Wolf In The CageChapter 48

They returned to the valley. They tried to enter quietly, but somehow, all the wolves glanced at them as if they knew what had happened between him and Sixx. Later, Derek told him that the moment Sixx realized he was gone, he quietly called his name and ran out of the valley without any explanation. Malon rubbed his forehead. He could have at least made an excuse, like not feeling well and going in first. Sixx laughed, agreeing. In fact, that might have been why Sixx could save time. He wasn’t sure if he was smart or just reckless. Kia didn’t seem surprised at all to see him return, merely shrugging his shoulders. Later, he approached and revealed that he had expected this since Malon got caught by Sixx.

You weren’t sure. But that young wolf was full of confidence. And now, I see the difference between you and Jasper. You’re too soft on him. You try to grant that young wolf’s every wish. YgGE1f

“You’re right. Keen observation.”

“That wolf probably chased you because she knows she’s loved. You’ll be paired soon, won’t you?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“I guess so. It’s unsettling, but I’ve decided to try to help Sixx live as long as possible. Damn, I’ve never even thought about living long before……”

But now he was thinking that way. Kia chuckled. In fact, Sixx was very curious about which wolf had taken him down the mountain. Please. I promise I won’t get jealous. Of course, he would definitely get jealous. So, Malon didn’t tell him Kia’s name. Kia had only helped him at his request. He couldn’t let Sixx curse someone like that. Even though the worst he’d do would be something like banging his knee on a table leg. wGXLYW

Alik also seemed to have heard about the commotion from the night before, giving Malon a subtle smile when their eyes met. Damn it. Malon looked away in embarrassment. Never again would he be dramatic in front of so many people! Alik said he received word that the priest wolf would arrive in a few days. This time, we must hurry and complete the ceremony before Sixx changes his mind. He made a half-joking remark. Malon forced a smile. He was thinking that once the ceremony was done, he should never set foot in this place again.

A few days later, the priest wolf returned, an elderly woman with a head full of white hair. She was delighted to see Sixx and Malon, saying that this was the second time in her life she had paired a human with a wolf. I just met the first couple a while ago. My best friend, in fact. I personally paired them. Her husband seemed close to the end, so I thought I should see him one last time before he passes. But for a human, he lived a long life. And they lived happily, too. After all, living long doesn’t necessarily mean being happy…… She smiled kindly and looked off into the distance, lost in thought for a moment.

“And although there are very few cases, humans paired with wolves generally live longer and healthier lives than average. Malon, as long as Sixx doesn’t give you too much trouble, you might hear people ask if you’re a vampire like my friend’s husband. Now, without further delay, let’s perform the ceremony tomorrow. You’re ready, aren’t you?”

She spoke in a strong voice. Alik nodded. I’ve instructed the other wolves to clear their schedules for the time being. Good, then see you tomorrow. She winked at Sixx and Malon before leaving. As soon as she was out of sight, Sixx, wide-eyed, asked Alik, Tomorrow? Alik shrugged helplessly. The priest wolf’s word is absolute. She’s older now and only performs ceremonies when she’s in good condition. If we don’t do it tomorrow, who knows how long we’ll have to wait. Then let’s do it tomorrow. Malon responded immediately. Since they had already decided to do the ceremony, there was no point in waiting longer. Alik said he had already instructed the wolves to clean the hall thoroughly. Oh, and there’s one more issue. Alik mentioned as if he had just remembered. All wolves attend the ceremony in their wolf forms. Since Mr. Cage cannot transform into a wolf, you can come dressed as you please. There will be thirty-one wolves in total as witnesses, including myself, so don’t be too surprised. 


As I please? Malon frowned. Even though it’s a solemn ceremony, he felt like he should dress appropriately, but he didn’t have a well-ironed suit on hand.

In the end, it was Derek who had a hard time. He managed to find a suit just before the ceremony by asking around. The size and fit weren’t perfect for Malon, but since he was prepared to compromise, he told Derek he had done well. When Malon, perfectly dressed in a suit for the first time in ages, appeared with his black hair neatly combed back, Sixx’s eyes sparkled and he blushed, exclaiming, “You look so handsome today, Malon.” In response to his compliment, Malon lightly kissed Sixx’s forehead, saying, “You look handsome today too,” making Sixx blush even more and shuffle his feet in embarrassment.

