The Game of Our Lives (ABO)Ch14.2 - The difficult life of a lone player


Nan Jeong then went naked and entered the river to bathe, letting the clear waters carry the blood and dust of the recent battle. His body was strong and had protruding muscles, he didn’t have as much hair as is expected from the beastmen. His back was scarred from days ago battles, they were scars that looked superficial, however, days ago they were deep wounds that made Nan Jeong hold his breath to keep from groaning in pain. lKEdj

The river waters were really beneficial, but it didn’t have as much effect on Nan Jeong’s body as it did on Svar, of course, the reason is quite simple, Svar is part of nature and the effect is greater on him than on Nan Jeong. Furthermore, the resistance of the beastmen was tremendous to invasive powers. Fortunately, these waters were very good and had great power, Nan Jeong was at least relieved to feel the pain of his injuries.

In the battle of a few minutes ago he got two cuts on his waist and chest, in fact, if he were an ordinary human being, the person would have died a long time ago, but as Nan Jeong is a beast-man, these injuries, although horrible, they weren’t a risk to his life.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After washing and replacing the equipment on his body, Nan Jeong looked at the new mission that was issued by the system as soon as he reached the [LVL 19] bottleneck and completely filled in the [EXP].

Unfortunately, no matter how much [EXP] he got he would not increase the [LVL], as he reached the [LVL 20] bottleneck. Nd5mWw




TIME: Undefined.


DESCRIPTION: Find a way to awaken the ancient line of wolves in your body. It doesn’t matter if you are going down a bloody path, or achieve the goal through money, or with luck or some elixir, the important thing is to increase the power of the ancient lineage by another 10%.

REWARDS: Gain a full set of red growth silver gear and a silver contract to form your own team. [For more information on the Silver Contracts access the unique item’s icon].

WARNING: The mission is mandatory and cannot be canceled.

Early in the evening, Nan Jeong sat against Svar’s hairy belly to keep warm. He didn’t light a fire so as not to attract more problems for him. Not that he was afraid of [NPCs] or wild animals, he was afraid that other players would see his fire and try some scheme. g8FP6H

His protection items were gone, he used it the last time he camped in the great mountains, in one of the [Mission] of the Wolf God. He had been attacked twice by players and twice more by fearsome monsters. Nan Jeong was still fortunate to have Svar who was as good as an alarm and always covered him in escapes.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“When I arrive in the city, I must visit the auctions or ask a craftsman to make more protective items,” Nan Jeong thought, regretting not being able to light a fire and eat heated food.

In the past when he camped in a forest, it wasn’t a forest as peaceful and rich in natural energy as the Forest of the Edge, he was just [LVL 10] and he had started venturing outside the protective walls of the novices.

After [LVL 10], increasing [LVLs] for Nan Jeong and the other beastmen became more and more difficult. In two weeks he was already [LVL 10], but even after almost two months, he had barely made it to [LVL 19]. Other players that Nan Jeong has on the contact list were already approaching [LVL 40]. MH9 di

At the time he was [LVL 10], he was still very communicative and had a small group of friends, all of whom were Koreans and who lived close to Nan Jeong’s work. They had similar [LVLs], so they formed a temporary team to leave the beginners’ city wall together.

Yc atf obegat vjs bearlvf atf kjiir, atfs wfa j ugbeq bo wbgf atjc 15 qijsfgr, ifv ys j qijsfg bugf-asqf Ciqtj, ktb kjr cba tjcvrbwf yea kjr oglutafclcuis ragbcu. Ktlr Ciqtj tjv wfcaji qgbyifwr, qrsmtbqjats, jcv tf vfmlwjafv Rjc Afbcu’r afjw. Ktf fcfws kjr lcafgfrafv lc vbwfralmjalcu j yfjra-wjc ilxf Rjc Afbcu, atfgfobgf, atf fcfws vlvc’a jaajmx ab xlii Rjc Afbcu, ktlmt ujnf tlw j mtjcmf ab frmjqf jilnf lc atf fcv. Tfr, atja ugbeq bo qijsfgr kjr atja xlcv bo rmew qfgrbc lc gfji-kbgiv rbmlfas.

Some players were just scums who gained some power, which made everything even more dangerous for honest or weaker people who were in this uncivilized and virtually lawless new world.

Nan Jeong managed to escape, but not without leaving that ogre slag player on his knees. Unfortunately, this scum man had a strong team behind him, which made Nan Jeong run for his life for a few days. His teammates had died long before he managed to escape, the names of the players on his contact list still existed, but he never saw those teammates again, even when he returned to the novice town. wJogB9

This left deep scars on Nan Jeong, after which he no longer formed a team and joined random teams in the dungeons. He felt deeply guilty about being alive and his teammates having died so miserably. However, he also couldn’t die, he was looking for a person. Even if that person is no longer alive, he would still like to try to find anything about him. 

So he forced himself to live every day and gain more power.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nan Jeong took a [Recovery Pill] and his injuries healed very slowly, but it was better than not using anything.

RECOVERY PILL (SILVER ITEM): It is a small olive-green pill that helps to take debuffs like [Tiredness], [Bleeding], [Blindness] and [Dizziness], in addition to helping to increase the regeneration of [HP] and from [AURA]. s45 LZ

WARNING: This pill has a greater effect on humans and less on beasts. It can only be used once a day. (Sell: 3 Gold Coin / Buy: 2 Gold Coin and 50 Silver Coins). 

