The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura FieldsCh133 - Accusation

This was what Pei Ming did on the first day.

For the remaining six days, he worked to promote Pei Xiaoming, urging everyone in the Temple to accept him. Although people were unwilling deep down, they dared not speak up in front of the Saintess. H3ptsC

As for what would happen after the Saintess left… that was another matter entirely.

Pei Ming naturally understood this, but he couldn’t help Pei Xiaoming. Besides, gaining control of the Temple was also a test for Pei Xiaoming.

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He also handed over several hidden forces within the Temple to Pei Xiaoming, and six days passed in the blink of an eye.

After briefing Pei Xiaoming on everything, Pei Ming waved him off to leave. However, Pei Xiaoming remained standing in place, unwilling to depart. K8iOdv

“Is there anything else?” Pei Ming asked.

“…You’re going into closed-door cultivation, right?” Pei Xiaoming hesitated for a while and finally couldn’t hold back from asking.

His voice trembled as he continued, “You might not come back… right?”

The Saintess remained silent.


“What about Rong Jin?” Pei Xiaoming asked.

He saw the Saintess glance at him, her gaze colder than ever before.

“You should go,” he heard the Saintess say to him.

“But…” He was unwilling to leave it at that. 0gZb9I

“This is not something you should be concerned about,” the Saintess said, then turned and left, leaving Pei Xiaoming behind.


The next day, as promised, Pei Ming went to Shen Xing.

“I heard you handed over the Temple to some young lad?” Shen Xing asked with an indiscernible expression. Alh Kg

“Although Pei Ming is just a young boy, he managed to progress from the Spiritual Master Realm to the peak of the Holy Realm in just four years. Entrusting the Temple to him is also something this one is at ease with,” Pei Ming said with his head bowed.

He directly mentioned Pei Xiaoming’s talent, but he wasn’t afraid that Shen Xing would covet it. Because Pei Xiaoming’s Extreme Vein Holy Demon Body was already fully activated, others couldn’t tell how many veins he had at a glance.

Moreover, to prevent Pei Xiaoming from confronting Shen Xing as soon as he arrived in the Demon Realm, Yue Xiu Zhi exchanged an item from the system shop before returning to the real world. This item could conceal veins, allowing Pei Xiaoming to appear to have as many veins as he wished.

So when Pei Xiaoming arrived in the Demon Realm, he always presented himself as having the talent of a low-grade Eight-Vein person. Although being a low-grade Eight-Vein person was also a high cultivation level, Shen Xing didn’t think much of it at this time. c3V5p

Therefore, his rapid progress in cultivation was classified by everyone as a high level of comprehension.

Shen Xing looked at Pei Ming. Although he was dissatisfied, he couldn’t disobey the Saintess’ intention at this juncture.

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Anyway, after today, the Saintess would be a useless person. By then, it wouldn’t be too late to make other arrangements for the Temple.

Ktf Kfwqif kjr cba bglulcjiis j reybgvlcjaf bgujclhjalbc bo atf Gfwbc Swqfgbg. Pa kjr pera atja atlr ufcfgjalbc’r Vjlcafrr, Aljcu Me, kjr rjnfv ys Vtfc Wlcu. Pc jvvlalbc, Vtfc Wlcu’r jwylalbc ab jaajmx atf Vqlglaeji Qbgiv jcv wjxf atf Gfwbc Qbgiv cb ibcufg reoofg ogbw qbnfgas kjr mbwqifafis mbcrlrafca klat Aljcu Me’r lvfjir, rb rtf kjr mbcdefgfv ys Vtfc Wlcu, jcv atf Kfwqif jirb byfsfv atf Gfwbc Swqfgbg. PxI8gm

Although this Saintess was doomed to be a useless person this time, Shen Xing was not willing to lose such a major help as the Temple.

The Saintess left, and the Temple immediately became turbulent. They tried every means to oust Pei Xiaoming from power.

However, before her departure, the Saintess left behind several forces directly under Pei Xiaoming’s command, including the “Nine Sorrows,” which was instrumental in dismantling the auction house.

These forces, especially the “Nine Sorrows”, were like dead loyalists, without much independent thought, completely loyal to the Saintess. If the Saintess ordered them to serve Pei Xiaoming, they would faithfully execute every command he issued. vqQemZ

Nine Sorrows itself was incredibly powerful. Under its intimidation, the surface of the Temple appeared calm.

Time passed slowly amidst this calm but turbulent undercurrent.

After the Saintess announced her retreat to the outside world, Yue Xiuzhi, as Rong Jin, also began to live in seclusion.

