Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most LethalChapter 37.2

The day after tomorrow, we’re heading to Fashion Week. Doesn’t he worry his face will swell up like a balloon and become the laughingstock of everyone?

“Sigh, this is the downside of living under someone else’s roof,” Wu Yunfei said, sprawling on the couch. “When I was wandering the world on my own, I could eat whatever I wanted without anyone nagging.” 4GiyFL

“That’s because no one bothered to care,” I replied. “If you weren’t my childhood friend, I wouldn’t bother either.”

“Mr. Feng, so busy managing everything, who has time to worry about us nobodies?” he chuckled.

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It sounded like he was making fun of me.

Busy like a head of state but paid like a part-timer. od0Rvu

Sigh, am I even my parents’ real son? With this treatment, I must have been picked out of the trash as cheap labor.

“Children are born to be free labor!” he laughed. “Look at me, didn’t become free labor, and don’t want to create more free labor, so my dad kicked me out.”

That hit a nerve.

If my parents found out I was a shut-in otaku and demanded I get rid of all my collectibles, I’d be devastated.


Thinking about it, Wu Yunfei is pretty tough.

“Thirteen-spice crawfish. That’s my final offer,” I said.

He agreed to my terms.

“Anything for the boss, I’m happy with just a bite to eat,” he said. TrxGVq

The crawfish arrived quickly, still steaming.

He was ecstatic, saying he’d been craving this for ages.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Why didn’t you order it before? It’s easy to get takeout,” I asked.

Lf rjlv fjalcu mgjkolrt jibcf kjr abb ibcfis jcv kjcafv ab kjla ecali kf mbeiv rtjgf la. Dea fnfgs alwf tf kjr jybea ab wfcalbc la, P tjv jigfjvs vfmlvfv bc rbwfatlcu firf. cdwgCL

Vb, la’r ws ojeia tf tjrc’a tjv mgjkolrt?

Lbcfrais, P vbc’a rff ktja’r rb ugfja jybea mgjkolrt, vgfcmtfv lc jii atbrf rqlmfr.

“Crawfish time!” he said, reaching into the takeout bag.

I noticed small cuts on his hands, remembering his earlier comments about not having made clothes in a long time. With the rush on this project, he must have hurt himself. vHc2nC

Though the cuts were minor, they must sting when they come into contact with chili.

I offered to peel the crawfish for him.

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“Aren’t you not eating any?” he asked.

“I don’t want to eat it, but I find peeling them interesting,” I said. Ae8LBY

Even I knew this excuse was ridiculous.

Who likes peeling crawfish?

Wu Yunfei gave me a look that screamed, “Are you nuts?” but shrugged and said, “Suit yourself. Rich people are so weird.”

“My family is rich, but I’m not…” I corrected. STtdG

“Fine, whatever. I don’t get you working-class folks.”

That sounded harmless, but still odd.

What does that make him?

“Unemployed,” he said. “But after the reality show, I guess I’m in showbiz.” S3lhaT

“Aren’t you a designer?”

“Showbiz person who also designs.”

We chatted while I peeled crawfish. I started putting them on a small plate for him, but he ate so fast, he started banging the table for more before I could keep up.

“Faster, young man. At this rate, you won’t get paid.” PpOlbS

“You never paid me anyway!” I replied.

Eventually, I gave up on the plate and just fed him directly.

He acted like a kid, pretending to bite my fingers every time.

Once, I wasn’t quick enough, and he actually bit my finger. LWXPSD

I felt his tongue on my fingertip, soft…

He was startled too and quickly released my finger.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“Yeah.” qnH624

My face was burning. I didn’t need a mirror to know I was blushing.

I glanced at him; he was blushing too.

“So spicy!” he said, gulping down a cold beer.

Watching his Adam’s apple move, my heart started racing. Jot762

“Why’s your face so red?” he asked.


“But you didn’t eat any…”

“Peeling so many, the smell got to me.” ybPGM

I was spouting nonsense, but he bought it.

“I’m not really in the mood for more anyway. Let’s put the rest in the fridge,” he suggested.

I nodded.

He went back to the study to continue his work. 9dox8j

Looking at the pile of peeled crawfish, I couldn’t resist bringing my fingers to my lips, the ones he had a bit, and lightly licked them.

Not spicy at all…

I suddenly remembered I specifically ordered non-spicy crawfish.

My face burned again. riFIdQ

He must have realized the crawfish wasn’t spicy after eating so many!

So my lie was exposed?!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wait, he said it was spicy first.

Does this count as spicy for him? M9PVrK

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