Thriller TraineeCh195 - Lovers

After No. 1 said this, there was a moment of silence in the carriage.

The next second, there was earth-shattering laughter. MEUXIw

If before, Zong Jiu only thought that the Devil’s way of carefully circumventing this S+ level instance plane was pitiful and funny, now he was really letting out a burst of undisguised ridicule.

The Magician laughed so hard that he almost lost control of his limbs. His eyes narrowed and his white hair trembled along his shoulders, spreading all over his shoulders, with a look of joy on his face.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Looking at No. 1’s helpless and furious look now, it was too hilarious.

Zong Jiu moved his body that was pressed on the cushion, found a comfortable position, and lazily rested his head on the cushion behind him. bQ0f9v

This carriage was originally built for the noble Duke. Although it looked inconspicuous and low-key from the outside, it was very impressive on the inside. Every material used was excellent, even the back cushions were stuffed with who knew how much precious down.

While Zong Jiu was laughing, he spared no effort in mocking, “Make me gasp out?”

He narrowed his eyes and did what the Devil always liked to do, looking up and down at the two hands protruding from the shadows with teasing and sarcastic eyes.

“Based on your appearance? Do you want to be kicked out by the instance consciousness again?”


The Devil: “…”

The Magician’s words really struck a chord with him.

Originally, this S+ level instance refused entry to outsiders, and the connection to the main system was extremely remote.

Unfortunately, its spatial coordinates were located in the Dark Dimension and were unstable, making it difficult for even the main system to detect. BkbhS9

It was not difficult to understand that there were higher dimensions beyond dimensions. Even the main system could only fully control planes lower than it. For higher planes, it could only communicate on an equal footing. Its interference could only put survivors in to perform tasks with the consent of the world.

In other words, it was difficult for even the main system to determine the coordinates, so only lunatics like No. 1 would choose to directly enter the space turbulence of the Dark Dimension.

This was undoubtedly a very dangerous move crossing the flowing turbulence across space without any positioning even if it was the Devil.

Fortunately, he was the same as the Dark Dimension in some aspects. As a being infused with malice from a plane, No. 1 had long been out of the category of human beings. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a monster born purely out of malice. kf6Ars

The Dark Dimension accepted him.

But this instance did not accept him, so the Devil had no choice but to be a stowaway.

Especially after being kicked out, the plane had strengthened supervision. If the main body really came over, he was afraid that he would be kicked out again in the next second.

Behind the shadow, the man narrowed his dark golden eyes with an unpredictable expression. yQZTWF

If it were in the past, the Devil would be very happy to let Zong Jiu know the consequences of provoking him.

But now he looked at the Magician raising his chin with a deliberately provocative expression, and for some reason he lost interest again.

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A feeling that things were about to be out of control arose spontaneously.

This feeling made the Devil feel very unhappy, even a little irritated. LIfFok

This was a rather rare emotion for him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zong Jiu watched the other party’s hand suddenly let go of his chin and retreated into the shadows again, feeling a little confused in his heart.

Cmmbgvlcu ab tlr ecvfgrajcvlcu bo atf Gfnli, atfgf rtbeiv yf j kjg bo kbgvr bg j ylu oluta cfza.

Ciatbeut Ibcu Ale xcfk atja tf kjr ja j vlrjvnjcajuf, la kbeiv yf abb ecojlg obg tlw ab tjnf ab rkjiibk tlr jcufg lc ogbca bo tlr biv fcfws pera yfmjerf bo atja. Vb ktfc tf wjvf j qgbnbmjalbc, tf tjv jigfjvs rfmgfais afcrfv eq tlr ybvs, gfjvs ab oluta yjmx jcsalwf jcv jcsktfgf. IsUV6r

Unexpectedly, it was the other party who took the initiative to retreat first.

It had to be said, very unexpected.

Originally, Zong Jiu wanted to take this opportunity to bait No. 1 to use his power and experience the joy of scoring twice. Now it seemed there was no such chance.

But unexpected surprises were unexpected surprises. Now that the Devil had stopped, Zong Jiu could also untie the things on his body. ScJtyQ

The Magician sat up straight, passed the lockpicking check with the sub-system, and unlocked the shackles on his wrists and ankles.


The heavy shackles instantly rolled onto the carpet of the carriage.

Zong Jiu rubbed his wrists that were red from being strangled, pulled the blanket on the cushion, and wrapped it around himself. KUT1gY

The temperature was a bit cold at night, not to mention that the qipao he wore was almost as good as not wearing anything.

The vehicle that was purely driven by human power was actually not that bumpy. Perhaps it could be compared to the rickshaws in old Shanghai.

The coachman would always hit someone with their whip. If he didn’t want to be hit, he had to run faster. If he ran slower, a long bloody mark would appear on his back.

Zong Jiu was always alert to the surrounding disturbances. mWB3vT

There was not much space in the carriage, and the controlled Black Panther Duke occupied the center alone. He could only sit in the corner.

The shadows still flowed quietly in places where the moonlight could not shine. And the puppet Duke was silent in the darkness, as if a statue that would never wake up.

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However, Zong Jiu was on guard all the way, and the Devil had no intention of getting close to him.

Zong Jiu: ??? S7X2OD

Was the repulsion force of this instance so great? To the point where ot could make the Devil behave like a human?

