Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most LethalChapter 39

March 19th (18th)

Weather: Clear 0OJ61p

This afternoon, I’m invited to watch a fashion show. Thinking about wearing the outfit designed by Wu Yunfei makes me feel inexplicably embarrassed. It’s like exposing my inner geek to the public.

“Relax, there are people dressed way weirder than you out there. No one will laugh at you,” Wu Yunfei reassured me. “Or is it that you simply hate my design so much that you’re finding excuses not to wear it?”

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I quickly shook my head in denial.

“If you don’t hate it, then wear it. I even bought a camera to take street photos of you,” Wu Yunfei said. iMgdko

Street… street photos?!

Taking photos on the street is too embarrassing!

“Even if I don’t, someone else will take your picture,” he said, fiddling with the camera like a pro.

Based on past experience, this guy probably can’t even focus properly.


“I’m not a model. Why would anyone want to take my picture?” I mumbled.

“Because the clothes look amazing! If I saw someone on the street wearing such a stunning outfit, I’d definitely chase them down to ask about the brand.”

“People will think you’re crazy!”

“In other places, maybe. But this is Fashion Week. Asking about brands is pretty normal here,” he said. A35PZF

Hearing that, I suddenly felt nervous.

As an introverted homebody who’s never been in such a setting, I have no idea how to handle myself smoothly.

Speaking of which, why did I get the crazy idea to come so far for work? Wouldn’t it be better to stay home, pet the cat, and read comics?

There’s no use regretting it now. Since I’ve taken on this job, I’ll have to tough it out. pKrscA

To help me acclimate, he dragged me out for a stroll.

There’s a famous ice cream shop near where we’re staying. He mentioned wanting to try it last night, but it was closed then.

Luckily, it was open when we headed out today. To avoid any regrets, I bought two ice creams.

“Your outfit is beautiful, like it just came off the runway,” the shop assistant complimented. wkHXxU

That’s the first time a stranger praised my clothes here…

My cheeks felt warm, but I managed a calm “thank you.”

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“What did that person say?” Wu Yunfei asked.

I realized his foreign language skills are pretty poor and he probably didn’t understand the exchange. 6jr1kO

“Nothing much, just bought some ice cream,” I said.

“Liar! Why would you blush just buying ice cream? Did that guy flirt with you?” he asked.

He’s quite observant!

I translated what the shop assistant said, and he grinned from ear to ear. ipksaT

“That guy has good taste! Maybe we should tip him,” he said.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

If we follow Wu Yunfei’s tipping logic, there won’t be a penny left when we get back.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ofa’r rxlq la atlr alwf. Xblcu yjmx ab alq offir kflgv. Qf mjc alq fzagj cfza alwf kf mbwf,” P rjlv. 895BUm

Lf ibbxfv tjqqs, ilmxlcu tlr lmf mgfjw klat vfiluta.

Mbg rbwf gfjrbc, P gfwfwyfgfv ktfc tf jmmlvfcajiis raemx tlr abcuef ab j qbqrlmif jcv rajgafv ijeutlcu.

“Qtja jgf sbe ijeutlcu ja?” tf jrxfv, jccbsfv.

“Did I laugh?” 2imhjF

“You did.”

“No, I didn’t.”

Denying laughter at this point is crucial, or he’ll definitely throw a fit!

Seeing my refusal to admit, he pouted and asked to taste my ice cream. MN6 WF

Holding things in both hands, I helpfully brought the ice cream to his mouth.

“Why do I feel like you have the same expression as when you feed the cat?” he said.

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Do I? I’m not sure how I look when feeding the cat.

But he looks so cute eating ice cream, even cuter than a Flerken. psVXZz

I must be crazy to think a guy is cute.

Could it be because he told me he’s gay, and now I subconsciously see him as the opposite sex?





March 20th (19th)

Weather: Cloudy ExqBvV

The weather today isn’t great, but I have an invitation to a dinner party.

I asked Wu Yunfei if he wanted to join me. He said he didn’t have an invite and crashing would be rude.

“Even if you took me in, how would you introduce me? As your date?” Wu Yunfei laughed. “Those people aren’t blind; they can tell genders apart.”

Hearing that, I had to drop the idea. e5MLiz

Since it’s a dinner party, I can’t dress like yesterday, so I took a formal suit out of my suitcase.

“Aren’t you changing?” he asked.

“There’s still time. I’ll change later,” I said.

