Wolf In The CageChapter 41

Content Warning: Homophobia

This chapter contains instances of homophobia, including verbal abuse, discrimination, or other forms of prejudice against individuals based on their sexual orientation. Reader discretion is advised. This content may be distressing or triggering to some individuals. Please proceed with caution. u qJVL

“Yeah, hey, give me your wallet!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He’s got his hands up, how does he expect to hand over his wallet? Malon sighed at their intelligence.

“You said to put my hands up.” gRJwyX

“…Then lower one hand and take it out! If you play tricks, there’ll be a hole in your head!”

Although his posture was inadequate to cause much damage, Malon did as instructed and threw his wallet. Then, as another guy behind the counter was collecting cash, he whispered something in the ear of the one holding the gun. Suddenly, the guy’s face turned pale. …Fuck, this was ominous. Malon gritted his teeth.

“Hey, give me the car keys too!”

“…There’s someone in the car. If you promise to let them go unharmed, I’ll hand them over.”


“Fuck, hey, who do you think you are to set conditions? I’ve been talking nicely all this time, doesn’t my word mean anything? I said hand it over! This won’t do. Hey, go and drag the guy out of the car.”

It was utterly futile to talk to this guy. As much as he wanted to smash the guy’s head right now because of his temperament, he couldn’t. It wasn’t the time for that. If Sixx weren’t in pain, he might have acted according to his temper, trusting Sixx as he had always done. Despite having guns, these were just pathetic lowlifes from a gas station convenience store. They couldn’t be opponents for Sixx, a werewolf. But now, Sixx needed his protection. Just then, a masked man pointed a gun at Sixx’s back and walked towards them. “Malon!” Sixx shouted his name as soon as he saw him. Just as he had worried about Sixx, Sixx was clearly worried about him.

“What’s this? Are you fucking homo or something? Why are you so concerned, so disgusting.”

A sigh escaped. He couldn’t even count how many times he had heard that word in the past few days. At this point, maybe it should be made public. Malon took out the car keys from his pocket and shook them. Q2YNvh

“Whether homo or not, what does it matter? Isn’t this what you want anyway? Let the kid go.”

“Throw the car keys first. Then we’ll let him go.”

“Since it seems like we don’t trust each other, I’ll put it on the counter and step back. I’ll take a step back first, and then you get rid of that gun from him first.”

Malon placed the car keys on top of a cereal box and stepped back. The robber licked his lips and pushed Sixx forward. “You, too, take a step forward. The gun was still aimed at Sixx’s back. Although it must have been terrifying, Sixx remained calm. His figure in the gray hoodie looked too young. Malon gritted his teeth. He cursed the heavens. Why was God always so harsh to that kid? Lqimne

“Sixx, it’s okay. It’ll be okay.”

Malon could only reassure him with such cliché words. One of the masked men seemed to be approaching the car keys. They didn’t seem bold enough to commit murder, but situations often took unpredictable turns. Suddenly, they might turn around and decide to eliminate all witnesses. Malon didn’t want to bet on Sixx. Then, he saw the man reaching for the car keys. Malon shouted urgently, “Sixx, run!” At the same time, he saw the man holding the gun pulling the trigger. Bang! Thankfully, the bullet narrowly missed Sixx’s leg. Damn it, was he really aiming to harm him! Malon rushed forward.

“Oh, sorry, somehow it went off. Wasn’t really planning to kill. Hey, you dodged pretty well, kid.”

