These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch27.3 - The Candy Was Poisonous?!

Translator: Deyonna

The little octopus, who was busy scrubbing his suckers in the water, suddenly shook and quickly popped his head out of the water with a splash, only to find that the midnight snack was actually speaking!!! sAog07

Oh, right, this world is inherently magical.

A talking midnight snack is also very normal.

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Ye Yunfan suddenly felt very numb.

“Speak up, what’s the matter?” 92GMh

Yuan Ye’s tone was impatient. As he spoke, he glanced back at the “little jellyfish” in the basin, seemingly confirming that the little guy was unharmed. Fortunately, the “little jellyfish” still looked lively as before, and was even curiously poking its head out towards them.

After glancing at the strange little evolved species several times, the black bird felt lingering fear. It then spoke up cautiously and solemnly after a long time.

“The bait is in place. Before returning to the main city, they hope you can bring back a big fish.”



What bait?

The little octopus was shocked. His ears pricked up, and he stood there dazed for a good while. He suddenly had a faint guess, but he didn’t dare to think deeply.


Yuan Ye frowned slightly and said nothing. Z46uho

The black bird paused, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

“This time, the investigation corps is undergoing a major change of blood and needs to be infused with some fresh, clean blood. She has passed the five-year probation period and is one of the candidates. So…”

The words stopped there, leaving it hanging.

Smart people don’t need to speak too explicitly in their conversations. tfQ9Ux

Ye Yunfan quickly deduced that the meaning behind the words was that “her” value was very high.

—So she has to live.

Fresh, clean blood, investigation corps, and Yuan Ye’s recent intersections…

So the specific person referred to as “she” in the crow’s mouth could be easily guessed. puezQa

B-level investigation officer Chen Xinyue.

Chen Xinyue is the bait, and Yuan Ye is the fisherman. The person behind the scenes who wants to stop Chen Xinyue from returning to the main city to uncover the truth is the big fish that Yuan Ye wants to catch!

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Ye Yunfan’s mind buzzed for a moment.

Suddenly, he understood many things— j2h0od

Why Chen Xinyue’s team was suddenly transferred from the Eastern Military District to the southern border.

Because she was chosen as bait by the higher-ups.

So the sacrifice of Chen Xinyue’s team was not due to their bad luck. Perhaps it was inevitable. Her dead team members were the flesh and blood torn off the bait by the big fish.

Yuan Ye’s appearance at this supply station may also be inevitable. Perhaps he had been waiting here for a long time, waiting at that lighthouse. qMuR5X

And his assistance to Chen Xinyue may indeed have the sympathy, righteousness, and sense of responsibility that Ye Yunfan had speculated about before.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea atf wbra lwqbgajca gfjrbc lr vfolclafis atja Tejc Tf gfmflnfv bgvfgr lc jvnjcmf, jcv gfmflnfv bgvfgr gfijafv ab Jtfc Wlcsef.


Tf Tecojc’r tfjgayfja rqfv eq jr tlr agjlc bo atbeuta rqec ojrafg jcv ojrafg. WbPD8d

Ktfgfobgf, fnfgsatlcu atja tjqqfcfv ja atlr reqqis rajalbc lc pera j ofk vjsr, atf wjlc mlas qgbyjyis xcfk jybea la fjgis bc jcv wjs tjnf fnfc rfa eq j agjq lc jvnjcmf yjrfv bc atlr lcobgwjalbc.

The nature of this whole ordeal may be a game between the main city and some unknown forces.

Yuan Ye is a pawn, and Chen Xinyue is also a pawn.

Her team members, the civilians at the supply station, and even those military investigators who were compelled to commit suicide for the death gratuity are all sacrifices. Y5Fh9w

The main city may have two purposes. One is the recent major change of blood in the investigation corps mentioned by the crow, with Liang Kun’s death gratuity incident possibly being the fuse, and Chen Xinyue being the spark.

