These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch30.2 - The Meaning of Waving

Translator: Deyonna

So, following that, Ye Yunfan reached out his little tentacles without any psychological burden. They affectionately wrapped around Yuan Ye’s fingertips, and then skillfully and quickly climbed into the palm of the young man. a3U uD

The little octopus noticeably squinted, showing a happy expression. After all, nestling in the palm of the hand was indeed much more comfortable than lying on the hard shoulder.

Yuan Ye’s tightly pursed lips formed a silent curve of delight as he raised the “little jellyfish” to eye level, carefully observing its current state.

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The pink little body showed no signs of anything unusual, no wounds, no signs of discomfort.

Yuan Ye confirmed that the little fellow was in excellent spirits and as lively and healthy as usual. Finally, he breathed a silent sigh of relief. 6jfu3I

Before, this “little jellyfish” had been following him around, running here and there, also making a fuss, and refusing to sleep at night, as if it had inexhaustible energy.

But last night, it suddenly fell into a deep sleep. Although Yuan Ye thought it was just tired, such abnormal behavior made him somewhat uneasy.

But it’s all good now. The “little jellyfish” looks very lively, and full of energy. It was probably just tired last night, which is why it slept so deeply.

Yuan Ye’s gaze gradually softened, and he asked.


“You’ve already eaten?”

Nod, nod.

The little octopus nodded happily. After all, waking up to find someone has earnestly prepared breakfast for them always puts one in a good mood.

Especially someone like Ye Yunfan, who has been on his own since leaving his hometown. D9emq7

Suddenly, he felt that Yuan Ye, this protector, was too exceptional, so he couldn’t help but stretch out two small tentacles and make a heart gesture toward him.

Ye Yunfan’s female classmates, female colleagues in the company, and even many celebrities like to make this heart gesture. It can express gratitude and affection in a simple and playful way.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Yunfan doesn’t know how to do the sign language for thank you and he can’t just clasp his hands and bow to the other person.

…That would be too strange. Pl2yY

However, faced with this strange body language, Yuan Ye showed a clear look of confusion. But before he could inquire further, a familiar female voice came from behind.

“Mr. Yuan Ye—”

Captain Chen’s voice sounded from behind. Ye Yunfan looked towards the direction of the voice and saw that she was in good spirits, dressed in clean clothes, but still in the uniform of a military investigator.

The woman’s shoulder-length hair was tied up in a ponytail. She had a firm look in her eyes and a calm expression, exuding a very competent and sharp impression.” I6eJbn

Behind her stood Jon, whose face was slightly pale, yet his movements were fluid. But perhaps because he had just consumed an extremely bitter medicine soup, his entire face twisted into a grimace.

“Everything’s almost ready. Shall we set off?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.


Yuan Ye maintained a cold attitude towards others. He didn’t even bother to turn around and look at Chen Xinyue when she spoke. d0vnIk

Appearing rude and arrogant.

But now, Ye Yunfan no longer inwardly criticized, it was no wonder this guy had no friends.

Last night, after unintentionally witnessing Yuan Ye’s memories, Ye Yunfan realized that the other party seemed to have a psychological disorder that made it challenging for him to have physical contact with people. Perhaps something akin to pathological manic-depressive disorder?

Regardless of the nature of the illness, its ultimate manifestation was that Yuan Ye could not have physical contact with others. If he does, he may lose control and pose a risk of harming or even killing them. This is why certain medications with harmful side effects are necessary. 9p zfx

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ufgtjqr atlr mbiv, geatifrr, jggbujca, jcv gevf fzafglbg kjr pera Tejc Tf’r kjs bo qgbafmalcu tlwrfio, jr kfii jr qgbafmalcu batfgr.

Dea kts vlvc’a Tejc Tf rtbk jcs gfrlrajcmf ab tlr abemt?

Ufgtjqr yfmjerf tf’r cba tewjc?

Tf Tecojc mbeiv bcis atlcx bo atlr bcf uefrr. fsUb61

Lbkfnfg, Jjqajlc Jtfc jirb vlvc’a wlcv Tejc Tf’r jaalaevf. Vtf vlvc’a pera pevuf qfbqif yjrfv bc atflg beakjgv jqqfjgjcmf jcv rfivbw qjlv jaafcalbc ab ktja atf batfg qjgas rjlv bg rtbkfv; lcrafjv, rtf obmerfv wbgf bc ktja atf batfg qjgas vlv.

Yuan Ye helped her, so he’s a trustworthy person. Even though his attitude is cold, it’s not a major concern.

“Hey, hold on! Wait for a moment!”

Just now, Old Man Xu, who was left hanging by Yuan Ye, rushed out of the house. He was clutching a small booklet the size of a palm but two fingers thick. PoT3Qh

“Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan, I… I have something here.”

