The Fallen MermanCh274 - Devil Envoy’s Past: I’m So Annoyed

Translator: ThatLazyPotato

Translation Checker: 7qqy Y3LdOb

Editor: yuki_shuichi

The warden’s private residence was located on the same island as the International Prison, which wasn’t too far from the prison.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ever since all the experimental subjects had been taken away from the prison, there were basically no more emergencies happening in the International Prison, and the warden could spend his weekend without any worries. Today was also another day of doing anything.

However, today was slightly different than usual. mozwcM

A few stray cats were wandering in the yard of the villa. Li Wang put down the newspaper he was skimming through and stuck his head out of the window, then slowly got up. He went to the storage cabinet to scoop a few spoonfuls of cat food and carried it downstairs.

He put on a coat and walked to the yard in his slippers. He placed the cat food on the terrace, then squatted down to wait for the stray cats to come over.

Several fat stray cats came over without even the slightest hint of wariness. They went past Li Wang’s hand, which held a few pebbles of cat food and nimbly jumped onto the terrace to feast on the food.

Li Wang could only sit in the neatly trimmed yard and lazily watched them fight over the food.


The sky was overcast, and it started to rain not long after. Li Wang held up the black umbrella and sat on the terrace, while the stray cats took shelter from the rain within the shadow of the umbrella.

A while ago, his subordinates sent news from Greenfly Island, saying that the researcher hiding in the Ampheia Military Academy in the city was arrested. The two hitmen they had sent to take over the handover were also arrested, and the agent who had done it was Lu Yan.

However, the informant they planted in the Alliance Police Station still took the risk of handing over a copy of a file, which exposed the informant’s identity and he was killed on the spot by the sniper on duty that day, Xiao Xun.

The file contained information regarding the origin of the synthesis booster’s ingredients. With this information, he could have the hospital under his control and make an imitation of the complete synthesis booster. Funds had never been an issue for him. eWaYZx

The iron gate of the villa creaked open with a push and Black Panther walked in with tired steps. The black trench coat he was wearing was soaked, and he looked like an exhausted alpha who had just returned from a night of clubbing.

He was very weak; his drooping black furry ears were buried in his hair, and his shiny and smooth black panther tail trailed behind him. A fully mimetic envoy experimental subject basically didn’t show their original characteristics—unless they have lost control.

Black Panther’s feet softened and he knelt on the ground, propping his hands on the ground as he breathed heavily. He was on the verge of deterioration. The synthesis boosters that he took from the institute before had all been used. Even if other envoys deteriorated, their dominator would do their best to protect them and do everything they could for them, while they themselves could only tough it out.

Black Panther was in so much pain that he didn’t notice that there was someone in the yard. It was Li Wang who spoke first. NA8cGD

“Give me a moment.” Li Wang spread out the rain tarp from the garden storage and put it up on the terrace to cover the group of stray cats. His back had been injured before, so doing such big movements made it seem like he was overexerting himself. He muttered, “It’s a rare occasion for my cat master to come back from wandering about, so I will take the umbrella. You guys eat slowly.”

“Okay.” Li Wang took the umbrella and shook off the water, then went over to Black Panther.

The umbrella’s shadow moved to the top of Black Panther’s head, and the shadow cast on the ground became bottomless. Thin devil hands emitting black smoke crawled out and grabbed onto Black Panther. The dark energy passed through the ghost hands to Black Panther, which drastically reduced his pain and gradually recovered his physical strength.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This black umbrella was the Devil Envoy’s controller, “Devil’s Shade.” When it was folded, it served as the scepter of judgment, which was capable of convicting souls. When the target’s sins outweigh their good deeds, the target would be punished in proportion to the excess of sins. When it was opened, it had a strong recovery ability, increasing the Devil Envoy’s recovery ability, reaching between 300% to 600%. Furthermore, within the shadow of the umbrella, the Devil Envoy would be immune to any attacks. olmbYQ

Po Dijmx Ujcatfg kjr kliilcu ab rajs yfrlvf Ol Qjcu, tf kbeiv rwbbatis qjrr atgbeut atf vfafglbgjalbc rajuf jcv cjaegjiis gfjmt atf ogffobgw rajuf. Lbkfnfg, tf kjrc’a kliilcu. Ktf yjaaif kjr bnfg, yea tf ralii kjcvfgfv jybea.