In fact, on the third day, Pei Ming returned. 9vg8tM

He attached himself to a close attendant by Yue Xiuzhi’s side. This attendant was originally a spy Shen Xing had placed near Yue Xiuzhi, and Pei Ming dealt with him without hesitation, taking over his body.

“I originally thought I would leave a strand of divine consciousness to support the Saintess’ actions, but Shen Xing directly killed me after taking my pulse. However, this does indeed fit his style of doing things,” Pei Ming said with a smile to Yue Xiuzhi.

“After all, if it were me, I wouldn’t keep such a hidden danger. Besides, she’s just a useless person anyway, keeping her around serves no purpose,” he said.

“This guy is still as annoying as ever,” Yue Xiuzhi said. ORfmSF

“Actually, I had anticipated most of it, so I left something good for that kid,” Pei Ming suddenly smiled mysteriously.

“What did you leave?” Yue Xiuzhi asked curiously, looking up at him.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Pei Ming teased.

“In a while, he’ll probably come after you and the Temple. After all, he’s long seen the Temple as his own treasure. If a spiritual demon war breaks out, the Temple will likely be used as cannon fodder,” Pei Ming said. “As for Rong Jin, in his eyes, he’s just a trouble to be dealt with after the Saintess.” lEL9Mv

Yue Xiuzhi leaned back helplessly on the wicker chair, covering his face with a book. “So many twists and turns.”

Since being with Pei Ming, aside from a few disagreements in certain aspects, Yue Xiuzhi had been much more relaxed in other respects.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the past, Yue Xiuzhi would have had to face all these things himself. Although he was now in the transcendent state and had reached the peak of it in recent years, resisting the entire Demon World was almost impossible.

Now, with Pei Ming by his side, he felt like he was on vacation. lu1f0I

Watching Shen Xing’s drama, worrying a bit about his silly son Pei Xiaoming.

However, Pei Ming’s gaze shifted to Yue Xiuzhi, who was leaning on the wicker chair. The robe with white base and ink patterns outlined his lover’s slender and graceful figure as he lay down.

Suddenly, he felt a tightness in his throat. In a dry voice, he said to his lover, “Xiuzhi, there’s a long-cherished wish of mine that remains unfulfilled.”

“……???” 024ACj

What long-cherished wish?


Wasn’t the topic changing too suddenly?

Before Yue Xiuzhi could react, he saw his lover walking up to him, suddenly pressing him down firmly. NIea4S

The wicker chair shook for a long time. Occasionally, when Yue Xiuzhi was half awake, he worried that the wicker chair might collapse directly. But the next moment, he was swept into the whirlpool of lust again.

The wicker chair held up bravely until the end, but Yue Xiuzhi completely collapsed. And in the end, he was finally carried by Pei Ming into the bedroom to rest.

Yue Xiuzhi swore that he would never sit in a wicker chair again!

Later, Shen Xing did indeed attempt to send people to kill Yue Xiuzhi. However, before the “Saintess” departed, her first command to Nine Sorrows was to protect Yue Xiuzhi. As a result, despite several attempts by Shen Xing, he failed to succeed. ZzV5ut

After repeated failures on this front, Shen Xing then targeted the Temple itself. Over the years, he had embedded many spies within the temple, some of whom had risen to higher positions.

Nearly a year after the Saintess “secluded” herself, an elder one day claimed that during her breakthrough, the Saintess had lost control and died in seclusion.

At this point, Shen Xing had kept the Saintess “cool” for a year, but her well-preserved body was still thrown back into the place where she had previously secluded herself.

This sparked a huge uproar. With the Saintess dead, the Temple was thrown into chaos. Each Saintess in the lineage traditionally disclosed the precise whereabouts of the next reincarnated Saintess before her death. However, this time, due to the suddenness of her death, the current Saintess left no clues about the next one. t82Pue

The fundamental reason was that Pei Ming had no knowledge of the next Saintess’s whereabouts.

The reincarnation of the Saintess was indeed a special case. Upon reincarnation, even the power from her previous life would attach to her soul. This was completely different from the reincarnation of ordinary people. The Saintess would immediately reincarnate upon death due to the disruption of time and space. However, due to being saved by the Heavenly Way and sent into reincarnation, this special mechanism was wiped away. Even if Pei Ming knew where the Saintess had reincarnated, her soul would no longer carry that power, making her no longer the Saintess needed by the Temple.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Despite the uncertainty about the next Saintess’ fate, it was clear that the current Saintess was dead. Therefore, her command for Pei Xiaoming to temporarily act as the head of the Temple seemed to no longer hold any weight.

