The Black Saint is My StalkerCh62 - Don’t stop

May the Divine Light receive his soul in peace.

Jayden thought as the war axe came upon him, its obsidian glint promising death. But just as he believed himself finished, Jayden’s vision was engulfed in light. It blinded him and he lifted his arm instinctively to shield his face. rbsDxw

For a moment, he was certain that death’s white light had come upon him, ready to claim to soul. Only when his vision cleared, he realized that he was still alive and breathing.

The prince’s weapon was stopped before its descent and Jayden’s life was spared. The first thing he discerned was long, billowing black hair. There was a halo upon her head; bright and glowing without a solid shape.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

A saint? Jayden took a step back, eyes wide. Had reinforcements come? Were they finally going to be saved by a miracle?

But it was not a saint and in fact, the commander that stood before him. Her fan raised, catching the demonic weapon that bore down upon her. A divine glow surrounded her fan, dispersing the prince’s miasma. 0e7IOV

“Commander, you—” Jawden couldn’t believe his eyes and thought for sure that he was seeing some sort of strange illusion. Had the commander achieved sainthood while she went to take on the demon lord? It was an absurd thought and yet—

Seoyun turned her head just slightly so their eyes could meet. She smiled at him, a foreign twinkle in her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she pushed the prince back with a single swipe of her fan.

Andraste landed a few feet away, drawing in her black halo to summon her third eye once more. Curious, she observed the woman who appeared before her once more with powers anew.

The exorcist was surrounded by a powerful spirit. The divine light that engulfed her took a new form; the fan channeling the spiritual energy began to morph, donning the shape of a nine foot spear. A ruby flag billowed at its tip. The light around her body shapened as well. Traditional armor fell over her hunter’s wear, a heavy canvas coat with iron studs caught glaring flickers of light. The arm that had been severed was replaced by a new one. Though this newfound limb was not one of flesh, but a pale phantom made with holographic light.


Seoyun’s calm smile stretched into a fierce one as an ancient spirit found refuge in her body.

‘So this is the foe you would have me challenge?’ a jovial, booming voice resounded in the depth of Seoyun’s soul. It was the spirit that she had called forth.

Without hesitation, she responded, “Yes.”

She was met with laughter, ‘Not even I, the Great General, can stand to match against one of these devils. But I like it! Bring it on! ’ 3qTKgE

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vfbsec rwlifv, offilcu qbkfg yglw atgbeut tfg nflcr. Vtf aliafv tfg tfjv yjmx, jcv jvvgfrrfv atf raeccfv njcuejgv, “Tbe wera gjiis atf batfgr, ufa atfw bea bo tfgf. Ktfgf lrc’a wemt alwf, teggs.”

Ajsvfc’r wlcv gffifv. “Qtja?” tf rjlv, “Qtja jybea sbe? Qtja jybea—”

What about the prince?

Were they not supposed to contain her? OZcySb

Dea Vfbsec bcis yftfiv j agjcdeli fzqgfrrlbc, tfg fzqijcjalbc yglfo, “Pa’r j ibra mjerf. Qf wera rjinjuf atf ilnfr atja kf ralii mjc.”

And those lives did not include her own. She was but a shooting star, burning bright before extinguishing into a shower of dust. With the Great General’s soul taking refuge in her body, she twirled the polearm in her hands, the gleam in her eyes sharp and ready.

The demon prince watched her intently and though the expression she wore was one of calm, all three eyes bore within them a joyful lust. “How wonderful of you to bring me a warrior of old! Though I commend your efforts, I know not if this tribute is enough to please me. But I am generous, more than willing to test your mettle. Do try not to die so quickly, hm?” She held out her battle axe, welcoming her opponent to come at her. To challenge her.

Seoyun, donned in the Great General’s power, stepped forth. EMQbZR

When the exorcist lunged, the spearhead and axe blade clashed, sending a shock wave that shook the entire area.

Jayden cursed, gritting his teeth. No matter how much he wished to dive into the fray and fulfill his duties as vanguard, he understood the weight of Seoyun’s words. It was up to him to rally the stragglers before they got caught up in the earth-shattering battle.

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The demon prince was so wretchedly strong. The aura she bore was so terrible that it could crush a person’s soul, merely by being in their vicinity. Each time that Seoyun’s spear clashed against that blackened axe, it felt as though she was being torn asunder. Each time, her muscles felt like they were tearing, each time her joints felt like they would break. That her very soul might crumble under strain.

And yet her mind was like a crystal lake, clear and without any disturbance. The agony did not bother her. The fear; while present, did not shake her heart and her resolve. Jayden was still getting the people to evacuate. k0wOiM

So she had to endure.

And endure she did.