Usually, I’d change early and wait to leave. But today, after hearing he can’t join, I suddenly didn’t feel like going. d2fl6Q

Was I always this clingy?

People say pets and their owners resemble each other. Maybe my clinginess is influenced by my Flerken?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Want to play another round of finger wrestling? You set the stakes,” he suggested.

I couldn’t think of anything good, so I said the loser buys the winner a gift. QECxrS

“You’re asking to be my ATM, huh? Don’t blame me for not going easy on you,” he said.

Before starting, we drew faces on each other’s fingers again.

This time, my drawing was much better, but he still found it outdated, like an old-school shojo manga.

What’s wrong with shojo manga style? It’s better than his kindergarten scribbles! JGa52D

Determined to win, I didn’t hold back and won easily.

“You’ve improved, kiddo,” he laughed. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll get it.”

Though he said I could choose anything, I couldn’t think of anything special.

“No rush. You should change clothes first. We can pick something while we’re out tomorrow,” he said. uw7mA5

Looking at the time, it was indeed time to go, so I changed into the suit.

When I came out, he was on the bed, playing with his iPad.

“I’m heading out.”

“Be careful.” Y89kCP

For some reason, it felt like a conversation between a husband and wife.

Wu Yunfei seemed to sense it too. He put down the iPad, pretended to straighten my tie, and said, “Darling, drink less and come home early.”

Even though I knew he was acting, my heart skipped a beat.

“Okay.” zfjILR

“Hold out your thumb,” he said.

I did as told.

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He touched my thumb with his and said, “This is a goodbye kiss.”

Realizing our thumbs still had the drawn faces, I felt inexplicably shy, my face burning up. HSdiWP

“Hey, your face is red!” he laughed. “Aren’t you too innocent for a middle school boy?”

“I-I need to go now! Or I’ll be late!” I stammered.

I hurried to the elevator as if chased by monsters.

He’s definitely going to make fun of me! 8LblRh

In the elevator, I pressed my hand to my chest, taking deep breaths.

My heartbeat finally calmed, but seeing the face on my thumb, I felt nervous again.

It felt like he could see my flustered state through that little drawing.






March 21st (20th)

Weather: Clear

My work today is all in the afternoon and evening, so Wu Yunfei and I decided to get up early and go out for a stroll in the morning.

I prefer exploring local shops and finding quirky items rather than buying brand-name stuff at Fashion Week. iGR1vl

“You really don’t get fashion,” he complained. “You didn’t buy a single designer item but are obsessed with second-hand shops. I don’t get you.”

What’s there not to get?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I can buy designer stuff back home, but second-hand shops are a rare find.

I once saw a documentary about them and have been fascinated ever since, but I couldn’t find any similar shops back home. iqLD7b

“I finally understand why your dad only gave you 50,000 yuan. With your frugal habits, 50,000 is more than enough.”

“I’m considering your finances, helping you save money!” I snapped.

His dad froze his accounts, and though he has some savings, his spending habits mean it won’t last long.

I don’t want him to go broke buying me gifts. c8Z0Ij

Hearing that, he sighed and said, “Being a hero without money is tough!”

“You can live within your means,” I said. “If it gets bad, you can borrow from me.”

“Do I have to pay it back?” he asked.

“A loan should be repaid. I won’t set a deadline, but not repaying debts isn’t good.” szMtJX

“What if I’m broke forever?” he asked.

Honestly, I can’t see Wu Yunfei ever being broke. Even without money, he could probably charm his way through life.

“Then burn paper money for me after I die,” I joked.

“Don’t say such unlucky things! Besides, I’m older than you. I’d go first.” 0he43s

“With my health feeling drained every day, do you think I’ll outlive you?”

“That’s why I keep telling you to exercise more and play fewer games!”

He got so worked up that his voice rose, drawing stares from passersby.

They probably think we’re fighting. 13 df5

“Okay, okay, I was just kidding. Why so serious?” I said.

“A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. Don’t curse yourself,” he said. “If you die before me, I’ll come to the afterlife to hold you accountable.”

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Hold me accountable in the afterlife? Is he planning to die for love?

The thought made me laugh. NZ6vIB

“Don’t joke around; I’m serious,” he said.

“Alright, alright. From today,

I’ll take care of my health, drink goji berry tea every day,” I said.

That seemed to finally ease his mind. QItxda

But for some reason, his ears looked red.

Was he embarrassed?

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