These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch31.1 - Flowers Blooming Together

Translator: Deyonna

Rumble, rumble, rumble— G1FBOi

Meanwhile, Hu Changchuan was speeding fast on the open road. He had set off last night, hoping to buy more time.

After dealing with the matters at the sentinel tower, he would be able to catch up with Chen Xinyue’s car.

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At this time, the uncle in flower underpants had changed into a new outfit, a linen short-sleeved shirt and khaki pants. Without those indecent floral underpants, he finally looked much more reliable.

However, in contrast to the leisurely Captain Chen on the other side, he was driving much faster. It could be said that he had almost stepped on the accelerator to the maximum. RV4cT6

After Yuan Ye and Chen Xinyue left the station affairs office one after the other that day, Hu Changchuan and Liang Kun chatted for a while.

“What’s the matter, brother?

Team Leader Liang took a meaningful sip of water.

“So, you planned to just tidy up and send Captain Chen back like this?”


“What else can I do?”

Hu Changchuan said irritably.

“The water is muddled and deep this time, Liang Kun, don’t you have any idea in your heart? The having the title of decontamination officer may sound good, but I, Old Hu, was just a third-class. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to you.”

In this day and time, everyone is clamoring to get inside the main city. Even if they can’t get in, being closer is also good. sRGhJK

Therefore, supply stations located on the border of the human territory are basically synonymous with barren and rundown villages.

Hu Changchuan, who was assigned to guard the T-12 sentinel tower here, held a relatively ordinary position in the organization.

“I know you just want stability, but the situation is different now. There are some things that you can’t avoid by pretending to be stupid.

Liang Kun smiled with narrowed eyes. 7ky2Ov

He had a rough and aggressive warrior face, but his mind was extremely meticulous. Even when he wanted to remind someone, he hardly put a foot wrong while talking.

“The royal court ordered you to send Captain Chen back. Whether you successfully send her back or not, you still have to report back to the royal court, correct?”

“So, you need to carefully consider how to successfully send her back. Moreover, after her return, you should have something interesting to share with the higher-ups.”

“……” iNSmK

This time, Hu Changchuan didn’t immediately speak. His brows were tightly furrowed, as if he was carefully pondering something.

It was quite evident that the royal court had him escort Chen Xinyue back, binding him and Chen Xinyue together.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

On the surface, the immediate priority is how to successfully send the person back. There are certainly many dangers involved, and he may encounter many dangers. However, Liang Kun saw further than him.

Even after safely sending the person back, Hu Changchuan still couldn’t separate himself from this ordeal. As the decontamination officer stationed at the sentinel tower, he needed to write relevant reports on this incident for the higher-ups. eIJocm

This includes the fact that Hu Changchuan encountered an attack from otherworldly creatures, thus delaying the support. This matter absolutely cannot be concealed.

In addition, this matter is not simply an incident of a king creature attack, but there was an unknown force involved behind it. Therefore, a question mark will be placed on Hu Changchuan’s delayed support.

Was it truly an accident, or was it intentional?

Perhaps the organization may decide to assess his loyalty. And if it comes to that, his job, his future, and even his life could spiral out of control. TExtfy

He can’t be certain, but it’s highly probable that someone lurking in the shadows may try to make him a scapegoat.

So before returning to the royal court, Hu Changchuan needs an ace up his sleeve. At the very least, he needs to prove that he truly encountered an attack by accident.


Hu Changchuan was quite disgruntled. irdBKC

In another half year, once his term of service is completed, he can naturally return to the main city and receive a substantial salary as well as corresponding subsidies.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing happened.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He was aware that it was highly suspicious to suddenly encounter an attack from otherworldly creatures, especially since his car had broken down just before the attack occurred.

Ca atja alwf, Le Jtjcumtejc xcfk atja tlr mjg tjv vfolclafis yffc ajwqfgfv klat. 2yvAZ9

Dea joafg jgglnlcu ja atf reqqis rajalbc, tf obecv atja atf rlaejalbc kjr ojg wbgf mbwqilmjafv jcv vjcufgber atjc tf tjv lwjulcfv, rb Le Jtjcumtejc vlvc’a kjca ab vb jc lc-vfqat lcnfralujalbc.

Lf vlvc’a kjca ab ufa lcnbinfv lc atf wjaafgr bo atbrf qfbqif lc tlut qbrlalbcr, rb tf qgfafcvfv ab yf vfjo jcv vewy, tbqlcu ab wevvif atgbeut rjofis.

But as Liang Kun said, he couldn’t muddle through with it this time.

So, Hu Changchuan needed to quickly uncover the suspicious details of the attack he faced that night to absolve himself of any suspicion. ASduw8

Time is limited, he must complete it within two days.

