Top Tier Seduction FormulaCh55 - Extra 3: Marriage Certificate

Among Lin You’s high school buddies, the first one to get married was unexpectedly Bai Lu.

Back when Bai Lu was determined to get into University A, they had a feeling that something was up. As expected, as soon as Bai Lu stepped into university, she put her studies aside and started pursuing Mr. Zhao Yun crazily, who was still studying for his PhD at the time. dfSQvR

According to Bai Lu, Mr. Zhao had briefly been her tutor during her first year of high school. His gentle and handsome face had Bai Lu head over heels, but unfortunately, when she confessed her feelings, Zhao Yun turned her down with the same gentleness.

The reason given was that Bai Lu was too young, their age difference was too significant, and besides, Zhao Yun was a beta.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, Bai Lu was persistent, she refused to let go even after being rejected and followed Zhao Yun’s path to University A. Finally, in her third year, she managed to win his heart.

Now, unable to wait for their university graduation, right after the winter break of their senior year, Bai Lu and Zhao Yun got married before the graduation commencement. Not only that, but Bai Lu also wrote a few lines of romantic poetry and shared it along with their marriage certificate photo, spreading it widely among her WeChat Moments and friend group chats. D52L7K

Since graduating from high school, their group had renamed itself the “Singlehood Liberation Alliance,” which was filled with the hopeful desires of a few single dogs. It was a place for these friends, now scattered across different places, to reminisce about their high school days.

Recently, due to the graduation season, everyone’s lives had become busy, and the group’s notifications were no longer always 99+ as usual. It had calmed down quite a bit.

But when Bai Lu threw her marriage certificate into the group, just like a depth charge that blew everyone out of the water. Even Shao An, who was abroad and in the middle of the night, bounced out of bed.

Shao An frantically cued Bai Lu, “What’s going on, Bai-jie? You’re married?!! To Zhao Yun?!”


Bai Lu was left speechless by his words, “What do you mean? Who else who I marry if not Zhao Yun? You?”

The others burst into laughter together.

“If we don’t let Bai Lu marry Zhao Yun, she’ll jump off a building tomorrow.”

“That’s for sure. She pursued Zhao Laoshi so intensely that she almost broke her legs. We all felt sorry just by watching.” VFBUb6

Bai Lu responded with a series of ptui ptui emotes, “You guys are just jealous.”

After some banter, they all sent Bai Lu red envelopes.

Bai Lu wasn’t shy either, accepting them one by one and inviting them, “Make sure to come to my wedding later on, all of you must come.”

Even after collecting the red envelopes, she wasn’t done. She went on to cue Lin You and Lu Qingyan, “Lin-ge, Lu-ge, when are you two getting your certificate? Lin-ge, excuse my straightforwardness, but you’ve been in a four-year-long relationship, isn’t it time to give Lu-ge an official status?” MhrBPC

Lin You, lying on his bed watching the fun, was caught off guard when he was suddenly called out.

He instinctively glanced at Lu Qingyan, who was also looking at him.

Since their freshman year, Lin You and Lu Qingyan moved in together. They bought an apartment near the school, and decorated it simply and cozily. Now, both of them were lying in bed in their pajamas, looking at the gossip. They had an air of an old married couple about them.

In reality, Lin You hadn’t really thought much about getting married. Firstly, he felt he was still too young. Shamelessly speaking, he even felt like he had just turned eighteen. Secondly, his relationship with Lu Qingyan was so close that they would go to school together, take walks hand in hand, and go to concerts and art exhibitions on weekends – it didn’t seem much different from being married. JoeqTC

Especially since they both wore engagement rings on their fingers, which was able to intimidate any alpha or omega trying to make advances on them at any time.