Dijmx Ujcatfg kjr vlrqifjrfv atja tlr rbggs rajaf kjr gfnfjifv lc ogbca bo Ol Qjcu, yea Ol Qjcu egufv, “P’w yblilcu wlix lc ws tberf; la’r ublcu ab yfmbwf werts rbbc.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two of them held the umbrella as they went inside the villa.

Li Wang took off the slippers covered in mud at the entrance hall. At this moment, Black Panther could no longer maintain his human state, completely turning into a pure black panther and arrogantly going into the living room. TxmfGO

The envoy’s consciousness would be blurry in their original form, so Black Panther wasn’t annoyed with Li Wang like he usually was. Li Wang took the opportunity to touch him, but Black Panther slipped away from under Li Wang’s palm as smooth as water.

Li Wang had never been popular with cats. There seemed to be no reason for it; some people were born with cat-adverse bodies and no amount of effort would help.

When he first met this little guy, he had yet to be discharged from the military and was stationed in the forest war zone of South America with the PBB troops. At the time, he fainted from a grenade explosion in the war zone. When he woke up, the troops had already withdrawn from the shooting area. Almost all the ammunition and supplies on him were seized by the enemy, so he could only trudge through the forest with his injured body. It was dangerous at night in the forest, and all he ate were raw fish for three days. His wound became inflamed, which led to a high fever. If he couldn’t find any more supplies, he would be buried deep in the forest.

Just when he already lost hope of staying alive, a black female panther swept past him. There was still smelly blood smeared on her lips, and she stared at him with golden eyes of contempt, like an arrogant queen. mobUsf

This female panther was extremely aggressive. When she discovered a human was within her territory, she started to go mad and attack. Li Wang had been stationed in South America for almost two years and knew how dangerous it was to encounter adult panthers in the forest. These animals were fast as lightning, had superior vision, and even more terrifying was that they could climb trees.

Li Wang had no other choice but to fight with the queen, striking her with the only tactical dagger on him and cutting off her leg flesh to satisfy his hunger.

Only after taking a few bites did he realize why the female panther had gone crazy—it was because she was pregnant and was about to go into labor. Even during the fight, her first child was delivered and fell into the weeds, while the others were suffocated in the mother panther’s womb.

Li Wang could only pick up the little thing that still hadn’t opened its eyes and place it under the female panther’s stomach to satisfy its hunger. Thus, the little guy drank its mother’s milk while Li Wang ate its mother’s flesh, surviving the dangerous night as he waited for dawn to arrive. E8Suzf

Li Wang gave this unfortunate guy the name “Zhou,” meaning the most awaited hope of the endless night. When Li Wang returned to his unit, he gave Zhou to the Thunder Support Team medic who was assisting the troops, who then gave Zhou to an old classmate who was working at the 109 Research Institute.

In the third year, the forest war ended with the PBB’s crushing victory. Li Wang also retired due to a spinal injury and went into politics.

It was during a comrades gathering that he learned about Zhou’s current situation, saying that the 109 Research Institute had developed a new production line; Zhou had been perfectly transformed into human form and they were now looking for a buyer.

Li Wang asked someone to help him get in contact and bring Zhou to him. He heard that the price of a fully mimetic envoy-type experimental subject was all in the mid-tens figures, but Li Wang wasn’t stingy either. However, Aileen had already taken charge of the 109 Research Institute at the time and the shrewd woman didn’t want his money, only his political influence. She also wanted the International Prison to become a warehouse for retrieving experimental subjects. Au0oyH

Because the experimental subjects being sold were very strong, once they lost control, they would cause harm to society. Hence, the organization and country that bought it would receive punishment and the experimental subjects would be detained in prison permanently. Li Wang would then operate from within, reducing the experimental subjects’ sentences or changing their identity, and then retrieving the detained experimental subject back to the institute, thus significantly saving costs.

Black Panther was flown over, with a helicopter dropping a sealed box with a parachute onto the yard of the estate. An alpha boy with wheat-colored skin and short, jet-black hair sat in a cage, wearing a bright blue bow tied around his neck. His golden cat eyes glanced around with disdain, furry ears stood up in vigilance, and his tail swayed slowly. He licked the back of his hand in arrogance. He tore apart the instruction manual and brand booklet that had been safely placed inside the box.

With his five years of rich experience in the forest of South America, Li Wang was confident that he could get along with wild animals, so he tried to reach his hands into the cage and picked up the instruction manual.

