Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most LethalChapter 37.1

March 15th

Weather: Clear lRQDLx

I had the weirdest, most realistic dream last night.

Typically, if I have plans with someone or need to go somewhere far, I always leave early. Sometimes I’m just five minutes early, other times I’m half an hour early. No matter what, I never rush and I’m never late.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But in this dream, Wu Yunfei and I were racing against time to catch a plane. It was complete chaos – people falling over, horses running wild.

We finally made it with just three minutes to spare, but something felt off. FWSm 1

“Isn’t this a train station? Why are we here?” I asked.

He casually replied, “Oops, wrong place!” and dragged me out again.

That’s when I woke up, heart pounding.

Even though I knew it was a dream, I couldn’t shake off the anxiety.


Doesn’t Wu Yunfei know where the airport is?

I sat up, realizing I had fallen asleep on the living room couch. I remember coming home with a headache and lying down to rest, and next thing I knew, I was out cold.

I noticed a blanket covering me. That must be his doing, ensuring I didn’t catch a chill.

Ah, the perks of having a roommate. If I lived alone, I’d probably freeze to death without anyone noticing. OlLz7f

I stretched my slightly numb arm and decided to see what he was up to. I tiptoed to the study and peeked through the door.

There he was, meticulously working on some clothes.

For some reason, a wave of sweetness washed over me.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ My childhood friend, sewing clothes like a doting wife! 9b nEl

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfs rjs j wjc lr wbra tjcvrbwf ktfc tf’r kbgxlcu tjgv, jcv P wera rjs, atfgf’r rbwf ageat ab atja.

P qeiifv bea ws qtbcf, agslcu ab rcfjx j qlmaegf ilxf j ibnfragemx ojc.

Dea yfmjerf P gjgfis erf atf mjwfgj, P obguba ab aegc boo atf oijrt.

Lf mjeuta wf lcrajcais. DxgmM0

“Finally awake? When you flopped down there earlier, I thought you had kicked the bucket,” he laughed.

That’s when I noticed his glasses – not the trendy black frames, but thin, gold-rimmed ones. He looked like a refined rogue.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Since when did he start needing glasses?

I instinctively reached out and touched the frames. 0dXPB6

“How do I look? Like a scholarly gentleman?” he asked. “Your expression is just like that dumb cat of yours like you can’t recognize me with these on.”

Of course, I recognized him. It’s just the first time I’ve seen him in glasses.

“They suit you. Why haven’t I seen you wearing them before?”

He explained that he was farsighted. His vision is perfect for anything fifty meters away, but for detailed work like this, he needs the glasses. Hence, they’re usually tucked away. qeyREO

“Shows how long it’s been since you’ve done any real work,” I teased.

He shot back, saying he usually sells his designs, so there’s no need for him to make anything himself.

“To be honest, I haven’t sewn anything since graduation. This set is my big comeback,” he said.

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but smile. gKVq3h

Hey, at least I got to be his first!

But if he’s farsighted, how did he see the game screen when he was watching me play?

“It doesn’t matter if I can’t see the screen. I can tell what’s happening from your reactions.”

“You can see my reactions?” 8znmOq

“I’m just a little farsighted, not blind!”

I was only teasing him.

Despite his usual cheerful demeanor, he often looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Is he worried about something? Could it be the competition? Or is he lovesick? QEI7nw



Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com



March 16th

Weather: Clear

Today, I got another money transfer. I called to check, and the finance guy said it was a travel allowance. He also reminded me to keep all my travel and lodging receipts for reimbursement.

When I hung up, Wu Yunfei was grinning like an idiot. TLfwc2

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Even the finance department knows you’re just a poor little wage slave despite your fancy title as the young master of the Feng Group,” he said, laughing so hard he was in tears.

“They actually asked you to keep receipts! That’s hilarious!”

I wasn’t sure if it was that funny, but his laughter was contagious. QoxF2z

“How much can you claim back? Two thousand? Three thousand?” he asked. “Is that really the son of the company’s treatment? So sad.”

At first, I thought it was just a standard procedure, but now I felt pitiful, small, and helpless.

“Actually, for regular salaried employees, our benefits are pretty good,” I tried to argue.

“Yeah, I get it. Feng ‘Wage Slave’ Yao.” i10ZBY

He burst out laughing again.

╮(╯_╰)╭ I have no idea what’s so funny. Is it really that hilarious?

But now that I think about it, what was the five grand I got last time if this money was a travel allowance?

“Maybe they liked your recent performance and decided to give you some pocket money,” Wu Yunfei suggested. “It’s not much, just take it. And buy me some ice cream.” E2pyTi

“It’s too cold for ice cream. You’ll get a stomachache again.”

“Then I want an espresso with a shot of grappa.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“That’s unhealthy. Even Italians rarely drink it like that.”

He rolled his eyes and called me an old man, saying I had no youthful spirit. AfawZ4

Does having a youthful spirit mean reckless behavior?

If that’s the case, I’d rather stay forever without it.

“Fine, I won’t ask for a big meal. How about some spicy crawfish?” he proposed.

Actually, spicy crawfish wasn’t a bad idea. wKb1H3

This guy can’t handle spicy food well; he’s allergic but still loves it.

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