But considering that Lin You and Lu Qingyan were the earliest among their friends to be in a relationship, now that Bai Lu had overtaken them in terms of getting married, should they be lagging behind?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lin You playfully hooked his foot around Lu Qingyan’s leg, moving closer and asked in a slow manner, “Do you want me to give you an official title?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Qingyan held Lin You’s waist with one hand, partially embracing him in his arms. Gj5U3Y

Lf rwlifv jcv jrxfv Olc Tbe, “Obbxr ilxf sbe’gf jirb fcnlber rfflcu atja Djl Oe uba wjgglfv?”

Olc Tbe ufcais yla tlr mtlc, “Qtb’r fcnlber? P’w pera jogjlv sbe’v offi rjv. Qf’nf yffc abufatfg obg rb ibcu, sfa sbe’gf ralii klatbea jc boolmlji rajaer.”

Lu Qingyan lowered his head and gave Lin You a peck. Those lips were so soft, yet always so tough.

“Qtfc vb sbe kjca ab?” Oe Hlcusjc jrxfv mjrejiis, jr lo vlrmerrlcu ktfc ab tjnf j wfji. SHjqQF

After all, their marriage was only a matter of time.

Lin You was even more casual than him, not even bothering to check the calendar.

“Then tomorrow? I don’t have classes in the afternoon.”

So, the next afternoon, the two of them appeared at the Civil Affairs Bureau to register their marriage. TAnJDB

Perhaps it was an auspicious day, the Civil Affairs Bureau was filled with people. Lin You and Lu Qingyan had to wait in line for a while.

Betas made up the majority of those there to register, after all, they outnumbered the alphas and omegas. However, Lin You did spot several other alpha-omega pairs like them.

With their striking appearance, Lin You and Lu Qingyan stood out. Even though the Civil Affairs Bureau was immersed in a pink bubble, and couples gazed at each other through their own filters, quite a few people couldn’t help but observe the two of them.

Sitting in his seat, Lin You looked outside at the sunny day. The Civil Affairs Bureau was full of couples, and there was a marriage guidebook placed in front of him. He suddenly felt a strange sensation in his heart. JwdAo4

If time were to rewind back by five years, he would never have imagined that he and Lu Qingyan would be here registering for marriage. If someone had told him this back then, he would have thought they were crazy and would have sent them straight to a mental hospital.

But the world was just so magical and unpredictable.

He suddenly presented as an omega, and Lu Qingyan followed suit by presenting as an alpha.

He bumped his knee against Lu Qingyan’s and asked, “Lao Lu, do you think that if we hadn’t presented, if we were still betas, would we still be together?” sn74Yb

“We would,” Lu Qingyan said with unwavering certainty.

He looked at Lin You, holding Lin You’s fair and beautiful fingers, “Whether you’re a beta, omega, or even an alpha, I would still inevitably fall in love with you.”

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Lin You’s heart was filled with sweetness, yet what came out was, “Who said I’d have an alpha-alpha relationship with you? If I were an alpha, I wouldn’t choose you.”

Lu Qingyan wasn’t angry, he remained smiling and said, “That won’t happen, I’m not allowing you not to love me. I’ll do whatever it takes to deceive you into being with me.” vFkg9X

Lin You’s teeth ached from hearing it.

What’s this supposed to mean? Was Lu Qingyan dead set on him? Was he so confident that he wouldn’t be able to escape his grasp?

Just as he was about to settle it with Lu Qingyan, it was their turn to register.

Lin You and Lu Qingyan sat together and filled out the registration form. Suddenly, Lin You felt that Lu Qingyan was right. WSa17x

They were destined to be together.

Childhood sweethearts, innocent playmates.

Like two intertwined trees, they appeared to be apart on the surface but their roots were deeply entwined beneath the earth, impossible to be separated.

The marriage registration process went smoothly. During the photo session, the photographer didn’t hold back in praising them as the most handsome couple he had ever seen. 5G3FSM

After receiving their marriage certificate, Lin You and Lu Qingyan left the Civil Affairs Bureau. Looking at the little red booklets in their hands, it still felt a bit surreal.