The man with the gun chuckled. It would have been satisfying to kill that guy right now. Malon grabbed Sixx, who was staggering. “Malon, I’m fine. I’m not hurt.” Sixx’s voice was trembling. While Malon reassured him, they fled with the stolen money and Malon’s car. nwFAa6

“Now what do we do? They took the car and the money…”

Sixx stammered. Malon said, “I have some money,” and casually pulled out some hidden cash. It was easy for him to distract them by pretending to take out his wallet while secretly pocketing the contents. The cashier was still trembling in shock. They’d have to get a new car. It wasn’t the money that bothered him; it was the time wasted. They needed to reach the valley as soon as possible, but now they had to stop in the city to get a new car. Still, as long as Sixx wasn’t hurt, he considered it alright. But Sixx’s face turned pale suddenly. He stuttered, “Malon… What do we do…?” A sense of foreboding crept over him. What now?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“The medicine… Rasmus’s medicine, it’s in the glove box.”

Malon’s mind felt like a blank slate after a long time. xIQl4R


The police arrived soon and took them to the city in a police car. Malon gently massaged his temples; his head was pounding. He couldn’t grasp how to resolve this situation. If this were Portland, there wouldn’t have been thugs daring to point guns at him, but unfortunately, this wasn’t his kingdom. Getting a new car wasn’t difficult. The problem was Sixx’s medicine. It was nowhere to be found. Even at the cost of some sacrifices, he had to retrieve it. If Sixx’s condition worsened here, it would be uncontrollable. They could guess that the thugs had sold the car nearby, but meeting every used car dealer in the city wasn’t feasible. The problem, as always, was time, Malon thought.

“I have no choice but to ask for help.”

“Help?” mdhRcj

“I have to ask someone I know.”

Actually, it wasn’t Malon’s preferred choice. The city they were currently in, Spokane, was within the Gallo family’s territory. Malon didn’t have a particularly friendly relationship with their boss. No, they downright hated each other. He knew where the boss operated from. But when he went to ask for help, there was no guarantee Tommy Gallo wouldn’t put a gun to his head. It wasn’t surprising. Besides Gallo, Malon had many enemies. He didn’t usually care much, but now was different. Surrounded by enemies, he had to protect Sixx. Damn it. Tommy Gallo, really not something I look forward to. But he didn’t have many options in front of him.

Eventually, Malon found himself face to face with Tommy Gallo at his restaurant. His chubby face still glistened with grease. Gallo’s small fish-like eyes flickered ominously. If it weren’t for this situation, Malon might have tried to read him by peering into his soul, but even that was a luxury for Malon now. Even if he suffered some losses in the deal, he had no choice. Gallo sensed Malon’s impatience and smirked unpleasantly. As they were leaving after finishing the transaction, he hailed him. Malon Cage must have known how to respond to this. Help me! But Malon didn’t remained silent.

Gallo’s henchman brought information. Malon’s car had fortunately been left at a nearby used car dealership. Those guys, selling the car so quickly. Malon clicked his tongue. Amidst the rows of used cars, Malon barely found his black sedan. It was ridiculous to have to buy back the stolen car, but there was no time to properly address the irrational situation. Of course, revenge suitable for those damn bastards who threatened Sixx and held him hostage would be appropriate, but that revenge might have to be entrusted to someone else’s hands. Sixx let out a relieved sigh beside him. He said the medicine was running out. As Malon spoke with the boss, Sixx opened the car door. KiA0ts

“Malon! We have a big problem!”

About to pay, Sixx called him with a panicked expression. The medicine wasn’t in the glove box. Everything else was there, just not that. Sixx stuttered. Damn it. Malon realized it immediately. Why was he cooperating so easily? It was Gallo. Gallo must have realized that Malon was the owner of the car and searched it before Malon went to meet him. How he knew the importance of that medicine, Malon didn’t know. It had only been a day since the car was stolen, but Malon wasn’t surprised that Gallo was already involved in this matter. Everything that happened in the city ultimately reached the boss’s ears. Someone must have recognized Malon’s car and reported it. Malon turned back. He had to meet Gallo. He pushed open the door to the restaurant roughly.

“Who’s this? Malon Cage, appearing again! Seeing you twice in one day, I’m delighted.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tommy ‘Fatboy’ Gallo. It’s awkward if someone plays a trick on me.” EXGtvk

“Kglmx? Tbe kfgf ibbxlcu obg j mjg lc atf olgra qijmf.”