“We need to go now, Malon……” he said, and Malon nodded, taking a deep breath. He knew that the wolves’ ceremony was different from a human wedding, but the fundamental meaning was probably not much different. It was about accepting Sixx as his mate and promising to live together for the rest of their lives. Malon was already prepared for this. Yes, he had to take responsibility and make Sixx happy for the rest of his life. “Let’s go, Sixx.” He extended his hand. The witnesses would be waiting for them in the hall. Sixx smiled and held his hand tightly. In front of the hall, Sixx transformed into a white wolf.

Malon walked into the dome-shaped hall with Sixx. As Alik had hinted, it was full of wolves. They stood in a circle around the edge of the hall, and the priest wolf was waiting for them in the center. According to Derek’s explanation, the hall was designed to resemble the shape of a full moon. Malon looked around, noticing a unique scent in the air. It seemed to come from the numerous plants decorating the hall. It was a scent he had never experienced before. y3Eb m

They walked towards the priest wolf. A moment of silence followed, and then the priest wolf began a long howl. One by one, the other wolves joined in, layering their howls over his. The deafening sound was almost painful to Malon’s ears, but he maintained his composure until it ended. Sixx was the last to join. He closed his eyes and howled long and loudly. It would have been nice to understand what he was saying, but unfortunately, that was impossible for Malon. The wolves’ harmony, which had continued for quite a while, suddenly stopped. The priest wolf handed Sixx a bowl containing an unknown clear liquid, which Sixx lapped up. Then, Sixx lay down meekly in front of the priest wolf. The priest wolf placed her front paw on Sixx’s head and closed her eyes.Sixx also gently closed her eyes. Malon sat next to her, softly stroking her back. He felt nothing, but Sixx’s soft whimpers indicated that something was indeed happening within him. The priest wolf had told him in advance that even if Sixx’s soul was bound to his, he wouldn’t notice anything.

Malon had to wait quite a while until the priest wolf lifted her paw from Sixx’s forehead. Finally, Sixx opened his eyes. He got up and turned to face Malon. Through his large, round animal eyes, Malon’s image was reflected. When Sixx opened his mouth, his pink tongue stuck out, revealing a small amber bead on its tip. Malon picked it up with his fingers. Though he had been informed about the process in advance, experiencing it firsthand was entirely different. Amazing, where did this even come from? According to the ritual’s rules, Malon had to eat it. He put the bead in his mouth and swallowed it. It went down his throat smoothly and without any discomfort. Sixx blinked, watching him. The wolves who had entered as witnesses approached and surrounded him and Sixx. Except for him, they were all animals. This really does feel strange…… Malon chuckled.

Although he couldn’t understand, the wolves seemed to be offering them blessings. Sixx barked a few times in response to their goodwill. The priest wolf watched this happily and then, as the wolves’ howling subsided, entered a small room at the back of the hall and returned in human form. “The ceremony went well. You are now officially mates, Sixx and Malon. Congratulations!” she said with a smile. Malon thanked her politely. “Alright, let’s go now! We need to clear the space!” she clapped her hands and shouted. Is there another event after this? Malon thought, pleased that the ceremony had ended quickly unlike a wedding, and started to follow the wolves out. But Sixx clung to his trouser leg, pulling him back. “What is it, Sixx? Why?” he asked, but Sixx was adamant.

“Malon, you don’t know, do you?” VWX9YJ

The priest wolf asked with a hint of laughter in her voice. Malon frowned.

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you really don’t know! Why didn’t Alik tell you? He’s always so mischievous. Wait a moment.”

The priest wolf went back into the small room and returned with a small box, which she handed to Malon. He had no idea what it was. uIA gZ

“What is this?” Malon asked, and she chuckled.