However, the little black panther bit his hands, tearing at it. Li Wang endured the pain and drew back his bloody hand to read the ripped instruction manual that he risked his life to salvage. x0wgDv

The manual’s first line read, “Do not, in any case, put your hand in the cage.”

Li Wang sighed. He opened the sealed box according to the directions, grabbed the boy by the scruff of his neck, and carried the grumpy kitten back to his residence. Due to him still being in the cultivation stage, he tried to feed it with goat milk and meat.

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Some gifts were placed inside the box; a box of NU nutrient agents, a tube of AC enhancer, and a tube of an IN infection agent as precautionary measures. The NU agents were used to ensure the upgrade of the experimental subject; the AC enhancer could promote an experimental subject from cultivation to maturity stage; and the IN agent was used to kill the experimental subject when it lost control.

The manual said that after getting familiar with the experimental subject, inject it with the AC enhancer. 564Zp2

But Zhou was really unfriendly; he often scratched Li Wang until his arms and legs were covered with bloody marks. Li Wang occasionally took advantage of the fact that he was resting in his original form to hold him up and smell him. But most of the time, the black panther would scratch his face with his two front paws to stop him from coming closer.

The envoy would grow very fast beside the dominator, almost visible to the naked eye. Zhou soon grew into the appearance of a young man in his early twenties, and he was pretty much stabilized.

Zhou was very reclusive; besides sleeping, he would spend his entire day sitting on the roof, spacing out, but Li Wang wouldn’t force him to come down.

Zhou gradually got used to the life of being a house cat with an owner. Sometimes, he would sneak into Li Wang’s room in the middle of the night, step on him, and awaken him. Then he would lay on his bed and impudently sleep soundly. It didn’t seem like he was acting spoiled; rather, just staying over. If Li Wang tried to touch him, he would bite him. dz7jg5

After getting familiar with each other, Zhou rarely bit Li Wang anymore. Li Wang injected him with the AC enhancer, causing him to go from cultivation stage to maturity stage. His voice was as cold as his character, but it was youthful and pleasant-sounding.

However, after Zhou entered the maturity stage, he grabbed Li Wang by the collar and said his first words, “Old man, touch my belly one more time and I’ll kill you.”

His words made Li Wang upset, albeit it wasn’t because of “kill you,” but because of “old man.” Although he wasn’t young, the existence of the Devil Shade gave him an unlimited lifespan, and his appearance would remain at thirty-six forever. He was upset the entire day. Later, he gave up and was too lazy to take care of himself.

Black Panther became increasingly unruly; sometimes he only came back every six months. Li Wang had no choice but to assign him with missions. He didn’t care if he completed it or not, but when the mission was due, Black Panther needed to come back to report the results to him and receive his salary. YzdbLI

However, no matter how indifferent Black Panther was, an alpha would still have their rut. One night, after completing a mission assigned by Li Wang, he came back tired and covered in blood. Li Wang had just finished showering, wearing a bathrobe and making coffee in front of the coffee table.

Black Panther didn’t like getting too close to anyone. If he had to find someone he could trust in this world and was sure the other party wouldn’t endanger his life during his rut, he could only think of Li Wang.

He suddenly pounced, knocking over the coffee pot, and tussled with him amidst the steam rising from the floor. Li Wang had eleven years of special forces training experience, while Black Panther was a full mimicry experimental subject. The two were evenly matched and entangled with each other, making it hard to determine who had the upper hand for a while.

Usually Li Wang would spoil him, tolerating his irritability and letting him scratch him. This was based on the fact that Black Panther didn’t touch his bottom line. Because the envoy was destined to be unable to disobey the will of the dominator, Li Wang indulged him. 3qfcIh

“Zhou, you want to fuck me? How have I ever offended you for you to despise me this much?” Li Wang was completely provoked by his disrespect. He wiped the blood off his cut lips. The tail of an A3-grade fluorescent scorpion grew out from behind him, wrapped around Black Panther’s leg, and stabbed ruthlessly into his lower abdomen, injecting paralyzing venom into his body.

“I spoiled you too much, haven’t I?” Li Wang leaned into his nape, his narrow eyes with a little white in them looking at him sullenly. His sharp teeth pierced through Black Panther’s nape, injecting rich peony pheromones into his glands.

A fluorescent scorpion tail mark ran down Black Panther’s spine, marking him.