“Tbe xcbk fzjmais ktja P’w ajixlcu jybea, Mjaybs.”

“Ljtjtj, Ljkx. Efijz sbeg ojmf. Pa’r j pbxf. Yo mbegrf, P xcbk ktja sbe wfjc.”

Kbwws Xjiib. Ufbqif mjiifv tlw Mjaybs. Lf tjv geifv atf ybgvfg jgfj klat Jjcjvj obg j ibcu alwf, fnfc bivfg atjc Ccabclb Jjuf. Pa kjrc’a j rqfmlji rbegmf bo lcmbwf mbwqjgfv ab batfg gfulbcr, jcv atf qbqeijalbc kjrc’a ijguf, yea cb bcf xcfk atja jgfj yfaafg atjc Mjaybs. Pc ojma, cb bcf tjv fnfg ajxfc atja ijcv jkjs ogbw Xjiib. Ycf bo tlr wjlc rbegmfr bo lcmbwf kjr atf qlcyjii wjmtlcf jcv qbbi ajyif yerlcfrr atja tf tjv gec klat Ccabclb, yea joafg Zjibc rfca Ccabclb ab qglrbc, mbcalcelcu atf yerlcfrr yfmjwf vloolmeia. Zjibc tjv cb lcafgfra lc atja yerlcfrr, jcv wbgfbnfg, tf tjv cb lcafcalbc bo lctfglalcu Ccabclb’r mbccfmalbcr, rb tf tjv gfpfmafv Xjiib’r vfrqfgjaf jaafwqar ab wjxf mbcajma rfnfgji alwfr. Pc ojma, tf tjv cb gfugfar jybea atja. Fcali atlcur aegcfv bea ilxf atlr, atja lr. Vegfis Xjiib tjgybgfv lwwfcrf gfrfcawfca abkjgvr tlw. Zbcfs. Fialwjafis, la kjr atf rbegmf jcv ubji bo jii wjolj ybrrfr. Ccv Xjiib ibra la yfmjerf bo atja. B3T7a2

“We just made a deal earlier. I even agreed to the conditions you demanded, so what’s the problem?”

“Haha, Malon. Even you emit this sour smell when cornered. What’s the problem? Did you think that tossing a piece of paper at me as if it were a decree would make everything that happened disappear?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As expected, Malon chewed on his lip. It was strange that such a small gesture would appease that little guy.

“What more do you want?” khcSy7

“Well, first, you should lower that arrogant attitude of yours, shouldn’t you?”

“…Fatboy, can we talk alone for a moment?”

Beside him, Sixx called out anxiously to Malon, as if worried about him. But in reality, he didn’t deserve any worry. Again. His mistakes were once again threatening Sixx’s safety. How much longer would Sixx have to suffer and be in danger because of him? Malon had never regretted what he had done. At least, not until now. But now, he wasn’t so sure anymore. His enemies had targeted Sixx to hurt him. That’s why he had considered sending Sixx away once. However, he relented under Sixx’s persuasion, perhaps secretly wanting to be convinced by Sixx as well. He had blindly believed in the slim possibility of a future without any trouble, clinging to a futile hope. It was an irrational behavior to cling to an unfounded future, and this was the result. Malon realized once again that he hadn’t been wrong. He was a threat to Sixx.

“Don’t worry. I’ll just talk and come back.” i sdVz

But Sixx spoke up. However, Gallo was already calling him into a room inside the restaurant. It’s okay, Sixx. I’ll be out soon. He reassured Sixx earnestly. He had no intention of being held back here. No matter what happened, his duty was to take Sixx to the valley.

He followed Gallo inside. It seemed to be a space for him to secretly converse with some guests, with only a few sofas, low tables, and furniture placed around. He placed a single chair in front and closed the door. So now it was just the two of them in the room. Gallo’s sinister smile felt ominous, but Malon had no other choice. After a moment of silence, Gallo gestured to the sofa.