“It’s our tradition to close the hall for three days for a newly mated wolf couple. This hall is the closest place to the moon in the valley. Because of this, wolves can feel the moon’s energy most abundantly here. Sixx is probably brimming with energy right now.”

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He didn’t understand. Why close the hall? Malon opened the box and was speechless.

“Everything else you need is provided in that room. Good luck!” 3nYVFS

She made a fist at Malon encouragingly. Malon, stunned, looked into the box, and heard the sound of the door being locked from the outside. They were really trapped inside.

Damn, three days? He wanted to deny reality. At some point, Sixx had turned back into his human form and hugged him from behind. He kissed his neck and reached into the box.

“Wow, I guess this is the standard size for wolves. Good thing we won’t run out of condoms.”

Condoms fell from Sixx’s fingers. Next to them were bottles filled with a clear liquid. There were no labels, but it wasn’t hard to guess what they were. 3qDFTH

Crazy…… Malon muttered a curse under his breath. He didn’t dislike having sex with Sixx. But three days was a bit much. Sixx undid his tie.

“What are you doing?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“It’s tradition……”

Sixx showered his face with kisses. Smooch. It seemed any chance of persuasion was gone. Sixx’s eyes were already dark with desire. Malon sighed. J40zrn

Damn it, what kind of tradition is this?


Malon grit his teeth. He had lost count of how many times they’d had sex. Three days, they had said. Three days, which meant 72 hours. How much time had passed already? How much longer until they could be freed from this place?

“Zjibc… ktja jgf sbe atlcxlcu jybea… ilxf atja…?” 3Q7mV9

Vlzz cbalmfv lwwfvljafis atja Zjibc kjrc’a oeiis qgfrfca jcv qertfv tlw tjgvfg. Vlzz’r qfclr atgera vffqis lcab tlw, jujlc jcv jujlc. Pa wera tjnf yffc vbhfcr, lo cba tecvgfvr bo alwfr atja Vlzz tjv fcafgfv tlw, sfa Zjibc’r ybvs delnfgfv fjmt alwf ja atf rfcrjalbc bo yflcu ragfamtfv. Ufgtjqr la kjr yfmjerf Vlzz kjr wbgf gfifcaifrr atjc ereji. Qtjafnfg kjr lc atf mifjg ildelv atfs tjv vgecx veglcu atf mfgfwbcs, la rffwfv ab yf rbwf xlcv bo jqtgbvlrljm, wjxlcu Vlzz wbgf qfgrlrafca atjc fnfg lc tlr qegrela bo Zjibc’r ybvs. Snfc ktfc Zjibc jrxfv obg j rtbga ygfjx, la rffwfv Vlzz vlvc’a tfjg tlw. Pc j kjs, Vlzz’r rffwlcuis fcvifrr rajwlcj kjr jrabclrtlcu. Snfc atbeut Vlzz kjr atf bcf wbnlcu wbgf nlubgberis, la kjr Zjibc ktb ofia ilxf tf kjr vslcu ogbw fztjeralbc. Zjibc uglqqfv Vlzz’r yjmx alutais. Gjwc, P’w ubccj vlf.

“Malon, ah, ugh… I’m sorry, it’s just that now you’re finally my mate, and I can’t control myself… just a little more… just a little bit more…”

“Ugh, a little more, my ass…”

It seemed that as a territorial animal, Sixx felt a need to mark his new mate. His heightened arousal made that clear. Normally not one to bite, Sixx’s mouth had left Malon’s body covered in marks, red and swollen from the bites and sucking. He was literally dealing with a wild beast. Sixx’s amber eyes, clouded with lust and dominance, looked down at him, and Malon’s body reacted to Sixx’s obsessive behavior. hxJD4i

“Ha… Sixx, water…”

