tell from your eyes.”

“But now, I’m just waiting for the boss to come back and smash that damn Sam Rodriguez’s face with an ashtray. I’ll handle the aftermath; you just land the strike.”

“That won’t be a problem.” dYkETS

“How’s Sixx? There must have been plenty of girls his age around, yet he ended up with the boss. That kid’s not normal either. I’m sure plenty of girls would have liked him.”


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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Malon had also hoped that Sixx would pair up with someone his own age and was planning to leave the valley secretly. However, hearing someone else point it out made him feel quite displeased. In the silence filled with a mix of anger and annoyance, Patrick hurriedly cleared his throat and tried to smooth over his previous comment.

“Ctfw! Dea ktja’r lwqbgajca lr ktb rajsfv ys sbeg rlvf lc atf fcv. Vlzz xcbkr bcis sbe.” IuBxp2

“Zbgfbnfg, atf ojma atja Vlzz aegcfv bea ab yf atf rbc bo j gfnfgfv tfgb jwbcu atf kfgfkbinfr mjerfv delaf j ralg. Lbcfrais, P mbcrlvfgfv ktfatfg la kbeiv yf yfaafg obg tlw ab rajs tfgf.”

“Sixx is the son of a hero? No wonder he has such extraordinary eyes.”

“Well, I don’t know much about it, but there were even wolves shedding tears as they saw Sixx off.”

“If he stayed there, he’d be treated very well. But can you live without Sixx, boss? I bet you’d go back to get him in a few months.” 4idC7l


“Yes. I can see it clearly. You’d say you went for another reason but then lie that you just happened to stop by. Sixx told me that when you first went to Chicago, you lied that you were there for work. Boss, I told you, that kind of tactic doesn’t work these days—”

“Pat. You’ve gotten quite bold since handling things for me.”

“But it would work if you did it, boss. The bad boy routine is a timeless classic. So, are you coming back right away?” eWdOwg

“No, there’s somewhere I need to stop by.”

“Where are you stopping by?”

Sixx let out a cheer as he jumped into the pool. Splash! A spray of clear water erupted and then quickly settled back with a splatter on the surface. After enjoying swimming in the refreshing water for a while, Sixx turned his head and waved to those watching him through the glass. Malon, who had his arms crossed, raised one hand to wave back, and Rasmus, standing next to him, did the same. Sixx swam normally, then dog-paddled in his wolf form, and even bounced a beach ball off his nose, having fun all by himself. Malon watched him with satisfaction. Remembering how Sixx had splashed about helplessly last time they were here when he was sick, it was clear now that he had fully recovered.

“I had no idea you both went through such hardships on your journey. If I’d known, I would’ve gone with you instead of just calling the valley.” m9 IDK

“No, I didn’t expect the car to get stolen either.”

“Still, you ended up pairing with Sixx and coming back. Better late than never, congratulations. Judging by your eyes, it seems you’ve made a definite decision. Please don’t misunderstand; the reason I said what I did back then was because you seemed unsure about whether you should pair up or not.”

“I originally planned to drop him off at the valley and leave right away. But along the way, he got hurt, and most importantly, I had no idea the valley was inside such a cave. He couldn’t have made it out on his own.”

“Yes, that could be difficult for a human.” POqnk2

“So, while we were leaving, Sixx grabbed onto me. I tried to persuade him, but instead, he ended up persuading me. Now, I’ve changed my mind. I think it’s better for me to take responsibility for Sixx and help him live the happiest life possible. Oh, by the way, Sixx is supposedly the son of some hero. Have you heard about that?”

“A hero? Who are you talking about?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Iona and Lennox.”

“Sorry, but I don’t know them. To be honest, when I was a pup, I used to sleep through those kinds of lessons. I hate using my brain, so I can’t remember the faces and names of famous figures well.” itXzn5

Rasmus looked embarrassed, but Malon actually preferred it that way. To him, Sixx was just Sixx, not the son of some legendary wolf hero. Sixx, seemingly tired from playing, was now sitting at the edge of the pool, playing with rubber ducks. Despite his large size, it suited him well.

