There’s no way I could like you

There’s no way I could like you 我才不可能喜欢你呢

RAW Source
Author: 殿上不殿下
Total Chapters: 43+5
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Translators: Siya
Release Schedule: Saturday


One-sided love (2)Reunion (1)


“A Ci, let me tell you a secret.”


“What is it?”


“I liked you at first sight. It was love at first sight.”


“Shallow. Love at first sight is nothing more than judging by appearance. You fell for my looks.”


“Well, A Ci is handsome. He captured my heart at first sight.”


Mu Yu likes Qiu Ci, and Qiu Ci has always known.


However, whether Qiu Ci likes Mu Yu or not, who knows. Mu Yu only knows that Qiu Ci likes a girl named Yu Shan. Yu Shan is the color of Qiu Ci’s youth, while Qiu Ci is Mu Yu’s entire life.

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  1. Excuse me!!👀the last sentence… Damn it’s gonna be bittersweet🤧 idk what I’m gonna face but come on! Hit me ! Im ready!!!😤

  2. One sided love always painful, im very weak with this specific theme but the reviews collectively good 🤔 imma give it a try 😔