These Side Characters Have More Important Things To DoCh225 - Gasp, Florence?!!!

When Ren Xiyang found out what Rian had said to Prince Pollux, he felt that Rian wasn’t busy enough. Afraid that he’ll go and tell Hadrian to seduce Prince Pollux next (Rian: Ohh, that’s a good idea!), Ren Xiyang did the following:

(1) He asked Rian if he could take over his role regarding the new infectious diseases research clinic that Cassiopeia wanted to set up. Rian was already involved, representing the Royal Healers’ Association, but now Rian would also represent the Rosewood Group and make any votes for the Rosewood Group. YEP1 n

(2) He asked Rian to lead the writing of the one-year work-plan for maglev trains development, though Ren Xiyang would still be the one liaising with King Edric.

(3) He and Rian started duelling against each other again, not just duelling against other teams together. This was much more intense and forced Rian to expend more physical and magical energy.

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(4) And finally, he asked Rian to review the Rosewood fief’s new tax legislation.

These things all kept Rian busy, and then Rian was distracted by their little harvest festival holiday trip to the Rosewood fief. Then, because Ren Xiyang had asked Rian to do all those things, and because of their little break, Rian had more work to do from his own projects, which continued to keep him busy. vcGSeQ

Ren Xiyang didn’t notice any progression between Prince Pollux and Hadrian, but it wasn’t his business to push them. Luckily, Rian had suggested to Prince Pollux to ask Florence. If anyone could help, it would be her.

Pollux hesitated, hesitated, and hesitated about asking Lady Florence for her help. If both Prince Rian and Ayden had gone to Lady Florence for relationship advice, it must mean that she was both good and trustworthy.

However, Pollux kept delaying.

First, there was all his university work. As it was his third year, the courses jumped in difficulty.


Second, there was his project work with Prince Alexius and Ayden. Their newly developed range of single-person floating transport vehicles had been prototyped and tested and now they were in the final stages of finalising the designs before it was handed over to other hired mages for production.

Thirdly, Ayden asked him whether he would be interested in helping to develop “trains” (after making him sign a confidentiality contract). Ayden explained how, eventually, they wanted to build train tracks from Sedaveria to Angio, and that the technology should be the same in both nations so that a train could go from Sedaveria’s capital to Angio’s capital without requiring its passengers to transfer. Understandably, Sedaveria’s requirements would take precedence, and the first trains would only run within Sedaveria. However, Pollux’s expertise in building magic-infused metal floating objects would be very welcome. Pollux asked for time to consider it, and Ayden agreed that there wasn’t any rush.

Fourthly, but most importantly, Pollux was second-guessing himself. Did he actually like Hadrian romantically? Did he just feel friendship? Did Hadrian like him? Was Hadrian attracted to men at all?

Then, winter arrived, and Florence did something extremely shocking. During one of the weekly dinners, Florence announced that she was now courting a woman. fBsDRU

A year ago, Florence had started attending the university full-time, half coursework and half research, with the latter being supervised by Mage Willow Moss from the plant research department.

Florence’s research topic was on developing new growth spells for plants and fungi. As Ayden had tried, and Florence repeated, plant-growth spells didn’t work as intended on fungi, making fungi grow unnatural structures and making them more plant-like than fungi-like.

After talking with many mushroom gatherers and the few mushroom growers, a common theme was how mushrooms were best collected after a rain or a storm, between a day and two weeks, for different types of mushrooms.

Thus, Florence started trying to replicate rain-like conditions, adjusting the amount of initial water inundation, temperature, humidity, and light. ZqJzMi

Her aim was to determine the ideal conditions for mushroom growth, and thus develop a spell that created those conditions. Combining it with a time-acceleration element, it would become a proper mushroom-growth spell.

Her progress went well, and she developed some initial spells. However, she couldn’t get mushrooms to grow as fast as plants.

Her research supervisor, Mage Willow Moss, suggested that she talk to another researcher mage, an earth mage named Lady Hespera Umber, to work on improving the medium on which the mushrooms grew.

And so, some time after the new year, Florence had scheduled a meeting with Lady Hespera Umber. 7OrDft

Florence was rarely ruffled, but when she met Lady Hespera, she was monetarily stunned.

Lady Hespera had short brown hair and dressed in masculine clothing. She was the most handsome woman Florence had ever seen.

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Florence could immediately tell that she wasn’t heterosexual. How could she have never seen her before?

Lady Hespera gave her a look of challenge, which snapped Florence out of her thoughts. Pf1Udc

Florence bowed first, and Lady Hespera bowed in returned.

“My name is Lady Florence Sage,” Florence said. “I’ve heard good things about your research from my supervisor, and I would appreciate it if you could help me…”

As they talked, Lady Hespera relaxed and was no longer defensive.