“Have a seat, Mr. Cage.”

Malon sat facing Gallo, enduring his piercingly uncomfortable gaze. It was dreadful to have to grovel before someone like Tommy Gallo, but Malon waited until he spoke first. He knew what the priority was. Now was not the time to provoke Gallo’s temper. cLnCdA

“Is this what you’re looking for?”

How long had he endured that mocking gaze? Gallo pulled out a small vial from his pocket. It was undoubtedly the drug Rasmus had given Sixx. Malon didn’t respond, but Gallo, recognizing it as a positive sign, smirked satisfactorily. Understandably so, grasping Malon Cage’s weakness was not an everyday occurrence. Gallo was well aware of how lucky he was.

“At first, I was wondering what this was all about. I mean, it’s not like Malon Cage would carry around something useless, right? I even thought it might be a new drug, so I had one of my men take a sip, but it didn’t seem to be that, huh? So what is it, Cage? I’m genuinely curious.”

“You probably don’t need to know. What do you want, as I asked earlier?” GVTqdy

“Well… since I’ve already secured the contract, I don’t particularly have anything in mind.”

Malon gritted his teeth. Damn, is he mistaking this for something valuable? Gallo probably guessed that as desperately as he was trying to retrieve it, it must be worth something. Malon was engulfed in frustration. No matter how he acted here, it would only add to Gallo’s suspicions. The more he tried to retrieve the item, the more Gallo would demand.

“…I know what you’re thinking. But, it’s just medicine.”

“Medicine? Ah, is this the medicine you’re taking? Do you have a chronic illness or something?” IOAQv2

“Yeah. It’s a hassle to go all the way down to the hospital in Portland to get a prescription again, so I’d rather just have it returned here.”

“So you can get a prescription again by going back to Portland? But, you seem pretty desperate for that. And what’s going on in this neighborhood anyway? It all seems suspicious no matter how you look at it.”

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“Was I supposed to report to you about what I’m doing?”

“No, of course not. But, it’s just funny to see you looking so desperate.” 5kWlC0

What is this about, exactly? Gallo twirled the vial with his finger. He already saw through Malon’s thoughts. Despite being a kingpin of the fringes, Gallo had held his position in this world for decades. His experience should never be underestimated. How much had he seen, heard, and experienced? He probably witnessed the appearance people show when they desperately want something countless times. Malon sensed that he couldn’t deceive him with mere acting. Pretending wouldn’t work.

“…Let’s dispense with the beating around the bush. Instead, just tell me what you want.”

“Hmm, you won’t beat around the bush, huh? Well, okay. That attitude isn’t bad.”

He chuckled maliciously. His black pupils, like beetles, gleamed ominously. jXckGF

“Until I figure out what I want, you might as well kneel down for now.”

Hah, Gallo, how cliché.”

“I don’t particularly want anything from you. I already have everything I want, and what bothers me is the misfortune you brought upon me a few years back. The emotional scars from that time, well, can’t really put it into words.”

“So you’re trying to repay that misfortune now?” K7hku

“Not necessarily, but why not give it a try. If you do, I might feel better and return this. Seeing Malon Cage kneeling, that’s not something you see every day, huh?”

Malon narrowed his eyes. Now he understood. This old pig just wanted to humiliate him. If he had demanded something specific, the situation would have been much easier to handle. But this was different. It was difficult for Malon to grasp how exactly to fulfill Gallo’s twisted desires. He would have preferred to present a different card, but upon careful consideration, there was no card in his hand that would catch Gallo’s interest. Under usual circumstances, he would have just given up the item and found a replacement. However, this time, he couldn’t. That medicine was for Sixx. Sixx was irreplaceable.

“…Will my pride be restored if I kneel?”