The old man’s tanned and aged face rarely showed a hint of uneasiness.

“Can I ask you for a favor?”

“…….” Fld4gQ

Chen Xinyue immediately glanced at Yuan Ye. The latter neither agreed nor refused, but just furrowed his forehead slightly.

It’s not that he was displeased, but Yuan Ye really couldn’t handle this overly enthusiastic and overly familiar old man.

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Seeing that he didn’t immediately refuse, Old Man Xu continued without delay.

“You’re a gifted person, and this time, the royal court has summoned you back to the main city, so you should be able to enter the inner city.” 9vwi8t

The old man’s tone was anxious and tense.

“I… I heard that His Excellency the High Priest has been compiling books on the effectiveness of medicinal herbs, and he has continuously gathered a diverse collection of archived images and related content over the years. So, I would like to ask for your help in delivering something to him.”

The little octopus raised his head in surprise.

High Priest??? 0tO3qu

Upon hearing this word, Ye Yunfan’s initial reaction was that it seemed very much like a false prophet.

Instantly, a stereotypical image of this word formed in his mind, like something from a Western fantasy setting: an elderly man with a magic wand, clad in a long robe, mysterious and aged.

Or a guy who promotes strange beliefs about gods, deities, religion, and so on.

However, as he followed closely and listened to the description of Old Doctor Xu, he suddenly realized that the image of the other party was quite different from what he had imagined. wsB5nb

The other party didn’t seem to be a false prophet closely associated with cult forces, gods, and religious elements. Instead, he seemed to be an old traditional Chinese doctor dedicated to re-compiling medicinal herb records in this post-apocalyptic world.

Hmm… a post-apocalyptic version of Shennong?

Ye Yunfan came up with some strange and peculiar guesses.

He observed Yuan Ye’s expression, which, despite still wearing a cool guy mask, appeared to show no resistance. Then the little octopus turned its head to look at Chen Xinyue. 0Ueulk

At first, Captain Chen was stunned, but when she heard the words, High Priest, her expression became very solemn and respectful.

Ye Yunfan saw the moved emotion in Captain Chen’s eyes, and she did not conceal her reverence for the High Priest.

Based on this, Ye Yunfan speculated that the position of this High Priest must be quite high.

However, given that the person had no association with religious rituals and was focused on compiling an encyclopedia of post-evolution herbs, why was the other referred to as the High Priest? IvOBFb

“I was able to learn some medical skills in the beginning, all thanks to the basic herbal medicine usage manual that His Excellency distributed many years ago.”

Old Man Xu seemed to reminisce about the past, feeling quite emotional. He took out the palm-sized but very thick handwritten book from his arms and handed it to Yuan Ye with both hands.

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“Here are some herb records, summarizing my research and experiments over the years. They may not be entirely accurate, but I’ve done my best. So, I would like to trouble you to help me deliver them to the archive department of the royal court library.”

Yuan Ye lowered his head, looking at the book in his hand, as if considering. But Chen Xinyue’s eyes beside him were already very moved. j1VkUm

“Old sir…”

Obviously, Captain Chen, who has worked her way up from the bottom, cared a lot about this. In the old days, those industrially refined medicines were too expensive, and ordinary people and military investigators simply couldn’t afford them.

So she understood well what effective and affordable medications meant for military investigators.

If one day, these things can achieve the same effects as those refined industrial medicines, then perhaps the death gratuity incident this time wouldn’t happen at all. yI58gl


Yuan Ye finally agreed. He placed the little jellyfish on his shoulder and then reached out to take the book.

“Good… good, good, thank you, really thank you!”

Old Man Xu suddenly smiled, his eyes squinting, and clapped his hands several times, clearly extremely happy, as if he had achieved the most significant thing in his life. E4WDQG

Ye Yunfan saw the deep wrinkles at the corners of the old man’s eyes piled together, like the ravines of time.

Perhaps in the few days since coming to this world, Ye Yunfan has seen too many dark things, as if everyone was rampantly scheming and fighting, competing for their own interests.

Suddenly, an old man said that he wanted to give away his most precious possession to help more people.

But despite it being a gift, he still felt the need to express his request with unease and nervousness. NuW37p

For some reason, Ye Yunfan suddenly felt a slight bitterness in his heart at this moment.

“The road… the road is long and dangerous. I have prepared some things for you. Food, drinks, and some medicine. Although it’s not as good as what you have, it can still be used in case of an emergency.”

Old Man Xu was anxious and flustered. He shouted for his eldest and youngest apprentice to come out and help with the moving. So the two figures, one big and one small, quickly carried the items over in bundles.

“I don’t need it!” YdFESm

Yuan Ye frowned. His refusal sounded very stiff. Chen Xinyue also wanted to stop it, because Liang Kun had already sent a lot.