Had he and Lu Qingyan really become legal partners?

He scratched his head and asked Lu Qingyan, “Why do I feel like nothing much has changed? Where’s the promised sweetness of newlyweds?”

Lu Qingyan held his hand as they walked toward the parking lot, “Because every day we’ve spent together is almost like newlyweds, so you wouldn’t feel anything particularly different. How about we think about where to go for our honeymoon?” CNWQev

Hearing this, Lin You felt he was right.

They got into the car and headed to dinner. Along the way, Lin You messaged both his parents and Lu Qingyan’s parents separately, informing them that he and Lu Qingyan had registered their marriage.

And then, ten seconds later, his mother’s call came in urgently.

Lin You answered the call and heard Mrs. Jiang Nian’s undiminishing voice, roaring like a lion from the east, “Why did you secretly register your marriage with Lu Qingyan? Not a word of notice to us! You didn’t discuss anything about the wedding and didn’t even check for an auspicious date. How can you be so casual about this! Do you think you’re going grocery shopping at a market?!” gsqbKO

Lin You’s ears hurt from her shouting, so he moved the phone slightly away from his ear.

He even shouted back at his mother, “What’s casual about it? Haven’t you already agreed to the two of us being together? He’s been mine for a long time. If I didn’t marry him, he wouldn’t even be content. Besides, as long as I’m with Lao Lu, every day is an auspicious day.”

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Beside him, Lu Qingyan gently curled his lips.

He liked what Lin You said. FQWRC

As long as they are together, every day is an auspicious day.

After quite some effort, Lin You finally calmed his mother down, and then shared their marriage certificate in the family group chat for everyone to see.

They already had a group chat with the Lu family way before. After he and his older brother were ‘deceived’ by the Lu brothers, this group chat naturally changed its name to “A Loving Family.”

His dad had changed it, and Lin You felt that it was so old-fashioned. E6Qd D

Family members started expressing their opinions about the marriage certificate.

However, their enthusiasm was already limited. Lin Siyu and Lu Beiming had married before them, and even Lin Sizhe had married by now. The saying “a strong start and a weak finish” seemed to apply. By the time it was Lin You and Lu Qingyan’s turn, the parents’ attitudes were quite casual, and they started discussing the wedding with ease.

“Just do whatever,” Jiang Nian’s excitement about her younger son’s wedding had long since faded, “In the end, we’ll all be exhausted anyway.”

Lin You was dissatisfied, “Mom, why are you so indifferent about my wedding? When my brother got married, your eyes were clearly swollen from crying!” we3JnW

Jiang Nian rolled her eyes at him, “It’s because all my tears were spent on your brother. I don’t have any left for you. Besides, Beiming and Siyu are moving to another city. You and Qingyan are staying nearby. What’s there for me to worry about?”

Lin You felt deeply hurt by his mother’s words. To console his emotions, he converted his frustration into appetite and devoured several plates of meat during dinner, making his belly all round. After dinner, he walked along the riverbank with Lu Qingyan.

On the plaza by the riverside, there were many couples—young lovers, middle-aged ones with graying hair, and even parents with their children.

A little girl with pigtails bumped into Lin You while running around with her friends. She seemed like she was about to cry at first, but when she looked up and saw Lin You, she was stunned for a moment and exclaimed, “Gege, you’re so pretty.” e4dgJ8

Lin You chuckled, crouched down, and took a chocolate out of his pocket for the little girl. “Then Gege will treat you to some candy.”

The little girl opened her mouth, already forgetting the pain from bumping her nose, eagerly awaiting Lin You to feed her the chocolate.

She bit into the chocolate as she stared at the handsome, smiling gege in front of her. The more she looked, the more she liked him. She held onto Lin You’s pinky finger, as if she was about to elope with him.

It wasn’t until her parents rushed over from behind, picking her up to take her home, that she had to let go reluctantly, waving at Lin You with a hint of reluctance. EfjiGC

Lin You also waved back with a smile, finding the little girl really adorable.