Sixx grabbed a water bottle from beside the mattress and took a mouthful of water. Then he kissed Malon, passing the water to him. Malon opened his mouth, accepting the sweet water like a baby bird. He was so parched from all the sweating that no matter how much water he drank, he couldn’t quench his thirst. Even as their tongues entwined, Sixx’s hips kept moving. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sixx shuddered and reached his climax. The sensation of the huge member withdrawing from his overused hole made Malon clutch the sheets. His insides, which had clung tightly to Sixx’s member, seemed reluctant to let go, following the retreating organ. Since his hole had been stretched open almost constantly, it didn’t close immediately, instead, it gaped as if waiting for Sixx to return. Sixx stared at the sight, causing Malon to flush with embarrassment. Damn it, even though it’s my body, sometimes I want to deny what it’s become. Sixx had the audacity to laugh, finding him cute, and said he would go get more condoms from the storage. Just kill me already, Malon muttered. Sixx apologized, pouting adorably. Seeing the large wolf acting so submissive and looking up at him with those eyes, Malon felt his resolve weakening. Well, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime ceremony…

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“Ha… go get them.”


Sixx smiled brightly and ran to the storage. Left alone, Malon sighed and finally started to look around. It would have been better to do it in a room; having sex in such an open space felt embarrassing, like being watched, even though there was no one around. Knowing that other wolves had been there made him feel even more self-conscious. And even though the hall was sealed off, he couldn’t help but glance at the door, worried that a passing wolf might hear them. What a perverted custom, he thought. When this is all over, I’ll make Sixx clean this hall. And I will never set foot in here again. Sixx returned with another box of condoms. Damn, just looking at it made his back ache.

But instead of starting right away, Sixx fiddled with the condoms, glancing at Malon repeatedly.

“…Sixx, out with it.”

“Huh? W-what do you mean?!” HiZEr7

“No matter how you try to hide it, your face gives it all away. So, what do you want to do?”

Sixx’s face turned bright red. He kept looking at Malon and hesitated, clearly wanting to try something but unsure how to say it. Malon understood. Sixx was only twenty and had lost his virginity some time ago, so it made sense he wanted to experiment with new things.

“Well, it’s really nothing, but a wolf I went hunting with mentioned something while we were chasing a rabbit. His name’s Elliott, and he’s also mated with a male wolf. He has a lot of experience, and he shared some things I didn’t know about… some interesting stuff.”

“Sixx, get to the point.” EmgPMF

“Well, uh, when we do it, my thing doesn’t always go all the way in. There’s usually a bit left out. I thought that was just how it was, but Elliott said if we do it right, it can go in further… So I want to try.”

Further? Malon frowned. He already felt like his insides were being stirred whenever Sixx was inside him, and now he wanted to go deeper? A sense of foreboding washed over him. This can’t end well. When Malon didn’t respond immediately, Sixx kissed his neck and pleaded, “Malon, please.”

This pup seemed to think he could get anything by being affectionate. …And in most cases, he was right. Maybe I’ve spoiled him too much, Malon thought. He sighed and relented. Fine, go ahead.

Sixx gave a shy smile, thanked him, and then put a condom on his still-energetic cock. Malon’s insides were already thoroughly loosened from their numerous rounds of sex, so there was no need to prepare again. 1kGq8m

“I’m going to go in a little faster this time,” Sixx declared. Before Malon could object, Sixx grabbed his arms and thrust deeply inside in an instant. With a squelching sound, Malon’s hips jerked. Even though his hole was loosened, the sudden intrusion was shocking. Malon’s eyes widened to their limit, and a choked moan escaped through his slightly parted lips.

“…Ugh, kgh…!”

He struggled, but with Sixx holding his arms tightly, he couldn’t pull away. He bit his lip hard. The insides of his rectum convulsed, squeezing Sixx’s cock. This sensation would never become familiar, Malon thought.

“Haa…” Sixx, too, seemed to feel an unexpected pressure from the sudden insertion. He took a breath and began to move his hips slowly. Malon could feel his cock pressing into his most intimate part. That area was tightly closed. Malon thought it was impossible for Sixx to go any deeper. Sixx probably felt the same. Yet, Sixx’s eyes had an odd look, as if he was determined to push in further. TXxvbW

“S-Sixx, don’t!” Knowing Sixx wouldn’t listen, Malon tried to stop him anyway. It was already overwhelming, and he felt he would completely lose control of his body if Sixx pushed in more. His instincts were clearly warning him not to allow it. His thighs were already trembling. “No, Sixx, no…” he pleaded, but Sixx, as if in a trance, murmured, “It’s okay.”