AUTHOR’S NOTE: When it comes to selling I write according to this layout: System >>> sell >>> Player. When I write about buying I write according to this layout: Player >>>> selling >>>> System.

Nan Jeong bought this at the auction just before he left for the wolf god [S-Mission], he bought a box of pills containing 50 pills. He bought this for 100 golden coins. Even if they weren’t so useful, at least they were drugs that worked.

The beastmen have an advantage in everything in the game except in two things: the increase in intelligence and that most elixirs and medicines don’t work for their race. Because of their powerful bodies and their high natural regeneration. LX0bxQ

In the case of Nan Jeong, if the bandits weren’t 15 levels above his [LVL], he would have recovered smoothly, but he was in a special situation where his enemies were much more powerful than him. Of course, he could use one of his lineage’s abilities to recover, but that would be a waste. Perhaps he would encounter even more danger along the way, so he needed to guard these regeneration skills well.

“If I had an alchemist or a doctor with me …” Nan Jeong though not for the first time about this.

Doctors, priests, and alchemists are like phoenix feathers among the feathers of chickens, that is, they are so rare that they could hardly be seen in this new world. Even the [NPCs] that had this class were treated like treasures and protected for the powerhouses within the game system.

Getting a [NPCs] to heal a player is just paying a few silver coins, the higher the level of the [NPCs] class or the treatment level or material level needed for treatments, the greater the number of coins to be paid for treatment. Unfortunately, this type of [NPC] only existed in cities or fortresses, which made many players die on the way to find these types of [NPCs]. bddtwf

In addition, they were very much in demand and the strong teams had to have doctors, priests, or alchemists. A team that had two of these classes is a very strong and almost unbeatable team.

For beastmen only the Priests who served the Gods of Nature or those who served the Gods of Beastmen served for the healing of beastmen, the rest hadn’t affect on them. This was an advantage since attacks by priests hadn’t affected them either, but a disadvantage since healings hadn’t affected them either.

“Especially when humans had more priests than other temples,” Nan Jeong thought with discouragement.

As for the doctors and the alchemists, they had to study a lot and to join there is a powerful institution in the capital to learn their trades to higher levels, becoming just a beginner was very difficult. 4j7CU0

There weren’t Books for doctors and alchemists, even the books of colorless quality didn’t exist, they had to do indirect missions or luckily find a doctor or alchemist NPCs who were willing to help players in those classes. From this perspective, it is better to become a priest, since they only need to align themself with a temple or directly serve a god.

Which makes training a doctor or an alchemist even rarer. Remembering that the priest can be the main class, or it can be a profession. Being a profession there is only the ability to heal and purify, without being able to have decent attacks. As a class, the player will be able to choose a path to follow, if he wants to be a Priest AeO, related to wide-area attacks, exorcist priest, paladins, holy knight, fast attack priests, in short, there is a range of options for the class, besides they have the natural healing power without needing specific training. In this case, the greater the faith and the more missions the priests do, the more healing and purifying power they can handle.

Nan Jeong ate his dry food and took the water, he looked at the secret [S-Mission] and sighed, things just got more difficult, however, the Reward was really attractive.

“A resuscitation item!” Nan Jeong looked at it with bright, ambitious eyes. pgChab

Now he was very happy that this new mission appeared, he was even praying to the Wolf God for the kidnappers to appear now, he already wanted to obtain this item that could be his second life!

Wolf God: But … ⊂ (゜ Д ゜ ⊂

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then Nan Jeong heard some noises coming from the woods not far from where he was lying with Svar, suddenly a group of 10 people appeared with their faces covered.





Nan Jeong: Did it have to be so fast? (눈 _ 눈) JdSuPj

Wolf God: But … (⁎˃ ᆺ ˂)

Nan Jeong: Since it is so, give me the golden blessing! (╬ಠ 益 ಠ)

Wolf God: This … Σ (゚ Å ゚)

Nan Jeong: Forget it! I should have chosen another race! ノ ಠ_ಠ ノ VsmEWx

Wolf God: ┐ (´д`) ┌

The night was going to belong to Nan Jeong and Svar, but strangely Nan Jeong seemed happier as he released his wolf king aura.

Bandits: (ಥ_ʖಥ)

Svar: ┐ ( ̄ ヘ  ̄) ┌ Y8RQ4c

Hello readers! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is healthy and well!
Thanks for the comments!
Thank you DIN for Ko-fi! Then there will be one more chapter in the week!
Well, Nan Jeong’s life hasn’t been easy. ML is the counterpoint of our MC, while our MC is treated like a treasure and is favored, our ML had to run a lot during these more than two months of game.

Anyway, for those who are not understanding why it seems that Nan Jeong has a longer perspective of suffering than the quick two months of Choe Ho (MC), the reason is simple, the Dungeons have a separate and different time from the general world of the game . Therefore, Nan Jeong feels that years have passed and not just two months in the game. Some higher LVL Dugeons may take centuries to complete, but in the general game, only two days have passed.
As our MC has not yet entered a dungeon, the time for him seems to have passed faster.

See Ya!


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  1. Aw.. they are really made for each other. Alchemist is rare, no wonder it take a while for CH to level.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Time in the Dungeon really flows differently than from the real world?

    If that’s the case then do they age faster or slower? (while inside the dungeon) or is it just the perception of time?