Even Zong Jiu himself didn’t believe this.

Neither of them had the kind of foresight and hesitation in doing things, especially when they were facing each other.

Just like Zong Jiu, who knew he was at a disadvantage but did not hesitate to challenge him, No. 1 was actually the same. If he didn’t accept Zong Jiu’s provocation just because this instance would kick him out, then No. 1 would no longer be No. 1. 3ZxlyR

Whoever retreated first was like lowering their head to the opponent out of thin air, a clear sign of weakness. This was their unspoken rule.

Who would want to show weakness? They were sworn enemies who wouldn’t give in even when they kissed.

The first time without meeting with swords and bows, and suddenly there was the scent of sex ignited in the air?

It was so quiet and peaceful, even just sitting in the same room like this made people feel strange. yQoIa7

Finally it was the Magician who broke the strange silence.

“Why are you here?”

This was a question that Zong Jiu always puzzled over.

If the Devil was never absent from every instance he participated in before, it could also be explained as wanting to see his old enemy suffer misfortune. 0VNj5e

But this time, he and Tsuchimikado were inexplicably summoned to this S+ rank instance. They couldn’t contact the main system, and they didn’t even have to complete the main mission. If they couldn’t find a way back within three days, they would be left here forever.

According to the situation before them, even if No. 1 was the Instructor, when even the system was helpless, why the Devil could appear here was still a question worth considering.

“This is the second time you’ve asked this question.”

The voice coming from the shadows was low, with an obvious insouciance, “Is its answer that important?” ocuHK7

Maybe it was important, maybe it was not.

In the past, the Devil’s only pleasure was to appreciate the ugliness, suffering, war, and chaos in the world.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Such an immutable thing was full of malice, and it showed the true nature of human beings.

But after watching it for a long time, he got tired of it, especially for him who was born from malice. Most of the ugliness was not worth mentioning at all. XPRONZ

For this reason, the Devil was bored for a long time.

Otherwise, he would not agree to make a deal with the system and create such a thriller trainee competition.

But the biggest gain from this competition was not what he originally imagined, but the savior established in the prophecy.

What was even more interesting was that they were so similar. 5arXQT

The enemy was always the one who knew the other party best.

Such an interesting toy may never be found again.

“If you die in this instance, I will be very upset, Your Excellency, Magician.”

The man’s tone was calm and meaningful. 3LIoHK

Even if he died, the Devil would not let him die in the hands of anyone except himself.

Shouldn’t the savior die in the hands of the big Devil? If he died while fighting the mobs in front, the big Devil would be lawless from now on, and the world would not be saved.

Outside the carriage, the night began to gradually dissipate.

The dazzling red sun rose from the east, the light of dawn encroached the deep darkness, and the colors suddenly became clear. ugFey4

Zong Jiu and Tsuchimikado ran around for most of the night, and lost their memory for another five hours. Logically speaking, even if the dawn was later in winter, it would still be around this time.

After a long time, when the Devil thought he couldn’t get an answer, the white-haired young man finally sneered.

The Devil didn’t take it seriously, “I heard that you will inevitably die in this instance?

“I have a way for you to leave this instance.” 7cwKb2

The man’s hand reappeared from the shadows, resting on the Magician’s shoulder as if unintentionally.

“What way?”

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No. 1 did not answer, but circled around with his slender fingers, followed the young man’s beautiful jawline, and reached his lips.

The Magician’s lips were very beautiful. People with thin lips were naturally more indifferent and emotionless. 2Xizy9

“As we all know, making a deal with the Devil comes with a price.”

Behind the shadow, the man stared closely at the changes in expression on his face, not missing a single trace.

“Oh?” Zong Jiu asked without any expression on his face, “Tell me about it?”

“For example-“ nmgwXE

The cold fingertips circled the young man’s tailbone.

It was obviously an alluring and suggestive move, but Zong Jiu could clearly notice the other party’s lack of interest.

This was very contradictory.

“No two people are born enemies, and prophecies are always only prophecies.” dbyW9A

While they were talking, the carriage quietly drove into the gorgeous and classic official residence.

A zebra wearing a butler’s uniform came forward and stood respectfully beside the carriage. Without the master’s order, it didn’t dare to come forward to disturb, for fear of disturbing the Duke’s good mood.

“We might as well change the title. Bedmate? It lacks a little warmth.

“So, how about lovers?” Vr5DvE

The Devil was thinking seriously, but he felt more and more bored.

He both expected the other party to make a choice and also expected the other party not to make a choice.

If a cat with an arrogant and cold personality caught your attention, would you want it to continue hunting birds and butterflies outside, or would you want it to be locked in your own cage?

What attracted the Devil’s attention was the Magician with an unruly soul who disdained those in power amidst the awe-inspiring eyes of all living beings. Or maybe it was someone who was willing to become a caged bird belonging to the Devil in the future in order to save his life in the calamity of death? ryY1 g

The next second, Zong Jiu punched him directly from the air.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Looking at the Magician’s back as he nimbly jumped off the carriage, the Devil was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly put down his hand and chuckled lowly. 9eTNpV

A/N: “If you like a bird, do you want it to continue chirping wildly, or do you want it to be obedient and not fly away?”

I watched Dragon Clan a long time ago and this sentence left a deep impression on me.

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