“What’s okay about this… Ugh, ah…!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At that moment, the thick glans began to force its way into his colon. Experiencing a bizarre sensation he had never felt before, Malon involuntarily let out a cry. It was strange. Strange was the only word he could use to describe it. Malon felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body trembling. He instinctively knew Sixx was pushing into a place he shouldn’t reach. His pupils dilated to their limit, his mind went blank. He couldn’t tell if his body was overwhelmed with pleasure or shock. Hot breaths escaped his mouth. He caught a glimpse of Sixx tilting his head, looking puzzled.

“Malon… Did you just… come?” 2ZPFTq

“…Hah… Ugh…”

“You did, didn’t you… But you’re still hard up front. Oh, I think I heard something about this…”

“Dry orgasm,” Sixx muttered. Malon wanted to tell him to shut up, but he couldn’t utter a single word. Instead, an animalistic sound similar to a growl escaped his throat. Had he climaxed? Malon had never come in such a way before. It was like someone had grabbed him by the hair and violently thrown him into a wave of orgasm. He couldn’t gather his thoughts. Sixx, as if in apology for the distress he was causing, said, “Actually, there’s still a bit more… Sorry, I’ll just put in a little more…”

“No, Sixx, no…! Ugh, ah…!” z35w6E

Sixx’s cock pushed deeper into his colon. Malon gritted his teeth. This was insane. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even breathe properly, as if his airways were blocked. The fireworks bursting in his mind made his vision kaleidoscopic. Finally, when Sixx managed to fully insert himself, Malon felt his entrance slap against Sixx’s skin.

“This feels incredible….” Sixx’s voice trembled. “I feel like I’m completely devouring you…” Sixx whimpered, pressing his soft lips against Malon’s. Malon’s already limp tongue was easily overpowered by Sixx’s. Tears from the shock of having his colon penetrated welled up in Malon’s eyes. Sixx licked his tears like a dog and showered his cheeks with gentle kisses. Just as the trembling began to subside, Sixx started moving in earnest. Given the length and size of his cock, it took a considerable amount of time for him to pull out and thrust back in. When his cock withdrew, Malon felt an odd emptiness, but when it filled him completely again, a terrifyingly intense pleasure spread from their joined bodies.

Malon was secretly amazed that he felt this much during their intercourse. It was harder and more painful than ever, yet it felt better than ever. He wondered if he might have some perverse tendencies. Sixx seemed to notice Malon’s increased responsiveness and laughed.

“You seem to like it when I press deep inside you…” Sixx whispered seductively, his expression even more provocative than his words. Malon bit his shoulder. When Sixx once again pressed deep inside, Malon climaxed intensely. Although Sixx had typically been the one to climax more frequently, this time it was impossible to determine who had the upper hand. Malon barely stifled a thin moan through his clenched teeth. As his hips trembled and his feet pressed into the sheets, Sixx showered his forehead with loving kisses. LmdIQ1

“I love seeing you feel so good… it makes me so happy…” Sixx murmured in a blissful tone, looking even happier than when he climaxed himself. Despite knowing that hard thrusts would feel better for Sixx, he moved his cock slowly as if his sole purpose was to make Malon feel good. It felt incredible, but Malon felt overwhelmed by the excessive pleasure and was becoming exhausted. “Sixx, don’t…,” he pleaded.

“I’m sorry… Was it too much for you? You looked so good feeling it…” Sixx replied.

“Ugh… Stop, I’m really… enough… now you…”

Malon thought about how much Sixx had become accustomed to sex, even showing such leisure. Sixx kissed his jaw and neck continuously, saying, “Okay,” as he increased the pace of his thrusts as directed. Malon clung to Sixx’s shoulders, feeling like he was falling, while Sixx furrowed his eyebrows in concentration before finally climaxing a long time later. jAYc8d

“…Now, can we rest for a bit? I’m hungry.” Malon declared a truce as Sixx enjoyed the lingering sensation of his orgasm while rubbing his cock against Malon’s inner walls. Even if Sixx didn’t need a break, Malon definitely did. Sixx reluctantly pulled out his cock, which caused Malon to flinch momentarily from the rough sensation. Sixx kissed his cheek and went to the storage room, promising to bring back some food.