Old Man Xu’s eyes were moist, but he still smiled happily. He didn’t argue with the cold-faced Yuan Ye anymore, but turned to the good-tempered Chen Xinyue and said.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It’s not all from me. You all saved a lot of people. They all stored things with this old man. Take some, take as much as you want, otherwise, I, this old man, will become corrupt.”

“……” GMvR3L

Ye Yunfan was stunned.

Many people sent things?

The little octopus turned his head and looked behind the low wall at the edge of the courtyard. There were faintly crowded heads, as if many people were hiding outside.

Some teenagers, who were brave enough, climbed up the big tree outside the wall and secretly looked inside. 1mF5n9

“Is that person with a long knife on his back the decontamination officer who killed the king creature?”

“He looks so handsome, but so young. He looks like he’s in his early twenties, younger than my eldest brother.”

They whispered to each other heatedly.

“His eyes seem to have different colors, one blue and one green, really beautiful…” GcdPFt

“Big Brother Larry mentioned that he simply slashed down like this at that time, and all the otherworldly creatures in the scene were instantly wiped out. So domineering!”

“Wow, I also want to be a decontamination officer…”

The little octopus perked up its ears and clearly heard the words of several thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenagers.

Although it was somewhat exaggerated, it didn’t seem too far-fetched. Ye Yunfan then saw a familiar face sneakily sticking their head out at the gateway— wI8nVZ

It was the sentinel who was on the lighthouse that night with Yuan Ye, Larry.

Xu Ke, carrying over a hundred catties of salted fish, panted heavily and rolled his eyes outside.

“Larry is a guy with a big mouth. He blabbered about you being the decontamination officer that day… huff, huff, he spread the word about you saving everyone everywhere.”

Recounting how Yuan Ye killed the king creature. He even added his own imagination to it, exaggerating them countless times. Y3dDBe

Now, everyone at the supply station knows about a decontamination officer named Yuan Ye, who had slain the king creature with a single slash, like a god descending to the world.

It’s just that ordinary people’s common perception of decontamination officers is that they are too mysterious and formidable, so they dare not approach easily. In addition, with the recent contamination breakout at the clinic and the crematorium working day and night to handle bodies, no one had once spoken to Yuan Ye.

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“They heard yesterday that you and Captain Chen were leaving, so they hurriedly sent the things here to us overnight.”

Xu Ke sighed, somewhat helplessly. i31ZXO

“Mr. Yuan Ye, these things are not valuable. It’s just a token of our appreciation, so just take whatever you want.”


Yuan Ye stood stiffly in place, unsure of how to respond for a moment.

In fact, he had already keenly sensed that there were many people outside, but he didn’t perceive any hostility, so he didn’t pay them much mind. But he didn’t expect that those people were actually here to deliver things. RQVYaW

But why?

Everyone is aware of the power of decontamination officers, and they also understand that the decontamination officers specialize in eliminating king creatures.

But when in the main city, Yuan Ye had never encountered such a scene.

The young man didn’t quite understand. He had never received so many…eyes that lacked hostility and disgust before. 84d9KL

“No need!”

Yuan Ye completely couldn’t adapt to this inexplicable situation, so he stopped talking and directly got in the car.

Before he turned around, he glanced at Chen Xinyue, the latter quickly received the signal, and after a few comforting words, immediately carried Jon into the car.

“Urgent order. We have to leave first.” Xsx14w

Rumble, rumble—

The engine has started.

The car slowly drove out of the temporary clinic’s courtyard, but Captain Chen couldn’t accelerate immediately, as there were quite a few people outside.

Fortunately, they had no intention of blocking the way. They just stood on both sides of the road, watching as the modified off-road vehicle gradually drove forward. QkLt15

Translator's Note

A traditional Chinese gesture of respect or greeting, where one bow with hands folded in front. It is a formal and polite gesture used to show respect or gratitude in certain cultural contexts.

Translator's Note

Shennong (神农) is a legendary figure in ancient Chinese mythology and culture. Also known as the “Divine Farmer,” Shennong is believed to be a mythical emperor and a deity of agriculture and medicine. He is credited with teaching the ancient Chinese people about agriculture, herbal medicine, and the cultivation of crops.

Translator's Note

In the Chinese measurement system, 1 catty (also known as jin) is equivalent to approximately 1.1023 pounds.

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  1. Aww, has he never had people thank him and be grateful for the work he does before? That’s so sad 😞 thankfully there’s our little octopus here with him now!

  2. I hope that throughout history, our beloved can receive a lot of affection and gratitude, several times and in different places until he gets used to it! After all, he deserves all the love he can get!

  3. Poor young yuan ye was just at the wrong place wrong time back then. There will be more and more people who will appreciate his awesomeness moving forward!! Especially with a pink octopus by his side to make him look less.. intimidating 🤭