Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a ShopkeeperCh77.1 - Official Titles

Chapter 77 – Official Titles

Baizhen Lou is in the limelight again because of the pearls. MUfX0v

All the aristocratic families in the county wanted to know where the pearls came from.

North-South Supply Line wholesaler goods, all the products of Wei Family’s Grocery Store and Baizhen Lou can be wholesaled, and the goods are classified into grades. Even if it is difficult to obtain high-end goods, the wholesale of middle and low-end goods allows the North-South Supply Line to attract many merchants to cooperate. The north-south supply line seized many sources of goods.

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Seeing that the Wei Family’s workshop is getting bigger and bigger, it will continue to threaten the interests of several big families in Nanshan County.

The Min family, the Lin family, the Cao family, the Cui family, and the major merchants under the Nanshan County Chamber of Commerce all wanted to get the formulas of the Wei Family’s workshop products, so that they could make the same products to attack the Wei Family’s Workshops continue to expand and even crush each other. IV6BWL

There will always be some sneaky people around the Wei Family’s workshop, looking for opportunities to go in and inquire. Wei Hu led his men and arrested many people and sent them to the government office.

In addition, there were some secretly threatening the workers to inquire about the news but the information they get is useless.

The symbols, special names, and production methods are obtained from those workers but the production methods are made separately, and the workers do not know the actual materials. They are all named by code names, and the real formula materials are not known by ordinary workers.

These sneaky people can’t find out who the workers who handle important processes are so it was useless to inquire about scattered information.


The merchant who sells pastries, the one who owns Baixiangzhai, had sent a few people in when he was recruiting workers at the Wei Family’s Workshop, but the information he got was also useless, and one even secretly asked other workers for information, and was quickly discovered.

Because there are regulations in Wei Family’s Workshop, it was absolutely forbidden to talk about any work content, and all those discovered doing so would be treated as spies and sent to the government to be prosecuted, and those who expose others will be rewarded, so that they will supervise each other.

The Wei Family’s workshop processes can be kept secret due to these regulations so even if they went to the workshop to inquire, they will not find any news.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfrf qfbqif mbeivc’a olcv jcs lcobgwjalbc yea atbrf cbyif ojwlilfr lc atf mbecas kbeiv vfolclafis olcv batfg kjsr ab ufa atf obgweij jcv atfs mjc’a jikjsr vfji klat atflg vfofjar ilxf atlr. 8O2NVd

Qfl Ofl kjr nfgs kbgglfv. Ktbrf jglrabmgjalm ojwlilfr tjv qbkfg jcv lcoiefcmf lc Rjcrtjc Jbecas. Po atfs atgfjafcfv bg erfv vjgx wfjcr ab mjimeijaf, atfs kbeiv yf tjgv ab uejgv jujlcra.

They were just an ordinary business, even if they were backed by Tai Fu Lou, but they couldn’t stop those people from being motivated by their interests.

Wei Lei: “Cheng-zi, do you have any way to deal with them?”

Because people from all walks of life inquired, he had too many things on hand, and he went to Baizhen Lou to meet Nian-ger less often. ld3iu2

Wei Lei is a good helper in doing things, but he doesn’t have the brains to deal with these family methods.

Wei Cheng’s expression was very calm, but he smiled and said nothing.

Seeing his friend’s expression, Wei Lei felt a little less worried, “Cheng-zi, if you have something to fight against them, just say it, and you should make me feel anxious.”

Wei Cheng didn’t speak and directly threw a token to Wei Lei. Wei Lei saw the characters engraved on the token. He had been with his friend for so long, how could he not know the meaning and implications of being an official merchant? dt1alv

Wei Lei said pleasantly, “Ah, Cheng-zi, you have become an official merchant?”

The Silver Token of an Official Merchant, was his friend aware that the level of the implications of a Silver Token of an Official Merchant? Chairman Min of the Chamber of Commerce in Nanshan County held a Silver Token of an Official Merchant, and the Cao family had a Copper Token of an Official Merchant. The other two aristocratic families, the Lin Family and the Cui Family have official backing. That means that his friend had occupied a certain power in Nanshan County, and it would be impossible for those people to use their power to force them.