“You’ve never been this eager, except maybe on our first night,” Malon said, slightly complaining while chewing on the dry bread Sixx brought back.

“Sorry. I mean, I was excited to be with you, but I didn’t expect to be this wild. My mind kept going blank… Oh, maybe it’s because of the scent?”

“The scent?” soeRXW

Sixx pointed to the many plants decorating the hall. Malon shook his head.

“They do have a unique fragrance, but it doesn’t excite me.”

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“Of course not, you’re human. I remember seeing something similar in the mountains before. One of the wolves said that this plant acts like an aphrodisiac for wolves.”

It turned out Malon’s suspicions were correct. What kind of crazy wolves would place such plants in a sacred hall meant for binding souls? His displeasure must have shown on his face because Sixx chuckled. XhOWTu

“Derek said that in the old days, when the population was low, they encouraged having multiple offspring. Maybe this was part of that policy? It’s a pretty effective method if you think about it.”

“This is almost like forcing someone to conceive, especially with the doors locked like that.”

“Well, there are condoms available, so you can avoid it if you want.”

“And what about you?” X4ikOp


“Well, back then, they probably didn’t provide condoms on purpose…” Sixx trailed off, looking at him with wide eyes. Malon had his usual mischievous smile.

“What about having kids? Aren’t you disappointed that I can’t carry your children?”

“…What? K-k-kids?” Rz0aqj

“Hmm, if we hadn’t used condoms, who knows? It’s a bit disappointing.”

“It’s not about the condoms!”

It seemed like a reasonable argument at first, but judging by Sixx’s face, which had turned as red as a ripe apple, Malon could guess what kind of impure thoughts were running through his mind. Malon responded shamelessly. “You never know. With how much you’ve come inside me, there could be one in there.”

“Realistically, it’s no more absurd than this soul-binding ceremony or whatever.” z0aijS

“That’s different…! And I never thought about having… having kids.”

“Really? That’s surprising. I thought you’d make a good dad, playing with your kids.”

“I’ve never liked anyone other than you, so naturally, I stopped thinking about that kind of thing.”

Hearing this, he could understand why Sixx had reacted so strongly. His first and only love being a man, he probably never even imagined having children. Somehow, he felt a bit ticklish inside. This guy has a knack for making people feel embarrassed. Malon cleared his throat. Sixx smiled and rested his head on Malon’s arm. jDEtYO

“What about you, Malon? Do you want to have kids? You used to play with Marina a lot. You were very fond of her.”

Unable to admit that it was because she reminded him of Sixx when he was younger, Malon answered that nieces and children were different.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Besides, I’ve never even considered marriage, let alone children. I suppose what we just did could be considered something like marriage, but still, I don’t really think about having kids. And while you and Marina have unique tastes, most kids don’t really like me. Fear is the usual reaction.”

“They just don’t know how kind you are, Malon. It took me a while to realize it too. Hehe, I’m glad you feel the same way. It would make me happy if you had my child, but I prefer not having kids. I’m greedy… I want all your attention.” T20SQu

Sixx revealed his inner thoughts with a shy smile. Malon chuckled at the cute jealousy.

“Yeah, it would be tough raising two kids. Ah, then…”

Suddenly, Sixx rolled over, pinning Malon beneath him, and gently bit Malon’s erect nipple.

“Can you spare a bit more time for someone who always needs your attention?” W4QXO7

It seemed their break time was over.

Seeing Malon’s hole flushed and swollen, Sixx didn’t immediately thrust into him. Instead, he decided to please Malon by taking his barely-stimulated penis into his mouth. Compared to when Sixx first barged into his bedroom and aggressively sucked him like he was going to devour him, Sixx’s skills had improved remarkably.