Despite having received their marriage certificate and nearly completed their graduation theses, Lin You and Lu Qingyan still hadn’t graduated yet. As usual, they returned to school after spending the weekend.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

When they first entered university, they caused quite a stir. Many were preparing to compete for their attention, but after four years of their relentless public displays of affection, the enthusiasm from pursuers at both universities had dwindled significantly.

So although the matter of Lin You and Lu Qingyan registering their marriage spread quickly, it didn’t cause much commotion. wGsKlp

People had accepted it, they had long stopped expecting to break these two up anymore. On the contrary, there was a hint of envy.

Childhood sweethearts, innocent playmates.

You have me in you, I have you in me.

What kind of divine love story was this? gJBn1W

Although they weren’t destined to experience a beautiful campus romance with these two, witnessing such a fulfilling love story in their lifetime didn’t seem too bad.

So, at the end of the graduation ceremony, Lin You’s junior sister placed his hand into Lu Qingyan’s hand while wailing.

“P-Please take good care of our shixiong,” she sobbed, tears streaming down her face. “I’ve been secretly in love with him for three years. It’s not easy for me. If you’re not good to my shixiong, I’ll come to your place tomorrow to snatch him away.”

Lu Qingyan held Lin You’s hand, slightly raising an eyebrow. NFOW8A

He really hadn’t realized that there was still such a secret admirer lurking around Lin You.

He held Lin You’s hand and quelled the love rival, “You won’t have a chance to snatch him away. Give up.”

The junior sister let out another sob. She wasn’t sure whether to be happy or sad, so she could only turn to a nearby junior brother to compete in drinking.

After exchanging a few words with the professors, Lin You and Lu Qingyan left together. 2YvdPb

Rain was falling outside. Lu Qingyan opened an umbrella and walked out holding Lin You’s shoulder. Both of them had great figures. They were wearing well-tailored black suits for their graduation, making their shoulders look broader and legs longer. Lin You tilted his head slightly to talk to Lu Qingyan, his profile gentle and beautiful, like a painting.

“How nice,” someone murmured, not sure who. “Lin-shixiong seems really happy.”

gumgum: the end!! thank you guys for reading~ tbh, I’m not that much of a fluff reader but I was able to finish this one in one sitting! which was why I decided to translate it and share it with you guys. this will probably be the sweetest novel I’ll translate and hopefully, I did it justice. I had fun translating this and I hope you guys enjoyed it! see you guys in my other projects if we’re meant to be~ o7


Translator's Note

monetary gifts on wechat

Translator's Note

tough/hard mouth = stubborn

Translator's Note

senior brother

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  1. Thank you for your hard work! I love 松子茶 novel and this was such a good translation. “Everyday is an auspicious day” is such a romantic line ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡


  3. Nooo!! What am I gonna do without them? 😭 I love LQ & LY so so much!

    Thank you for the novel, I really enjoyed it!!! And it was one of the sweetest novels I read!

    See you Gumgum in another novel ✨

  4. I’m gonna miss them 🤧 thank you so much for this wonderful translation! Will be joining you on another translation journey afterwards ~

        • It’s true that gongzicp only has three extras (which i bought) but you can actually find more online if you search the Chinese title. Since they’re not up on gongzicp, i can only assume that the author either removed them or only posted on weibo. Extras are called ‘播外‘ if that helps. There’s actually 2 more: one about childbirth, and another about how Lu Qingyan’s brother got together with Lin You’s brother.

  5. This novel is such a Cute, Sweet and Absolutely Delightful till the end!!!

    I love the journey development and all!

    I can’t predict Lin You’s movement, but I love how the author wrote him so well that everything works with his characteristics!

    Anyway THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE HARD WORKS IN TRANSLATING THIS NOVEL TILL COMPLETED!!! 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇 xEndlessEverlastingGratefulness ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️