Previously, they had hesitated because the Saintess was still in seclusion, out of respect for her and fear of retribution once she emerged. Now, those concerns were gone, and various factions began to stir. 9ymxen

But just as they were beginning to act, Shen Xing intervened, stating that due to the unique circumstances and the inability to find the next Saintess, coupled with the imminent outbreak of the Spiritual-Demon war, the Temple, as an important force in the Demon World, could not afford to be without leadership. Therefore, it was logical for him to temporarily manage the temple.

Indeed, over the past year, Shen Xing had gathered the nine hundred and ninety-nine people needed for his great formation, and the passage was about to open.

With Shen Xing’s own deterrent power and his spies within the temple, his plan was on the verge of success.

However, at the most critical moment, Pei Xiaoming stepped in and revealed a shocking truth. bJdtEw

On the grand hall where Shen Xing was taking over the temple, Pei Xiaoming hurriedly arrived from outside and shouted loudly, “The Saintess did not die in seclusion at all. She died at your hands!”

Shen Xing looked at Pei Xiaoming, who had suddenly burst in, his gaze as cold as if he were looking at a dead man.

“What nonsense are you spouting?!” shouted a powerhouse beside Shen Xing.

“I’m not spouting nonsense. Doesn’t His Majesty the Demon Emperor know best?” Pei Xiaoming stood his ground. NhzxcZ

“For the sake of breaking through the cultivation realm, you madly extracted the spiritual vein from Her Holiness the Saintess, then killed her to silence her!” Pei Xiaoming said sternly. “Your Majesty, the Saintess was loyal to you, yet you treated her like this!”

“Enough of your baseless accusations! Do you know the consequences of defaming His Majesty?!” the powerhouse scolded.

At this point, Pei Xiaoming took out a crystal coffin from his bracelet and carefully opened it, revealing the pale face of the Saintess, still beautiful.

Seeing the Saintess’ body, Shen Xing’s expression became somewhat nervous, but he quickly regained his composure. “Pei Ming, the Saintess has already passed away. Why do you torment her even in death?” P gMkK

“Are you feeling guilty, Your Majesty?” Pei Xiaoming mocked, then continued, “I have examined it. Before her death, the Saintess had her spiritual vein extracted. How could she have been so if she died due to losing control during seclusion?”

“If you don’t believe me, you are welcome to come and inspect for yourselves,” Pei Ming said, scanning the room.

Many senior figures loyal to the Saintess in the temple stepped forward and after a brief investigation, one of the elder leaders sighed deeply, looking at Shen Xing on the dais with an indiscernible expression. “Indeed, before her death, Her Holiness the Saintess had her spiritual vein extracted.”

The expressions of everyone in the grand hall changed. MbDSx2

More people stepped forward to verify, and ultimately, they all reached the same conclusion.

“Even if the Saintess’ spiritual vein was extracted, how does this necessarily implicate me?” Shen Xing remained calm, showing not a hint of guilt, but rather looked at Pei Xiaoming with anger. “Are you accusing me based solely on this?”

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“It’s true. As a powerhouse of unrivaled strength, it’s not surprising that there were petty people coveting her body. It’s a pity that you failed to safeguard her body, so she couldn’t even rest in peace after death!” someone beside Shen Xing added.

“I certainly wouldn’t draw conclusions solely based on this,” Pei Ming said with a smile in his voice, his eyes ice-cold. vacToV

He then took out a whip, recognized by many as the Saintess’ personal weapon.

“Before her departure, the Saintess entrusted this to me. She told me that if she died during seclusion, I should activate her personal weapon.” Pei Ming injected some Demonic Qi into the whip.

Suddenly, a projection of a woman in red appeared at the front of the whip.

It was the Saintess. 8vt0oj

“This is a remnant of Her Holiness the Saintess’ consciousness,” Pei Ming said without further explanation.

The Saintess’ consciousness glanced around the room and finally locked eyes on Shen Xing.

She smiled sadly and said, “Your Majesty, I truly did not wish to meet you in this state, as a mere remnant of my soul.”

“Because it means that not only did you extract my spiritual vein, you also killed me.” kMlWgI

As her words fell, everyone was shocked, looking at Shen Xing.

It was true! The Demon Emperor had killed the Saintess!

Even Shen Xing, upon seeing the remnant soul of the Saintess, couldn’t sit still. But at this point, any defense was futile. He just sat there in silence.

“Your Majesty, Jiang Fu was not stingy with her own life, but why did you have to be so ruthless?” ef6pcG

Translator's Note

the saintess’ name

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