It’s just that Liang Kun was very difficult to deal with. He resolved the confrontation with Chen Xinyue, not only cleansing the money with human lives, but now Chen Xinyue seems to also have no intention of reporting him.

The second purpose is the “big fish” that Yuan Ye is about to catch. Chen Xinyue is the bait, and Yuan Ye is the fisherman.

This plan is killing two birds with one stone and attacking one problem from two angles at the same time. LrZgwi


The little octopus subconsciously curled his tentacles. It was the first time he felt the terror from humans in this world.

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It’s not rampaging monsters or unknown mutations, but the humans themselves who are still scheming and fighting in the dark in such a difficult, barbarous, and dangerous world.

Ye Yunfan once again began to doubt, questioning whether this world with players is not a game but reality. TOXAgd

The silence in the room lasted for half a minute, and then Yuan Ye’s cold voice rang out.


The black bird seemed extremely afraid of him, shrinking its head. It then suddenly walked out and brought in a small wooden box from outside the door.

“I’m really sorry, there was a bit of a detour on the way, so the delivery is a bit late this month.” nV5XA4

This month? That is to say, it would be delivered every month?

Ye Yunfan caught the keyword. He stared at the box, eager to know what was inside.

Yuan Ye reached out and opened the box, taking out a very exquisite and familiar glass candy jar.

“!!!” cMR 2C

The heart of the little octopus suddenly shook.


[Jar! Jar!]

[Jar! Jar!] 8wSEtn

The little tentacles were so excited that they couldn’t control themselves.

“That… cough, cough, I’ll take my leave first.”

The two-headed black bird vomited blood on one hand and respectfully stepped back with the other.

Yuan Ye ignored it, twisted open the can lid, tore open one candy, and put it in his mouth. And it was at this moment that he suddenly noticed the scorching gaze coming from the basin. bXZfEz

The youth originally thought that the “little jellyfish” was looking at him, but after careful confirmation, he realized that the other party was looking at the glass candy jar in his hand.

Ye Yunfan’s heart was pounding madly, but he quickly tried hard to restrain his instincts because that glass jar was almost identical to the one he had seen in the water before!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Could it be that Yuan Ye left it there?

No wonder he felt at that time that everything around him was very old, only that jar was particularly new, so new that it was shining brightly. iypuf4

However, that jar was empty, not sealed, while the jar in Yuan Ye’s hand was filled with exquisite and beautiful candies.

The little octopus looked very carefully. The candies were wrapped in transparent plastic wrappers with a shiny, iridescent appearance, and all of them were very cute and delicate in shape.

There were little bears, cat paws, bottle gourds, watermelons, strawberries, and so on…

At a glance, they were all the kind of candies specifically designed to delight children. aPjMEw

Ye Yunfan paused blankly. A kind of inexplicable familiarity and warmth surged in his heart because he can also make these little things.

In the year he just entered university, Ye Yunfan hurried back to his hometown without having time to buy candies for the little kids in the village. As a result, on the first day of the lunar year, early in the morning, Ye Yunfan was pulled up by those little devils to go to the town to buy them.

Unfortunately, the shops were closed on the first day of the lunar new year.

So in the end, the trustworthy Brother Xiaoye who couldn’t break his promise, boiled sugar syrup at home and made them one by one himself. FuQ0vC

However, what he made at that time was not as exquisite and good-looking as these. The color of the sugar syrup was very uniform.

While the candies wrapped in beautiful candy wrappers were colorful, like limited edition custom-made ones found in high-end stores.

Seeing the “little jellyfish” staring intently, Yuan Ye thought it also wanted to eat. He walked over, squatted down, picked one from the jar, peeled it, and handed it to the jellyfish.

“Here.” A7evaK

Ye Yunfan paused for a moment, then reached out a little tentacle to take it.

Then the tentacle slowly wrapped around the candy. Soon, the small piece of candy melted in the mucus and was quickly absorbed by the tentacle.

Sweet, strawberry-flavored, very delicious.