It all grew from there. 39aoJ8

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They met each other again, first in Florence’s growing laboratory, and then to Lady Hespera’s office to see her research. They met on campus to talk about research and the challenges they faced, and they met off-campus to talk about their lives.

Mibgfcmf ofia atja atfs mbccfmafv nfgs delmx bc j oecvjwfcaji ifnfi. Pc j rqjc bo j ofk wbcatr, Lfrqfgj tjv yfmbwf tfg yfra oglfcv.

Ynfg atf rewwfg, jqqgbzlwjafis rlz wbcatr joafg atfs tjv wfa, Mibgfcmf lcnlafv Lfrqfgj ab tfg tbwf. Ktfs gbvf atf Vjuf oibjalcu mjggljuf ab atf Vjuf olfo. Mibgfcmf ujnf Lfrqfgj j abeg bo atf ugbecvr, lcmievlcu tfg qfgrbcji olfivr jcv atf olfivr erfv ab ugfk qijcar obg atflg rffvr.

After dinner, Florence took Hespera to her study. Servants prepared a herbal tisane for the evening, placed the tray of teapot and cups on the coffee table, and quietly left. HBKzV9

“Sit,” Florence invited.

Hespera sat down on the sofa, her limbs relaxing. Florence sat down next to her and served them both.

“Tomorrow, we can see the rest of the fief,” Florence said. “Try this. I grew the plants myself.”

Hespera accepted the teacup and took a sip. She made an appreciative hum. “My grandparents might like this.” dXSNtm

“I’ll prepare a small canister for them.”

“Even better, I can take you to the Umber fief and you can give it to them directly,” Hespera said. “Willing?”

Florence smiled. “Willing. We can take the floating carriage.” Florence’s gaze went to her bookshelves. “Have you ever ready any of the books from the Rosewood fief?”

Hespera glanced at her. “I have. They’re quite unconventional.” RWKbdS

“And what about the Rosewood Group’s booklets?”

Hespera stilled.

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Florence continued, “I found the ones on gender and sexual minorities quite good, and I’m not saying that just because Ayden was one of the authors.”

Hespera’s eyelids lowered slightly, her lips curling up in a dry smile. “It was those booklets that led me to decide to change how I dressed.” EpQc4M

Florence’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh?” she said casually. “I think it suits you, you look very handsome.”

Hespera’s cheeks grew faintly red. She cleared her throat. “Thank you. What about you? What did you think when you read those booklets?”

Florence put down her cup and met Hespera’s gaze directly. “It was interesting to read about the lives of other women who love women. Before them, I thought there were vanishingly few of us.”

Hespera’s eyes deepened a fraction. “What are your requirements?” M3iceT

“Someone I like talking to,” Florence said.

“We do meet at least once a week,” Hespera said.

“Someone who appreciates my work,” Florence said.

“I believe your work would have wide-ranging implications and improve the kingdom,” Hespera said. pG3ren

“Someone who has their own work,” Florence said.

“Soil quality is crucial for crop quality, and maintaining that quality sustainably is important work,” Hespera said.

“Someone who likes women,” Florence said.

“There aren’t as many of us,” Hespera said. Sd94eg

Florence leaned in, looking deep into Hespera’s eyes. “Someone who is good at kissing.”

Hespera licked her lips. “Perhaps I’m a genius at kissing, you’ll have to try to see.”

Keeping eye contact, Florence stood up and straddled Hespera’s thighs. Hespera rested on hand on her waist, and another on her cheek.

A thrill went through Florence’s body. Her heart thudded with anticipation. cA78gC

With Hespera’s hand guiding her, Florence lowered her head and kissed Hespera. Fireworks exploded in Florence’s chest. She pressed closer, and when Hespera’s tongue touched her lips, Florence opened her mouth to let her in.

The room became hot.

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After that, they sent each other courtship gifts and deepened their understanding of each other.

It was only many months later—now—that Florence was ready to tell someone else, with Hespera’s permission. zKLdhq

Returning to that dinner, after Florence announced her new relationship status, Pollux was shocked. He didn’t know that Florence was attracted to women!

“Ohh? Where did you meet her?” Prince Rian was asking.

“At the university. She’s also a researcher,” Florence said.

Ayden was immediately interested, and he and Florence started talking about research and plants and sustainability. LxwkSM

With Ayden’s agreement, Florence brought her lady friend over on the next weekly dinner, and Pollux was surprised by Lady Hespera Umber’s appearance.

And he was also envious of how Florence and Lady Umber would exchange little glances and looks at each other.

With Florence’s confirmation of Lady Umber’s trustworthiness, Prince Rian also told Lady Hespera about his relationship with Earl Rosewood.