“There’s a reason you came here, right?” Rasmus asked in a low voice, as if he had seen through Malon’s intentions. Malon nodded. He hadn’t come all the way to California just to let Sixx swim. He was here to ask Rasmus for a favor.

“Rasmus, you’re a busy man too, right? Who knows when I’ll find you again to ask for help.”

“Help? What kind of help are we talking about?” Rasmus asked, furrowing his brow as if he hadn’t expected Malon to seek his assistance. It’s obvious, given your job, Malon thought casually. You’re a hitman, so of course, it’s a contract killing. dcjVuS

“That’s true. But I didn’t think you’d trust me enough to ask for help.”

“Well, I don’t really trust you that much… but for this job, there’s no one more suitable than you. Is it true that you kill anyone as long as you get paid?”

“Yes. Humans, that is. I won’t kill my own kind.”

“Don’t worry, it’s a human.” wZBj x

“Who is it?”



Even the usually composed Rasmus was genuinely surprised this time. He stared at Malon with wide eyes. “Are you serious?” His voice was cold. “If this is a joke, stop it right now. You shouldn’t joke about this when you have a wolf as your mate.” Malon had anticipated this reaction, so he smirked and replied nonchalantly, “It’s not a joke.” UBv4D3

Rasmus was silent. This guy is as serious as Sixx, Malon thought, sipping his coffee and calmly explaining further.

“Of course, I’m not asking you to kill me right now.”

“…Then when are you asking me to kill you?”

“It’s not even certain that you’ll have to. Ideally, there won’t be a need.” rcCBap

“Oh, so there are conditions?”

“Sixx risked his life to become my mate. So it’s only fair that I put my life on the line too. If I die, Sixx follows me, but not the other way around. I want you to change that. Hopefully, it will never come to that, but I’m not the type to leave things to chance.”

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“So, if Sixx dies before you, you want me to kill you…?”

Malon nodded. “I’ll pay you generously. You won’t even be able to compare it to what that Luca guy paid.” QrBsxq

Rasmus sighed deeply. “If Sixx finds out I made such a deal with you, he’ll try to kill me.”

Malon responded, “Well, that’s probably true. But you know how higher risk means higher reward, right? Maintaining a place like this, with a swimming pool, must cost a lot.”

Malon’s blatant coaxing made Rasmus click his tongue. “Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll kill you myself if it comes to that. Damn, that sounds really weird. Anyway, I’m only agreeing because I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Thanks.” xeXgn9

Malon let Sixx play in the pool until he suggested it was time to leave. Sixx, seemingly reluctant to part with Rasmus, said in a disappointed voice, “See you next time, Rasmus.” Rasmus patted his shoulder and replied, “Yeah, see you next time.” Rasmus and Malon exchanged brief glances. Such is the relationship between employer and employee.

“Do you like the pool, Sixx? Seeing how much you enjoy it makes me think I should buy a villa with a pool around here. It’s not too far from Portland, and we could come here to relax occasionally.”

“I’d love that…”

“To ‘relax,’ Sixx. Why are you blushing?” Hwu0ag

Malon chuckled and gently patted Sixx’s round head, which was likely filled with all sorts of lascivious thoughts. Sixx cleared his throat unnecessarily and slightly turned the steering wheel. From the valley, Sixx had been the one driving the whole time. Malon had not yet fully recovered his condition. In fact, whenever they went out together, Sixx rarely let Malon drive. Perhaps due to his brief stint as a chauffeur, Sixx seemed to consider driving his responsibility. After enjoying a fun swim, Sixx appeared to be in a great mood. He hummed along to the song on the radio and asked, “It’s been a while since we’ll see the folks at the Cage mansion. How’s Patrick doing?” Malon replied indifferently, “Too well, if you ask me.” There was still a lingering bitterness from their last conversation.