For a moment, Hu Changchuan’s train of thoughts raced rapidly.

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Not long after, in the glaring midday sunlight, he could already see the massive black tower in the distance.

There were also sentinels patrolling in formation around. TRIkX6


Hu Changchuan entered the gate of the station, slammed on the brakes, and got out of the car.

“Eh? Officer Hu?!”

The sentinel standing guard at the gate looked surprised. 028HoG

“Weren’t you supposed to be at the supply station for support? Why did you suddenly come back?”

“Oh, everything is fine there. However, the royal court has ordered me to return to the main city now. I thought there were still some things I needed to hand over to Wei Jing, so I came back.”

According to the law, typically three decontamination officers are stationed at a giant sentinel tower. If any situation arises, one will stay to guard while the other two will depart for support.

However, due to the remote location of the T-12 sentinel tower, with sparse population and no significant industrial or agricultural areas, usually only two decontamination officers are stationed in this place. 56ZPre

Inwardly, Hu Changchuan was actually burning with impatience, but on the surface, he still wore that cheerful expression, making people feel very familiar.

“Where is he?”

“Oh! So that’s how it is.”

The sentinel, who was completely oblivious to any abnormalities, suddenly realized, but shortly after, furrowed his brows. p5dbSF

“But didn’t Officer Wei go to find you? He said the supply station lost contact, and you also lost contact. Something major must have happened, so after seeking instructions from higher-ups, he immediately went to find you.”

The sentinel was extremely confused. “You guys didn’t run into each other?”

Hu Changchuan was flabbergasted.

“What—?!” IWACHj



Chrysanthemum Garden.

The little octopus looked at the small knife that was knocked away hundreds of times by a toothpick, and the whole octopus didn’t look too good.

This feels like him using a racket worth thousands, playing against an Olympic table tennis champion using a fire stick. 1k0r q

—And then getting completely crushed.

In this kind of competition, of course, losing is not surprising, but at the same time, losing without any dignity as an octopus is also unacceptable!

Ye Yunfan fell silent: “……”

At this moment, Yuan Ye was quietly watching the “little jellyfish” that had failed yet again, standing there blankly, as if unable to believe that it had once again lost so easily. nbuhdZ

The round and blunt triangular ears drooped on its head, and its big blue eyes were moist, as if it had been bullied and felt extremely wronged.

Adorable yet also appearing miserable, making the person looking take another glance, as if their hearts have turned into a puddle of water.

This feeling is very strange, so strange that Yuan Ye subconsciously touched his chest and confirmed that his heart inside was still beating.

Just at a slightly faster pace than usual. ETjCvd

However, what surprised Yuan Ye was that the little guy only looked dejected for a brief moment, but didn’t throw a tantrum or refuse to acknowledge his defeat. Instead, he quickly cheered up. Clattering in his two small shoes, he ran to the other end of the wooden board and picked up his tiny knife.

Ye Yunfan might have grumbled internally, but throughout this process, he was not perfunctory and did not resist; instead, he earnestly practiced and learned.

Due to his physical constitution, he might be non-human, but he doesn’t have sharp claws, not even hard bones.

Therefore, getting a suitable sharp weapon for his baby octopus body was a good thing. lamAV7

Moreover, if he knows how to use a knife, that little monster from before might have been stabbed to death by him. The two-headed strange bird from last night wouldn’t have had any chance to fight back, either.

In any case, Ye Yunfan always remembered the words the old grandpa at the village entrance told him: the more skills you have, the more ways out you will have.

Having many skills doesn’t burden the body, so just learn them, in case they come in handy one day.

So the little octopus made up his mind that since Yuan Ye was willing to teach, he would learn well. Even if his tiny knife wasn’t as long as a finger, poking out an eyeball, stabbing into the fragile carotid artery, cutting the Achilles tendon, and so on, were still no problem. 26EfjD

Ye Yunfan nodded to himself in his mind, completely unaware that he had adapted well to the violence and bloodshed of this world, and had even started to think about problems in a different way.

After picking up the tiny knife, the little octopus ran back, clattering under Yuan Ye’s watchful gaze.

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It held up the tiny knife and once again aimed at the toothpick in Yuan Ye’s hand. Its moist blue eyes showed a determined expression, even with a hint of feigned fierceness. eWDmoA

As if saying—

Come again!


Yuan Ye was slightly stunned. kh9Fid

He was indeed very skilled in using knives, but in reality, he had not really studied or been taught by anyone. It was after each battle that his body seemed to naturally learn.

So, Yuan Ye actually didn’t understand concepts like perseverance and determination, nor did he grasp the grand principle of persistence and unwavering perseverance.

It was just at this moment that he suddenly thought of how he had repeatedly picked up the knife time and time again.