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This title of official merchant came at the right time for them.

Wei Cheng didn’t say that even if he didn’t get the title of an official merchant, he would still have the token of the Yin Family’s mansion in the imperial city, and the big families in the county would not dare to have any delusions once they saw this. XUS5k4

But it was impossible to use the token given by Yin Chengfeng in the county town, as it was too wasteful to kill a small chicken with a sledgehammer.

Wei Cheng originally thought that Yin Chengfeng came from the royal merchant Yun’s family in the imperial city, and he was surprised by his identity of being a young master of Duke Yin’s Mansion.

The corners of Wei Cheng’s lips curled slightly as he announced to his friend, “Tomorrow I will go to the county government and the Chamber of Commerce to register as an official merchant.”

The next day. QcCS2r

The Chamber of Commerce was still discussing strategies, and they wanted to let Wei Cheng join the Chamber of Commerce so that they could use the name of the Chamber of Commerce to force him. If Wei Cheng joins the Chamber of Commerce, as the lowest-level merchant under the Chamber of Commerce, he can be at the mercy of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce didn’t think that Wei Cheng would refuse and that he would surely join the Chamber of Commerce to share resources. Thousands of wealthy merchants in Nanshan County were desperate to join as the Chamber of Commerce represented the identity and status in Nanshan County.

The invitation from the Chamber of Commerce means that the Chamber of Commerce thinks highly of him, and everyone in the Chamber of Commerce thinks it is impossible for Wei Cheng to refuse their invitation.

As long as Wei Cheng joins the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce will be able to let Wei Cheng register the materials used in the products of the Wei Family’s Workshop according to the rules of the Chamber of Commerce, and they will be able to research the methods privately according to the materials. b01tD9

Before their plans were carried out, a certain someone came to register as an official merchant.

The county is under their control, they would be aware of whoever becomes an official merchant, why didn’t they hear the slightest news of this before?!

Sitting in the chamber of the Chamber of Commerce, the most prestigious figures in Nanshan County were stunned for a moment and looked at each other’s faces to see if any of the others knew what was happening.

Once they learned that the person who came to register as an official merchant was Wei Cheng, the four major families and others in the Chamber of Commerce dropped their jaws in shock. XnYPTh

They were plotting and plotting here but the person they were plotting against had just become an official merchant- and he was even acknowledged as the same level as that of their chairman, Chairman Min.

They were all dumbfounded.

Becoming an official merchant doesn’t just mean being good at business and being good at calculating against others. An official merchant can directly become the leading merchant in the Chamber of Commerce and their authority comes and belongs from the imperial court. Their rights are privileges given by the imperial court, and they have even more sovereignty in the Chamber of Commerce.

Patriarch Cao: “How did Wei Cheng become an official merchant?” i9qR0V

As soon as the words came out, President Min and the others also wanted to know how the man did it without any of them noticing.

The official merchant title is very difficult to get as they have to make contributions and have to be assessed. The Lin family can’t get the title of official business even with the officials of Fucheng behind them. How did Wei Cheng do it?!

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Let alone calculating against the other party, if Wei Cheng planned to intervene in the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, except for President Min, they would all be suppressed when they want to get resources from the Chamber of Commerce. They all have a part in sending in people to the Wei Family’s workshop to inquire about their processes.

Unexpectedly, Wei Cheng just came to the Chamber of Commerce to show his face, register his position, and left after saying hello- without even mentioning that he wanted to occupy a position in the Chamber of Commerce. tYMspm

After Wei Cheng left, everyone in the Chamber of Commerce was confused by Wei Cheng’s actions.

Shouldn’t an official merchant act in a high-profile way?

The reality is that Wei Cheng has no time to care about these people, and several big families have a certain status and foundation in Nanshan County and he was not stupid enough to invite hatred and trouble for himself.

With his status as an official merchant, these people who have wishful thinking will have to weigh their actions before they do anything. c2qn4e

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