“I don’t know. So why don’t you try it, Mr. Cage?” MFEdOL

Malon had never voluntarily knelt before. Not even when a gun was pressed against his head. He thought he didn’t have anything worth preserving, not even his own life. That thought remained unchanged. The organization was the same. It wasn’t about acquiring things through such debasing means but about seizing them boldly. And he had poured years into doing just that. But what about Sixx’s life? Malon knew. Sixx was different from all of that. Sixx’s life was worth it. If Malon wanted, he could have anything. And he was willing to get that vial by any means necessary. Damn it, he would give in to whatever Gallo wanted.

“That’s it then.”

Malon got up from the sofa and immediately dropped to his knees on the floor. He knelt before the man who considered him a worm, solely for the sake of Sixx. Despite the humiliation, it was bearable when he thought of Sixx. His pride seemed worthless compared to that. Did Gallo feel a great thrill seeing Malon kneel so willingly, grinning widely, baring his teeth? Ah, how delightful.

“Very nice to see, Malon Cage. The arrogant you, groveling like this.” WgQC7T


Approaching slowly, he stood in front of Malon. Malon stared at the ground. More than the fact that he knelt, what was unsettling was how pleased Tommy Gallo was about it.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Putting that fancy face down here, turns out life’s full of surprises, huh?”

Gallo’s thick fingers caressed Malon’s smooth cheek. The heavy rings on his fingers pressed into his flesh. It felt nauseating and filthy, but Malon didn’t show any signs of discomfort. He knew well that reacting would only please the bastard. Gallo chuckled. H9Znhc

“Always stoic like a doll, aren’t you? Well then, how about this?”

Suddenly, a sharp impact struck Malon’s cheek. His head turned to the left. Realizing he had been slapped, he let out a bitter laugh. This son of a bitch was determined to drag him down to the ground. The spot where he was hit felt hot and stinging. Then, another palm struck the opposite cheek. Malon didn’t flinch. If he had to endure it, it was better to get it over with quickly. Another blow followed. Whether it was from the shock, his lips split, and the metallic taste lingered on his tongue. This sadistic bastard. How long was he planning to keep hitting? Malon was more annoyed by the waste of time than the hitting itself.

“Harsh, Malon Cage. Not even a whimper?”

“Haha, would it have pleased you if I got excited while getting hit? I can do that if you want.” 3cSmyT

“No, it’s fine. Pretending isn’t my style. I prefer things more natural. Oh, your blood splattered on my shoes. That was a gift from my daughter on her birthday.”

“You have a good daughter.”

“Well, she may have schemes for the inheritance, but she’s not bad. Considering you sent your father to prison, it might be better. Anyway, I need to clean up the blood. Your blood, isn’t it?”

“How should I clean it up? I don’t have a good cloth like a shoe polisher, should I use my tongue?” BvUqCf

As Malon sarcastically offered his blood-stained tongue, Gallo burst into laughter. Damn psycho… he muttered. Even in this situation, it seemed like Gallo was unbreakable, and Malon felt fed up with him.

“Yeah, go ahead and clean it with that fancy tongue of yours, Cage.”

“That shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Malon bent over and prostrated himself flat on the ground. Gallo’s sticky gaze felt like it was licking his slender body. Damn it. It sent shivers down his spine. It felt like a huge slug was crawling on his back. This fucking pervert wouldn’t be getting off, would he? Then he really wanted to kill him. Malon didn’t appreciate the sexual gaze of any man except Sixx. The pure desire and passion mixed in Sixx’s eyes thrilled him, but Gallo’s gaze felt repulsive. He was someone who dominated his opponents and felt excitement and satisfaction from there. c7PBXj

“What are you doing? Hurry up and lick.”

But Sixx was different. He was different from pathetic men who expressed conquering their partners after sex. That’s why Malon could always give his body to Sixx without any hesitation. He only gave his body, but somehow, he gave his heart too. Yes, even his heart. Seeing Malon prostrated under him, Gallo burst into laughter. This was all Malon Cage could do, like a fucking dog! He mocked mercilessly. However, Malon didn’t even respond to his provocation.

