Tie Him To Me (Tie Him To Me The Series Book 1) Part 1&2Ch18 - Our Table

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The sun split down through the trees, warm and clean. A pleasant heat that hit the skin shining brightly. Students chatted loudly in small groups as they walked past Heart. He watched them enjoying the walk to and from different campuses leisurely. Very few of them, in a hurry. He walked past students sitting at tables some working, some sleeping, students laying in the grass. Loud laughter split the air along with the sound of running. Three handsome boys shot around the corner laughing and messing around. Some girls smiled excitedly while others giggled behind their hands. Most turned to stare at the top three students in the business college, messing around with no shame. Heart threw himself down at their open table in the cafeteria with a happy sigh.

“We got our table, I see,” he stated like a pleased cat and threw his bag down on top of the table. It skidded to a halt in front of his friend High’s face. r CRbG

“Why did we need to run like madmen to get here first and save it for you though? Nobody ever takes this table. It’s the worst one in here, it’s right at the edge furthest from the food and the closest to the outside so if it rains half of it is wet and by the time you walk here half your food is cold.” Tone said.

“High likes it, Right High?” Heart commented, giving High a look.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

High just grinned back in response.

“Truthfully, I don’t care either way, but you like it because of the signal, the wifi is best here we all know how much you love answering your boss’s nonstop calls since a week ago. No, we all love this spot.” High said sarcastically. LkzYZg

Heart screwed up his face at his friend. “Some help you are.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I am just being honest.” High grabbed Heart’s bag and placed it down at the foot of the table.

Kbcf pera rtbbx tlr tjlg bea jcv rwlifv ja ybat bo atfw. “Qtja jgf kf fjalcu abvjs?”

“Ofa’r tjnf atf rqlms qbgx klat meggs glmf bg vb sbe uesr atlcx cbbvifr kbeiv yf yfaafg atlr alwf?” Llut jrxfv ecregf bo tlwrfio.


Lfjga ugbjcfv. “Jbwf bc Llut atf ktbif gfjrbc kf jgf vblcu atlr lr ab tfiq sbe ufa yfaafg ja vfmlvlcu, sbe tjnf ab afii er ktja kf jgf fjalcu jcv atfc ub bgvfg la. Qf ubaaj rbinf sbeg lcvfmlrlnfcfrr.”

Tone snickered. “One of us is still gonna have to go up there with him again. He doesn’t look like he will be able to do it. And we don’t want the cafeteria ladies getting mad and throwing whatever they want on your plate like last time.”

High shook his head vigorously in agreement.

Tone suddenly turned to Heart. “Hey Heart, wanna play Rock, Paper. You, again to decide who stays here?” SAO7jN

Heart chuckled good-naturedly, but nodded. They set up the game the first round a draw, the second one, Tone caught High cheating, after three rounds they both were tied for getting smacked.

“Oi, is this a conspiracy.” High whined. Tone laughed and flicked his hair from his forehead.

“No, you just suck at this game.” He teased “Play now or you’re out,” Tone yelled as High was unprepared.

High threw a paper. Tone won. S6ZBIC

I chuckled.

“Tone you go then, with High, I’m gonna take a nap while I wait for you guys.” Heart waved off his two best friends as he put his bag under his head and lay down.

Tone flicked his ear and High ruffled Hearts hair.

“Wait, I won. Why am I still going with him, you should be going?” Tone looked incredulous. jKxeL6

“I am superb at holding the spot, besides you know how much the lunch ladies adore you. You’re the famous handsome campus beloved Tone.”

“I’m not famous,” Tone pointed out.

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Heart smiled, knowing full well that High had trouble keeping a conversation with people that he wasn’t close too, he was slightly shy.

“Famous for your adorable looks,” Heart repeated what all the old ladies said about Tone. 2RWAwy

“Honestly, what would you guys do without me? High can never decide on anything and you are too pompous to speak to anyone.”

“And you are too lazy to move from this spot unless your precious new boss is calling.” Tone said.

“Thanks for saving our spot.” High said.

Then the two of them walked off to go get lunch. Heart laid his head down on the table with a sigh. xUt5Hs

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