The fluorescent scorpion’s characteristics made this fluorescent mark impossible to be covered by any clothing, ensuring that he would always remember his mistake. 3dxuAY

Li Wang knew very well how to hit on someone’s arrogance. He took off the sapphire ring on his ring finger, put venom in it, then placed it in Black Panther’s mouth. He told him the fluorescent scorpion tail mark on his back would disappear when he put on the ring, and if he took it off, the mark would appear. In any case, he had to choose a way to tell his fellow kind that he had an owner.


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But this incident already happened a few years ago. The attachment and a bit of hatred between them had already been forgotten. They usually got along pretty well, except that Black Panther still wouldn’t let him casually touch him.

Li Wang held the Black Panther, who had regressed to his original form, and grabbed a brush to brush his fur. He brushed off a ball of excess fur, then took him to the bathroom for a wash. Black Panther made two scratch marks on the wooden floor out of reluctance. EFZgfV

After washing, he needed to be dried off, his ears cleaned, his paw fur trimmed, and his tail was lifted to check his balls’ health.

“Stop biting the brush.” Li Wang patted his head and finally finished tormenting him. Black Panther slumped lifelessly onto the rug, shook his ears, and then bit and tore at the end of Li Wang’s pants to vent his anger.

Being in the deterioration state made his body weak, but as long as he returned to the dominator’s side and rested for a night within the range of the Devil’s Shade, he would feel a lot better.

The next day, Black Panther recovered his energy and was prepared to leave. XrnH2h

“Wait, I heard that Bai Chunian and Rimbaud came back from traveling around the world. Go and check the situation. Find out what they’re planning to do next,” Li Wang instructed. “And check what the White Snow Castle is up to.”

“Ok.” Black Panther put his hands in his trench coat pocket and walked out of the villa.

He first went over to the Snow White Castle. Through the window, he saw Puppet Master polishing Eris’ waist joints. He had him placed on his lap, one hand supporting Eris’ back, while the other hand was using fine-grit sandpaper to polish and oil him.

“Knicks, wait a moment.” Eris could feel the Devil Envoy nearby, protecting Puppet Master with one hand in vigilance, and his other hand felt for the Sacred Wind-up Key that was close by. nDElYo

Black Panther suddenly felt unlucky, furrowing his brows as he walked away.

He then went to Greenfly Island. After investigation, he found that Bai Chunian and Rimbaud were training the next batch of students. Students and experimental subjects were actually being taught together, and it wasn’t in the least bit a mess.

Having said that, the people sitting on the podium were a freeform stage envoy-type experimental subject and an A3-grade sea king, the leader of the sea clan. There was basically no one who dared to cause trouble.

Their classroom door was wide open, Black Panther silently went in. He sat in the last row to listen in on the lesson. Today’s lesson was on a fully mimetic experimental subject’s combat style. jPXNAS

Bai Chunian had sharp eyes; he noticed someone entering from the back door late and made Black Panther stand as punishment.

Black Panther stood up and coldly gazed at Bai Chunian. “It’s me; what about it?”

In fact, ever since Black Panther approached Greenfly Island, Bai Chunian felt his arrival. He just didn’t expect him to come in and sit in the classroom.

Bai Chunian suddenly raised a finger. “Students, look. The second of the world’s only three fully mimetic envoy-type experimental subjects, the A3-grade Devil Envoy Black Panther, Zhou. Ordinary people won’t have a chance to see him in their lifetime!” A2ROzT

The students were excited, rushing over to get an autograph. It was only after a full half hour that Black Panther was able to crawl out of the crowd of rabid fans.

The world was so noisy that it gave him a headache. Black Panther had nowhere else to go but back to the warden’s estate early.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Usually, Li Wang would have his money ready on the windowsill, but today was a bit different. Besides the card, there was a package on the windowsill.

Black Panther squatted down and ripped open the package; there were three synthesis boosters inside. He didn’t know where Li Wang got them, but he was quite something. 4lkvJX

This cunning old scorpion. Each millimeter of the synthesis booster could keep him mentally sound for ten days; it seemed he wanted to use this method to make him come back once a month.

Black Panther looked through the window into the room. Li Wang was making coffee at the coffee table and reading the newspaper. If he didn’t come early, Li Wang would be standing in front of the window and petting him.

But this time, he left without taking the things, heading in the direction of the villa’s main gate.

Sitting down to drink a cup of coffee and staying for two days before leaving, should be fine. VEatby

Translator's Note

His name means daytime/daylight, hence the meaning

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