A Sword of FrostCh54 - Lost In The Past


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Translator's Note

white bird

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  1. Poor kids and my little FenFeng :< I always mad when I think about this… I really want to rip this sh*tty pseudo ‘doctor’ to pieces (งಠ_ಠ)ง Yeah, he can be a ‘ miraculous docotor’ because he had a guinea pig >< I want to see if someone would name Mengele in this same way… Now I’m angry, I need a moment to clam down, don’t matter how many times I read this

    Thank You for the new chapter (*’∀’人)♥

  2. I really hope Ji Yanran locks Gui Ci up and tortures him for decades… I’m so angry…

    ty for the translation! ❤️

  3. Ok, so um is it safe to say that next time JYR meets up with Gui Ci, only one person would leave? And if JYR doesn’t kill him, we certainly will

    ty for the chapter ❤️

  4. Yikes! The miracle doctor is actually a mad scientist-type. Hadn’t expected this as the cause of YY being near death, but then again authors of historical novels always seem to sneak in a gu reference.

  5. I really want to get my hands on this Gui Ci and feed him all kinds of poisons. He deserves to be tortured for what he did

  6. When translating, you get very close to the words and their meaning, so translating such torture must feel horrible. Props for pulling through!