“That’s good to hear. It still doesn’t feel real that everything’s back to normal.”

“It makes sense. It’s only been a few days since we left the valley.”

“But, Malon, I’ve been thinking about what I should do once we’re back in Portland. I thought maybe I could go back to being a driver. I don’t know how you were as a boss, but honestly, I quite enjoyed being your driver. I might have had a bit of a personal interest, but I liked being with you all day.” Y87udh

“A driver? Sixx, what kind of nonsense is that?”

“It’s not nonsense… Is my driving that bad…?”

Malon had never really criticized Sixx’s driving skills before. So, was it something else? His attitude, perhaps? Was he too informal for a chauffeur or maybe too meddlesome in Malon’s affairs? Reflecting on it, Sixx recalled meeting another organization’s chauffeur who served his boss almost like a servant. Sixx had tried to be as respectful as possible to Malon, but he had fallen short of being servant-like. Maybe that’s why Malon didn’t want him as a driver. Seeing Sixx’s dejected expression, Malon chuckled.

“What nonsensical thoughts are you having now? I’m not questioning your qualifications as a driver, Sixx.” vVx1yt

“Then, what is it?”

“It was just a few days ago. Have you already forgotten? We became mates.”

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“Yes, we did… But why does that matter…?”

Hearing words like “mate” and “partner” still made Sixx’s face flush. He knew they simply meant partner, but it made his heart race and his lips dry thinking he had become such an important part of Malon’s life. It felt like something he’d never fully get used to. A mate, Malon being my mate… Could I be this happy? 5Tctdb

“Why? Are you really asking because you don’t know, Sixx? How do you see me?”

“How do I see you? Lovingly?”

Malon rolled his eyes and sighed. “…Alright, thanks for that.”

“Hehe.” aTHuix

“But what I meant to ask was, do you see me as the kind of pathetic guy who would make his spouse be his driver?”

Suddenly, the car swerved across the center line. “Sixx!” Malon yelled, clearly shocked, though there were no oncoming cars. “Focus! If you’re tired, I can drive. We can switch now.” But Sixx didn’t hear him. His mind was occupied by one word: spouse. Spouse? I’m Malon’s spouse?

“I-I’m your spouse?!”

“I’d rather ask you. We became mates, so if not a spouse, what else would it be?” JOhP7j

Sixx’s cheeks flushed as if they would burst. Spouse. Yes, he was Malon Cage’s spouse!

<The End>


and we’re done with the main story! thank you for reading until here and i hope you enjoyed! uApO0U

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  1. Omg I was so shocked awhile ago to see the term the end on the updates 😭 heartbreaking 💔 but at least they became mates, thank you for the hardwork as always translator ♥️

  2. Ahhhhh, I lvoe this story soo much!

    Thank you for being generous, and not leave us with a cliffhanger shortly before the end.

    You did an awesome job translating! ❤️

  3. So sad this cute story has come to the end. I enjoyed it so much, thank you so much for picking it to translate!! Love that Malon thought the second half of the performance was better than the first, since the second act is when Andy, Corbyn and Leti performed ☺️ I also love that the story came full circle, how it started with “The Wolf in the Cage” to “A Wolf and a Cage” it’s a sweet play on words too. I’m so glad there are side stories and a spin off coming 🥹💕

  4. This story was so fun and I enjoyed every chapter of it! Im happy that Malon and Sixx can live happily now too ☺️

    Thank you for translating this work, I appreciate you very much 💕

    Thank you again!

  5. Muchas gracia spor traducir esta hitori! Me encantó la verdad, fue diferente a las que había leído y muy refrescante por ello. Gracias por tu dedicación y por traducirlo hasta el final! Voy a extrañar mucho a Malon y su querido Sixx. 💞💗🤧

  6. I never thought I’d enjoy reading a bl as a novel but I thoroughly enjoyed this book so much. Currently 2am right now and I guess there’s no sleeping for me as it is…hehe