“Mr. Yuan Ye.” ET3Iqr

Captain Chen’s voice interrupted the young man’s thoughts.

“We have entered the occupied area.”

At the same time, she reached out and gently patted the sleeping Jon.

Occupied area? EdxWmz

The little octopus’ ears instantly perked up high.

He had heard Yuan Ye mention this word before, but it was just asking Old Man Xu if he had found many surgical knives in the occupied area, without any follow-up details.

However, Ye Yunfan could roughly guess some information based on this word.

An occupied area originally referred to a region that was plundered and occupied by the enemy during war. In the context of this period, it should refer to an area that was previously under human rule and then taken over by monsters, right? uNV3c

The little octopus’ thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the car jolted abruptly, and even the light outside the window seemed to dim a lot.

“Alright, let’s stop here.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yuan Ye put away his small stick.

The little octopus tilted its head. FYMA6K

Oh, that works too.

After all, it’s not suitable to practice when it’s so bumpy now. So the little octopus also put his tiny knife back into the bag.

Yuan Ye watched it obediently lower its head, carefully putting things away, and even gently patting the bag with its little tentacles. As if it was saying to the other party, “You behave.”

The whole action was simply indescribably adorable. HBWXFu

The next second, the little octopus felt the familiar touch above his head.

—That was Yuan Ye’s hand.

Of course, still separated by two layers of gloves.

The young man suddenly touched his head very lightly, just once, as if he were being sneaky. JnETNl

The little octopus’ itchy ear tips trembled, without any intention of dodging.

En, en, en, go on, touch, touch.

Ye Yunfan didn’t mind at all, and to maintain his adorable and cute octopus persona, he stretched out his tentacle to hook the other party’s finger.

Proactively stretch the head and stick it~ VNDsn2


In that instant, Yuan Ye heard his own heart issuing a “thump” sound.

That was probably an auditory hallucination, but it felt very real.

It should be real. RIal 8

After all, Yuan Ye was well aware of how excellent his hearing was.


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He slowed down his rapid heartbeat, then turned his wrist slightly, revealing the “little jellyfish” under his palm.

The next moment, the little guy climbed up naturally. OVM 6L

Ye Yunfan was once again placed on Yuan Ye’s shoulder, which was his exclusive spot.

“From now on, don’t leave my side.”

The young man tilted his head slightly and said softly.

The little octopus nodded his head earnestly because he sensed the smell of food. G9AEqs


[Meat! Lots of meat!]

[Ahhh, eat, eat, eat, eat!!!]

The little tentacles, which were quiet just now, became particularly excited as soon as they entered the occupied area. Ms5Eac

Ye Yunfan did not respond. He just stretched his head and looked outside.

Since otherworldly creatures constitute his main diet, this place is obviously very dangerous.

“Is this the occupied area?”

Jon woke up from his sleep. He was in better spirits than before, but his breath was still a bit weak. 1Tfs8b

This was also Jon’s first time entering the occupied area. He had always heard from others how dangerous the occupied area was.

Rumors have it that occupied areas are filled with all kinds of wonderful and strange traces of the old days, rare precious special resources, and of course, the most common are the terrifying and rampant otherworldly creatures.

The curly-haired puppy curiously opened its eyes wide, staring unblinkingly at the scene outside the window. The little octopus did the same, observing this so-called occupied area.

Clearly, this place was an abandoned city that has been reclaimed by nature. fxUEQW

The huge and dilapidated buildings stood tall like mountains, even if they weren’t measured by the little octopus, but by normal humans. Those buildings were so massive that they instilled a sense of megalophobia in people.

They either lay completely overturned or stood towering and creaking, like silent giant tombstones, coldly watching at the intruding small off-road vehicle.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Countless giant trees emerged from the broken buildings, like skeletal remains protruding after a violent fracture, spreading out layers of canopy with lush foliage that obscured both heavens above and earth below.

Ye Yunfan was inwardly shocked, as if he were watching a documentary on an ancient tropical rainforest. jxco0G

He pondered whether this scene before him was a result of the city’s prolonged neglect or if this flora had undergone the so-called evolution, transforming them into colossal and peculiar forms.

Translator’s Corner: We’ve reached Volume Two: Mankind’s Main City · The Way Home, my fav arc yay! There’s a lot of action in this volume, so brace yourself for an exciting ride.

Translator's Note

Liang Kun is saying this

Translator's Note

Liang Kun is saying this

Translator's Note

This roughly means even with the best equipment, one can’t compete with someone who is truly powerful

Translator's Note

Yuan Yuan don’t bully your husband XD.

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  1. Really excited for this next arc already!

    Also such a good jellyfish <3 That tenacity! Great mentality