There's no way I could like youCh8 - Yu Shan

Qiu Ci slept for a long time until someone knocked on the door.


“Young Master Mu, it’s time to eat.”


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He grumbled with his eyes closed as the knocking continued. “Young Master Mu, are you awake?”


Who’s this Young Master Mu? Mu Yu?


Call him whatever, but why knock on my door? The boy, with his eyes still closed, impatiently reminded, “Check whose room this is before calling someone.”



Mu Yu had just woken up and was about to speak, but he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.


Everyone in the Qiu family knew Qiu Ci was grumpy when woken up, so no one usually dared to disturb him.


The person outside was startled upon hearing Qiu Ci’s voice. She turned to look at the opposite door and then back at the door in front of her.


She had worked here for five years and wouldn’t mistake the rooms.


The room behind was Young Master Qiu’s bedroom; wasn’t this one in front of her the new Young Master Mu’s room?


Was her memory failing? She didn’t dare to ask more and went down to report the situation to Chu Qing.


With the annoying noise gone, Qiu Ci’s eyes moved slightly as he tried to reach under the pillow for his phone to check the time.


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He didn’t find his phone but felt something soft and smooth, like skin!


He froze, then turned to see a boy’s pale face. He looked much more pleasing with his eyes closed than when he was awake and indifferent.


Damn! Qiu Ci thought he had drunkenly brought someone home and ruined his innocence, but fortunately, nothing dramatic had happened.


Relieved, the boy got up and kicked the boy beside him, “Are you awake?”


Remembering that he drank last night, he guessed he had wandered here while drunk. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, but back then, no one was living in this room.


The pretending-to-sleep boy had no choice but to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes, got up calmly, and said nothing.


“I had a few drinks; it wasn’t on purpose,” Qiu Ci, knowing he was in the wrong, didn’t want to make trouble.


A cool “hmm” came from behind him, as if it didn’t matter.


Having said all he needed to, Qiu Ci didn’t linger, got out of bed, and left.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hearing the door close, Mu Yu suddenly heaved a sigh of relief and fell back powerlessly.


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Llr qjiw qgfrrfv bnfg tlr tfjga.


Pa kjr qbecvlcu gjqlvis, tlr tfjgayfja kjr rb ragbcu.


Ze Te aegcfv ab ibbx ktfgf Hle Jl tjv yffc islcu vbkc. Llr tjcv ygertfv bnfg ktfgf atf sbeat’r kjgwat ralii ilcufgfv, jr lo fnfc atf jlg mjgglfv agjmfr bo tlr rmfca.


Hle Jl, gffxlcu bo jimbtbi, kfca ab atf yjatgbbw ab kjrt boo atf rwfii yfobgf ublcu vbkcrajlgr.


As soon as he sat down, Chu Qing across from him sighed helplessly, “You went out drinking last night?”


Qiu Ci nodded, “Song Yuhang won the game, so I drank a bit more.”


He glanced sideways at the guy next to him, picked up the milk beside him, and coolly reminded, “If you don’t want me to sleep with you again, remember to lock the door next time.”


When he’s drunk, he doesn’t go crazy with drunkenness; he just gets a bit fuzzy and slow.


“Cough, cough, cough!”


As soon as he said that, violent coughing came from beside him..


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Qiu Ci frowned strangely at the teenager whose face turned red while covering his mouth. Was there something wrong with what he said?

  b HoKd

Apart from thinking their son’s attitude was unfriendly, the two elders didn’t perceive any ambiguity in his words.


They didn’t have the concept of boys liking boys, and since their son had always liked Yu Shan since childhood, they didn’t think much more about it.


Because the day after tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, they also have to visit their grandfather tomorrow. Chu Qing gave the housekeeper a few days off.


Early the next morning, Chu Qing personally woke his son up to go to the supermarket together to buy groceries.


“I don’t want to go.” Qiu Ci turned over in his blanket, squinting his eyes and speaking with a heavy sleepiness in his voice, “Let the illegitimate child accompany you.”


After saying that, he was immediately smacked.


“Get up quickly!” Chu Qing was a woman of action. She pulled her son’s blanket off, then went to open the sliding glass door. The cold wind blew in from the balcony, causing Qiu Ci, who was only wearing boxers, to sit up abruptly.


He pulled the blanket back over himself, annoyed, “What if I’m not wearing anything? I am your son, I’m at least an upright young man.”


Before he finished speaking, the clothes on the sofa at the foot of the bed were thrown at him, “What’s there left for me to see that I haven’t already? Mu Yu got up early to help me clean the house, and here you are, still asleep with your bare butt exposed.”


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“Isn’t this an opportunity for him, the illegitimate child, to integrate more into this family?”



“Say again illegitimate child, and I’ll have your dad dad cancel all your cards.”