The black blade came at her side, fast, but Seoyun was faster still with the Great General’s power and skills puppeteering her limbs. Her polearm came up, catching the demon’s weapon. But the demon’s strength was too strong for her to bear so Seoyun pivoted, deflecting the force away from her body. She used the momentum to close in and deliver a kick to the prince’s skull—

—only to have her ankle caught by that dainty-looking hand. The demon’s grip was like iron but Seoyun still had the Great General’s divine power flowing through her veins. Using her life force as fuel, she summoned more divine light. TfrmXu

The prince let her go and Seoyun wasted no time, thrusting her spear forth.

But at close range, it was hard to gain an advance. Because the demon parried her blow with frightening ease, a glimmer of glee shined in those golden eyes of hers, a smile on her lips.

The black axe was coming upon her and Seoyun had no time to maneuver her spear to block the blow. So she raised one arm while pivoting on her heel. The edge came down, catching her arm. It scraped her bone when she twisted away, counterattacking immediately with her spear. Though the pain did not register immediately, her heart was thrumming and she couldn’t relax not even for a millisecond.

Forward, Seoyun thought desperately. bH3zdy

Endure, her hands tightened around the spear.

Persevere, she lunged. The enemy’s weapon caught her shoulder and she thrust her spear. It hurt but she kicked her legs, sweeping them at the prince’s ankle.

A powerful elbow caught her in the ribs and crack. She was knocked back. It was hard to breathe so she tore her soul asunder, using it as fuel to call upon the spirits to heal her broken body.

Onward. XVLbfz

And when her poor parents would have to receive her corpse, she could only pray that she had done them proud.

Don’t stop.

She coughed, blood trickled from her lips but she refused to give up. She drew her spear back and thrust again. The axe caught in the flag and she used the bright banner as cover to move closer, twisting her body to deliver a powerful kick to the face.

It connected. But hardly a victory for the prince did not need even a second to recover and raise her axe again. FDr4BK

Ah, Seoyun’s soul was already stretched so thin. She eyed the axe, watching it approach her neck as though in slow motion.

Not yet.

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Lightning sizzled between the exorcist and the demon. A thundering boom resounded and the two were blown back. Seoyun’s fell and stumbled backward, not quite having the strength to catch herself as she tumbled. But her tired body was caught in a part of thin, but strong arms.

“Noona did well.” qVmdQY

No, she thought desperately, she could still fight. But when she tried to speak it came out wet and gargled.

Han Li picked up her broken body and set her down on a billowing piece of fabric that had been caught beneath debris. She wanted to protest but her body refused to move, the shining halo around her crown dimmed.

“Rest a bit. I’ll take care of it from here, okay? Hopefully, that stupid Saint of Eternity doesn’t leave us to die, right?” Han Li flashed a smile, so sweet and hopeful, not unlike the bright light of morrow.

Her eyes felt wet, like her lips. She struggled, her throat cramping against the words, ‘Kwangmin, don’t’. Gzq3kd

Han Li was not Kwangmin.

His soft gaze turned solemn as he looked up, his dark eyes falling upon golden ones.

“My, my, my,” the demon prince’s sweet voice drifted through the air. Her dark third eye scanned Han Li from head to toe. “What do we have here?”

Han Li said nothing. Weian in hand, he rushed forth. The prince caught it easily with her black axe, a smile stretching pink lips. “That’s no way to greet your big sister,” she hummed before throwing him back with a devastating swing. cUTp07

Author: After the crazy work weekend, and then drinking till I died, and then writing furiously to catch up with all the writing I missed, I won’t lie, I’m super disorientated and confused about my own upload scheduel. I also noticed that there’s a whole chapter where I forgot to respond to comments to!!! So I’m going back to do that nowwww REEEEE

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  1. Seoyun QAQ I’m so proud of you QAQ I just hope my boy Han Li can keep up with his demonic big sister

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  2. Mad respect to Seoyun. She did brilliantly great, now I hope she will survive somehow (Oi, that Saint of Eternity, move it!). AND this she-Prince is Han Li’s big sister?! So his father is… some other Prince of wrath? Han Li, kick your sister’s behind or at least try! I’m so looking forward to another epic battle!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

    P.S. Val, please, take a proper rest sometimes.

  3. “She was but a shooting star, burning bright before extinguishing into a shower of dust.”

    anguished cries HOW DARE YOU

    thanks for the chapter <3

  4. Don’t you date kill Seoyun noona, i took a liking to her! And I’m still waiting for stupid Saint to be doting on Han Li, come on Grams, would’nt it be easier to just tell him the whole story and be happy ever after ? Wishful thinking huh, this author seems to like tossing us around 😂