A Sword of FrostCh55 - It’s Nice To Have You With Me


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Translator's Note

金盆洗手 means for a person of the Jianghu to announce their retirement

Translator's Note

for those who forgot, it was in the Snow View Pavilion Arc

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  1. Thank you for the chapter 💚

    I thought Yanran would have predicted that this old monster would call back his subordinate to save them and have them all in the same place to either kill them all or identify them, that’s what I would have done.

    I relate so much with Yun’er about wanting to feel the care and concern from an elder, my parents are not the most caring or affectionate ones, in my country you don’t really say “I love you” to your parents or your children after the age of 2 or 3

    • Thank you for reading! 💙

      For my family i guess our love language is food in a sense. We don’t usually say ‘i love you’ to each other often either but its more of the little actions towards each other. My parents don’t really convey their feelings openly so sometimes it’s a little hard to get along but at the end of the day so long as everyone is happy that would be good!

      Here’s an “I LOVE YOU” from me to you!

      • Aww thank you ☺️ I love you too and am so grateful of your work, you and your crew are amazing 😉 so powerful !

        Here it is a bit like in China, rather than food we ask about the parent health, like at the end of a phone call I don’t say « I love you » but « I wish you good health »

  2. Probably because naughty parts suit Rae stupidly well 🤣 also, I kinda called it? I mean he did choke Gui Ci? That was incredibly satisfying though.

    Ty for the chapter ❤️

  3. Probably because naughty parts suit Rae stupidly well 🤣 also I kinda called it? Like JYR didn’t end up killing Gui Ci, but he DID choke him, and that WAS incredibly satisfying.

    Ty for the chapter ❤️

  4. The emperor is ready to marry off his brother but when he realised he’d be left poor and with nothing after this marriage he changed his mind haha 😅