Prince Rian smiled cheekily. “Now, at this table, we need to find Baltasar, Prince Pollux, and Hadrian some partners.” oWRPXN

Ayden looked like he was too tired to deal with Prince Rian’s antics. “Don’t be that kind of parent,” he chided.

The conversation moved to other things, but Prince Rian’s words circled in Pollux’s mind.

Florence had known Lady Hespera Umber for less than a year, and yet they were now courting. Pollux had known Hadrian for several years. He couldn’t keep putting it off.

Pollux reached out via letter. Florence agreed to a meeting. WJtRpD

During university hours, they met for morning tea, in a private room in a café just outside the university campus.

The waiter served them tea and snacks, before closing the door.

Pollux took a sip of tea to calm his nerves and then pulled out a few sheets of paper. “Before we talk, could you sign this confidentiality contract?”

Florence’s brows rose, but she willingly signed. “What seems to be the problem? How can I help you?” Nnx0ad

Pollux pulled out a tightly folded piece of paper. “How did you know that Lady Umber was attracted to women?”

“It was fairly obvious due to the way she dressed,” Florence said.

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Pollux pursed his lips. Obvious? He wouldn’t have actually guessed that, he would have merely thought Lady Umber was unusual. “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Florence blinked. OUdi0b

Pollux: “…No.”

Florence pursed her lips as she thought for a moment. “While Hespera isn’t the only woman I’ve seen to wear masculine clothing, the way she wears it is different. She chooses to wear it. And she always wears masculine clothing, not just during strenuous activities.”

Pollux understood a little bit. However, it didn’t help him anyway. Hadrian dressed just like other men. So, he moved onto the next question in his list.

“How did you know that she liked you?” wUKD 7

Florence gave a thoughtful hum. “We became very close. I felt that we could talk to each other about anything. We both saw each other more than anyone else.” She took a sip of tea. “Is there someone you like? Is it Hadrian?”

Pollux’s heart jolted. “What do you mean—h-h-how did you know?” His cheeks grew hot.

Florence smiled. “Because you spend the most time with him.”

“Then…do you think he likes me?” 78b6F3

“He may.”

“You’re not sure?”

“I can’t read his mind, so I’m not completely certain,” Florence said, her tone softening. “I can see that he is very loyal and devoted to you.”

Pollux deflated. EnweY3

“Ah, there’s a possible problem. There is a power and ranking difference. Even if Hadrian likes you, he would may suppress his feelings out of loyalty.”

“Really?” Hope bloomed back in Pollux.

“Yes, it’s possible. As the one with more power, you need to lead the way, even if it’s difficult. You may need to open up first and communicate to Hadrian.”

“But what if, after I tell him, he agrees to be with me out of loyalty, even if he doesn’t truly like me?” qZpQP4

“Then, you need to make it clear that he can decline your affections. Your Highness, matters of the heart are not easy. But it can be rewarding. And if Hadrian does not return your affections, then you can move on.”

Pollux sighed, looking down. “I know.” He reached out and took a bite of the snack. “I will consider your advice.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Florence nodded. She changed the topic to asking about Pollux’s courses. When it was time to go, as Pollux had a lecture, the two departed together, and parted ways at the university gate.

Pollux thought about it over the next few days. He thought about the advice that Ayden and Prince Rian and Florence had given him, and he thought about how the couples he knew about interacted (mostly Ayden and Prince Rian). Then, feeling brave, he made a plan. 7kcSMu





Florence: Have I become the relationship counsellor for gay boys?

Background nobles: Latest hot gossip! Lady Florence Sage seen with Prince Pollux of Angio—new romance in the works?!!!

Hadrian: What?! Wait, Florence has a lover already. Phew…



Thank you JenifferA. for the monetary support~!

Thanks to lazy cat Kohaku for reminding me that Pollux can help with trains! I’m sure that there were other readers who mentioned it, but I don’t always write things down.

The_other_Abe asked about Florence ✅ ToWkNB



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  1. Yay for Florence! She got a great partner, and she’s giving great advice!

    Pollux’s plan makes me nervous… but I’m sure he’ll manage. Also, I really liked his description from Hadrian’s perspective last chapter, it was very well written. It truly made me feel how radiant Pollux appeared at that moment.

    Thank you for the chapter~

    • I’m glad you think Florence’s new partner is great 🥰

      Surely Pollux’s plan will be okay? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And I’m glad you like Hadrian’s perspective of him last chapter! Though, don’t forget, Hadrian has love-goggles on too 🤣

      Thank you for reading!

  2. A plan… he’s got a PLAN! 😳 It’s so nice to see how straightforward Florence and her lover are. I only hope now that these two couples inspire Pollux and he gets to show off his new lover soon enough 🥰

  3. The entire time reading this I just kept repeating on my head “Damn Florence, you killing it”