The red drops of blood on his shoes. Trying to break him with just this was beyond pathetic. Malon spat the blood filling his mouth onto the ground. Then, with as much venom as possible, he looked up at Gallo.

“What the hell are you doing?” OEkMAX

Gallo yelled in frustration.

“Oh, didn’t you like it? Sorry to your daughter, but I need to soak up a bit more blood to clean properly.”

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As he muttered, Gallo’s angry shoe flew straight into Malon’s head. He didn’t dodge on purpose. The impact made his skull ring. He was glad Sixx wasn’t witnessing this. He had requested this private meeting with Gallo, prepared to do whatever Gallo ordered alone. It was better if it ended like this. But with Sixx, it was certain he wouldn’t just stand by watching Malon being hit. It would be lucky if he didn’t turn into a wolf by the end of it all.

Malon sighed. A slap on the cheek was nothing. 1RfIAP

“You could’ve avoided it… Is this really what you want?”

Thankfully, maybe one kick was Gallo’s limit with his heavy body, and he wheezed as he turned the bottle. Malon didn’t answer. It was an overflowing glory to be beaten for a single bottle he accidentally got his hands on. Gallo jabbered excitedly.

“When will I ever get another chance to kick Malon Cage?”

Malon thought he was disgustingly talkative. He felt like Anthony was at the level of jabbering needlessly, and he almost knew why they went into business together. If they lingered here too long, his cute puppy might grow suspicious. 80i2cW

Then, finally, the words he had been waiting for from above fell.

“Alright, Malon Cage. Lift your head now. I’ll return the medicine.”

Malon raised his body from the hunched position and sat down. The majority of his view was occupied by Gallo’s thick jaw. He needed to blink to relieve his anger.

“That was fun, very much so.” i8uqE

Gallo’s hand gripped the bottle, and with the sound of glass shattering, a transparent liquid poured down onto Malon’s face. Gallo looked down at him with an arrogant gaze, as if he were a priest pouring holy water onto a believer’s head. Malon realized what had happened and immediately stood up and punched him in the face. With a thud, Gallo flew backward and hit the wall. At the same time, the door opened. It was Gallo’s bodyguard. And behind him came Sixx. Malon wasn’t sure how they managed to get inside, but it was fortunate. Sixx’s eyes lingered briefly on the fallen Gallo, then fixed on Malon’s swollen cheeks. His eyes widened in shock. He was always interested, but now there was something more urgent.

“M-Malon! What’s going on? Wait, did that crazy bastard hit you?”

“Yeah, he did. Don’t worry. I’ll get even. But more importantly, lick my face right now.”

“What? What are you talking about? I’m going to kill that bastard right now!” sJQXNK

“Sixx, listen to me. There’s medicine on my face. It’s not much, but you have to eat it.”

Once again, looking bewildered, Sixx furrowed his brow and peered at Malon’s face. He discovered Malon’s face covered in transparent liquid. What happened… There was a hint of distress in his voice. Urged by Malon’s gaze, he finally reluctantly licked Malon’s face. It felt as though he were being licked by a non-transformed wolf, making Malon chuckle. Despite the ticklish sensation of the moist tongue, he was glad.

“I… think I licked it all…”

The puppy that had made his face covered in saliva lowered his head as if ashamed. iAjp8m

“Alright, now do as I say.”