The eyes of the little octopus lit up, but right after, a familiar notification panel suddenly popped up. cL Atl

[Reminder: Detected ingestion of unknown poison.]

[Health Value -10]

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[Unlocked poison resistance.]

[Poison Resistance +1] 0u4wYd

[Poison Resistance: 1]

Ye Yunfan was suddenly shocked.

The candy was poisonous?!

He immediately looked up at Yuan Ye, his eyes filled with shock. However, the latter’s face showed a hint of confusion, with a slight bulge on the cheek, clearly indicating that he was still holding candy in his mouth. 1ArOgD

He didn’t seem to be feeling unwell, as if he was really just holding a regular candy in his mouth.

Ye Yunfan’s heart sank. He had always known that Yuan Ye’s background was not simple, and this kind of not simple often meant that he might have made quite a lot of enemies.

Does he really not know that those candies are poisonous?

Is it Yuan Ye’s superiors, or his enemies? fgctrO

Ye Yunfan was not sure, but judging from Yuan Ye’s oblivious appearance, he guessed that the other person probably did not know.

—He should let him know!

The little octopus made up a plan and acted immediately. He suddenly shuddered and flipped over the water basin.

Plop— hiNvP4

The little octopus lay on the ground, then “plop” flipped over, exposing his belly. Then, he “painfully” twisted and turned, pretending to have a stomachache.

Stomachache, stomachache, poisoned, poisoned!

The little octopus shouted in his heart.

Yuan Ye tilted his head slightly, his heterochromatic eyes filled with confusion. After a moment of thought, he felt that this scene was similar to the appearance of the big dog that Rita raised, lying on the ground asking for a belly rub. thFap8

So Yuan Ye placed the candy jar aside, reached out his hand, and went to rub the belly of the “little jellyfish.”

[Rub, rub!]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


[Comfortable, comfortable~~~] ySGWcu

The little tentacles were so comfortable that they hummed without stopping.

Ye Yunfan was influenced by this mood, subconsciously enjoying it with narrowed eyes. However, a few seconds later, he quickly snapped out of it.

Hold on!

He’s not acting coquettish to ask for a belly rub, he has a stomachache. It’s those candies that are poisonous! ay52Lj

Ye Yunfan closed his eyes in pain.

He regretted not having a mouth!

Soon, the little octopus seemed to have made a resolute decision. Its tentacles wrapped around the boy’s fingers, swiftly hooking onto his sleeve and climbing up to his shoulder.

Yuan Ye was startled for a moment, but did not stop or resist. VdPWe3

During the climb, the body of the little octopus quickly grew, almost more than twice its original size. The next second, its two tentacles forcefully clamped down on the young man’s jaw.

The enlarged tentacles were almost as wide as two human fingers, and they had significantly increased strength. Almost instantly, after clamping down, the third tentacle pried open Yuan Ye’s lips, swiftly and deftly slipping inside.


Yuan Ye was completely unprepared, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he seemed like a startled bird, wanting to step back immediately. However, he was squatting at that moment, so in shock, he fell directly backward to the ground. lTg2Do


His back hit the ground, emitting a slightly dull sound.

The wet, slippery, and cold foreign object entered the most sensitive mouth, allowing his tongue to perceive the suction cups sliding past. Yuan Ye’s pupils dilated violently, his whole body trembling, and he lost the ability to resist.

“Nng…” JKni4h

In just a few short seconds, Yuan Ye could clearly perceive the pink tentacle stirring, searching inside, almost not missing any corner. He reflexively tried to push the other party out, but to no avail, and instead was forcibly suppressed.

The sweetness of the candies that originally spread around his mouth now had a viscous taste. After a few seconds, the tentacle finally found a half-melted candy under the base of the tongue. It encircled the small candy and gently pulled it out. However, even with this gentle action, when the tentacle left, it inevitably brought out some sticky and sweet saliva.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Cough, cough…”

For a moment, the whole room fell silent. What remained was the young man’s choking cough, heavy gasp, and ragged, trembling breathing. BmlPLa

Translator's Note


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