“Yeah, back then you were really like a madman…”

Malon thought, stroking Sixx’s curly hair as he diligently licked his penis. Of course, Malon wasn’t entirely blameless either. Knowing Sixx had feelings for him, it was still inappropriate to hastily bring a woman home mistaking Sixx’s outings for dates. But it was equally bold of Sixx to show up and declare he’d help relieve Malon’s sexual frustration. Well, Sixx had always done unexpected things since they were young… BoqH4f

“I thought you liked the tip being sucked…”

When Malon tapped Sixx’s cheek, prompting him to release his penis, Sixx grumbled in displeasure. Malon wiped the saliva from his lips and said,

“I do like it, but… I’m not like you, I can’t produce an infinite amount of semen.”

“I can’t do it infinitely either… Ah, Malon! What, what are you doing?!” sHVpCo

“I thought it was my turn this time.”

“Huh? W-wait a minute, Malon, you don’t need to do that! D-don’t do it!”

As Malon bent down to take his cock into his mouth, Sixx panicked and immediately grabbed Malon’s shoulders. He had never done such a thing before! Sixx looked genuinely shocked. Anyone would think Malon was announcing he was going to cut it off rather than give oral. Was it really that surprising? Of course, Malon felt some aversion to the act. Before he and Sixx became intimate, he had never seen or touched another penis besides his own, so it took him some time to come to terms with putting one in his mouth. But things were different now. Malon had grown very accustomed to Sixx’s penis, and technically, this wasn’t the first time. Though Malon would forever keep hidden the fact that he had bitten Sixx’s monstrous wolf-like member when he had lost control and transformed. If Sixx found out, he would probably apologize at least a thousand times.

“Why are you stopping me? Is it okay for you to do it but not for me?” 8sAHdN

“We’re different, Malon. I can’t let you… do something like that!”

“Can’t let me? What, are you going to tie me up or something? Enough, just stay still, Sixx.”

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With a determined declaration, Malon took Sixx’s smooth pink cock into his mouth. Contrary to the worried look on Sixx’s face, it was really no big deal. Having been with Sixx countless times, even his cock felt familiar, and since it looked almost pretty, like a model, it didn’t evoke much aversion. Though the size made his mouth feel like it was being torn apart, compared to the ridiculously huge wolf member that had been in his mouth before, it was quite manageable. He was relieved to have the leeway to enjoy pleasing Sixx. As he wrapped his tongue around Sixx’s glans and licked, Sixx whimpered, clutching the sheets with reddened cheeks. The cute reaction made Malon finally understand the point of this act. The fun wasn’t in the sucking itself, but in watching Sixx’s reactions.

Sixx seemed unable to even think of grabbing his head, his feet tapping nervously as he called Malon’s name in a trembling voice. Malon took his wandering hand and placed it on his own head, signaling with his eyes: “Hold on.” Sixx, however, seemed too hesitant and merely lightly touched Malon’s hair as if dusting it. Honestly, Malon wasn’t that good at it, but seeing Sixx react this way made him bolder. Aiming to make Sixx grab his hair, Malon took Sixx’s cock even deeper. I4spuJ

“Ah, Malon…”

Sixx trembled, looking down at him with an almost tearful expression. Malon gripped his firm thighs and continued to pleasure him more assertively. He tightened his lips around the shaft and even massaged the scrotum, causing Sixx to give him a slightly betrayed look, as if to say, “I never did this to you!” Though Sixx hadn’t, Malon thought of the excuse that he wasn’t the only one who had sucked his cock, one that would probably make Sixx cry if he heard it. Stroking Sixx’s taut thigh muscles, Malon ignored the urge to gag as the glans poked his throat. He didn’t spit it out, though. He actually wanted to take it all the way in, but it seemed impossible for a beginner like him, which was quite frustrating. Sixx, looking like he was about to cum, stamped his feet, whining cutely like a desperate puppy.

“Please, Malon, spit it out now…”


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  1. OHMYGOSH 🙈🙈🙈🙈

    woah can’t believe we’re reaching the end already, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE HARD WORK 💓 Big kudos to translator-nim 💕