Upon hearing this, Qiu Ci immediately responded, “Just kidding, how could you take it seriously?” khKU0N


After he got dressed and finished washing up downstairs, he saw Mu Yu sitting on the sofa. The TV was on, but Mu Yu seemed absent-minded.


Upon hearing movement behind him, Mu Yu looked up and saw Qiu Ci lazily approaching. He averted his gaze and continued watching TV. jgNZR2


Qiu Ci sat on another sofa, reclining and playing with his phone, treating Mu Yu as if he was invisible.


To Qiu Ci ,Mu Yu was just a temporary stranger staying over, so he didn’t feel the need to enetrtain him. MR 716


Chu Qing came downstairs and sighed at the sight. Truth be told, she didn’t know how to make her son like Mu Yu.


Outside was different from indoors, with fine rain and snow mixing and the biting cold wind. 81wn5q


The supermarket was within the residential area, open only to the residents of this villa community.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Not far, yet not close either; they used to drive there, but Chu Qing dubbed it as exercise and jogged there with her two children. dUW ub


This level of physical activity was nothing to Qiu Ci, while someone else only stopped at the supermarket entrance, a flush of post-exercise color on their fair skin, as if they’d run a marathon.


Not only obedient but also weak. 1cqsfr


Qiu Ci felt disdainful, then thought of Yu Shan. She was much better, excelling in both academics and physical fitness.


Inside the supermarket, Qiu Ci pushed the cart, Chu Qing did the shopping, and Mu Yu followed quietly without touching anything. oknDq2


Passing by the snack section, Qiu Ci stuffed things into the cart, thinking about how he would give them to Yu Shan as snacks when she came to visit, since he enjoyed pampering her.


Thinking of how she ate like a little squirrel, Qiu Ci smirked, his features becoming even more exaggerated. dbBPGE


Feeling someone’s gaze, Qiu Ci glanced sideways and saw the boy next to him grabbing a bag of candy and tossing it into the cart, never lifting his face, as if afraid to make eye contact with him.


Qiu Ci poked his cheek with his tongue from inside, exuding a unique sense of mischief. d2Ysmh


Strawberry marshmallows, hmph—

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


As Chu Qing turned around, she saw the cart stuffed with snacks. Before she could say anything to her son, she immediately heard from the opposite side, “I’m not the only one taking them.” O8WMfe



Seeing her speechless, Qiu Ci smiled even more smugly.


Mu Yu, who had only taken a bag of marshmallows, didn’t say anything after hearing that. In fact, he had grabbed that bag in haste and only realized what he had taken when it was in the cart.


Because they bought so many snacks, they had to get another shopping cart.


Since the supermarket was only open to residents of the community, those who lived there had no shortage of carts filled with goods. People who walked there could push them directly home and leave them outside the gate for designated personnel to collect.


On the way back, Qiu Ci pushed the cart with the most stuff.


Chu Qing pushed one too, occasionally trying to start conversations to warm up the atmosphere, hoping to make the two children more familiar with each other.


Qiu Ci was absent-minded, occasionally responding briefly. Mu Yu, being introverted, couldn’t engage in conversation, so Chu Qing eventually gave up.


After walking a few steps, Qiu Ci caught sight of a familiar figure, his mouth curling into a grin. He handed the cart to the boy beside him and strode purposefully towards the person across the way.


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Mu Yu glanced over, following his gaze to see the boy approach a girl who was looking down, seemingly wanting to leave quickly. He playfully tugged at her scarf and then touched her cheek with his hand.


The girl glared at him and said something, looking quite angry.


The boy wasn’t bothered, taking off the fluffy rabbit ear muffs she was using for warmth and pulling her ear, saying, “You little brat, hiding from me when you see me? Do you think I can’t catch you? I even bought you a bunch of snacks, you ungrateful brat.”


The girl snatched back her ear muffs, grumbling, “Who cares. Everyone says I’ve gotten fat lately, so I won’t eat junk food anymore. Keep it for yourself.”


“Who said you got fat?” The boy frowned. “I don’t mind, who dares to say otherwise?”

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“Mind your own business.”


The two of them stood on the roadside arguing like a bickering couple.


Chu Qing smiled knowingly and said to Mu Yu beside her, “Let’s go, they’re always like this.”


She had always liked Yu Shan very much—beautiful, smart, and cheerful. If her son could really bring someone like her home as a daughter-in-law, she wouldn’t object at all.


After a few steps, Mu Yu couldn’t help but glance over again, his hand on the shopping cart subtly tightening, still warm from where the boy had held it.


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Though the sun was obscured by thick clouds, Mu Yu found the light uncomfortable and shifted his gaze away.

Hey Guys I am changing the schedule of novel from saturday to Sunday.Hope you all don’t mind.Enjoy. A4NM9



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