Malon lightly patted his buttocks in approval, then casually walked past Gallo’s bewildered soldier, who was standing awkwardly in the homoerotic scene unfolding before him, and left with Sixx. Gallo shouted something from behind, but Malon paid him no mind. Breaking the medicine bottle was equivalent to facing the consequences. If it had just been a matter of slight humiliation, it could have been overlooked, but now it was out of the question. Malon asked Sixx to go to a nearby payphone and call Patrick for him. He just needed to deliver the message as instructed. Sending Sixx off, Malon grabbed his shoulder with the bottle in hand and slammed the head of the limp man with it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


A few hours later, they were heading north again in the sedan. While Malon drove, Sixx tended to Malon’s wounds with the hastily purchased items from the pharmacy. It wasn’t necessary since the wounds were minor, but Sixx insisted on treating them. This was the result. Sixx carefully dabbed a white ointment on Malon’s cheek with a cotton swab. PqV0Jz

“I’m… sorry. Truly sorry.”

Malon clicked his tongue. This was entirely his fault. That is, it was because of his enemies lurking everywhere. It was even more accurate to say that Sixx was caught up in it. He shook his head firmly, denying it.

“You don’t need to feel sorry for me. Gallo had a grudge against me.”

“But because of my medicine, you had to clash with that jerk. If only that didn’t happen—” BKgEp0

“Going down that road will lead us nowhere, Sixx. This isn’t your fault.”

“But Malon, you’re suffering like this, and I can’t do anything… I feel so foolish. My only advantage was being able to turn into a wolf, and I couldn’t even do that.”

There was moisture in Sixx’s eyes. Like a ripe fruit, it seemed like they would spill at a touch. Sixx was naturally a teary-eyed person. While shedding actual tears was rare, reddening his eyes was common. And usually, the cause was Malon. For better or for worse.

*** euxz8J

“Sixx, you’ve helped me enough until now. You don’t need to feel guilty about this.”

“Malon would say that. But…”

“But what?”

“Since we left Portland, you’ve seemed unsettled. It hurts me to see that. Even if it wasn’t intentional, Malon is suffering because of me. You had to take him all the way to that valley or whatever it is. It would have been better if I could have gone alone.” nosk24

“Sixx, I wouldn’t have left you alone. You know that’s just something I say.”


“Don’t worry about me. I only do what I can, nothing more, and even that, I might not. And what worries me more is whether I can find that place before the effects of the potion wear off.”

Malon was secretly surprised. He thought he hid it well, but he didn’t expect Sixx to understand him so well. Well, he wasn’t particularly lacking in observation skills, but when it came to his affairs, Sixx became unusually adept. He sat sulking, resting his chin on his knees while his lips had already heated up with fever. Malon noticed that Sixx’s cheeks were already slightly flushed. It was expected. Rasmus advised him to take a sip of the medicine every three days. Would licking the medicine on his face be equivalent to one or two sips? That meant they only had a few days left. Malon didn’t know what would happen when the medicine wore off. If Sixx turned into a wolf, they wouldn’t be able to communicate anymore, and they wouldn’t be able to find that valley. Damn, he should have pushed Rasmus a bit harder to find out the exact location… Of course, it was already too late. They had to make the most of the time they had left. Malon reached out his right hand and gently stroked Sixx’s curly hair. nEt7Xe

“Sixx. I’m really okay. But thanks for worrying.”


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Sixx took his hand and pressed his lips against the back of it. His heart fluttered oddly. Sixx’s lips were as hot as fire. It felt like an eternal mark was being branded on that spot.

“Do you know how much further north we need to go?” YSwapV

They had crossed the border hours ago. That meant they were currently on Canadian soil.

“We’re much closer than before. Just keep heading north.”

It was still amazing how Sixx could intuitively pinpoint the location of the valley. Of course, as a mere human, he would never understand how the instinctual pull of one’s homeland worked… Malon nodded. While worrying about the diminishing effects of the medicine, getting closer to the destination was a good sign. Now, there was no choice but to hurry as much as possible.


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  1. With the accumulation of all bad incidents I’m pretty sure that mr. Cage might make a bad decision such as leaving the boy alone in the village hoping for him to find a new mate 🤦 pls god prove me wrong 🥺

  2. Why is fate so against them 😭 Its okay because the karma that Tommy will face won’t be light… Thank you for the chapters!!! ❤️❤️❤️